The Xbox is more valuable than Sony, according to Forbes

This is the state of Californy.

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Other urls found in this thread:

All are merely pawns in our little game.

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why does everyone always forget about nintendo?

Obviously. Xbox/Microsoft have been doing tons to ensure new customers with interest, while all SONY care about is muh exclusives and censorship. If you buy a PS5 you're literally disabled.

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holy shit



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Im an xbro but this is a shit thread

>not even in the top 100
The fuck is Sony doing? Or not doing in this case.

B but muh 90 million sold console
No no noNO!!!!,!,!,!,

That can't even cover their massive debt

didn't mean shit when they sold 150m ps2's

If Microsoft got exclusives and didn't throw their ads in my face in the homescreen, I'd purchase a console. But because they keep porting their games and their UI is garbage, I still have no reason to buy one.

>throw their ads in my face in the homescreen
doesn't SONY do the same?

I actually prefer the ui on xbone. Ps4 ui puts me to sleep.

>implying it was Xbox and not Windows that primarily contributed to Microsoft's net worth
>"Walmart has a higher net worth than GameStop so Walmart must be the better place to shop for games!"

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But the Xbox is truly a better place to buy games than Sony. I wouldn't trust Sony anything digital or my personal info even. Those guys get hacked every day.

there is no reason to buy an xbox if you have a PC
there is no reason to buy a PS4 unless you want bloodborne or whatever
stop bickering

i own both consoles and whilst the home page of the xbox is way worse than the ps4's, the actual relevant UI being the side menu is lightyears ahead on the xbox. it offers so many options when you're in game compared to the ps4's side menu which is very limited, and the notification menu on ps4 side menu is really annoying. i wish they divided the notifications into seperate tabs like one for messages, trophies, game invites etc like the xbox side menu interface does.

If I want to buy a console which one has the better versions of multiplats, like GTAV, Witcher 3, RDR2?

No one's talking about that here, offtopic-kun.

Because Sony thrives in people's heads for free.

base console = ps4 (1080p)
upgrade console = xboxone x (4k)
next gen = fuck knows

>Ps4 ui puts me to sleep.
Me too, but I sort of like that about it.

>so Walmart must be the better place to shop for games
Lmao it literally is better, you retard. GameStop is fucking horrendous and becomes less and less about selling game every month. Amazon greatly outclasses those both however

I wouldn't buy a Sony console even if it was 8K. They don't store your data in their servers for free, you have to pay and if you stop paying it all gets deleted. Fuck that

I bet they also delete your purchase licenses. I don't even wanna look that up but it's probably something they would do.
>"I actually never really need that customer [who already owns an Xbox One] to go buy a new piece of hardware," Spencer told CNET. "The business is around software and service growth. That is the profitable part of the business; selling the hardware is not the profitable part of the business."
Xbox is dead. Notice how you didn't even hear a peep outta Lockheart, which is now rumored to be shelved. Sucks to be an Xbro when all you can do is gloat about power and features rather than games.

The PS4 menu is so ugly

People need to realize that selling more consoles means nothing if you're still making less money than your competitors.

you have to be clinically retarded to not believe gaming is around software and service growth. sony makes their most money from psn not even selling playstations. they probably couldn't care less if you bought a used ps4 as long as you buy games on the store.

>its another thread where retards act like Microsoft and Sony only create video games and have no other devisions
You have to literally be retarded to think Sony ever was more valuable than MS. Sony bleeds money with a bunch of their branches, hell the Playstation division is their only profitable one.

their PS and sensor division. but yeah sony are literally dead if playstation flops next gen. if xbox flops another gen MS will just throw money at it to get it back on track like they did with this gen and all the studio acquisitions and xcloud server stuff.

That Sony net worth is wrong lmao. It is closer to 200bn.
>¥20.981 trillion ~ $194 billion

Most of the online profit for Sony comes from PS+ subs, not actual game purchases even. But unlike Xbone where you can buy nearly all of its games online digitaly for PC, you actually need a Playstation system to play Playstation games. So Sony is kind of double dipping on retard profit.

Microsoft is preparing to leave the physical console system, they'll eventually become a gamepass only

>Xbox is dead
how can that be the first thing you say when you just quoted Spencer's plan?
an Amazon/Minecraft model seems to be their approach. Get the games on as many systems as possible while widening the scope of your services. its more reliable and less dependant on hardware and lucky console exclusives (5+ years of development, no guarantee they'll even be good).

Im just gonna play my Xbox games on PC as soon as they all get ported.
Then ill buy a PS5.

>you actually need a Playstation system to play Playstation games
And this is gonna end very soon since exclusives are now less and shittier.

