>enter castle
>see this
What the FUCK. Immersion ruined.
Enter castle
shit like that, the dumb backer designed enemies, shovel knight and many areas looking shite are reason enough not to play this game.
true autism ladies and gents
Prepare to see them way too often, they are scattered everywhere.
omg... the game is ruined... dare I call it... shitstained?!
I wonder if Shitstainedfag has already committed suicide
damn you guys sound like bitches
This is incredibly retarded but you are being hyperbolic. You’re an asshole though if you are one of the backers who sent in a pic to get your face in the game.
Is it true the Switch version is 30fps?
Its my goto console but if the framerate is halved its not worth it. Guess I'll get it one Xbone instead.
I'll bet these pathetic fucks' greatest accomplishment in life is having their ugly mug immortalized in some indie game
this is indeed an outrage. how about you write a kotaku article about how you feel about this design blunder?
Typical Kickstarter shit. Wasnt new and wont be the last. 'Cause you know you got to convince people to pledge more in one way or another.
they should have made a secret room for this shit.
Is this that bloodborne "parody" porn game lads? I keep seeing it posted like it is an actual game, but with how shitty the asset store backdrops look and how out of place the donut steel OC girl is there's no way its an actual game right?
>uhh yeah kickstarter is great because publishers always fuck with the developer's visio-
People wont pledge then.
That's true though. That was the choice of the creators...To get more money from backers.
why does castlevania lords of shadow: mirror of fate, a 3ds game upscaled for the ps3 360 and pc made in 2013 look better graphically than this?
The fact that you can't equip a slingshot bikini at any point in the game is reason enough to not bother with a female protag game.
>have se...
Alredy did.
It doesn't
How long until someone creates a mod that removes those ugly neckbeard mugs or replaces them with something more appropriate?
it does, old friend
have more sex
who are these people
prove it
Let me guess. Youre white and somewhere between the ages of 19-22
is there a way to teleport from town to the castle?
i know you can use the item to return to town, but then do you seriously have to run all the fucking way through the castle again?
>faggot who pirated game complaining about pictures of people who funded game
I'm workin on a mod that makes all the portraits Belle Delphine ahegao faces
Your faggot face is in this game isnt it?
go back and take another look at it.
Not him but niggers and beaners wouldn't even bother playing faggoty games like this
We also need a mod that shows Miriam's nude butt when she jumps into the Warp Room Murals.
whats in it for me, buddy? u couldve made the comparison urself in the time it took to post
I love this sort of shit desu, devs or backers, most look fitting.
based, got a patreon buddy?
The devs chose to do this. They are retarded.
How the fuck do you even get immersed in these games anyway? they look pretty bad with copy pasted rooms and every room being the same fucking size. they should have gone for a DMC1 style would have been more better than this copypasted trash.
get aids blind plebbitor.
>mirror of fate
It looks now way near as good as Bloodstained and has horrible gameplay.
Is he in?
This shit looks awful, 2004 tier
Have children. Have a traditional functioning family the way Jesus Christ intended for you to have. Have a body not tainted by tattoo and piercing mutilation. Have a life free of hedonism.
Every time I see a thread like this I know to stay away from the particular game being posted about. Thanks outrage marketing!
They should have just made a separate room for these portraits
Having them scattered across the castle seriously breaks immersion
The green rooms with the stained glass are teleporters
have sex
Yeah it's embarrassing desu. Other Kickstarter games knew how stupid this shit is and hid it in an easily ignored room. Hollow Knight AND Shovel Knight come to mind, but I'm sure it's true for other games too.
They're not that jarring honestly, and some even look great. The retard soibois with glasses are idiots tho, should've tried harder.
>I'm going to keep mentioning Hollow Knight and Mirror of Fate
You're a retarded shitposter and you know who you are.
>life free of hedonism
Playing video games is peak hedonism, retard.
But you get the fun of killing those paintings later on.
And honestly the shovelknight enemy doesn't stand out at all, he's some cursed armor underground that has a shovel. It fits in fine. If you didn't know it was a reference it would look like any other enemy in the game.