Did Collection of Mana provide fresh translations for Final Fantasy Adventure and Secret of Mana like they did for...

Did Collection of Mana provide fresh translations for Final Fantasy Adventure and Secret of Mana like they did for Dragon Quest or did Square half-ass it again?

Kind of bullshit that these games are notorious examples of games where the plot was butchered in the translation due to character limit and they still haven't fixed them.

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half assed, only Trials has proper translation

Lame, but I kinda figured. I wonder if some romhacker will backport the translation to the SNES version so people can emulate it with a better translation, like they do for some other games.

There is no retranslation for FFA and SoM though and the official translations of Trials is much better than the fantranslation.

That's what I mean, someone could put the official translation of Trials on a SNES ROM. They might wait a while though because they want people to go out and buy the game though. But like I saw someone port the translation of Persona 5 to the PS3 version so that people could just emulate it in English on their computer.

>That's what I mean, someone could put the official translation of Trials on a SNES ROM.
Mate, the collection is literally just emulated roms.
The translated rom was literally dumped on Day 1.

Oh, why didn't you say that in the first place then? I guess I'll go look for that.

You didn't ask.
Check /vg/, they had that shit dumped Day 1.

Did the AoM and SoM remakes get retranslated? The 3D ones on mobile/Vita/PC.


And in case you were curious, the FFA and SoM roms in the collection are literally just stolen from the NoIntro set lol, typical Nintendo.

Good to know. Thanks.

That's on Square. They didn't have the originals anymore.

I mean, both companies have a history of just stealing roms and isos because they don't have originals anymore.
In any case, if you want properly retranslated FFA and SoM you'll need to play the remakes.
SoM has a relatively recently released hack called "Relocalized" which ports over SOME of the remake script but couldn't bring all of it due to technical limitations so it's still cut down and kinda butchered.

It's only fair when you think about it. Many people have stolen those games for free thanks to those ROMs. It's only natural that they would steal it right back.



Trials' english version from this collection is available as a rom you can play on SNES emulators and even flashcarts on the real things


Read the thread nigger

Have chex

lmao no

I already do.


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Yikes. Pure reddit post


Done with this kid. He's too reddit for me.

Enough of that reddit kid.

They only gave a new translation to SD3. And it has the stupid dialect/lisp junk Dragon Quest has. So it's not really an improvement. We still need an unfucked translation of Dragon Quest IV, V and IX.

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I like those translations. They have character. What we need that I'm shocked they never did is a Dragon Quest collection that puts all the old games on an actual console. Some of them are quite literally iOS/Android exclusive at the moment.

Sadly the text is blurry as fuck on emulator.

Also, I know for a fact that Dragon Quest IV was translated on the NES, and Dragon Quest V has not just one but two fan translations, so if you really insist on being boring then you have options for those games. You're out of luck for IX of course but then again who actually cares about IX's story?

On that note, any Krauts here who can answer this for the German version?
I think there has already been a retranslation for a mobile version of the game or something (changing the infamous scene with the goblins "Lindenstraße" to "watching football" (soccer)).
Is it the one by Moyse or that new one, or an entirely different one?

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Depends on your settings.

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>Official is better
Is it though? Do you weeawwy tink dat? Benevodon weawwy better?

>translating "...!!" to "Oops!"
What the fuck, Square?

>And it has the stupid dialect/lisp junk Dragon Quest has.
Only Charlotte has it. The rest of the game is clean and dialect free. And the only Dragon Quest that has it bad is IV. The rest are fine.

I thought the SOM remake just used the original SNES script?

>that last panel
I always see Duran as an old man with a white mustache when he does that.

>And the only Dragon Quest that has it bad is IV.

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It may be fair for them, but it's not really fair for the paying customer.
Buying games that are this old is basically just a courtesy to the publisher, since any computer made after 1995 can play the games at full speed using freeware and a ROM that took less than a minute to find and download.

The least they could do is reward someone who's actually willing to pay with some bonus features, bug fixes, just absolutely anything that would make it superior to an emulator. Otherwise you're basically just paying Square to download the ROM and ZSNES off of Google for you.

>reading comprehension
As bad does not mean "it disappeared completely"
Not every single NPC speaks with a thick barely readable accent with random words swapped out for random slang words in each game released after 4, which is far more tolerable.

Well, that's true. And that's what M2 does, I'm given to understand.

SE makes the text smaller so they can add tons more of it. Because they have to painfully explain everything as if the player is a 5 year old who can't derive meaning from context.

