How worried are we PC bros?

I panic upgraded my CPU (i7-920 to server cpu)

now eyeing an rx580 and ssd BUT i will wait until ps5 release

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why would you upgrade like a year before new gen consoles come out

it was $23 and with a small OC competes with latest i7's

Zen 3 and Navi are right around the corner, it's literally a better lineup of what the consoles will eventually use (sans Navi-RT, but it's also not a great idea anyway)

prices nigger...prices

are they about 200 Burgers?

or else i will say fuck you and get an rx580

Consoles are not competition for PC. Couldn't care less when/whatever they release on their proprietary DRMBox.

Not at all because I use my computer as a workstation. If Sony would enable me to use the PS5 as one I might buy it but that's never gonna happen.

Not really. why are you so obsessive?

Unless they get proper AVX support and better video drivers for emulation you won't see me buying them

>better video drivers for emulation
never ever
OPENGL is dead on Windows

I have an i5-2500k and GTX970. No game in the past 8 years has given me a reason to upgrade.

Games genuinely don't look better than they did 5 years ago.

Navi's shaping up to be a wet fart. Will probably take a refresh or two to be worthwhile, just like Zen.

Who cares? I guarantee even a mid gen card from last gen on either AMD or Nvidia can make it through next gen since they'll be wasting so much power chasing 4k and raytracing.

They aren't but their spec will be the entry line into future releases.

Whatever sony says, take it down 3 notches and that will be what it's really like

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>Games genuinely don't look better than they did 5 years ago

t. Plays on a 1080p monitor

>Games genuinely don't look better than they did 5 years ago.

OP here. that meme is about to end. ps5 equals a 1080ti and an ssd.

ports will run like shit on non-ssd coz theyre made ground up for ssd LIKE Rust game

Any lineup will have a high and a low
If nothing else, wait for it so that Vega prices fall. The 480's design is going on 3 years old, and its resale value is about to fall off a cliff when next gen cards hit the market. Consider buying it then if at all.
Zen 14nm and 12nm are very similar in terms of hardware, it's just that software was smoothed out by the time the refresh hit. AMD could still be selling the 1600 and 1700 today if they wanted, it's just that Intel could claim slightly better gaming numbers.

>ps5 equals a 1080ti
It's running an AMD APU, not even AMD's top of the line Radeon VII dedicated desktop graphics card matches a 1080ti.

Well I have a 2560x1080 monitor, but a 1080p monitor certainly isn't the reason textures and visual styles don't look good.

Everyone, myself included, has an SSD becasue they're dirt cheap. They're no more expensive than the equivalent sized HDD was 10 years ago.

except price

A 1080ti chasing 4k and raytracing so the vast majority of its power is gone out the gate, hardware accelration or not.
Oh no, I have to spend $60 getting a 500GB SSD.

I game on PC, PS4, Xbox, and Switch. What do I win?

>wasting power
poorfag pls take your zoom zoom and gtfo

a bull for your wife

APUs are never as powerful as their desktop equivalents, ever. Also SSDs are cheap as fuck now, buy an A40 for £40 and you're set.

>panic upgrade
What the fuck does this even mean?

>Zen 3
You fucking retard, it's Zen 2, the 1000 lineup is Zen and 2000 are Zen+. Only morons will buy Zen 2 when Zen 2+ is 2020 and for the 5000 CPU lineup it will be 2021. And only braindead retards buy Intel when their multithreading will be disabled and performance crippled by security updates to mitigate Spectre. AMD CPUs are immune to that.

Considering the state of Navi, not at all.
CPU power is irrelevant, since they'll likely be using mobile shit that's worse than a 2013 i7 anyways.

How is not? Please tell me again how many people use 4k? Oh yeah fuck all. 4k adoption is slow as fuck and the vast majority of TVs still being sold is 1080p.

just be patient, holy shit. save 200 burgers a month and you'll have enough for top of the line PC when new consoles are out (both the xbox and the ps will have Zen 2 which is already outdated)

Calm down, I pressed the wrong number.
Ryzen is vulnerable to Spectre but not to Meltdown, which is probably more to get called out on than pressing the wrong key.

It's really not and you're a fucking moron, go back.

