EDGE 6/10

>EDGE 6/10
Game is shit, confirmed.

Attached: Judgment.jpg (1500x844, 212K)

Other urls found in this thread:


mongoloid entertainment BTFO


Previous RGG Studio scores from Edge for comparison:
>Yakuza 6 A Song of Life - 8/10
>Yakuza 2 - 8/10
>Yakuza - 8/10
>Yakuza Kiwami 2 - 7/10
>Yakuza 5 - 7/10
>Yakuza 4 - 7/10
>Yakuza 3 - 6/10
>Fist of the North Star - 6/10
Yeah, no.

so yeah, it's the same shit as every other yakuza

>1 and 6 higher than 3, 4, and 5

western video game """""""""journalists""""""""" reviewing eastern media
i dont have my reaction folder on this laptop but if i did youre a huge nigger faggot

It looked shit when it was announced though.

For some reason I thought Edge shut down.


>tranny journos trashing jap games
it checks out.

have sex

Only 2 more hours before it unlocks for me. From what I've seen and read it looks great, most fans say it's one of the better games they've put out. Edge is known for giving lower scores for games reusing the same formula, but I dunno what they were smoking when they gave Yakuza 6 an 8.

It wasnt cool to like Yakuza after the first couple games until like, 0

Is there something in game that can trigger journalists and western media in general? Like the recent Cyberpunk outrage. I keep hearing only good things about this game, even from people who aren't familiar with Yakuza series.

>now this
sega can't catch a break

Trying the English dub out and it seems like it would be kinda jarring to some since there's no EN battle voices, at least for street fights. There's also this message, but the subtitle track changes depending on the select voice track, so I'm not sure if it means they couldn't complete the dubtitles or what.

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The guy would be hot if he was like, 15% less Asian

I've seen streamers and other people saying Yakuza 6 is unironically the best Yakuza game when most of them only played Y0. Maybe the reviewer was one of them.

>same magazine that gave Mario odyssey a 10/10
Why would you listen to them?

There's probably going to be a patch after release or something that adds dubtitles considering it was one of their advertising points at least early on.

Off-topic but Odyssey was such a letdown for me. I really didn't like the levels.

I meant that the dubtitles are in the game and it chooses the subtitle track automatically based on what vocal language you're using, so I'm not sure what that message is specifically referring to.

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Was thinking this myself.
6 was such a colossal disappointment.

Meanwhile on Amazon Japan

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Oh, my mistake, guess I just misread your post. The option itself seems to imply they timed the letter-by-letter subtitles only to the Japanese dub, not the English dub so if you choose it you'll hear something like "Hey, you" and get "Hey.............you" scrolling by (Periods added to imply a delay between words showing up) in the English dub, but in the Japanese dub you'll hear something like "Hey man, give me money please" and the guy will say "Hey man, give me money please" word by word properly in the subtitles.

>watch stream
>see this
>pingboy_hex: Yakuza 0 map on high quality, yakuza combat style LUL
>Yakuza 0 map
z00mers were a mistake

>going to twitch

Most of the complaints against this game is that it reuses a lot of assets from previous games and that it is still set in Kamurocho. I've also seen some people complaining that there's too much dialogue/text/cutscenes. Meanwhile everything else is getting praised. Basically if you like Yakuza you should like this as well. Oh and the Edge reviewer liked the game, but disliked the main character for some reason (a lot of people loved him), the detective stuff and that it's too similar to Yakuza.

>People are actually going to play this dubbed


Why is Yakuza 0 even getting praised so much? Is it because it was the 1st Yakuza game for many newcomers? Serious question as I liked Yakuza 5 and maybe even Ishin more than 0.

Probably because a lot of people started with it.
I do think it's one of the best in the series, but it's still easy to see the games flaws.

It’s not a Nintendo exclusive so it doesn’t get the Edge famboy bonus.
Also the PS4 penalty.

Watch them give Pokemon Poop and Piss a 9/10

>Why is Yakuza 0 even getting praised so much?
Because its really good.

A combination of being babby's first Yakuza and just being an excellent title in the series. Up there with 2 and 5 for sure, but the new fans do tip the scales in Zero's favour.

Because it's by a country mile the best game in the series, no matter how much of a contrarian you force yourself to be

>>Fist of the North Star - 6/10
That's too high.

>Only 2 more hours before it unlocks for me.
What territory you in?