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Hiding, which basically means smack the fuck out of him repeatedly.

Or, you know, because it's an accurate translation.

>As bad does not mean "it disappeared completely"
But you didn't say "as bad.'" You just singled out DQIV as being the worst, claiming the others become okay because they're somehow less bad. Which is just wrong. Dragon Quest V and IX has dozens of NPCs/Monsters and entire towns with horrible dialects. Dragon Quest VII is mostly fine until you hit that horrible French town. The mobile ports of Dragon Quest I-III are arguably as bad as DQIV.

That image just showed you it's not accurate. They changed the meaning of things and added tons of extra context that isn't needed.

So basically to make it more like Japanese game text?

Seems fine to me. If you disagree why don't you provide an accurate translation of the Japanese text so we can see how wrong you are.


You still haven't answered why you don't just use the fan translations if this bothers you, which you're clearly okay with because you neglected to mention any problems with VI. Square Enix is clearly not going to stop doing this style of translation so you don't really have a choice.

>Otherwise you're basically just paying Square to download the ROM and ZSNES off of Google for you
yes. you'd be surprised the number of tech illiterate gamers intimidated by using an emulator who are willing to pay for that not even kidding

>You still haven't answered why you don't just use the fan translations if this bothers you
First of all, you didn't bring it up.

Second of all, I played most of these games with a fan translation long before they got official translations. I even played the leaked alpha translation for Dragon Quest IV on DS. But it was incomplete.

And it's stupid for you to insinuate that people can't complain about an official translation being bad just because there's a fan translation available. Because the official translation is what 99% of people will see. If you want a series to succeed in the west, you don't want it to have a horrible translation that will turn people away.

And neither of them are as bad as IV. And moving from V and IX, you see it EVEN LESS.
So again, once again:
>reading comprehension

I did bring it up but you didn't respond. I didn't say anything was wrong with complaining about the translation, I just think it is strange that you say the translations "need to be fixed" as if they're made to pander to you specifically, when they clearly have no intention of backing off from the dialect-heavy translations. Furthermore, it's clearly not turning people away because the games keep making money and getting localized. So like I said, if it bothers you, you have options, and if you don't want to do those, complain to your heart's content, but don't actually expect it to change anything. You could always learn Japanese if it's that important to you.

>one game didn't do it as much as the other, so that makes it okay!
No, it doesn't.

>And moving from V and IX, you see it EVEN LESS.
DQV and IX have literally the same amount. They were done by the same localization team. DQVI and on were done by another team.

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:o) hOnK

That's just different font sizes within a sentence. No where near as bad as or .

>I just think it is strange that you say the translations "need to be fixed" as if they're made to pander to you specifically, when they clearly have no intention of backing off from the dialect-heavy translations.
Yes, I already know who is doing that. The guy who started the dialect heavy translations was Richard Honeywood. He left to go work at Blizzard a decade ago. However, Noriyoshi Fujimoto, head of localization in SE of Japan, insisted that they would keep doing it for every future release.

>Furthermore, it's clearly not turning people away because the games keep making money and getting localized.
They started the heavy dialects in 2005. SquareEnix stopped supporting Dragon Quest in the west between 2007-2015, specifically citing low sales and public support. The low sales was actually because of their total lack of marketing and limited print runs of the game, caused by SquareEnix. So your claim that they kept supporting the series is totally wrong. Nintendo had to bring over VI, IX, Joker 2 and Fortune Street because SquareEnix wouldn't be bothered. And there's still two dozen games we didn't get.

Then suddenly in 2015, when SquareEnix changed it management structure, we started getting all the DQ games localized to the west (as well as marketing support at E3 as you just saw). SquareEnix was not supporting the series AT ALL for 12+ years.

And this coincides with the period when they were pushing more and more dialects. So dialects weren't helping the series sell either. At best, you can say it didn't make the games lose sales. But it also didn't help it sell to new people. Only existing DQ fans were buying the games.

>You could always learn Japanese if it's that important to you.
Ah yes, this stupid excuse again. "Don't complain about a series being neglected, just learn Japanese and enjoy it yourself!" Fucking idiot. I can play fan translations. I want the series to get popular with OTHER PEOPLE!

