I miss this game.
I miss this game
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amazing atmosphere and the way enemies reacted to getting shot was top notch.
Also didnt have a big problem with the slower controls
remastered when?
Fucking loved the multiplayer.
True. All classes were OP, the bots did too many headshots, and Radec was a campfest, but I want to go back.
Based multi-player
probably my most played mp behind bad company 2
Is there any way to increase the number of bots past 15 on emulator?
>only game with custom soundtrack
>spawn massacring isa in radec academy
>listening to romantic latin music
it was surreal kind of feel
How? Did it go somewhere?
>Helghast on Pyrrhus
>Choose sniper
>Kill the ISA nigger from their spawn
>Cannot be marked due to a pipe hidding you
servers are shut down, only bots mp now
why are there no other gritty sci fi war shooters like this?
The servers closed.
Wish I could play it on PC, I still have my PS3 but I really don't ever feel like playing on it anymore.
Is it anything like Jin-Roh?
Aside from the graphics it was shit. Horrible fucking controls and unlikeable characters.
aw crap, would have gone for a last round if i knew... they announced anything?
Played this a lot when it came out, campaign was bugged for me so I couldn’t finish it.
I loved the classes
Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any plan for a remaster.
However the emulator is improving, so maybe next year?
You can't even really emulate it right now. Maybe in future we can get some hacks for it.
This game was amazing, I still get goosebumps with the Game Intro. Killzone 3 was such a dissapointment.
Just man up play it and stop holding back.
at the end the multi was all bot spam
t. first got the game in mid 2018 and played until the server shutdown
Real talk though: why was it so popular with the Spanish people?
Can't believe I'm nostalgic for the fucking PS3. Current-gen sucks ass.
I can't go back to playing fps with a controller, it's physically impossible for me at this point.
It was always bot spam, though.
And VC9 when it was allowed.
Honestly, majority of the weapons in this game were too effective.
-Revolver kills in two shots everyone
-M82 is way too effective in all ranges
-STA14 is basically the revolver but more precision and better range, although not infinite ammo
-Sniper rifle one-shots everything except the assault
-Shotgun could deal headshots over 160 ft
-The two rocket launchers were three easy kills.
-STA3 slaughtered people in close and mid range
And the other weapons were shit
-The helghan pistol sucks compared to the revolver
-So does the assault rifle compared to the M82
-The smg sucks compared to the rigle
-The ISA LMG sucked balls compared to the STA3
I remember dying like crazy in this game, and there was a nearly impossible part near the end.
>tfw i can still remember the jingle that plays when getting a kill
fuck i miss those maps
Your making issue out of nothing man. I play mostly on PC, but can still play FPS on consoles.
Infinite warfare was gritty sci-fi
Don't mind us, just gonna kill you from the other side of the map!
>have this interesting backstory making the Helghast more complex, giving them a good reason to act the way they do.
>drop it all in the games to make the ISA the heros
At times I actually feel bad killing the Helghast with what they went through but it pisses me off how little Gurilla cared.
He did nothing wrong.
get recruited by Oprah's Book Club
>playing between 3 and 5 hrs daily NOT counting evening squad practices
>master each weapon and map killzone
>become something like top 50 players for a month
>go into matches and people hail you and remember you and want you on their teams
>getting tons of friend requests on psn
>one day on Corrinth map huge 16 v 16 battle
>run into middle of fray like a movie hero, completely wreck players left and right using only the revolver and grenades
>21 - 1 kdr that match
>inbox flooded with salty hate n wet bitches
Good times. KZ3 was vastly inferior
Game had incredible visual and audio design, not just in single player but the MP as well. Listening to Visari's speeches in small 4v4 games was intense as fuck.
Miss me?
It was Sony's halo. I always liked it a bit more because it was a little closer to military shooters than arena shooters, but both are good
Our forefathers embarked on the greatest exodus in the history of all mankind. An exodus for freedom, Helghan became that freedom. Our new world changed our bodies. At first, it weakened us, but in fact, we were growing... stronger.
In the time you have given me, I have rebuilt our nation, I have rebuilt our strength, and I have rebuilt our pride! Our enemies at home have been re-educated; we have given them new insights into our cause. On this day, we stand united once more. On this day, those driven to divide us will hear our voice! On this day, we shall act as one, and we shall be ignored NO MORE! Defenders of the Helghast dream, NOW IS OUR TIME!"
The heavy feel in controls actually worked to create atmosphere. Loved KZ2.
You need both for the campaign though. 3 only had inferior MP, both had stellar campaign
Going from KZ2 to 3 was similar to Dragon Age Origins to Dragon Age 2. What a shit way to ruin a potentially great series. KZ2 is still one of the most unique shooters I've ever played.
