Senran Kagura Reflections
Thanks for remaking this shit thread
Yes everyone saw your shit thread last time as well. No need to remake it.
>sexual content
Are they implying game with nudity and sexual content can get into switch?
Not only is that game total garbage but it's also embarrassing as hell. Unfriend anyone who buys this schlock.
obviously the switch version was censored and now they're releasing the real game on the pc
>no HD rumble
>still have to pay for DLC
It's shit anyway. PC beats Switch on the SK front by having the games that aren't just cheap, shitty rip-offs. All i want is my SK hack and slash on the Switch, but Marvelous don't seem to give a fuck.
I've been playing a bit of Burst lately and enjoying the gameplay, how are the rest of the games?
where's hikage
>Friend actually bought this game
>Played for 10 hours at least
I may like my big tiddie anime girls, but who would actually spend money on this? I can buy an actual game with actual substance for the same price
mutt tags
>game designed for HD rumble and joycon feedback
Have fun with the inferior version PC friend.
Literaly exactly same
I bought it to support SK on the Switch. Not only was the game a steaming pile of goat shit, they've said they have no more plans for SK on the system. There's £10, or whatever i paid, i'll never see again.
Oh cool, guess I have something to look forward to when I finish this one.
>Doesn't have all the girls
>Uses same SV models
>You can just watch the whole thing on Youtube and have essentially the same experience
>what are usb controllers, lmao
SEETHING shitchlets
Recommend me a controller for the best "HD Rumble" I can get on PC.
I only play SK for Minori and she's a never ever.
>say the game is shit and PC has a better deal because i has actual SK games
Platform warriors should be fucking gassed