But I'm not trying to be contrarian, I really liked Yakuza 0. I just don't understand the people who praise it to high heavens and say it's the best game in the series and disregard everything else when I think 5 is a bit more better desu. Ishin is up there as well. The thing that angers me the most is when people say Y0 is the best when they haven't even played the other games.

Literally who?

I'm actually from Europe but bought it on my Australian account so I could play it earlier. So it unlocks in 1h in Australia. 2h for SEA.

So it's going to be amazing

Based & Aussiepilled

I dont understand moon, what is special?

>i only played zero
Fuck off Nigger, Kenzan, Ishin and 2 and 4 were better in every way . Zero is still good but hardly the best one in the series.

At least it deserves the praise, even if it gets overblown from time to time. Imagine if Yakuza 6 was most people's first.

t. started out with Yakuza 3

0 is a great game. I'd put it up there with 2 and 5 as the best the series has to offer. Plus, a lot of people started with 0. Ishin's still my favourite though.

Really serves as a reminder to not take games journalism seriously anymore.

Whenever I buy games on PS4 I almost always buy them from Australia or Hong Kong/Singapore since they get them a day earlier, sometimes a few days/weeks earlier like Gravity Rush 2 and Nier Automata.

It's got a 4.5/5 out of Amazon.co.jp reviews, people who are known to reviewbomb if they don't like anything at all about a game.

4.4/5, 692 reviews. Japs are notorious for shitting on games on their amazon page if they don't like it.

Journos only post socially accepted opinions. Whatever has hype behind it gets the high scores

Oh, right, that makes a lot of sense given that it's on the display speed option. I didn't really think about it since I never wait for text to scroll unless it would skip an animation.

The lack of English resources for this game is kind of refreshing, I think it's going to be the first Yakuza game I've played without a substory guide since Y1. I could just not be lazy and look up JP wikis, but it's a nice excuse even if I'll probably cave and at least look up the QR codes.

If you want it as early as possible you can always make a NZ account. Only one site sells NZ cards digitally, and their delivery times range from a day to ten, but it's not an issue if you plan in advance. The denominations they sell the cards in can be a pain in the ass, though.

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>Rage 2 - 6/10

LOL remember that game?

I know about NZ but Judgment was $105, while there's only $30 and $50 prepaid cards. pcgamesupply.com has them as well, you get the codes instantly and they don't jack up the prices like other sites do. There's also G2A, seagm.com and offgamers.com for other countries they all deliver the codes instantly but they have extra fees. Playasia is shit.

>Kiryus last game
>his closest friends are in it for probably 10 minutes to an hour tops
>Haruka is the village slut
>underdeveloped villain
>far too less side stories, probably due to the switch to 100% voice acting

It's decent, but from the mainline games clearly one of the worst although I personally dislike 5 with his retarded over complicated plot way more.

super secret battleship
I mean the series has silly moments like rubber bullets and cia twin brother but this is substory tier silliness.

> tfw no mention of Shinada past 5

2019..... I am forgotten

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He has his happy ending. Let him rest

Based and Shinadapilled

Are you on a base PS4? It looks a bit blurrier than what I'm getting at the same spot and I doubt that's just because it's a jpg. How did you get the wider FOV as well? It doesn't look like you're leaning down or anything.

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Forgot my image.

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Speaking as someone who wants to play this but kinda feels burnt out on the mainline Yakuzas (I played through, 3, 4, 5 and am now going through the chronologically first ones and am halfway through 0 and still have Kiwami 1, 2 and finally 6 to play) is it fine to play this not playing 6? I know it's a side story but maybe there are nods to the final Yakuza or earlier one.

>6 is better than 4/5

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pc port when

Does he? Got back into baseball?

>have tomorrow off and monday is a holiday
>4 day weekend
>bloodstained came out recently
>judgment today
Gonna be a good weekend, lads.

Ask Sega.

I've never even heard of this game. Is it a walk and talk simulator like Yakuza and Fist of the North Star Lost Paradise?

As far as we know the only Yakuza things are
Ono Michio's costume in a detective mission.
A new Shakedown.
Shin Amon talks of something that happened to Jo Amon.
You can buy a Haruka statue of her idol days.
It has the Tojo Clan and it takes place after 6 so Little Asia's still under construction, but as far as I've heard there's barely any nods to Yakuza itself and story-wise there's apparently even less nods if at all.

Keep in mind you're still playing Yakuza, though because you haven't played 6 or K2 the engine will feel new so that'll change things up a bit.