Wish we could get a remake of KZ1 cause it has some pretty good levels that would look amazing with modern visuals. Imagine the field full of cherry blossoms in HD.
Nice to see so much love for killzone 2. I remember when the game came out and reviews and fanboys nitpick it so bad.
So he misses MULTIPLAYER then, not the 'game' itself, that hasn't gone anyway and he can play it any time he wants to.
This part?
This part can go fuck itself
>shaky 480p recording off a screen with shit audio
The game's not that old cmon.
It's weird to be honest, Killzone 2 is a really typical paint by numbers FPS game but somehow it works really well, it has no right being so good
Killzone 4 is a PS5 launch title.
Killzone liberation was my entry to the series. Very kino
Killzone 4 is already out, though.
>Rico spits on Radec's corpse
Never have I witnessed a single character drag an entire game down until I played the Killzone games. Isn't he devs favorite character too?
Radec was as cruel as actual Nazis so I’m not sure what your pitch is that he deserves respect. Radec taking twisted pleasure in executing prisoners played out in front of you and your take away is “wow I respect him”
Giving the reminder since nobody else ITTA did so yet that the Helghast unironically did nothing wrong.
Glitchy as hell but I love this game. So hard on the hardest setting. Radec on hardest is just unfair
It's still good looking I don't care what people say
>multiplayer is not part of a game
It's not, it's extra. the game is always the singleplayer
there were so many good shooters during the time this game came out
I want to see it on PS5 in 4k so we can actually judge the texture work
Are we ever going to fucking get a killzone and infamous remaster? It's seems like a no brainer
damn I guess counter strike isn't actually a video game
It's not that I respect him so much that you did all the work fighting him and here comes macho man Rico Savage coming in to spit on the corpse like taking credit for it.
unironically isn't, it's the same as fortnite, a plebs experience
>You are the target
>Running in a hallway
>Grenade sent your way and no way to dodge it
My first experience of multiplayer was shooting all the tiles from the walls because it had a really nice destruction effect
does this game emulate well?
Cool atmosphere and i had fun with the campaign, but holy God the controller acceleration was ridiculous.
>those defend/explode areas on Radec Academy with assaults running everywhere
The campaign on Elite difficulty towards the end is probably the most legitimate difficult singleplayer fps.
>Elite difficulty towards the end is probably the most legitimate difficult singleplayer fps.
100% agree
Kz3 mp had potential but they crocked it all up in an attempt to chase the cod audience.
>no dedicated servers
>needlessly fucked with the classes ala snipers can stay permanently cloaked with a submachine gun with a silencer
>all the match types separated up
>the returning maps had tweaks to em that made them less fun than the originals
>most fun mp match type with the cutscene of the winning team capturing the losing team literally had only 3 maps with no intention to ever do more
Is it cheap difficulty or balanced?
>ISA player injured on the ground.
>Shoot him in the head with a pistol.
Good shit.
3 was better but worse at the same time
I loved the multiplayer. I was also fucking good in it. I mean i really loved it but I can imagine not liking it anymore because it was always such a clusterfuck
>outta college for the summer
>nothing to really do for a few months
>get in the top 1% of players and stayed there for almost 4 months
Was doing those 1 1/2 long extreme matches where every match type was turned on to max length, could go 600+ kills a match on about 100 or so deaths using the tactician with the assault class speed boost
Enemies are not bullet sponges, but they are many, and despite having a shit ton of allies helping you, the fuckers near the palace with grenade launchers are literal cancers.
>mfw getting the Platinum trophy for this game was fucking insane with the top 1% player trophy
>Literally impossible to get now
KZ2 had some great map design as well, and Warzone was unlike anything else at the time it was released.
>one mp game where both my team and enemy team put spawn flares on their point
>literally 5 mins of spawning, shooting wildly, and suicide grenading and only lasted 3 seconds before dying to repeat
this game was chalk a block full of cool little interactions like this
They will know Helghan belongs to the Helghast
>we never got a game where you play as helghast
Pretty balanced the helghast are just very agressive + the lack of your NPC teammates being able to pick you up.
Radec himself isnt terribly challenging but still fun to fight, the real challenge is fighting through the waves of men Radec throws at you.
>only you and Rico vs Radec and his men
>on the upper balcony Ricos big gun amounts to shit
>Radecs elites have little submachine guns that can drop you or Rico in one burst of gunfire plus and instant kill melee knife attack
>about 15 of em a pop run up stairs towards you and Rico with little cover
>you have to kill 95% of em as Rico lays on the ground yelling "come get my motherfucking ass up nigga" the entire time
>if you get took down have to restart because unlike in the sequels the AI cant get you up
kys quakenigger
Fuck man. Even Killzone 3 was a good game.