>I bet they also delete your purchase licenses.
I really wouldn't be surprised. I'm pretty sure Nintendo does too. I beat its one of the main reason why they haven't brought back the VC yet. Because people would be angry they have to buy the same game again.


the thing is very few people actually buy into a platform to play the exclusive games unless its nintendo with established global franchises like pokemon. sony would make tons more money if they release their games on pc for example even more than having them exclusive and people buying them for exclusives. microsoft could make minecraft exclusive to xbox but even if they sold 100m xbox's this gen that's still way less money than they've made by making it multiplatform. it's the best selling game of all time with like 400m sales. even if every single person if those 100m who bought an xbox bought minecraft as well that's still 1/4 of the total sales they could have made. you're just asking to lose money by making things exclusive. that's why even though sonyt has 100% more consoles sold than MS they're only ~30% ahead in revenue.

>tfw getting blair witch, gears 5 ultimate and the outer worlds on launch day for $1 while Sony paypigs have to buy them for $180

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As a PS4 owner who is wanting to get a Pro or X. a part of me kind of wishes I got an Xbone. Or am thinking about getting one since I only have a base system now. The Xbone interface just seems a lot more appealing and clean and I like their controllers better. I also heard their multiplat versions are generally better and smoother but I’m not sure how true that actually is.

>microsoft product is more valuable than basedny trannystation
incredible, shocking discovery

Total Assets =/= net worth

Where's Nintendo? Surely they must be more valuable than Shitbox.

Keep seething

Consoles are sold at a lost each generation.
Microsoft Studios is now Xbox Game studios.

Look at the subscription change recently, they changed xbox live gold into ultimate which includes service to download + games.

Games as a service is the future for these
companies and they're making twice as much than ever.
The future isn't about having a console hardware out there unless you're portable game maker like Nintendo.

Not even on the list

Just buy pc then

You're the one seething here. Zero effort post, opinion discarded and thrown into the

>"Walmart must be the better place to shop for games!"
It just might be. Gamestop fucking sucks, you third worlder.
>Not just ordering all your shit online

That's because it is. I can actually return games at Walmart

>Consoles are sold at a lost each generation.
And its why Sony and MS each lost billions of dollars on their 7th gen consoles. Loss-leading with game hardware doesn't work.

Made you a new one.

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All first party Xbox games are coming to Steam now, meaning it will always be a better experience to play Xbox games on PC. Game pass is also on PC now.
Kino idort 2020 is PC-PS5-Switch Mini

Xbox is listed separately on this list, Xbox ALONE placed on this list along with Microsoft.

Did I just fucking waste all this time tracing a fucking thumbnail.

Yeah, I'm an absolute fucking retard.

>The Xbox is more valuable than Sony
It's actually Microsoft not Xbox, and of course the company that made the OS that runs on 99% of computers is bigger than Nintendo and Sony
Are Xbots this retarded?

Nigger the Xbox is on that list separately. Sony isn't.


>buying $1000 worth of PC parts to even play most games coming out these days
>b-b-but muh $500 PC!!1!1!
>it's a shitty PC
Imagine spending over $500 on a PC when you can pay less thsn $500 on Xbox Scarlett
Oh user.

are you retarded?

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>Imagine spending over $500 on a PC when you can pay less than $500 on Xbox Scarlett*

Reminder that Subway and KFC are more valuable than Xbox

>"Walmart has a higher net worth than GameStop so Walmart must be the better place to shop for games!"
This but unironically. GameStop has always had a worst selection, especially with games on Nintendo consoles and PC.

and the whole of sony

>The Xbox is more valuable than Sony, according to Forbes

Its Microsoft as a whole, you fucking baiting muppet. Microsoft is more valuable than Sony, not Xbox by itself, you goddamned shitsteamer.

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Not only are both two separate entities, Microsoft is 4th while Xbox is 87th.

And they're also worldwide brands where millions of people go to to eat.

imagine buying a watered down PC that you can only use to play UWP video games at full price on a network that is down 4% of the time but you still pay 15 dollars a month to use.

Why are snoyggers so triggered by this shit?
>"Muh corporate product is now devaluated in my eyes because of some market numbers"

not him but i expect them to remove the xbox live tax. it makes no sense to keep it considering xbox live is free across all other devices and it's an extra step preventing people from playing their games like sea of thieves or whatever online.

Xbox brand has literally done nothing but lose billions of dollars since its inception. No Xbox console has been profitable.

Fucking this

$1 to have access to unlimited games. No really, literally anything you can think of for that cheap.

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yep, fuck it. lol looks like shit now. Shouldn't have drawn over a fucking thumbnail.

>he thinks it started with the 7th gen
Selling consoles at a loss to make money on software has been a thing for most console generations.

this gen all consoles were sold at a profit. even with kinect the xbox one was profitable. the ps4 was also profitable when bundled with one game.

>itt: retarded zoomers fighting over whos zogmachine of preference is a bigger menace

Not him, but I shop at Gamestop when I'm too impatient for Amazon Same Day as I gotta wait til 6PMish.

Gamestop here opens 10:30 and they're the only retailer who stocks weeb games in store.

Post your face when sony dying in you lifetime

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Looks like It paid off to MS. Sony shoul've started making the Playstation brand more widespread.

