why is there no games to play
Why is there no games to play
because instead of just playing you wonder why are they all so boring
Her ears ruin her
Because you ony want to play new games.
Looks comfy and terrible at the same time
>tfw backlog so huge it would take me years to clear
Yeah, nothing to play.
Start clearing it now you depressed piece of shit
Do it
do it you pussy
havent seen anyone say a game there is to play
libruls ruined them
fight back
Because "Games as a service" fucking broke the industry and now people only release half finished trash they know they can update later. That's the 'service' part of games as a service.
No one needs to make anything new.
Play Papers, Please
i thought she didn't have boobs
That's why I don't buy Western games
play king of dragon pass
God I want to slam fuck Ochako
nice tits
Get a job you hippy.
Sounds like a joke but it's true, if you put all of your focus on one thing (i.e. video games) then you will be bored of them. You have to spread yourself out a little.
If anything MHA taught me to be open to anything.
I'd probably even fuck the invisible girl.
you mean nice babies
Because you're retarded
As an earfag i would nibble on them as if there is no tomorrow.
thanks, i hate it
you're actually just gay, got it
Bloodstained is fun OP.
much better
just no lipstick thanks
Dudde, she's a semen demon with a playful personality what the hell are you doing. Of course you'd fuck her if given the chance.
Tomorrow is the icebourne beta test. So just wait till tomorrow and we can all get our anuses widened by tigrex because of the shitty gear they're bound to give us.
eh heh
he heh heheh
ha haa haah ahahahahah
not even gonna post anymore because you're faggotry ruined it
big milky witch tits
Cumstained just came out
It looks extremely bland and kinda boring to play though.
Care to elaborate?
Because you don't try new games or genres, you're just a boring person overall.
pajeet pls go
>newfag too
>getting baited this hard
whos the newfag now
>bloodstained just came out
>my friend pedro and amid evil come out today which both look great
>plus more to come and the steam summer sale starts soon
you're just a bitch
>Old games don't count
Go play Breath of Fire, Lost Kingdoms, or Custom Robo or something.
>he fell for it
>backlog is huge
>shitpost in Yea Forums instead
Why even bother
Bloodstained just came out.
glad you agree
now post more invisislut, no lipstick
It's as fun to play as castlevania symphony of the night and aria of sorrow. If you didn't like those kind of game then I doubt I can change your mind.
you're lucky I don't actually have anymore with the lipstick cause it's a nice touch
You mean "why *are* there no games to play?"
>backlog is jam-packed
>can't wait for the summer sale next week so I can get some new vidya and stop playing the same old shit over and over
Why does this keep happening
go play the new bloodstained game op. it's pretty good
They are plenty of games to play. Some of them are even free, like Brawlhalla.