>tfw waiting for your streamer to go online so you can watch Judgment

You could see this would be shit from a mile away. Most of the Yakuza games are weak, too. Way too much Dead Rising type shit, and I like DR (bar 4).

It’s described as Yakuza + Ace attorney

What is wrong with you niggas? The game comes out in the west in 5 fucking DAYS.

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every jap game is edgy.
even persona 5 out of nowhere has "your mom had a seizure and i let her die! hehe! xD"

Last time I checked PCgamesupply they didn't have them, it's really nice to know that they do now, and yeah I know about the other sites. A lot of sites used to sell NZ cards but one day they all just stopped, for some reason.

I'm surprised P-A is even still so popular. They were always terrible but there was a lack of alternatives after liksang shut down, and now there are loads of companies and sites that are immensely better. At least their cards aren't as horrendously marked up anymore, even if they're still worse than the competition.

Yeah, base PS4 Dragon Engine games are rough in screenshots. Comparing them side by side, my shot is angled a bit more down, but there could have been adjustments between the demo and full game, too.

No, a literal happy ending
His favorite whore lets him rawdog her and the town likes him again

I just couldn't give a shit about this game unfortunately.
The protag looks so fucking bad and the detective theme does nothing for me.
Wish we'd gotten a Hokuto no Ken II instead.

sounds pretty based desu

He also has a bunch of friends who support him including his number one fan and Daigo so he seems content in life and that's all that matters for Shinada.

That would explain it, I'm on a Pro which is why I was asking. Like, I remembered Yagami looking a bit wax-statuesque in the camera view but not that much.

Probably early next year or spring. Its definitely going to come out before the 6 port SEGA has said as much recently. They must want to get the remasters of 3, 4 and 5 near to done around the same time they get 6 out on PC.

more like 5 months on PC lol

Or get the digital version and play it tonight.

That too, Shinada is pretty cool
He's like a Jackie Chan character in his own version of Hot Fuzz

Being a physicalcuck is suffering

>game has arrived at local distribution facilities
>national holiday

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in shin ichiban better have 10 styles, and we better be able to go to all the cities in the series and 10 new ones

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Ichiban? More like Itchy BUM!

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Still holding out hope they ditch that retard and go for a more pleasing design.

I'd just take the option to change your outfit at any point you visit your hideout
The "You can dress up only in Free Ride Extreme" sucked in other Yakuza games

his design is good though. he stands out pretty well when compared to the rest, and the wild hair suits him.

It's strange because only BP2 and FotNS allow it mid-game. I don't understand what they hate for it is, just lock the silly ones to Premium Adventure and let the regular outfits be allowed in normal gameplay. So don't let the player use the Ono Michio outfit in 6 until PA but let them use the black suit if they feel like it.


He'd look cooler if he tied it back, like a big wild ponytail, or if he just straight up had an 70s afro.

You still can't change them mid-game in Judgment? That's really goddamn silly since you have a costume tab in your inventory the entire game.

fuck i hope its only 5 months. I've got a feeling it'll be well over a year from now.

yakuza is literally one of the most boring, constantly rehashed, superifical series in existance. It's literally assets being reused over and over again with minimal changes, tens of hours of cutscenes and shitty combat.
yet Yea Forums gobbles it up just because it's
>muh japanese culture
fucking cringe

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1 was good for its time.
3, 4, and especially 5 are trash.
6's engine alone makes it better than those 3.

Not 100% sure when it comes to Judgment, one guy I asked said it seemed to be stuck to Premium Adventure even after you cleared the detective mission so I'm just going on his word. At the same time, Japanese guides don't list it as a clear reward so maybe they're usable normally? I really have no clue personally.

Yakuza is a series only men can appreciate. Manchildren need not apply.

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There you go, buddy

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>shitty combat
Nice try you ticklish little bitch.

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4 was fine, but I get how people hated that rubber bullet shit. Multiple characters was refreshing to me.

5 was best for content next to Zero, but fuck that story was not that great (not 3 bad though).

>5 was best for content next to Zero
What does that mean? You're talking about minigames? Because the additional cities were lackluster and empty
Harukas dancing can also go fuck itself

>japanese games are shit

I like the Yakuza games, but the early entries were pretty stiff combat-wise. It wasn't until Zero that it got a bit better, Kiwami refined it (and is still the best combat because of the smoother stance changing), 6/K2 felt like it ended up going backwards.

