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>thinking 10 yr olds play Smash

Would 10 year olds have recgonized any of the Ultimate newcomers besides incineroar?

> stevefags are underage
wow what a shocker

i don't know who that banjo bear is i'm sorry

Of course, they watched their favorite streamer reacting to the reveals.

I guarantee you played Smash before you were 10

this is either masterwork bait, or youre so delusional that you dont realize a childrens party game is popular with children

> Implying you knew every character when you played Smash for the first time as a kid
Retards like you deserve death

>implying 10 year olds know who G&W, Rob, Simon, and others are

I remember playing Brawl when I was 10 and not knowing shit about Fire Emblem or EarthBound. Nowadays Ike and Lucas are two of my favorite characters.

You can say that about most of the roster t.b.h family.

The only Smash characters most 10 year olds recognize are Mario, Pikachu, Sonic, and Pac-Man.

I actually think he's somewhat right. I volunteer as a camp counselor and most of the kids are playing Fortnite. Most of them have Xboxs too. I don't think Nintendo shit is as popular as it was with kids a few years ago. I think they genuinely rely on their man-child audience somewhat now.

Kids don't play traditional video games. They play shovelware apps and games as a service like fortnite. Kids who play traditional video games are as much of outcasts as they've ever been, they might even be less numerous than they were in the 90s and 2000s

t. I work with children.

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>10 year old not recognizing banj-
>Banjo came out in 1998
>That's over 20 years ago

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this is an argument i’ve never understood because even when i was a dumb shit 5 year old playing melee i still gravitated towards characters who i had no idea existed prior to melee. I played Ness, Marth and Captain Falcon almost exclusively. Kids don’t care about recognizable faces, they just want cool characters to play as.

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I got first played Melee as an 8 year old and only recognized characters from Mario, Zelda and Pokémon, I didn’t care.

Smash didn't even exist yet when I was 10.

>ness and lucas
>mr. g&w
>c. falcon
>pit during brawl

Banjo himself made his debut in 97

>Thinking 10yo's would actually feel remotely challenged or confused by characters instead of thinking 'man that looks awesome' and looking up their origins on their phones
Your autism might be terminal

Ten year olds recognize Joker tho

We were all like that for Smash at one point in our lives with certain characters, don't kid yourselves into acting like you knew who Lucas or Marth was

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This person doesn't work with kids. He's a neet that spams this image whenever people explain that Smash is for kids

That image is fake

NOBODY knows joker

In what universe? How many ten year olds care about Persona?
The only series represented in Smash that normies know about are Mario, Pokemon, Sonic, and Pac-Man.
And that's ok. Smash is a celebration of video games. It would be fucking stupid if Spongebob and Mickey Mouse were in.

Cope harder retard

>Losing my shit when Sonic was revealed for Brawl

I wish I could go back.


>le anime swordsman
Smash is fucking trash


>t. I work with children.
same and this. all kids play or talk about is fortnite, none of these normie 12 year olds are out there playing smash, zelda or other shit with older roots

Go back to le ddit you retard

When 10 years old me got Smash I was actually interested in all the characters I didn't know like Ness.
The only people I see complaining about characters they don't know are adults who were rewarded for their ignorance in the past.

that's sort of depressing

Yeah, we never got Earthbound here at Europe, so seeing him in Smash 64 made me actually look up what game he was from.

You don't need to work with children to realize our children are practically raised with cellphones in their mothers' wombs. And if there's ever a child not raised by one, they're gonna look and act dumb because they haven't been taught how not to screw up without a cellphone yet while other kids can basically search the answers to anything by looking up on Google.

>what's a smash? t. 10 year old

i was playing melee as early as kindergarden bro.

Be honest, you had no idea who Ridley before Smash

Reminder that Ridley has been in every single Smash game, so don't say shit like Metroid Prime or stuff that came after 1999 and 2001.

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its disgusting too a bunch of jock fortnite dancing faggots bending over for corporations.

I didn't know what the fuck a Metroid was before Smash so of course it introduced me to all the characters

>he didn't play Super Metroid

Most kids don't play Smash anymore. Even if that was a majority of the playerbase, it isn't like characters like Marth, Roy, Ice Climbers, Pit, etc. have been in Smash for a long time.
Hell, even Ness and Captain Falcon weren't well known when Smash 64 came out.

Super Metroid came out before Smash.

>t. clearly never played Smash when he was 10
Melee and Brawl introduced me to characters like Marf and Snake, I didn't mind that I had no idea who they were at all.

Based boomers


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Funnily enough, I actually did know who Snake was before Brawl. Not because I played MGS, but MGS was pretty popular on the old-school Internet back in Newgrounds/Yea Forums late '00s web, and I was a pretty avid surfer of the net, so I learned about Snake.


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10 years olds dont have money

This. I literally only knew Mario and Pokémon characters.

Seems pretty split to me. Should I move anything?

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They won't put in characters for little children because they have less money and buy less DLC than young adults

>Ness and Captain Falcon weren't well known when Smash 64 came out
Ness was from a 4 year old game and Captain Falcon's last game was a year old. Idk what you're talking about

10 year olds don't play actual games.

Would 10 year olds recognize incineroar?

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Pikmin is boomer-core

Where is the line between older and younger demographic?

>Dark Pit
>Popular with younger demographic
Kids can't deal with Uprising's controls, and they certainly aren't playing Rated M games like Persona 5.

>Ness was from a 4 year old game
That bombed.
>and Captain Falcon's last game was a year old
You play the entire game in a car, not as the racer running around

No, 10 year olds don't play Pokémon anymore

>kids aren't playing M rated games
imagine believing this

I finished that statement with "like Persona 5." Did you just stop reading? Yes, they're playing other M rated games, but not 100 hour JRPGs.

