How do you save this company?

How do you save this company?

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Other urls found in this thread:

More cute girls, less SJW shit

I don't

2d fighter or like smash bros with the IPs. Otherwise their useless.

Overwatch MMORPG.

mobile everything

But they need savin’

Stop putting so many resources in hs and OW, specially the unsuccessful esports.

Soft relaunch OW with an expansion that heavily adds depth to the game, heroes gain 1-2 new abilities, maps are less about choke points and ult spam, already usable abilities gain new properties that give them depth, but don't go overboard with it either.

Put retail into semi maintenance mode, much smaller patches but still content.

Classic becomes wow2

Completely halt everything they still have on hots and sc2 and flat out abandon them

Diablo 4 that just plays and looks like diablo 2 but modern

Depending on reforged success, start analyzing if wc4 could happen

Progress their item store into a fully fledged brand and double production and creation of blizz items such as clothing, statues and other shit, these sell like hotcakes and even more if blizz is seen well in the eyes of people.

you don't. It's gone.

Cut ties with Activision.
But it is impossible at this point. I mean even if they get away the IP of Warcraft, Starcraft and everything else is with Activision now. So they could only make original games from that point not tied to established franchises people loved them for.

let it die. it's over. let the starcraft, warcraft and diablo franchises rest in peace rather than shambling about as skinner boxes with cartoon veneers.

Add D.Va to Smash Bros.

Just focus on the China market and they'll be fine.

All the talent has left. There isn't anything to save.

>make Diablo 4 edgy and grimdark but also fun
>Stop updating Overwatch because each new update just makes it shittier
>Make Warcraft 4 to replace StarCraft 2
>Spin WoW classic into a new timeline with original stories

>fire zoomers and diversity hires (basically 80% of the company)
>actually make the games that their fans want
It's that simple, but it will never happen because of Activision

Activision has dick to do with blizz downfall.
It's the people in old blizz growing out of touch and more importantly, not having anyone holding the back to stop the horrible ideas mix with the good ideas

On top of being blinded by success and now they think they always know better.

>Soft relaunch OW
They are doing that with ow2.

OW2 is just a story mode pve mode a la mann vs machine

>falling for the leak

>dissolve it from its current state
>buy Bonfire and Rob Pardo
>rebrand them Blizzard
>give Pardo full creative control and unlimited budget

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Just let it die man. There's no saving it. It's just another activision subsidiary at this point. Move on with your lives. Blizzard is gone.

Go back in time and kill Kotick one day after his "we need to take the fun out of making video games" bullshit.
>stop enjoying your jobs and make us more money!

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print money by releasing endless remakes and remasters

stop making phone games, port diablo 2 to phone or switch

Your ideas for overwatch suck ass. Giving all characters more abilities and expanding their current ones would just make the game even more moba-esque and less fps, which is exactly the problem it currently has. The most common complaint with OW is that tanks and healers are too strong and dps is useless, which is why it feels too much like a strategy game or moba and not a shooter, you just made that way worse.


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for share holders or the fans?
>share holders
keep doing what they're doing right now, mobile + new titles + milking hearthstone/wow/ow for all they're worth until they die
if they make Diablo 4 good enough, or if they buy GGG

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The question is what will happen to retail.

*makes kino in your path*

Lead Designer
>World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade
>World of Warcraft
>Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne
>Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
>StarCraft: Brood War

>Diablo II
>Warcraft II: Edition

You can't, it's dead. Best abandon it and move on.

You don't, it's corrupt to the core with SJW and marketing jews.
You let it drown, and the good devs will find a new job in a new company. The shit ones won't.

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Sc2 had been rising in viewship and profit for last 2 years. It's unironically better than it ever has been. It won't be going anywhere.

Execute order 66.
Oh wait wrong franchise.
But can we do it anyway?

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SPBP, Blizzard was never good

go play with barbies

Make games. Dont dabble forever.
Dont end their franchises when they only have 4.
WOW 2. (Yes even after they failed at Titan.)
Dont neglect games like they did with Diablo.
No esports.