>best for content
Highly disagree. The content in 5 was completely scattershot and for the most part awful, from Kiryu's driving to Saejima's hunting. Sure, there was a lot of content, when most is awful, why would you ever want to do that. Imo, 2 is the best as far as content goes since it's plentiful enough and focuses on what Yakuza does well instead of awful mini-games, like the Pocket Races in 0 or the hostess mini-game .

The minigames and the DLC add-on content which added those large substories for everyone that was built into the US release. I spend about 70 hours because of that stuff where I'd normal be done with a Yakuza game by the 30-40 hour mark. Zero would be the only one to top and (and really, do it way better).

Also, Haruka wasn't too bad to me, and I generally hate idol shit, but could stand it within the context of the story.

Haruka's part ruined the story for me, and the end revolving around protecting Haruka's idol career killed the series for me for years.

That's fine if you're into it but I never spent too much time on minigames in Yakuza games so it really doesn't matter to me
I'm more into the story and 5 had one of the worst stories and writing in video game history in general

what did they give yakuza 0

I know Y3 always gets shit but I enjoyed the time in Okinawa and Rikiya tomfoolery.
I also spent too much time playing pool.
Is the rumor that the remake/rereleases of 3-5 content going to be cut true? 3 was already butchered.

3 has two substories, and a japanese history based quiz minigame cut
4 has tanimura replaced with another actor
5 we don't know yet since it's not out, but it'll probably be the same as the PS3 release.

>Y5 finally gets released in the west
>People enjoying it and saying it's really good
>Y0 releases
>LOOOOOL Y5 is shit and it was never good
>In fact only Y0 is the only good game in the series
>Majima is my bae
Where did it all go so wrong?

>white soiboys hate japanese game

news at 11

What. Most people play these games for side content and boss fights or at least used to it seems.

whenever i think of games that had too much content, and content i didn't particularly have fun with too, i think of 5.

Yakuza 0 brought in a lot of newcomers and most of them only care about the main story while doing one or two substories on the side.

Story counts a fuckload in a Yakuza game, half of the main story content is cutscenes man, playing Yakuza and not enjoying the story sounds like an absolutely masochistic thing to do.

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>letting reviewers influence you

fucking NPC

>both covers are equally good
what the hell

>Y0 releases

I do enjoy it, but the main story is only a fraction of the game. I spent over 100h with Yakuza 5 and enjoyed it all. If I only did the main story I'd probably have finished it in 30-40h.

It's a solid 9/10


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get this, i play yakuza for every single aspect of it, that includes the story.

5 for me was lacking in story, and fun minigames with the sole exception of taxi driving and baseball, the boss fights are mostly terrible too once you realize how many fights are reused threw out the game with the exception of the final fight being really good gameplay wise, but storywise its fucking stupid.

wanna have more of a discussion about this? we can.


3 removes three substories but in the context of a western release adds like 20 ones we never had. It also removed Answer x Answer (If you played 5 it's the game Haruka plays with quizzes about Sotenbori, the minigame is about Japanese history and Japanese pop culture at the time of the game's release) which wasn't in the English release. If it comes out here we'd also get Hostess Maker, mahjong (Including vs. Haruka), shogi (Including vs. Haruka), actual Hostess Club instead of banging models at Smile Burger, and the stuff that was locked to pre-order DLC in the west.
4 replaced Tanimura with a new model and voice but that was an invevitability due to the controversy. I don't recall seeing anything cut at all.
5 only comes out today actually but I haven't heard of anything being removed either.

It's very cohesive.

Hey that game was great (well, ok only if you're a fan of hokuto no ken and even then it's not guaranteed ), still I enjoyed it a lot

So we still live in a time when EDGE review is still reverent when you have a lot of alternative? and when a 6 mean a bad game ? it's average that all, if all reviewer put a 2 that will be a shit game.

I played all yakuza game even the remake and psp one and even if yakuza 6 is pretty weak in some part ( the over the top story and key character not returning ) it have a comfy and sad feeling to the game you don't find in a other episode of the series (except may be kenzan ).

The subtle message about second chance, making amend and how it's hard to be a parent.

Also Takeshi Kitano literally eat the screen when he appear with his great acting

not going to lie, i ended up enjoying 6 mostly because of where i was in my life when i did play it (mother died, making amends with my father, etc etc) if i played the game at launch i would not have enjoyed it as much as i actually did.

i still have problems with 6 granted, but i overall enjoyed it more than 5 but thats just because i really did not like five.

