Can anyone explain the recent rise of dark-skinned girls, especially with the pic related?

Can anyone explain the recent rise of dark-skinned girls, especially with the pic related?

Meme aside, her popularity has already gone beyond the Yea Forums's usual "brown girls are the best!" and into a super-spreading that brings about many arguments on social medias.

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Caucasoid features are always attractive

And Nessa looks good because she has zero black traits

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Cause she's a cute girl in one of the biggest franchises of all time. Please stop racebaiting and just enjoy the porn

I hate niggers

Stop posting her lewd images.

I have done nothing but fap all day thanks to you cracks.

But my manager is a negroid with lighter skin and she’s cute when she has her fake ass blonde hairstyle

Go away Pajeet. Nobody wants niggers nor pajeets. Poo in a loo.

so you be saying shes popular due to billions of pajeets? makes sense

She just looks really fucking hot user. A sexy chocolate Gym leader that specializes in water-type pokemon revealed around the start of summer.

You can't get any better than that. Lots of favorable coincidences as well. Plus, dark-skinned girls are rare in Pokemon, so she's a welcoming addition.

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Daily reminder that every single character in Pokemon is black and no amount of crying will change it Pajeet

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>Muh "white features"
Every time.

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I really hope you're not implying the average pajeeta looks like the ones in your pic

Feet and Armpit

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Why are Nip fanartists much better than the Western ones are?

Um, excuse me? But /pol/ told me to find black women unattractive!

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holy fucking shit.. DIAMONDS

Every fucking time with this 3DPD spamming faggot.



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Reminder that every dark-skinned nip-designed character is Okinawan until proven otherwise.

No amount of COPE will make niggers attractive, Laqueesha. Monkey features will always be undesirable.

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It's called flavor of the month.
It happens all the time especially with pokemon games.

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She isn't African. She is south Pacific islander. No game featuring Africans sells

>M-m-my chinese cartoons!

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>New pokeshit is based on Britlands
.Brit land are full of pajjeets
So she is a Not!pajeet!

Holy shit you are a literal NPC
How does this make you feel?

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>draw a white woman
>just paint her skin black
thats why shes attractive

Pale girls are great, but if that's all there is on offer it gets boring.

>expecting butthurt Low IQ niggresses to know this

Nigs think the world revolves around whites and blacks

You need to go back.

Sure thing Tabitha.

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>three pokegirl threads on going and not removed to /vp/ while the other violations are seemingly being deleted.

What's happening?

>Tries to niggerfy a white character because racially insecure
>Character still looks caucasoid

Do niggers hate their nappy hair and big nose? Why do they want to self insert as white characters so much?

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Can we stop with these threads now?

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Damn nigga you can't even read

Whatever, these girls aren't black.
They are tanned.

fuck niggers and sandniggers

>anime characters
>caucasoid features

>He thinks Caucasoid means White
How can one mans IQ be this low?

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She's a cute Pokemon waifu brown-skinned girl who wears very little.

All of that together will get attention

It's not complicated, she just looks hot

How can one woman make /pol/ seethe so hard

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>Black features
>implying any huma has an anime face.

I hate this meme because she's clearly black and not some true shit skin.

This man looks JUST like Nessa. Cant you see those beautiful "white" features?

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She's not really black either, she's tanned.

>Thin lips/nose, straight hair, blue eyes and non groid skull shape are totally black features!!!!

You mean niggers who don’t want to admit Nessa doesn’t look negroid in the slightest?

It’s called denial

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Imagine being irrationally upset about the color of someone's skin.

Aren’t you the butthurt niggress who keeps making anti Asian threads?

Reminder that anime facial features are unrealistic to begin with and no one in real life looks like a anime character

Which is why 2D > 3DPD

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didn't marina from Splatoon 2 and twintelle from Arms get similar responses as when they were revealed?

I'm not upset at all. But I am annoyed at people who confuse black and tanned characters in anime. Heck the Champion looks more black than Nessa

I know Twintelle was immediately lusted over. I don't remember any /pol/ reeee'ing going on

She's Nessa, the queen of water types!

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woah this fat man bald man doesnt look like that thin young girl
i guess the racists were wrong all along
another win for the anti-/pol/ allies


Uh huh

GF totally released an OFFICIAL statement saying she’s black, right? :)
Keep coping. If she were real, she’d be Indo-aryan/Indian

/pol/ is a lot more prominent now. Racists need to be unironically banned.

She's not tanned. She's black. This isn't alola its galar. Are english people tanned? No. She's black. Deal with it.

Why are her soles differently colored?

>her popularity has already gone beyond the Yea Forums's usual "brown girls are the best!" and into a super-spreading that brings about many arguments on social medias.
This thread is the first time I've encountered this character.

Cause some people actually have feet like that

>living under a rock

Troll harder faggot.

Then you haven't been here that much since the Direct because threads were flooding this place immediately

Pajeets are the ugliest among all races. Even niggers. Pajeets are also the least endowed among all races, and are smelly as fuck and are hated to be around. Nessa could never be fucking Indian lmfao.

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Do you live in a third world country?

most BLACK people have lighter colored inner hands and feet

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but thats a weave. thats not what black peoples hair really looks like.

Niggers have light colored soles and palms

Because hard work ennobles


Are you stupid?

>B-but she's too pretty to be black. Look at her hair!


>can’t refute
>”troll harder xD”


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Hair straighteners? Chemicals that relax hair?

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no different to whiteys removing their makeup and being ugly underneath.
replace that big ass wig with a nappy afro and you have an ugly woman.


People like Indian girls with blue eyes and dyed hair I guess.

negros dont have straight hair

Indians are the only People I cannot find attractive. Eh, probably abbos too.

Never said she was “pretty”. Imagine being so insecure because you know nobody likes black “women” irl. Reality must be harsh on you

Oh I wasn't aware that GF regularly comes out with announcements over an NPC's race in games. Please tell me who was the last character they OFFICIALLY confirmed being a certain race?

It’s a shame Olivia couldn’t get the same treatment, especially since she’s a single cougar

Be glad poos rank slightly higher than niggers

You've posted a make-up laden model, who is mixed race, and has more than one round of plastic surgery.

What's your point?

Sure they exist and that picture you posted is probably legit, but the woman in .webm is wearing a weave, their hair simply doesn't move that way, or look that way.

So niggers can’t have straight hair unless they resort to artificial measures while Indian girls all have natural straight hair like Nessa

Thanks for proving me right

Everyone look at this faggot and laugh.

She's Black East African

Attached: perfect combo.jpg (720x480, 83K)

have a (you), nigger

>skinny and featureless
Who the fuck is attracted to this?

That's either a weave or she straightened her hair. No non-mixed black girl has straight or waxy hair, they all have tight curls unless they've used chemicals to loosen or straighten their hair.

So Nessa has no race then.

Thanks for clarifying