Shadowfall was such a disappointment.
Killzone and Resistance were the comfiest PS3 exclusives
Anyone remember the dlc maps?
Most of em where generic but still very fun but they did put out a few that was very unique like the underground train map
Also map with the flamethrower was fantastic but mostly everyone hated playing the map since one retard with the flamethrower could set fire to everyone and everything on map even with teamkill off, it was a golden hot potato of comedy
One of the best shooter I ever played, never touched the 3 but only hear bad things still have to find a fps with that feel of weight
lmao at zoomers and their nostalgia for >2000 fps.
I only played the original Killzone multiplayer, mostly on the beach map. how was this?
I liked Shadowfall, it was a nice contrast of clean & dirty comparing it to KZ2, I honestly don't remember much of KZ3 other than it having a CoD feel that was weird after playing KZ2 and it had co-op campaign.
Honestly prefered KZ2's multiplayer.
Also it had the beach map of KZ1.
>mfw platinum killzone 2 and 3
>wanted to platinum Shadowfall
>then I looked at the mp requirements
Its something like a few thousand kills with each and every weapon, grenade, and tool that can kill, noped right the fuck on after I got through with sp and a weekend in mp
Did the grind for top 1% in the multiplayer. Was great.
LMG best weapon if you knew how to use it.
I was so mad when they made the unique multiplayer of KZ2 into some disgusting CoD clone in KZ3.
Shadowfall still annoys me, the same way Second Son does. Fuck these devs who release a game for a new system and throw away all the established plots just so they can reach a new audience, ironically both didn't even sell as much as the others
i thought this was the point? Helghan was fighting the underdogs, and the underdogs get the better side of the map.
Who remembers the user who sucked dick and paid for pizza to get K3 platinum?
was it worth it user?
What the fuck ever happened to exclusives as a concept?
Xbox has essentially zero now, and the PS4 had maybe like 4 notable ones
I understand "hurr anti-consumer, etc", but the reason to pick one console over the other has totally evaporated
Well, a few maps were certainly unbalanced.
But many weapons in this game were too effective.
It doesn't matter if you were from the ISA or an Helghan: you had access to all weapons.
But I probably didn't meet 100 players using the Helghan's assault rifle. Sometimes there is an asset to a specific weapon. But the STA52 had nothing for it, the scope sucks, the bullet-spread was too much, and it dealt less damage than the M82 which was better in range, damage and precision.
The only reason to pick up the STA52 was if you wanted to deny the enemies that kill you free ammo for their own M82.
Her PSN was YNA-somethingsomething
games being too expensive to develop and homogenised hardware
i got it during spring break of 2009 and i yes it was fucking insane and without this feature i wouldve gone crazy. i would join matches that had 30 minute warzone mode cycles, basically 2 hour matches just to get 200 points per match. one time i even fought against the #1 ranked player and i swear he was using aim assist hacks because he would snipe you from miles way with the secondary pistol
good times
Killzone 3 opening was pure kino
meant to respond to this user
>dapping on shitters with LMG burst fire
The LMG carried me all the way to top 1%.
more FPS games need a botmode like Killzone 3 had
it means no matter what happens, the multiplayer mode is still effectively playable
compare that to a game like Battlefield 1, where the DLC maps are already largely unplayable outside of peak hours
Struggling to emulate KZ2 right now, it crashes after trying to start campaign and while I can get a bit further with skirmish mode by selecting maps and teams it still freezes right as I ready up and about to go in-game. Is the game not ready for emulation or do I need to tweak settings?
>Start a thread on Yea Forums, manage to get a thread full of people to play a game together
>Spent 6 hours fucking around in radek academy, mostly playing laser tag with the medic's lightning throwing defib which had almost unlimited range as long as it was over an enemy
Best of times
Not ready yet, Killzone 2 is easily one of the hardest game to emulate, even more than Killzone 3.
I just remember the fun of using the dualshock 3's motion functionality inna game and the sniper class being bad ass and fun
Damn it's like the only PS3 game I cared enough about to install RPSC3.
are we gonna pretend Killzone is good now?
second son sold more though, at least it's the only one where they announced it hit a million sales
holy crap at the per object motion blur and the paralax occlusion mapping in fucking 2009.