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The most common complaint with OW is that the game has literally no depth and there's no way for a single player to truly change the outcome, almost no way for a player to show skill discrepancy and rise above others.
Magically adding more shooting is not gonna magically fix this, the game will still be a chokepoint spam into ult, where the ones with the most broken FOTM heroes and working in synch win.

Their whole image is a Nintendo-like cartoonish vibe. If Diablo 4 is a way different tone than 3 and everything else they have, it might bring people back

Transition from videogames company to animation movies company

Diablo 4 ... Make Dark and Grim theme. Continue with the idea of a dark souls style gameplay the team worked on in past.

Hearthstone.... Provide a "New Player" bundle. Many packs of every expansion. Wild and standard. Make fairly cheap and only for new players.

WoW.... Bring back the difficulty it once had. Quit holding hands. Get rid of LFR. Forces a more social interaction to raid. LFD I think is ok. More Raid opening events (AQ as example)

StarCraft... (No opinion)

Heroes of the Storm... Focus on Balance issues. Maybe integrate items or even talent trees that can effect all heroes.

Warcraft 4... (No opinion)

Company... Your employees and your fans are what keeps a business thriving. Listen to both input. Happiness of your employees and consumers should be primary focus. Spread the wealth.

Make 4 new IPs (at the very least).
OW is just salvaged Titan assets and this means they have not created something new since 2007.

>Outsource shitty mobile tie ins to please investors and generate cash

>Spend money on making actual games.

Downsize heavily. Don't fuck up Classic Wow. Stop trying to make everything a fucking e-sport. Don't fuck up Classic WoW.

There's no need. They keep making money and idiots keep seething.

Stop policing how people have fun. Let interesting mechanics in their games evolve organically rather than trying to overdesign everything and fun police. Essentially move away from theme park games to sandbox games.

Don't force esports, let "pro scenes" develop naturally before sinking huge amounts of resources into it.

None of that will happen though, speculators who have quarterly frames of reference wont allow it.

There's no saving it, Blizzard North was the only part of the company that was worth anything and it's long gone. Blizzard makes games for "everyone" now, read: creatively bankrupt rehashes of better games that have been packaged in an easily digestible form and served to the lowest common denominator.

A game is not it's assets, there's very little reason to believe that Titan was anything even remotely similar to Overwatch.

They still have the talent, they just need to return to their earlier game philosophies if they want to maximize cash money.
Unfortunately they are hardly in need of saving and will instead focus on the mobile game market for safe, easy money.

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>Essentially move away from theme park games to sandbox games.
why would they? blizzard never created a sand box game.
It's literally only Wc3 custommaps. this themepark argument needs to die.


>Hard relaunch HotS as an actual MOBA
>After classic WoW reaches Naxx, split it into TBC progression and classic+ with new content developed under vanilla philosophies
>Either shitcan modern WoW completely or keep it on life support to drain whale money and put it towards the development of other (better) games
I don't know what to do with Starcraft or Diablo though

>this themepark argument needs to die.
if it could be countered, it would.

>Blizzard makes games for "everyone" now, read: creatively bankrupt rehashes of better games that have been packaged in an easily digestible form and served to the lowest common denominator.
they have literally always done this
Warcraft was a warhammer ripoff

The difference is when you dumb it down too much and that quality goes down the drain

there's very strong reasons to believe overwatch is just a loot-box deathmatch mode of titan.

Diablo 4. i fucking swear if they even THINK to delay it and shift focus to developing OW2 first or some other bullshit, man

So Fighters of the storm 2?

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the issue is they're doing exactly what they've always done. The largest demographic used to be the ones buying PC games and they used to be remotely intelligent. now the largest demographic buying video games are buying "console" games and they're all dumb as fuck.

It's activision, they're not blizzard anymore.

They have literally said overwatch was gonna be the "battlegrounds" wow equivalent of titan, this was in an interview years ago when OW was unveiled.
Tracer herself was just one of the classes.

Just look at the maps, why do you think all these launch maps like numbani have these roads going nowhere, paths literally in front of the spawn point that just return you to it and random closed off streets?