>ps5 equals a 1080ti
audible kek

Zen's IPC stacks up to be significantly better than the current gen consoles. Quad cores, especially older ones, will fall quite a bit behind.
Apply for a postnatal abortion

>Zen's IPC stacks up to be significantly better than the current gen consoles. Quad cores, especially older ones, will fall quite a bit behind.
That was already the case 5 years ago, dipshit.
>Apply for a postnatal abortion
Whoa there zoomies, you think you get to tell anyone that after you crawled out of the abortion bucket?

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Not worried at all, relived if anything.

When new consoles come out, the big game devs now have higher standards to work with, and likewise GPU manufacturers can accelerate their offerings accordingly.

Innovation you see next year has been in place for years already. It releases in proportion to what the market is appropriate for.

2020 will be a massive leap for PC

you mad bro? OP here...

its an 8k machine. do you have any idea how much power that requires? also 120fps at 4k.

u have no clue INCEL

when ps5 ports start coming us PC gamers will start killin ourselves en masse.

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>How worried are we PC bros?
Not at all, it'll still be using an underpowered APU. Which means the CPU will be quite low clocked, it may be 8c16t, but some of those will be locked off for the OS, and most games wont effectively use all the rest anyway (because multithreading is still hard). Judging by AMD's latest GPU announcements there's nothing to worry about there either, as even their highest end GPU is competing with a 1080, and the PS5's GPU will be a cut down version of that.
So as long as you have a relatively modern i5/i7 or any ryzen, and at least a 1070 (or maybe even 1060), you'll be able to play every next gen game at at least PS5 level graphics.

You’re assuming the pace of gpu upgrades on pc won’t absolutely skyrocket to stay far ahead of consoles in 2020. Do you seriously think that Nvidia only has another 10-15% rehash planned for their next huge lineup?

These guys are twiddling their thumbs waiting for new console tech to bust out major upgrades.

Same thing happened back when the Xbone and PS4 released.

I don't know why you have to go off on schizophrenic tangents to random people on the baseball collection board
Especially when you're objectively wrong about the hardware specifics.

How easy must someones life be if video games is something they actually worry about

you tried

>Zen's IPC stacks up to be significantly better than the current gen consoles.
And still weaker than an i7 from 2013.
AMD's mobile tech is still extremely unimpressive, and still not 7nm tech.

Take a good look at the horseshit you post, then do everyone a favor and go kill your pathetic, triggered, dipshit, illiterate ass.

What's this "We" shit? You're not into PC gaming if you're asking this drivel.

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No, you.

OP here. I will just wait for Nvidia's mid ranger for 2020 or 2012....but wait a sec....mid rangers will never match ps5's 8k or 4k 120fps

g-guys we PC cucks are in deep shit with this fuckin ps5

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The next consoles will use 7nm, so the theoretical IPC benefit should put it above anything pre-haswell. The rest depends on power efficiency.
>8k or 4k 120fps
That's physically impossible

>The next consoles will use 7nm
Nah, with the current yields that is borderline impossible unless they only plan on producing 600k units for the first 3 months of launch.

I'm sure yields will be up in a year's time
It doesn't seem that they plan on rushing the launch, getting RT into the APUs might be a larger holdup than putting it on 7nm. Rumors and leaks for the past few months mostly point to a Zen 2 design.

I'm not worried because I'm not a child or a nigger with no money to upgrade. Nintendies should be worried, they are all gonna get mugged so Tyrone can get dat PS5.

I play eroge and management/sim games 99% of the time. I’m literally not concerned

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The new consoles will be at least 2 years behind the PC when they come out though.

>the only sony exclusive remaining

>Nah, with the current yields that is borderline impossible unless they only plan on producing 600k units for the first 3 months of launch.
You are wrong. By holiday 2020 it will have been at least 1.5 years since the first 7nm products were introduced to the mainstream. Also,
Sony has already confirmed that they will be using 7nm cpu's and 7nm GPU's so unless you know something that I and Sony don't know, I don't understand why would say that.

dis. OP is a falseflagging snoygger.

patrician taste

this, the bar is about to be raised, every game's minimum settings will be like current gen ultra settings