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Why hasn’t Ishin! Been localized?
I know Kenzan had the Haruka prostitution thing so it’ll never get touched in the west but Ishin is a genuinely great game and would probably do fairly well if they marketed it properly.
They can always cut the mobile app shit.

Tatasciore not playing some sort of nonhuman monster or masked villain for once?

Because us baka gaijin won't be able to understand it according to Sega a couple years back. They need to hurry up if they actually do want to localize it considering they still need to get the HD releases out and Shin out the door and localized before the PS5 happens. Even if it has BC I can't imagine them releasing it around there.

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What's so special that we won't understand it.
Its just samurai shit

not him, but i enjoyed the side content, and 5's story up until the end (kiryu's part is probably my favourite out of any yakuza game, and shinada and the whole town being a yakuza family was pretty good)
boss fights were good too, found them more enjoyable/challenging than 4's which were extremely forgettable outside of the majima and kiryu fights.
as for side content, the side stories were more enjoyable to go through than 0's since each side story fleshed out characters that were introduced in the story (taxi boss, the hunter that saved saejima, etc) and they were a good break from the beat em up gameplay (also props to shinadas baseball adventure for making baseball enjoyable to play this time around.
the final chapter had some enjoyable moments like the boss fights, and kiryu talking about how lonely he's been since leaving the orphanage since at that moment in time, he never knew if he'd see the kids again. the rest of the final part was pants on head retarded with dumbass twists out the arse.

Judgment OST with the liscensed song by alexandros for those who want it:

Fair enough. There is a lot of side content and Yakuza without the minigames and substories just wouldn't be Yakuza.

I played through it with a script I found online and found it easy enough to follow, that said I knew a bit about this era anyway but still think it would be easy to follow.
Just market the game as Yakuza with swords and it’ll sell.

Japanese history and culture is so complex that gaijins would fail to understand it. Only true nips get it.

Japan has this thing going on for decades that samurai shit is super special japanese stuff that we couldn't comprehend the nuances of so they might as well just localize the more western inspired stuff.

Is the western version going to have the license music cut still?

iirc they said it was in, but getting the licensed music for future games wasn't a guarantee

What score did they give to 0?

It has more things in the story compared to Kenzan that require you to know a bit about Japanese history. The Japanese caste system of Ronin and so on aren't explained in-game so the beginning doesn't make too much sense outside of you understanding there's a caste system among the people where samurai are above regular people and then there's levels of samurai and basically Tokugawa screwed up everything which you find out during the talk with Kazama. People like Katsura and Ryuji make absolutely no sense in the context of the game because you meet Ryuji in The Florist's bath and fight then he just goes away, Katsura then helps you out a bit and you let him get away (Though he makes sense because he helps Ryoma find the Shinsengumi and get in in the first place), and then finally Ryuji and Katsura meet chapters later and you go drinking together to become friends. Historically what happened is that these two guys lead parts of Japan and they hate each other and they met Ryoma and let bygones be bygones and cooperated which is why they're in the game at all. They do end up helping a tiny bit later on when you confront Takechi aka "Sakamoto Ryoma" but that's pretty much their only relevance to the game.

This doesn't mean it's not an easy story to follow or anything, what I listed are the only things that would be confusing for English players. I mean, I guess Ebisu's substory also would be a bit confusing if you have no idea who he is. There's also a substory continuing on from Kenzan in Gion but I'm pretty sure it's a standalone on its own. The Black Boat substory was explained in the substory itself from what I remember right, and everything at the end of the game is explained so you don't need to know anything about any of those people.

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really, the boss fights?

i'm finding it hard to believe that you were down with Akiyama having 4 boss battles, with three of them (including his final boss) being the exact same guy, and the one boss fight that wasn't the same guy, was reused for generic end game enemies.

or Saejima fighting insane prison man two times within the same chapter in a row.

or how about Baba was thrown around inbetween 3 different characters to be reused as the same boss fight over and over, even as a final boss for Shinada because they couldn't think of anything else!

you have Daigo's fight which is just copypasted from yakuza 4, but this time your shinada and there's no cutscene button mashing power struggle.

then you have Masato, the final boss, who you've already fought with Kiryu and Saejima, but this time he's super strong because.

the only fight i can honestly remember was saejima punching out the bear, but then you had his entire hunting minigame which i hated because "you can't just go around punching bears, nevermind you did exactly that"

that got off to abit of a ramble but i guess what i'm saying is all the reused fights really bugged me and that saejima's just not fun at all in this game where he's even more brainless to play as than before due to gaining super armor on all of his attacks, its not like the game was very hard either due to food buffings being so stupidly overpowered that they break every fight's difficulty where they're a factor.