So THIS is why WOTLK was such a pile of shit compared to BC

>split it into TBC progression and classic+ with new content developed under vanilla philosophies
why would you split the community? they need to not go the tbc path since it would to people like me to 100% drop the game after wotlk
they also no longer have the talent to develope good games tho

Vanilla was themeparky in certain aspects and "accessible" by the standards of its contemporaries, but its a long shot from what it has become. A literal retard (mechanically and socially) can clear endgame content. I tried out retail WoW recently. Its definitely going to be a mobile game soon, screen cap this.

To your point about custom maps, they've also found a way to kneecap and monetize that too through co-op missions in SC2.

If you can't see how older blizzard games gave the player more freedom and didn't police the way players had fun you're a retarded zoomer.

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>they have literally always done this
To some extent yes, however they still had a creative approach to their design. Warcraft 3, for instance, was plenty innovative, not to mention Diablo spawned an entire genre, even though it, technically, was made as a dumbed-down crpg. By comparison - there's zero significant creativity or innovation in Overwatch or Hots. You're right in that their games might have passed a critical point where the "dumbing-down" result in a flat-out worse games with little to no gains in accessibility.
Care to share any details on this? The only thing I can find are rumors.

>they also no longer have the talent to develope good games tho
You just answered your own question. Clearly the avenue they should/will go is to progress onto TBC/Wrath, while creating fresh vanilla servers every time they do so.

let it die

Mythic raiding is miles harder than vanilla wow raiding.
And I say this as a hardcore vanilla shill.

The problem is that blizz is fucking retarded and thinks that everyone should experience everything, undermining those that actually work for it.

Tell the shareholders to fuck off. Tell the developers to make good, fun video games. 100% of Activlizzard's problems are shareholders and upper management fucking around with bullshit instead of just letting their video game developers develop video games.

>Blizzard. at some point in it's existence had some of the absolute best, most skilled and most talented people in the ENTIRE industry

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Kaplan and Afrasiabi are the only two people I can think of that still work there
Its dead, its only Blizzard by name at this point

WoW is not hard, it never was. It did require persistence. You don't go to the damn gym and squat 400lbs the first day.

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>instead of just letting their video game developers develop video games
All the talent that made good games is gone, Yes men are all that's left.

Mike Morhaime was smart to leave when he did

Does anyone have that blizz leaks from the other day?

I got ya covered, hombre

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As long as they're competent enough to ship a technically functional product then quality is ultimately more about direction than anything, and executive meddling makes it so that the directors can't do their job effectively. Whether they're good or not is ultimately a nebulous fog because of this.

Make 4K r34 smut with their cinematic team, fire everyone else hide it behind a $100/month paywall

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Stop pushing Esports into fucking everything they make. They keep hamfisting Esports into their casual games and they always end up worse as a result.

make interracial relationships and pregnancies possible and produce WoW 2.0

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This but with orc males only

Old blizzard is dead didier and metzen made the company and then ruined it, let it fucking die. All of their franchises are shit now anyway. Waited 12 fucking years for starcraft and it was a steaming pile of shit fuck you didier an fuck you metzen!

those two had nothing to do with it nigger

Thank you

everything here is a fucking retarded idea

what abound that diablo guy and blizz north?

that track record tho daaaaaamnn

Would prefer her over Tracer desu

Move it to japan

>pew pwe
their technical skills are good but cinematography and dialogue are dogshit lmao.

Fire all trannies.
Fire all community faggots.
Promote all the guys making the sexy HoTs skins and let them make stuff for actual alive games.
Milk the shit out of Classic WoW by following it up with some TBC servers or some shit.
Push the shit out of WC3 e-sports, since that shit is still very popular in china, which is a giant market.

release classic wow tomorrow
every couple of years add new raids, dungeons and battlegrounds, but dont't change the level cap

Fucking shame what happened to HotS. It had incredible soul.

make wow retail more like classic, you know the drill
make classic branch into classic+ (go post-naxx and continue to patch vanilla as if tbc never existed) and a separate tbc server

make starcraft ghost

they already showed what they want their target audience to be with current wow and diablo immortal. They want immediate gratification mobile players and their original audience is the opposite of that. The company will die until it fully jumps over to mobile and tries to attract the Chinese audience then it will succeed greatly.

This is so fake that you must be literally retarded to screencap it, let alone believe it.

People are still clinging, Blizzard is dead, this is just a zombie and they're milking it for what its worth.