Is there a more effective way of outing yourself as being insecure about playing kids games?

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Also, the majority of Smash players never knew who Mr. Game And Watch was until Nintendo reminded them who he is.

Kids would play the shit out of Diddy Kong. He's a funny monkey, kids love that shit.

>Yea Forums knew who Mr. Game and Watch was when Smash 64 came out

>buddy is a smash fag but hates jrpgs (never even played any of the classics)
>keeps getting annoyed at every new character
This makes me happy

this, smash introduces people to series, you aren't supposed to know all the characters on your first time. When I started I only knew mario, dk, pokemon and metroid. I thought FE characters were just original characters made for the smash bros franchise (like how kingdom hearts had original and disney characters)

have sex

>didn't know who Falcon or Ness where
>If you played melee on release and knew who G&W, Icies or the FE characters where than your a goddamn liar
>same for ROB and Lucas
Kids have the internet now, they can look shit up
no kid is going to go "who the fuck is this" and get mad, they'll get curious and look up this new game, look up a lets play or a wiki and read
because they're not strawmen made by shitposters on Yea Forums

Epic buzzwords

How'd you recognize Metroid but not Zelda or Kirby?

First of all:
> implying 10 year olds are an important audience
> implying the massive number of nostalgiafag youtubers haven't gotten their viewers well acquainted with Banjo

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Not even that, I highly doubt most people who wouldn't know who some of the characters are would even get mad in the first place about not knowing who a character is.


they need to have better tastes in games or else the industry will fail in the future.

I had no idea who most of the roster was in Brawl and yet still enjoyed it since every character was cool on their own

If it has a M Rating, you immediately get kids attention cause it's "forbidden fruit" to them

user, the wii came out fifteen years ago. Mii «fans», if there’s ever been such a thing, are in their midlife crisis now.

Only smart kids do that

Yes, but kids aren't going to play through the entirety of Persona 5.
>Game that literally has like an hour or two of cutscenes before you get to play
Do you think these kinds of kids have that kind of attention span?

>implying 10 year olds buyy smash dlc

Nintendo is strictly manchild territory

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>He forgot about the unholy place known as Miiverse

I watched my dad beat Metroid so I knew.

>video games are strictly manchild territory

I only really know banjo. I know most of them are from dragon quest, but I don't know who they actually are.

Anything else?
I was thinking 2000 but who knows

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I should've worded that differently, but I was referring to people who pretend that kids aren't into Nintendo games anymore, as blatantly false as that notion is.

I don't think Bowser Jr. is popular with anyone. I know for a fact that when I was a kid, I thought he was pretty lame as soon as he took off the Shadow Mario disguise.

>Good interest
>5 measly percent in 12 and under, 13 to 15 and 7% in 16 to 18

No wonder Nintendo's putting the money on neckbeards.

I really doubt there are any kids who give a shit about Bayonetta

I didn't know Ness or Captain Falcon.

I don't think there's many kids playing FE.

Counts where we are coming from, fucking everyone knows Dragon Quest in Japan and that is what it was marketed towards.

This is only sent out to people who linked an account to their system. Even if kids are going to take time to link an account, how many are actually doing any surveys? I can't remember caring enough to do ANY survey before I was like 20.

Congratulations, you just realized why the stevefag argument of "he is going to get in because every single kid in the world will want to buy Smash once he is in" is retarded. These characters are supposed to sell to people that have more disposable income, you could have applied the same strawman reaction to the Smash 4 DLC characters except Mewtwo.

Is just for the west or counting both sides?

this he is only good as an extension of Bowser getting to show off his dadliness.
Everyone with a brain plays as a koopling instead.

You'd be surprised how many kids play FEheroes gachashit

> US
Why are Americans like this? playing kiddie shit clearly not for them?

Bad childhood? Parents that are too careful? Too afraid for mature content? EXPLAIN!

Kids will never know every character. I didn't know Kirby, Samus, Captain Falcon, or Ness in the original game.

Take off the mask, Steve

There was a Smash before 64??

lol? fucking retard, kids eat up edgy shit like that. They don't have to play the game to like the character model, and all of them fit the zoomer/autist crowd

>implying that info isnt the same for Nintendo manchildren in every country

Piranha Plant

Your business won't be profitable if you aim at 10% of the population who also happen to be the ones with the least purchasing power.

> kiddie shit clearly not for them
2001 called, your dumbfuck criticisms of Nintendo still aren't valid.

It's a kids game

>the banjoboomer realisation

boomer cringe

I didn't recognize Ness or Captain Falcon back on 64 and all it did was get me to play their games

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Being a kid playing Brawl and seeing all these cool characters I'd never heard of was awesome. I'll fully admit I was only there for Sonic and Pokemon, all in a fairly realistic-looking art style that appealed to my edge child self.

I had no idea who lucas, ike, captain falcon, game and watch, Ness, Marth, Meta Knight, or King Dedede were.

Nobody gives a shit about Persona except for weebs and bandwagoners.

>not playing super metroid or the original
By that logic people shouldn't have known who samus was before smash either

Kids still know and love Banjo.

Shocker fortnitefags are underage

Obviously 10 years olds know who Joker is. They're the PS4's key demographic.

How? There hasn't been a good Banjo released in their entire lifetime.

The XBLA rereleases and Rare Replay.

My kid relative recognized Banjo pretty quickly when we watched the trailer. He also said Banjo is the best. I'm pretty sure he has the Xbox version of Banjo-Kazooie, I'm sure a LOT of kids do. Banjo and Kazooie are just really appealing characters for kids.

Toon Link is definitely both, the game is like 15 years old. I remember kids carrying Toon Link plushes in high school, and that was in 2007.

Obviously didn't have a Zelda or Kirby game