I didn't say it made it okay, I said it's not as bad. My god how many times do I have to repeat myself?
>reading comprehension

>DQV and IX have literally the same amount.
Yes, and? I didn't dispute that. You've got IV, then you've got V and IX in which you see less than IV, then you've got VI in which you see it even less than IV, V, and IX, and then you have the mobile games, which just use Ye Olde Englishe, aka EVEN LESS than the prior games, and then VII which sits somewhere along with VI. So again:
>reading comprehension
Please, guy. Just stop fucking posting. All I said was that the later games aren't as bad as 4, and every single thing you've posted has proven my point. You're embarrassing yourself.

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DQIX had plenty of the other.

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What do people have against accents anyway?

They no read so good


ESL cant into english dialect.
I can only pray they dont meet some brooklyn guy or southerner in their life else they would be left speechless

It's something that only works when being heard. Reading it is a pain. Kids across the world still complain when they have to read something like Huckleberry Finn. And that book did accents better than most. The accents used in SE games are much worse, because not only are the written phonetically, but they're not even written the proper way. There are standards for writing accents in text, and they don't do that. They just make shit up. Which becomes a chore to read.

But aside from all that, the big problem is a lot of people just don't like reading them. Even if they can read them perfectly fine, they make the game feel cheesy. And its especially bad in a game like Dragon Quest V or IX where you're watching one of the most dramatic scenes in the game, you're wife is turned to stone and you're about to die...and then the boss starts lisping. Is this scene suppose to be funny or serious? You can't tell because the whole tone has been broken. It's like watching The Last Jedi where every serious scene if broken up by a pratfall or visual joke.

Also, the original Japanese doesn't use the accents. So it's not even accurate.

>I didn't say it made it okay, I said it's not as bad. My god how many times do I have to repeat myself?
And I sad just because the amount goes down, that doesn't make it less bad. And all you keep doing is repeating "no, it's less! You can't read!"

If anyone can't read, it's you.

Accents are to be heard, not read.

Not my fault you were talking about something completely different. All I was saying was that the accents are as numerous in successive games, while you're going in a completely different direction and saying the practice of putting in in the first place is bad.
Try being more clear next time you want to argue with someone, it'll make you look like like a dense motherfucker.

>Not my fault you were talking about something completely different.
So you admit you were the one who lacked reading comprehension.

>All I was saying was that the accents are as numerous in successive games
...that's what I said. You kept claiming the accents were more in DQIV. Are you changing your position now?

>while you're going in a completely different direction and saying the practice of putting in in the first place is bad.
Yeah. Fancy that, people add things to a conversation and don't just keep repeating what the previous person said. You yourself just changed your position.

>Try being more clear next time you want to argue with someone, it'll make you look like like a dense motherfucker.
Oh, the irony.

This is fucked for people that aren't native english speakers.

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The problem with speech like this is that it sounds alright when spoken aloud but trips up in your brain when reading it in your head.

Exactly. But even people who can read it well, half of them don't really like it. Across all DQ forums and even threads here on Yea Forums, it's pretty even split of half the people loving the accents, half of them hating it. And it's not good business sense to keep doing something half your fanbase hates.

Let alone new people who are trying to get into your series for the first time. Imagine if Final Fantasy had this kind of crap going on during the NES-PS1 days. It might have been a lot less popular.

I just tried it out and was amazed to find out that all games have german translations now, as well.

Because dragon warrior was such a huge success without the dialects

Your ability to read posts, and somehow manage to completely misunderstand them, continues to amaze me. How do you even do it? How do you read a sentence, and then just draw the absolute wrong conclusion from it, even when it's written in the mist simplistic of terms?

>I wonder if some romhacker will backport the translation to the SNES version so people can emulate it with a better translation, like they do for some other games.
Literally the ROMs got extracted in less than 12 hours. So long as you use the right one, you can even play it on original hardware via SD2SNES without issue.

Charlotte was always intended to be an annoying cunt.

>How do you read a sentence, and then just draw the absolute wrong conclusion from it, even when it's written in the mist simplistic of terms?
The irony since you admitted to doing this very thing yourself.

Dragon Warrior 1 was a success. It sold as much as Final Fantasy did in the west, around 500k. Then DW2-4 got no marketing and limited print runs. Wow...I wonder why it didn't sell well? Then the GBC/PS1 games got no marketing and sold low.

Then Dragon Quest VIII on PS2 got marketing and support. Which went on to sell 1.5 million in the west. Then Joker got marketing and also sold well. Then no marketing and limited print runs for the next 4 games. And they sold low as a result. Then Dragon Quest IX got Nintendo to market it and it sold 1.4 million. Then zero support or marketing for the next 4 games.