*blows ur head clean off*
Edgy kids are no longer polluting Yea Forums with "any game exclusive to a sony= SHIT"
>play Shadowfall at a friends place
>story's okay, ending's crap
>hate the fact that you can only choose one weapon since the default assault rifle is locked in
>can't justify using the sweet Helghast assault rifle because I already have the default assault rifle
>can't justify using the sweet Helghast sniper rifle because the default assault rifle doubles as a sniper rifle
>want to play sniper rifle/shotgun, like I usually do because it's hilarious
>can bring the shotgun along, but it's still ruined because the off-sniper rifle feels like shit
This, the shotgun, the sniper rifle all gave that delicious fucking *pop*. I've played games since with better gameplay, but God damn did kz2 weapons make you feel powerful
Oh, and additionally
>spend entire campaign wishing I had the little three-shot shotgun pistol from KZ2 (was it in 3? can't recall)
>loved that thing, used it every chance I got
>get to the end of the game
>right outside the room with the very last fight (except the bonus stealth mission)
>there it is
>I could have had it all along
>but the developers said no
>Get that vibe to play KZ2 again
>try to play it
>holy shit those controls
>holy shit that motion blur
>holy shit that framerate
how the fuck did I put up with this?
Don't Guerrilla ignore this franchise now because the fanbase likes the Helghast more than the protagonists, which is basically liking space Nazis?
I don't. The fucking aiming sucked ass.
>Muh weight
Fuck off, it was input lag.
Revolver was so fun. Was trying to replay the campaigns of KZ2 and 3, and I wished I could still aim half as good. If only you could do KB+M.
They woke up dumb kids up to the fact that the WW2 conflict was more nuanced then is commonly portrayed
Back then CoD was dominating and every fucking shooter was a shitty CoD clone. KZ2 really stands out during that time because it was different. It was also a really good game in general. Except Rico. Fuck that faggot.
They made the classic mistake of making the "bad" faction have somewhat sympathetic motivations, and making them look really fucking cool.
Seriously, the Helghast were given a pretty shitty deal. Playing Helghast is like having all the cool shit the Nazis had with none of the guilt of the shit they did.
People have been asking for a Helghast campaign since the first game, because the ISA is completely uninteresting not-USA marines.
Rico was your buddy in 2? The guy who chimped out on the bald leader at the end, even after the guy pointed out "Hey, I'm pretty much the only thing stopping my citizens from chimping out."
>b-but they kill prisoners :c
Played shit ton of the MP in KZ2.
Yes, when you confront Visari at the end of Killzone 2, he says that if you kill him, you make him a martyr and his people will fight to the death instead of surrendering. Then Rico chimps out and kills him.
Hard to make that seem heinous when we find out people did that all the time in war. Hell, the psycopathic American soldier has been a staple in American media since after Vietnam. It doesn't excuse doing it, but it's hard to make it seem like an atrocity only one side is guilty of.
Rico was never your buddy. He was a stupid ass that Guerrilla tried to make you like.
What ever happened to Guerilla?
Excess söy consumtpion
making shitty robodino games
Didnt he die in 3?
I played through all of 3 with the move sharp shooter
Early multiplayer was pure ludo, despite being a console FPS.
Then the broken classes and medal grind to unlock them fully fucked the nice pacing.
I can't get over how garbage 3 was, and nobody really made much of a casr about it. Surely I wasn't the only one to actually enjoy KZ2 and see how fucking terrible and soulless 3 was, right? The complete changes in key characters, the 4th main soldier from 2 just mysteriously vanishing outside of a co-op model, the unconnected setpiece levels that didn't make sense (that fucking moving scrapyard one), the change of tone where by the end of 2 Sev practically gives up hope from Rico fucking the entire operation up with the implications how it's all a pointless drawn-out war to AMERICA FUCK yeah styling. All of this without mentioning the multiplayer being turned into a literal MW clone.
Maybe I put too much faith in Guerrilla because KZ2 was my first title from them but god fucking damn it. They had a good product behind those flaws and it was all just thrown away in typical Sony 2nd party fashion.
I have no clue as him killing the Helghain leader in 2 after that leader made a good point basically (along with the input lag of 2) made me never check the rest of the series out.
Rico was so awful that I don't want to check further Guerrilla games. That's fucking huge for a games shitty story as I have never done that.
brown and grey: the game
>KZ1 is mediocre let down "halo killer"
>KZL is top ten psp games, basically served as a better KZ1
>KZ2 is peek fps kino, everything about it is fantastic, yes even the "sluggish" controls, plebs wouldnt understand
>KZ3 huge downgrade from KZ2 in everything, especially story, they even "fixed" the controls but still ok
>KZM slightly better than 3 but still lacking and also didnt help it was vita only
>KZSF worst game in the franchise, SJW propaganda and shit story without giving us the long time fans conclusions to sev and rico, lucas was shit protag
its a mixed bag really
Wrong. It's BLURRY, 20fps brown and grey: the game
Do you think the Helghans would still have hair if their world was crisp 1080p 60fps with color?
fuck off zoomers 2000's fps are casual garbage
No because this is the era of bald spess marines too because modeling hair is too taxing I guess.
