
for real though this game wasn't THAT bad

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Not that bad =/= good

I haven't played it, but it looks on the level of Night in the Woods, where it looks competently made, but the writing is just garbage.

It's worse somehow

The reason it's hated isn't even that it's that bad. It's incompetent, sure, but there are no offensively bad mechanics and the presentation is alright, if a little cluttered.
It's the fact that it's an embarrasment. The writing stinks of someone trying to be pretentious while failing to do so, and you get second hand embarrasment. Adding to that, the creator going out and saying "actually I wanted to make art, and videogames can't be art" in direct response to the game's negative reception paints a very clear picture of it's creator to everyone who looks at it.

>but there are no offensively bad mechanics
The level up system. And the slow as fuck combat.


>there are no offensively bad mechanic
I strongly disagree.

everything about this shit pisses me off

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Don't get me wrong, they're a drag, but they're only a small part of the games negative reception.

>Slow as fuck combat
Who approved this? Did they even play their own game?

fuck off samefag

This game's aesthetic and soundtrack are really interesting and I for one wanted it to be good, but it aint
I hope the dev makes more games. I unironically think yiik is a promising start if he focuses on gameplay fundamentals

no it wasnt that bad
it was fucking garbage, legitimately one of the worst games i ever played

It's a popular video user, calm down.

Don't you have more songs to steal YIIKman?

>Absolute bare minimum generic jrpg
>Encounter enemy I out level enormously
>Attack once he dead

>Earthbound, Yiikes "inspiration"
>Encounter enemt I out level enormously
>Instant kill no combat transition, beautiful

>Paper Mario/Mario and Luigi
>Any encounter
>1-2 second long button prompt

>Every encounter: minute long awful shit for every attack

No bad systems, sure.

I'm not saying there are no bad systems, I'm saying that's not the reason the game was dogshit.

Did you play with the sound off perhaps?

The music was Sonic Chronicles tier

Ignoring the really terrible story doesn't magically get you a good game. It's still a slow POS with a thousand anti-fun mechanics designed to punish you for doing anything.

>mfw the game's equivalent of battles against slimes and woodland animals take TEN MINUTES

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