Who cares if they sell more consoles if they make less risk business investments with the brand. MS wants to turn the brand into the netflix of gaming. I'd honestly be surprised if the game pass didn't end up being on the Playstation as well at this point.

Because at this point they occupy entirely their own niche in the market and don't directly compete with either Sony or Microsoft.

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>Post your face when you die in Sony's lifetime

why even say this shit when it's easy to prove wrong. do you think im not going to figure out how to type "xbox one cost to make" in a search engine?

Where did I say that? PS2 and likely PS1 were sold at a loss for a while, Sony just didn't lose billions of dollars doing it. Plenty of past consoles were sold at a loss. 7th gen was just the first time it blew up and caused the major console makers to actually lose huge amounts of money, and it stagnated the industry for several years. Sega went under due to a series of poor decisions, Nintendo never sold hardware at a loss until the Wii U, and its also the first time they had ever posted losses for a full fiscal year.

and another one

Nice, plan to get an Xbox Scarlett and Nintendo Switch Mini next year.

retailers don't buy shit at full fucking price, costing slightly less to produce than the retail price does not mean you're making money.
Wii U was sold at a loss, first time Nintendo sold hardware at a loss and also the first time they lost money one year to the next since they started making games in the 80's.

microsoft is buying a bunch of studios, starting a bunch of services and pushing for support from all companies from indies to even japanese

sony GAVE UP on a product because it wasn't popular in the west (the psvita), and is burning bridges with all Japanese studios and audiences and has nothing to back it up
the only thing PlayStation really has is cheap VR and its super limited compared to other platforms

not being at E3 really hurt the brand too, they could have shown a lot of 3rd parties but they hate japan so much they would rather take the L

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why would you expect that? Microsoft is banking on Xbox having tons of subscriptions just like every other profitable department.

Its all their going to have soon too, this is their plan going forward. Everyone wants subscription service bullshit because it costs less to maintain and leaves next to no control for end-users.

which is why i said the ps4 makes a profit when bundled with a single game. that's what i read somewhere anyway i can't find it now.

Nah, they already made the move of combining XBL gold and game pass which is as far as they will go.

>they sell at a loss then make money through selling games
yes, that's what I said. consoles have always been sold at a loss to make money on software.

yeah but look at gamepass pc. they're charging nothing for it in gamepass ultimate. if you own gamepass ultimate, the gamepass pc part is there at no added cost. i'm thinking what's really happening is they're charging for gamepass but making xbl free because there's no way they'd make gamepass pc free in gamepass ultimate. i have a feeling they're going to announce next gen they're dropping xbox live charges but will still charge the 15$ a month for gamepass ultimate.

Do you actually fucking think that retailers bought ps4s for 400 dollars so they could sell them for 400 dollars? That doesn't make any fucking sense

I believe Sony would drop out of the hardware business in a heartbeat if the PS5 fails.

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they don't really have anything else

Reminder that Xbox is a third party publisher who just so happens to make hardware, and every Microsoft game will be on every platform eventually.

Nice projection. Xbots love to spin Microsoft's failings unto Sony like they're making retarded moves such as pushing all digital consoles, censoring speech online, or cloud processing.

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>comes unprovoked

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Literally everything that is not their direct Playstation console brand has failed, and their TV line is only afloat because Sony's stubborn. I have all three consoles this gen, and for how badly Xbox was handled and my annoyance with Nintendo for their incompetence, Sony's gone full anti-consumer this gen after their early lead made them absolutely arrogant as fuck.

>Literally everything that is not their direct Playstation console brand has failed
>page 6
Why people here pretend they are a financial savant? Even more when info like this is available for everyone to see


can't end like this....

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Why did they fire Hirai? He was the only one capable of saving Sony. After he was gone things went to shit fast.

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>Why did they fire Hirai?
He stepped out on his own

he was pretty much pushed out of the company though. But he was the one who made the turn over in 2014.

Because they wanted to kill themselves.

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By the way, Sony is going to use the Azure servers. We pretty much own you now.

Imagine being a Snoynigger

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I wonder how many buildings Sony would need to sell to appear on the list.

Lol this is an obvious xbox false flag.

I don't know why Yea Forumsirgins just don't comprehend this fact but its plainly obvious to see that Microsoft could take losses in gaming for decades if they wanted as long as they have a networth this fucking much. So of course the Xbox brand is more "valuable" when taking this into account.

Hey Sony niggers, need a nickle? Must be hard to have to buy games at $60 a piece

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For my Xbros

stop.. sony is based

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Thanks bro

Does Sony have anything like Bing Rewards?

Sony and Playstation isnt even on the list retard.

MS and Xbox are.

>seething weeaboos who are responsible for 10k sales of anime face shovelware on ps4/switch (5k for the pc port) mad that xbox is more valuable than their garbage

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Like Disney or Michael Jackson they are in their own tier, Nintendo is the Top of the video game food chain and cannot be compared to other developers

this desu

what an embarrassment lol