They'd also have a tan
PSP game was ok. It wasn't bad but I didn't find it exciting either.
I think that by the end of the day only 2 could be considered a good game, maybe as a fouke. Tough luck to the people like me who started with it and only experienced downgrades and poor handling of anything it had built with the sequels.
>yes even the "sluggish" controls, plebs wouldnt understand
the controls were always shite m8, it's input lag through and through
Why don't they have a psn version of this game?
It's the one ps3 exclusive i missed out on.
You make it sound like they died, they're doing better now than they've ever done before
Fuck off pleb.
Mercenary is very good though. I'd say it's almost up there with KZ2.
>how dare you not like my shit controls
no it wasnt, the devs literally stated it was a feature to make the gameplay more immersive and i agree, ive never played anything like it. and if it was input lag how come some people still were able to absolute dominate everyone else in mp
>our controls are shitty on purpose
I know they said that it was done on purpose, it doesn't make it good.
>and if it was input lag how come some people still were able to absolute dominate everyone else in mp
Because you can still adjust to shit controls and shit on people who don't know how to handle them. You know, like every MP game.
>still were able to absolute dominate everyone else in mp
As far as I remember Killzone 2 had extremely exploitable autoaiming.
t. 1%
i love it though, the campaign was super fun and its one of the most unique psp games out there tech wise, guerrilla handled all of the online before PSN even existed, in that regard its very similar to halo 2 in that it was proto-psn service.
>free chapter 5 dlc
>online unlockables like wallpapers and music
>custom matchmaking and mic support
yes, hence why i said its slightly better than 3 but not as good as 2
>but their the bad guys
>sniping with that Helgan lmg
yeah using ADS would put you straight on the closest enemy
it was patched tho
Seeing how the Hellgast are;
1.really fucking cockney
2.originally miners on a mining planet
Is their home world swarming with little Billy Eliots?
>give half of your planet to the enemy?
is the ISA space Canada?
i legit fapped to this in my teens, i was desperate
Mercenaries was so fucking good, a shame nobody played it
I'm fapping to it now. Haha
>originally miners on a mining planet
No, they were originally completely average people on a really nice crisp frontier colony planet before they were forced out by corporate bootlicker Vectan scum.
Better yet is the ending of 3
>Rico accidently nigger moments the entire planet killing millions, possibly billions, likely with ISA forces still stuck on the planet
Natko was only in kz3 as an extra skin for a 2nd player in the campaign because the devs loved Rico and hated that fans liked the gruff shittalker with a shotgun Natko as your partner so they effectively removed him from 3 so you're forced to spend more time with Rico
*double taps you from across the map*
nothing personel nub
were not the bad guys owo
How couldn't they?
Go read the lore, the helgast were defending themselves and taking back their planet in KZ1
in KZ2 you see why they want their planet back, in KZ3 they show you even more why the Helgast want their planet back
In KZ:M they let you play as helgast for a few missions and you can see how much of a shitbag the ISA is
Go play Mercs, you can play as the helghast for a few levels
its the best
Will there ever be a continuation of the series or is it ded?
They really aren't
well they were in KZ1, but as soon as the sequels tried to give them a motive to invade in KZ1 and you see both sides of the conflict, they really weren't the bad guys in this war
Rico was the worst character in KZ1.
Why couldn't they bring back Luger or Hakkah?
is their planet
Killzone 2 was shit, they removed character choice and alternate fire on the weapons
Really most of the changes in mp from 2 to 3 can be boiled down to a few reasons
>from the time Kz2 launched to the day kz3 launched their was a vocal minority who absolutely did not like that kz2 online was unique and posted daily how they should make it more like cod to make the series sell millions of copies
I'm talking less that 20 folks on the official game forums that had a huge amount of posters, these fuckers didnt even play the game after the first week they just liked to get on and shitpost but the devs liked em
>was cheaper and easier to copy/paste the cod formula than to make the behemoth of a online setup they had for 2 work for 3.
>early betas and tests were all getting hammered with negative feedback that is was to much like cod and not enough like kz2 and the devs responded by pretty much talking shit and threatening to toss the ban hammer around on the game forums
Game launched sold well, was fun with the move control gun attachment but the mp was completely meh. Shortly after a new Cod or battlefield came out and half of the players migrated there while the rest went back to kz2. Devs were bootyblasted, mp eventually went f2p, etc.
I've only played Killzone's 3 multiplayer, but I enjoyed it enough to buy all the DLC maps.