See a pattern here? The games sell well when they get support. They sell low when they don't. Final Fantasy on the other hand has had consistent support for 25 years. Some of the biggest marketing budgets in history. And wow, what a coincidence, they sold a lot and are more known in the west. Gee, wonder how that happened...

So which one is better then, Seiken Densetsu 3 fan translated or Trials of Mana

So the marketings the problem?

SD3 has hacks like Sin of Mana to try to balance shit out and bug fix, and the translation gets things done, but Trials honestly is a bit more smooth to read on everything but Charlotte's shit, those extra 2MB of space they added for all the new text gets its worth. It basically comes down to "Do you want something that reads like a SNES game, or something that reads like a 90's JRPG in English from Square?"

And no, Trials doesn't have bug fixes, it's pretty much 1:1 the same game besides the text. 3-player hack's compatible with it since that changes a single flag in the game that wasn't altered.

Is the remake going to have three player support? Or is it going to only be one player like the original game? This could be a deal breaker for a lot of people.

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So far it's singleplayer, due to the revised gameplay and camera. But we'll have to see if that shifts since it still will take until next year to come out.

...You guys realize Dragon Warrior on NES did in fact have Elizabethan-style writing, right? I'm gonna lean towards people do in fact like that.

I’m pro dialect as long as it’s not as bad as iv

I would get this, but they took so long that I gave up on it and just got an snes repro of SD3 with the translation.
That's all I really wanted it for anyway, an official release of SD3 over here.

I can wait for the remake for trials of mana.

>someone could put the official translation of Trials on a SNES ROM
ahahahaha no
There's a reason names were shortened in that fan translation.

Is this yuri

Reminder that other devs know who best girl is.

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Well, Riesz would have fit but the translators couldn't have predicted that would be the official spelling.

...They still use that spelling in Trials, right? I hope so. It's the only thing I've ever seen with someone named Riesz.

Riesz is the official name in the localization, yes.

>...You guys realize Dragon Warrior on NES did in fact have Elizabethan-style writing, right?

>I'm gonna lean towards people do in fact like that.
Fans were mixed about it back then and now. And it didn't seem to help sales any, as DQ II-IV sold less and less each game. And the GBC remakes of DW I-III didn't have dialects and barely anyone even noticed the change.

I'm going to lean towards people don't care about dialects.

Riesz sounds fucking dumb and stupid
Why that Z at the end? What does that add to her name?
Fuck off. Call her Reese, or Riese. Whatever. Just get rid of the fucking stupid unnecessary Z.

The letter Z makes anything cooler.

Zeezing zeelet

Lise sounds even worse in my opinion. But her original Japanese is Riisu. So if they wanted to be accurate, it should be Lise or Lisa. They probably picked Riesz because it's so popular with fans. Also, Reisz is an actual name.

It's interesting that the remake has now made the gameplay more consistent with Dawn of Mana, which was formerly the odd one out of the Mana tetralogy.

Riesz is a real name. One famous mathematician was called that.

>But her original Japanese is Riisu. So if they wanted to be accurate, it should be Lise or Lisa.
How would that be accurate? Reese is the most obvious translation of Riisu.

Reese isn't a name though, is it? Lise is. Considering most of the cast have regular names Riesz having a made-up name that doesn't exist in real life doesn't make any sense.

>Reese Witherspoon
Also it’s a fucking fantasy game you autist

>The amazon princess of a fantasy kingdom having a made up name doesn't make sense
The odd part is more of how many people have totally regular names, like Kevin, or Bill and Ben, but still.

Amazingly this game just got localized so it is now possible to play as Riesz in multiple officially translated games, with a third one on the horizon. It's suddenly a great time to be a fan of SD3, which is funny because Seiken Densetsu Collection came out like two years ago and nobody expected them to actually bother with it then suddenly BOOM, complete localization of SD3 AND a remake.

Thats what I'm saying though - A lot of the cast have regular names so Riesz sticks out like a sore thumb.

Not when she's next to Hawkeye, who is her canon partner.

It's hard to know what they really intended because Japan doesn't have an L. They often use an R in place of an L. Especially when using Katakana. So we'd have to ask the original author if he meant Lise or Reese. And SquareEnix obviously isn't caring about that since they didn't use either one.

SquareEnix also has an obsession with changing characters names just for the sake of change. Even when a character has a perfectly normal western name like Barbara or Tina, they change it to Ashlynn or Terra. Because the localization team has to put their unique stamp on it or something.

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Except that Riesz is a real name.
Try googling for "Riesz" and you get over a million results.