Classic is literally the only thing that will save it. Right now they are barely sustaining themselves with microtransactions. They made a fuckton of money at the beginning with hearthstone and overwatch but the games are shallow and haemorrhaging players

>wowdev, possibly ion himself, said the players were too stupid to understand where to find a pvp vendor if they added one
They know they are designing their games for retards

Remember when they were originally going to lock the fov in overwatch because they said their players wouldn't be able to find the options menu or understand what fov meant so itd be an unfair advantage?

Fire all the women expect for the hot secretaries.
Fire all the numales.
Hire back all the guys who coded.
Stop fighting against your biggest audience.

>playing Fighters of the Storm
>it's another asshole running Gazlowe, Raynor, and Witch Doctor
>can't get close because the exploding toads assist cover too much fucking ground
>can't approach in the air because Gazlowe is tossing bombs like an asshole
>and can't turtle because Raynor's Give em some Pepper assist deals way too much chip
I fucking hate this game.

Why would I save them? For 10 years they've forsaken their devoted core audience to chase casuals with deep pockets. Now that the casuals are moving on, they're trying harder and harder to nickel and dime them on the way out. All of the devoted talent is long gone, and their modern games aren't worth playing.

They've chosen to live by the casual. Let them die by the casual.

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Well some of them are in canon, but not in gameplay perspective

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fire diversity hires that still linger and replace them with more like pic related.
also its too far gone, half the people working for the company don't have the attachment to the games that the fans do

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This kinda unironically

>titan canned and he gets put on the HS team to shit that game out
>tweets about being ecstatic to be working on WoW again when WoD was in development
>months later leaves the company
fuck anyone who holds Kaplan in high regard, that hack only got hired because Pardo threw him a bone and had him write quests for Vanilla.

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>Wasting the 4th / 5th Smash Pass slot on Overwatch shit
>Not going for the obvious character (Crash Bandicoot)

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Based. I hope they burn in fucking hell.

Are you unironically upset that a woman is working on a game?

Jeff did a shitton of stuff from vanilla.
He and like 2 other dudes made the entirely of molten core because rest of the team didn't understood that having a big raid on release was important.
Instead of going to e3(or blizzcon can't remember which one) he spent his time on his office designing arathi basin.

Jeff did a shitload of stuff in vanilla, saying otherwise just proves how ignorant you are.

>mech so unique moveset for it at least
>girl so lots of porn
I hate to admit it, but it would be secretly fucking based

forgot to mention they did molten core in under a week, right before release

Actually do something interesting with Starcraft's setting, instead of scrapping any attempt of making it something more than a dying esports.

wow = kill slyvanas, get rid of the woman power fantasy story, remake classes from sctratch
overwatch = get rid of sjw writter, re balance

HAHAHAH, you don't they're fucked.

Real talk, was Overwatch the first Blizzard game you played?

Ow is too far gone.

Stop making games and rent out the licenses to other studios, even just other Activision slaves. As an example, imagine a Diablo FPS made by Raven Studios.

lemme ftfy

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still find that remarkable desu

im upset at your lack of reading comprehension desu

>fuck shit up on purpose
>lose consumer good will, stocks fall
>you're now worthless, activision lets you go
>reincarnate, warcraft 4 and starcraft 3

>fire diversity
nice meme

go dilate

>make games
>release them
That'll be a $30mil fee for saving the company, thanks Blizzard

slice of life game starring D.Va during high school years. you're welcome blizzard.

OWL unsuccessful.

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consult palliative care

More diversity and inclusion. Overwatch needs more visibly gay and trans characters for starters, and their gender identities need to factor in to the GAMEPLAY, not just be mentioned briefly in a cinematic.

That's the opposite of what he said, nig.

Yes, so much. Thank you for this post.

by making a game that is actually good and that is not bad

Here's an idea: stop developing Overwatch entirely. It's soulless, unbalanced as hell and filled with SJW faggotry and censorship. It has no redeeming qualities.

All their games feel the same now. Cartoony and too much humor.

Return Diablo to a gothic tension atmospheric game.

Warcraft shouldn't be Marvel heroes unite.

Have some level of originality and passion. But that's too much to ask.