Do people still play it at all? Last time I checked it was really dead.
Is there no way of making a private server ?
I remember there were some guys that created their own Demons souls server after the atlus and bandai ones were shut down.
Helghast were normal humans
When the space colonization happened, they took a cozy planet that had a sister planet near it (Think Earth and Mars like)
The sister planet was full of precious materials but has a shit show of an atmosphere
They become very rich quick selling ships and weapons to the rest of the galaxy
The ISA doesn't like that and bullshits their way into having to sell their cozy earthlike planet to pay their bills
they refuse
the ISA sends a fucking army to make them fuck off
since all their weapons and shit were in the mining planet they get fucked and flee to said planet
Living in the shitty mining makes them into the spooky space nazis
In KZ1 they invade their original planet back because they want their homes back
>mfw getting the Platinum trophy for this game was fucking insane with the top 1% player trophy
I was one of the chosen. That account is fucking gone now and I can't remember if it was worth it but I'll just claim it was.
This. Got a second-hand PS3 game because that was the last gen that had games I wanted to play and it's just Cowadoody, but more brown. KZ1 was actually pretty cool on PS2, felt like a PC game.
user...it's dead
Is this for real? I really wouldn't doubt it at this point but it's just so sad.
I'd frankly expect corporate influence instead of retarded forumgoers dictating what the devs do. Sound like the guys responsible for game design just had no spine, what a waste.
I never said they were the bad guys I'm just using vague language to make it overlap more with the setting of Billy Eliot for comedic purposes.
The devs have a hardon for Rico that could blot out the sun while the fanbase hates him with a passion rarely seen.
They wouldn't even address what happened to Sev and Rico in Shadowfall because the playerbase was overwhelmingly pointing out that super nuking an entire planet is an entire new level of universal crime and mostly every single issue can be placed solely on Rico from the time he killed Scholar Visari going forward.
i only played shadowfall so idc about you ps3 boomers graphics cant compare to shadowfall
Not him and I never visited any forums but the situation is familiar to me. I spent tons of time in kz2 multiplayer just because of the custom rulesets you could set up for your match.
Feature was gone in kz3 and me along with it.
yeah its real, i was one of the people complaining about the cod formula copy paste, devs told me to eat shit but at least they add custom soundtrack like in 2 so they werent complete shit to their core fans
next game should be a death squad of helgahst hunting Rico to finally kill him
Shadolfall's setting still makes no sense to me
the only reason helghast look the way they do is because the planet they live on has a horrible horrible atmosphere that forced them to use breathing devices just to survive there
besides that they are normal humans
if they are now allowed in a normal planet with a normal atmosphere, why the fuck would they shit it up to look like the shitty ass planned they wanted TO LEAVE in the first place?
they were also portraid to be quite inteligent since they made bank on mining and weapon/ship designing so destroying their share of the land makes even less sense
>used to play with possibly the only Japanese guy in Japan that played it from launch
>a perpetually drinking aussie who talked levels of shit that was Incomprehensible to most people
>a Russian guy
We could barely understand each other but boy could we put the fear into a team when they could hear our combined shittalking nonsense as we got closer and closer
>the time he killed Scholar Visari
That really pissed me off. You go through the whole game to capture this one guy who could potentially end the conflict and this stupid faggot just guns him down while he's unarmed cause he was upset. I wanted Sev to turn around and put the fucker down but no, the game ends with the protagonists moping and waiting for the sequel. Don't even remember what happens from that point on. Did Rico ever get any sort of punishment for his war crimes?
They bad
and also rico is responsible for nuking the helgast planet too
Custom soundtrack? Could you elaborate? Those words only remind me of the PS1 days when you could take out the disk for some games and play any music one as the game's soundtrack for s level.
The commander with the southern accent almost has him killed or something at the start of 3 but the entire helghan space navy shows up and blows all the isa outta the sky so Rico gets to keep fucking his way up the ladder
some PS3 games would allow you to play your own music, just copy it to the internal HDD and enjoy
I'd preorder Killzone 5 if it's about a helghan assassin that's been tasked with torturing and taking out Rico for the Helghan genocide.
Damn that sounds nice.
Frankly after reading this thread I feel that KZ2 being 'good' was more of a big fluke and guerrilla doesnt really know how to write a good story or make good gameplay, they just seemed to get close to both in 2 by luck.
Enjoyed the campaign, loved the MP but only really played it like 6 months before KZ3 released. Played the KZ3 beta like six hours a day. Enjoyed the campaign but instantly dropped it after one match. I think i burnt myself out but looking at this thread it looks like i missed nothing. Good to know.
