What is Yea Forums's favorite map maker?
What is Yea Forums's favorite map maker?
I'll be honest with you user, I haven't been making any maps. I apologize for disappointing you.
roblox studio
definitely not that one
you mean program or person?
programwise, Doombuilder. That shit is so easy, all you need is to know how design levels.
I've really gotten fond of using Trenchbroom after over a decade with Worldcraft and the Valve Hammer Editor. I like how easy it is to edit in the 3D view if I choose while I can still work in the standard four pane top/side/front views.
I made some maps for Laser Squad Nemesis when I was a kid. I also did some maps for Age of Wonders 2.
Quite recently I started making map for Doom 2, gimmick being that you only have pistol and fight low tier enemies. I haven't finished it since that concept was quite limited.
the Serious Sam FE editor, I had so much fun with that shit as a kid, made mazes and arenas and everything, which I still had all that stuff
spore galactic adventures
>using anything but jackhammer editor for quake
I think the next time I start mapmaking again, I'm just going to bite the bullet and move on to source. I've seen some people do some great work in there, and while I love playing Quake, sometimes I'd benefit from having some more modern engine support.
Only ever fucked around with map editors. My favorite Arma 3.
Also back in the day Age of Empires 2 and HoMM3.
I used to make maps for Blockland until they killed maps for muh shaders
Warcraft 3, it got updated recently
HaloPC had the simplest, I'd always make race tracks on Blood gulch but could only play them by myself because the logs you could place were only client side.
If we're being more blatant in terms, Cities Skylines makes some good maps.
God, I remember trying to make maps for Jedi Academy with GTKRadiant. Leaks out the fucking ass.
Kaned and greenpilled
better move to ue4 or unity then, source is old too and valve somehow managed to make It more annoying than on older engines
torrent some free packages with full, ready to use gameplay and have fun.
I was honestly hoping we'd have source 2 released in full by now. It exists in DotA2 and CSGO, but a generic version for modding isn't out.
I'm particular to the engine quirks of idTech based engines, it's where all my experience is, whereas Unity just feels foreign.
>using jackhammer
Jack Hammer is shit for the sole fact that it doesn't have prefab functionality, and copy pasting shit between files is unreliable, and breaks entities easily.
You know why mapping for Half-Life 1 is so easy and enjoyable? It's so fucking easy to do when you're sitting on a year's worth of custom made prefabs to get a week's job done in a few days.