>visibly trans

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It's not the job of the oppressed to explain themselves to the oppressors. Blizzard needs to hire some actual fucking trans folks or they're never going to do representation right.

it's impossible
hearthstone destroyed it.
once microtransactions: the game became their most lucrative title there was no turning back.

>worrying about trannies and diversity hires when it's obvious financial jewry ruined the company since 2008.
Every time... you blind fools.

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shhh... you're ruining the diversion

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It's both. Too much success and easy times means they became fat, stupid, and lazy. And that is when they racked up diversity cancer. Which is hard to get rid of it if they want to get lean again.

I don't even want to, fuck them for the things they've done.

>Hard relaunch HotS as an actual MOBA
...It already is one you dingus

Wishful thinking is all I can think about while reading this.
You can't deny that that OP put some effort into this.

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You mean playing mobile games.

Use cancerous mobile games as the key to financing a return to good PC games without cancerous features.

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Huge waifu bait r18 or autochess for ez money

there is absolutely no proof of any diversity nonsense. And if there was any diversity shit, it has nothing to do with gameplay. Maybe some character that gets gay ass lore background shit, I'll give you that I for the sake of argument, but who the fuck cares. It's obvious that the coprporate/management jewry wants gameplay simplified and lootboxes introduced to fucking ruin the gaming experience. Those supposed diversity hires have absolutely no/negligible impact.

Do people find this clown makeup and comedicaly fake tits attractive?

>they should just cancel the IP that's made over a billion dollars

You're a grade-A moron.

How so? The bosses are on par with trash mobs in modern raids. I’m a classicfag and mc is shit.

How do you come up with these superficial complaints and not notice the fucking lardass hand, jesus christ, if there ever was a complete turn-off. Fucking disgusting.

If only Blizzard could monetize all the porn made from their characters.

Look at Bioware. It's not a coincidence that the young hires over the last decade are of one uniform political persuasion and retarded. That company is about to go under, incapable of making anything at all.

Blizzard isn't in as deep of shit. But you will never hear management's side of the story about how bad the average worker has become. And I'd bet the diversity hires have had a deteriorating effect on a lot of businesses, especially gaming.

Watch any institution anywhere that gets too many progressives. They start to fall apart on even basic self survival aspects.

If designing the entire map, the bosses, and the boss mechanics in a week isn't impressive to you, you must be completely ignorant about game design.


save them from what? They're doing fine in sales and money.

It would only work for overwatch.
Warcraft became so bad even the porn sucks.

Warcraft character design is fucking repulsive in general.
Women look like blowup dolls and men look like god damn gorillas or troglodytes.

Yea i was more thinking about the art around it, not the ingame models.
But they killed so many strong male characters that it's just a lesbian party now.

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>Make more overwaifu with OW2
>wait for nsfw artistis to pick up
>loads of chash

>>girl so lots of porn
Wow, this is compelling, there is a severe lack of her porn it's not like half the OW porn is dva.

Hard reset

>OW2 has an even shorter lifespan than OW1
>Even more soulless than OW1
>doesn't even last as long as Bowsette

yeah it should be all of it

>no sandals
>trimmed bears
>beer bottles
>no faggotry

>no one drinking
>full faggotry
>bringing dogs at work wtf?

How did bottom level tech become so overwhelmingly radical left wing?

Make Diablo a tense, horror third person Dark Souls type game. I want scantily clad make women impaled on spikes and dead. I want goatmen performing dark rituals and raping villagers. I want to shit myself when Diablo shows up as the entire game got darker and more intense via environmental storytelling til he arrives. I want no humor save a cow level.

Replace soul with ass, cover it with browie points.
Pay streamcelebs to play it.

California ideological bubbles are powerful things.

But people from outside of California get hired and provide some sort of differing opinion right?

No. They are either assimilate or stay quiet.

Makes sense I reckon.

maybe create new IPs and ripoff other niché ips like they did with Warhammer?
I think Cyberpunk Warcraft like Shadowrun could work really well. I get the impression that all everyone in charge of Blizzard does is hunt for good quarterly results and just ignores long term strategies.

Just a new one.

Blizzard knows WoW is outdated, but hey if people will still pay subscriptions for the same content and graphics, why put effort into a new game?