Dude idk bout fanboys but it got like 9's and 10's all around. It has a legit argument to being the best 7th gen FPS
Never played any of these but i always fucking loved the armors
Killzone: Vengeance
They really don't
out of the whole franchise only 3 games are good
only KZ2 was made by guerilla
Mercs was done by a smaller studio that was staffed by ex Sony Liverpool Studios (makers of wipeout) devs that Guerilla eventually bought op
Liberation was co developed with Housemarque, finish company who has been around since the AMIGA days
>we only got one mission on the 4th game
so now that GG are busy with Horizon they can leave the next Kz to another team, which mean it will be good
Liverpool/Pygnosis were a good bunch on the technical side. Isn't Sony Bend also dead now? Those guys knew how to make decent games.
Didin't you play as a helghast traitor in KZ1?
you can but you still kill Helghast
So what you want is to kill ISA. I think they would be equally boring as villains as they are on the protagonist role.
a-at least you got to kill a high commander ISA officer, right?
Play Mercs, ISA is the villain in that game and the main antagonist is pretty interesting
>Killzone was suposed to be a Halo killer
>didn't kill Halo but still a great game
>Halo kills himself thanks to 343industries
>Killzone is forgotten by Guerilla
Worst timeline
I miss kz3, I remember that one map with the mecha (I think it was highway) and I kept jump shotting the isa spawn and got over 50 kills in a single match
why do you think duodecima is a good engine? the folks who managed to make wipeout run at 1080p and 60fps on the PS3 and then make wipeout even work on the vita probably made the backbone of that engine
I do own a vita but I only play RPGs on it and even then my hands get uncomfortable after a while. Can't even imagine what an fps would do to me.
I honestly have no idea what engine that is. I stopped playing on consoles a long time ago.
play it with a Dualshock 3 or 4 then
it actually feels ok
because your thumbs are always on the analogs it prevents from the vita getting uncomfortable after a while
if you hacked your vita you can straight up just use a DS4 if you want to
Duodecima is the engine KZ:SF, Horizon Zero Dawn and Death Stranding run on
it's basically a suped up version of the KZ3 engine, but actually good
>tfw KZ1 was one of the few PS2 games with ragdoll physic
It blew my mind back then
Nah, Bend just released their biggest and most successfull game ever, grew massively, moved into a new and bigger place and are still hiring.
GG are a pretty good studio overall.
I think people shit on it too much.
I replayed it a couple of years ago and it was still fun.
Hardly perfect, sure, but it's a good game.
Killzone 2, Resistance FoM, Resistance 2, and MAG all had fun multiplayers.
KZ also had a great manual.
Imagine opening the box and seeing this.
>make some nice games despite clearly just following market trend
>just fucking ruin them or drop them forever
Why must only a boring company like Nintendo get it right? Just make the same game people want forever and support it.
Remaster never
Happy to see a KZ thread with this many replies.
I miss the Yea Forums games we had before KZ3 launch, then KZ3 sucked and the little community we had just vanished. Feels bad man.
Man I'm so sad I never picked up a PS2 and missed out on the KZ hype train. I grew up a Halofag, but I always appreciated the gritty aesthetics of the series. It's too bad the devs captured lighting in a bottle at one point and just let it slip away.
It's a piece of shit
If you want a Helghast game you're gonna need some indie dev to Kickstart/Early Access a Killzone-like. AAA is too pozzed.
Was a design decision, then they removed it because of you fags.
I had a PS2 and never heard of Killzone until Killzone 2's PS3 E3 shit.
people shit on Guerilla nowadays because of the Horizon spam (which was a great game but I don't think it was 10/10) but the truth is they are fucking WIZARDS when dealing with playstation hardware. They were ahead of their time, and it showed with the PS2 killzone -- they wanted to do a bunch of intense shit and the game had a ton of graphical issues. Then when tech caught up to them, they put out KZ2 and KZ3, which while inferior to its predecessor, was still a really god looking game considering the aging hardware it was on.
Just like in Heavenly Sword, right?
Really? Even people who didn't give a shit about shooters knew about Killzone since almost every piece of gaming news was reporting it as the "Halo KIller" and the ensuing drama between the 2 fanbases.
literally the best KZ and shooter on the ps3
ps2 just had so many games that if you really didn't want to give a fuck to a whole genre you could easily do so
I don't know anything about heavenly sword, but the idea is your playing as heavy ass solider guys, you don't move or turn on a dime. Yes it was off putting for a large number of people, but its what the community grew to like. After Call of Duty fags started spreading around and complained about the heavy ass feel, it was patched out.
Yeah I'd never heard of Killzone even though I watched X-Play.
>KZ 3 beta multiplayer drops
>there was the mode with cinematic entrance of you in "person" and you're teammates
>the ammount of people in the cinematic entrance depended on ammount of people in the game
>if you were Hellghan topscorer you bitchslapped the topscorer from ISA , or you died last when ISA won
god fucking damnit this was so fucking KINO
I like how the KZ3 beta still worked with bots even after it went down, I had that installed for years.
As a big killzone fan, I was only vaguely aware of it before my friend introduced me to it. KZ1 multiplayer split screen was some good shit.
>KZ1 split screen
holy fuck i remember now when i did invites to my house to play split screen with pals ... holy fuck it was like 12-14 years ago jesus fucking christ how time flies
what a fucking shit take, killzone 1 is at best a ok game
>suicide grenading your friends
I fucking hate how game manuals have been phased out.
First I heard of Killzone was with the CGI E3 trailer. The "Halo Killer" was retarded drivel spewed by posters on varied forums.
Cool mechanical designs.
Killzone 2 is the GREATEST 3rd person shooter of the console generation of all time.
Saboteur here reporting in
Was always annoyed at how noticeable the hellghast disguise was compared to the ISA disguise when you try to infiltrate an enemy base.
Was the main reason i always hoped to get on helghast team in multiplayer.
When playing as ISA and you are a saboteur the helghast disguise is pitch black compared to enemy helghast so its easy to notice.
Helghast disguise blends in perfectly.
My perfect moment was as a helghast and playing "Assassination" and i managed to sneak into the enemies base unnoticed and during the last second of the map i poped up with a sniper rifle on their side of the field and head shotted the target while he "thought he was safe hiding on his side behind cover.
Guy had his mike on and screamed out "WTF" and was salty as shit casue i waited till like the last 30 seconds of the match to kill him.
The sequels to Killzone 2 just werent the same and were basically turned into Call of Duty clones COD was starting to get popular and bring in the big bucks around that gen
New killzone just got leaked, lmao
KZ2 mp was fun asf. Played it to hell and back.
KZ3 mp was somewhat fun, hated how they 'destroyed' Radec Academy with debris all over, it was perfect the way it was. Also, warzone mode was in KZ3 was some kino fps.
>be in either top 3
>be featured in the mini-cutscenes when advancing the map
>kino moment when youre the first on scoreboard
>your character sets the last bomb
>runs away to extraction whilst bullets ricocheting everywhere
>the other top 2 players in scoreboard helps on the extraction ride
>MFW managed to beat game on hardest difficulty and get the trophy for it
Still love looking at that shit on my Ps4.
Fuck radec
>tfw STOP.....KILLING......GAMES!
my brother beat Radec in 7 minutes on his first attempt. His technique was basically do a 180 degree turn and shotgun blast Radec as his cloaked himself and made the audio cue to re appear.
They made Horizon: zero dawn, it was alright
>playing some multiplayer
>it starts raining grenades
>people running through walls and teleporting
>wtf why is the game all glitchy???
>I was a dumbass kid who didn't know about NitePR hacks
>mfw I found out and started using them
Hacks allowed lobbies were fun as shit. I never used hacks in normal matches unless it was to punish niggers who did
Then one day I dropped my PSP and its network chip broke, so I never played Liberation online again ;_;
Multiplayer was great. Free dedicated servers. Sad Microsoft had to fuck it up with XBLG. Now everyone and their mother has online play behind a paywall.
Microsoft did it first but paid online was the inevitable path the industry would have eventually followed. If MS hadn't done it, someone else would have realized how much money they could make with that.
Thank god we found a cure for baldness
Lies. Microsoft with the X360 was the proof of concept that too many idiots in the console market were willing to pay for literally nothing. They pushed again with the Xbone and they will try some new way to charge even more money with the upcoming Xbox. I hate Microsoft and the Xbots
I preferred Killzone 1
Beat campaign behind 2. The MP was fucking supreme as well. Shadowfall is the real one that's slept on. Guy who designed 2's MP designed Shadowfall's, and it showed. A shame 3 was such shit.
Don't blame the devs too much. Sony offered them a big check to make whatever the fuck they wanted, on the condition they pump out a game in time for PS4's release. GG then got the money for Horizon and Ghost of Tsushima for Suckerpunch.
The beach slathered in downpour was fucking beautiful. KZ2 remains one of the only MPs with perfect maps across the board.
I was watching a retro review of this on YT and I was reminded of what a manlet your character is. He's like 4 feet tall. Why the hell did they do that?
Lanklets in a firefight are more likely to get hit by a bullet than a midge
KZ2 had great difficulty settings as well. The AI was really quite good. Reminded me a lot of Halo in how Elite/Legendary worked.