Cali "culture" in tech has been fully absorbed by the people who sign your checks. They're in basically every company, so unless you want to get the door or get blacklisted it's easier to keep your head down and your opinions to yourself.

This is a stupid fucking idea. Those remotely related to overwatch are some of the most cucked s0i-devs in the entirety of blizzard. Compare them to something like the wow classic team who mainly has people who worked on vanilla itself. The only reason avenue need to be brand new ips that stand a chance to be creatively distinct and luck out on not having neo-cuck silicon valley trannys shitting up the development.

I already suspect the answer, but isn't political ideology a protected class in Cali? Like, you can't discriminate against someone because of their politics?


Shit man, they don't even need to make them lewd, just make them nice on the eyes at least.

Maybe in theory but not in practice.
Remember that many of the people leading the big californian tech firms openly advocated for punching people for wearing maga hats.

That doesn't mean shit for these companies, if you don't follow their groupthink which at this point is diversity, liberalism and degeneracy, you're out of a job. It doesn't matter how civil or logical you make your stand. Just look at Jason Damore.

It's the same reason the non-gaming tech companies are going to put down a bill currently in congress trying to balance out opinions on social media platforms.

A privilege afforded them because of the massive influence and power they have been allowed to accrue. The issue now is that it's too late to stop it. They have government in their pocket and until it proves unprofitable for Uncle Sam to have them exist as a cartel, they're never going away.

Republican party will be basically fucking dead if they don't manage to dismantle the stranglehold the social media moral polices of silicon valley have on the discourse of the American (and to a huge extent, all western) public dialogue.

If that doesn't happen, the only way this shit will unravel is unironically in a fucking civil war. How in the fuck are you supposed to have a political system where one party controls all of the media, and dictates what morally acceptable speech is, and will ruthlessly persecute you if you step out of line?

I ain't even fucking murrican and I fucking H A T E the power those leftist fucks of california have over the politics of my tiny europoor nation. Their trannyworshipping bs is spreading like cancer everywhere.

Please for the love of god, murricans, kill those californian faggots. Kill them for the sake of humanity.

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I remember bringing up Damore's memo in a class for discussion. Shit was weird. One girl who was an SJW looked like the memo said that women need to be back in kitchen, even though Damore stated that he was trying to help figure out how to get more women into tech, he just felt that realizing those differences was necessary to do that. Also this lady said, and I quote "You can tell this came from reddit, which is a hive of misogyny, because he says "tl;dr"."

She refused to admit she was wrong when I pointed out to her that the phrase was in use long before reddit existed, saying "oh but it's associated with it." That's when I realized that this is one of the people who never would've used the internet before facebook and smartphones gave them reasons to be on it.

Republican party is already dead. It's fetishistic love of our satrap and master state has already marked its own doom. The American political system is bought, sold, and packaged already.

Smartphones unironically killed the internet we grew up with.

The right wing backlash is actually in large part because people know progressives are full of shit and controlling. The move to different media sources is already happening.

I agree that big companies like google, Facebook, and Twitter need to be slapped around or broken up though.

I'm just surprised the politically correct left tried to make a power grab again so soon after they failed in the 90s to push political correctness. What's even more surprising is to see more people buy into it.

It's depressing but I think their stranglehold is declining. Look at major institutions that are largely leftist. They are crumbling. Too many factions that can't be united by Hate Whitey all the time. And zero self reflection.

I'm comparing it to Joker/Hero/Banjo as smash dlc which only get porn from either gays or them fucking a smash girl

>mfw the leftists bureaucrats of my nation recently denied government funds for the youth organization of a nationalist party (all big parties have youth organizations that can get government funding here in Funland) because of a fucking tweet in which the youth organization referenced an EU tweet that depicted an african couple, and stated to vote for the Nationalist party so that the future of Finland wouldn't look like that picture (aka vote for the nationalists so that Finland won't be populated by Africans).

This shit goes far deeper than curtailing a couple of companies m8. Leftists have integrated themselves deeply into the states of all western nations. It will take force to remove these marxist parasites from our nations.

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>bottom picture
women """"""developers""""""

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Doesn't matter in the end. Demographic shift is already in motion and it's irreversible.

Only if you let it be.

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Turn HotS into a smash clone

You will find out how reversible it is when rich people start to actually get threatened by the effects of their own ideology. For now much of the West is elites having been gated from their own decisions.

>How do you save this company?
Separate from Activision, fire whoever the fuck thinks you can create an e-sports league from the top down, get back the Blizzard North team and put them on D4. Bring back Rock'n'Roll Racing, make a new Lost Vikings game, Bring back green jesus in WoW, stop cancelling starcraft shooters. remake warcraft 1 and 2, do a remaster of Diablo 2 to tide over diablo players as they restart production on diablo 4 again because they fucked that up twice now. Cancel overwatch 2 and instead turn it into a netflix TV series and sell toys.

Attached: If Bllizzard was a space marine chapter it would be Blood Ravens EA would be Minotaurs.png (1052x1202, 163K)

Wrath was rushed because of talks they had with merging with activision (started well before fall 2007). Get the game out quick to please their new partners and release a shit tier 7 and a relocated and shit tier 9 along with 4 one room dragon bosses.

So much potential.

just call it 'Blizzard all stars' and make it a smash clone with a unique mechanic for characters from different game series:
>Diablo characters would be able to 'loot' weapons and upgrades from opponents that die for the duration of their life/stock
>Warcraft characters have mana/stamina bars that they can use to enhance their attacks for short periods of time
>starcraft characters can summon units from their games to help fight (not dissimilar to the pokemon trainer)
>overwatch characters have their unique mechanics in the game in some form or another
I would unironically buy the fuck out of it.

Blizzard is run by out of touch boomers who are incapable of seeing the writing on the walls. They will run their company to the ground rather than admit that they have made serious mistakes.

Blizzard isnt smart enough to make something like that.

well Ian recently just admitted to how badly they fucked up class design and class fantasy over the last few expansions. So at least some people aren't completely stupid.

Admitting you were wrong makes investors panic, so corporations are more likely to double down until the investors catch on.

>literally no one even playing the game
>still wants to put all resources into it
How fucking stupid can you be?


Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-21 Thank you, Blizzard Community - Kim Phan.png (774x941, 57K)

Investors have no problem with them admitting they are wrong. They have a problem with guiding down future profits. Blizzard management is inept because they hinged future business on mobile and China. Investors didn't steer them anywhere, Blizzard tore themselves a new asshole.

>Completely halt everything they still have on hots and sc2.
Yeah. I fucking love hots, but it's over, man.
They had a chance with pic related, but the game was in the shittiest meta ever during that time.
They coulda made it big.

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>Illidan Stormrage
>Crash Bandicoot
>Spyro the Dragon
Or my personal favorite, Artanis.
And you went with an OW character.

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Make a big singleplayer game, for fuck sake stop doing multiplayer games, make something that actually sticks with people.

Nobody would have initially picked off starcraft if it was only known for being an amazing multiplayer rts for koreans.

Make a DMC style hack n' slash about some Demon Hunter. Make it Illidan if you want.

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>Reaper is gay
Way to make your leak unbelievable.

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Id like that, shit, make Li Li Stormstout platformer. Make a singleplayer party based RPG like Dragons Dogma but set in Azeroth. Remake the originals but you play them as action games rather than RTS games, where you control a titular character from each campaign from the ground.

They literally bad people for making the okay hand sign, it really just has to start over.

Ion is one of the few competent people at blizzard, people only give him shit because he has to carry out the jewish schemes by the higherups. That and he pisses off the shitty casuals that keep asking for some of the shittiest changes to the game.

fire all the idiots that keep marketing games to social justice warriors who hate vidya

Attached: SJWMarketing.jpg (600x999, 60K)

OverWatch was a mistake.

>Stop putting so many resources in hs and OW, specially the unsuccessful esports.


WoW-Diablo-StarCraft the holy trinity

shut up roasty

HotS should not have a serious mode with any prestige tied to it. Go play DotA if you want to flex your epeen. HotS should have a competitive mode that's just for getting serious minded players together. HotS should have started making PvE content with more interactions between characters. It'd be a spot to test stuff for Diablo 4 and Warcraft 4