Everything about Yakuza's design, from the VN "gameplay" to the repetitive unchallenging routine brawls to the melodramatic over the top storytelling is designed to appeal to autists.
It's a power fantasy for autistic people who would love to be able to beat up a bunch of guys with ease and have every single beautiful woman melt at the sight of you no matter how little interest you show them.

Mate Edge are fucking gay fake news cunts. Don’t trust reviewers trust yourself. Your opinion is the only one that matters ultimately. You can’t know it’s shit until you play it. If you don’t like yakuza fair enough but I do and so do many others but don’t shove your opinion on others.

I remember seeing these weird consumables that changed your fighting style, didn't you get some movesets from Yakuza 0 from those? Is there really no way to use Dragon of Dojima style?

>Most of the complaints against this game is that it reuses a lot of assets from previous games and that it is still set in Kamurocho.
But that's a good thing
I've played 7 near-identical games and I want to play 7 more just like them.
The only thing I don't like is the new character. I want Kiryu. I just want the same thing again.

That is interesting because zero is the best one.

I can't remember if those were DLC or not but yeah, you're right that there were those things. They used boss movesets and attacks from the protags of the previous games. I seem to remember there being some Tanimura moves, some of that fat guy from Y3, and I can't remember anything else. You'd have to know the movesets to even tell they're a nod though.

Anyone have any clips of the combat in Judgement? I'm hoping it's not as bad as in most Yakuza games.

I hope we never go back to Kiryu, let him enjoy his fake death.
I wouldn’t mind a cameo appearance as a guy in the background or something but let’s move on.

samefagging here, replying to my own post, but let me elaborate here.

three of the four final bosses are reused fights from earlier in the game, the one who isn't reused is still Majima, who's a boss in every game that isn't 6, even if he has afew new moves in this one which does help (seriously, shadow clones?)

Fuck off 0fag

What's worse in Yakuza games? The bad writing or the extremely repetitive and broken combat?

Is there an early digital version? Wtf? I’m getting it physical because crash team racing comes out tomorrow.

Neither of those are in yakuza

the games have some pretty bad writing to be fair, and the combat is nothing to write home about

Neither it balances out. How does it feel to not play games and ruminate on your bad mental health all day?

The bomb being a fake in 2 sums up perfectly why the writing in these games is terrible. Nothing ever actually matters or has consequence. Things happen just to have a melodramatic scene which ten minutes later doesn't even matter anymore. Kaz can be stabbed and left to die and then be back on his feet and fine 2 minutes later. These games are full of this shit. It's not even "twists" because that would mean things would have to be foreshadowed or at least still have consequence. But literally everything that you think is happening can be undone at any moment. RUBBER BULLETS is the most extreme example but the games are full of this garbage. It only annoys me because when people point out how shit the gameplay is they defend the games by saying "you idiot, you play for the story" but that makes no sense when they're written so badly.

Outside of a few silly elements I find them ok and the combat generally satisfyingly
I’m sorry you don’t like them.

>yes both the combat and the writing isn't good but because they're equally poor it "balances out"
lol okay son

>discord trannies attempt return to ruin the thread
it was good while it lasted

I will not post any footage but I am going to tell you the combat is great and you're just going to have to believe me and not wonder why I'm not showing you footage


I apologize, but you are incorrect.

0fags have been ruining yakuza threads since the game came out.
This happens with any of the more niche games getting an extremely popular new release.
Same thing happened with Ace Combat Infinity, now ace combat threads are ruined.
Such is life.

I have been mocked in the past for not getting emotional during some of "the great" films and tv shows out there. (I'm a little autistic) But Yakuza and anime can make me emotional because the writing is melodramatic and it's always very clear what I should be feeling. The music helps, but mostly I like that the characters all say clearly how they are feeling and what they are thinking. This helps me understand them and I can feel myself getting emotional from the sad parts.

is the reason why all yakuza games are set in the same place and reuse assets every time and never improve because they blow all the budget every time on celebrity faces?

Same for me
I like that at all times there is never any question how I am supposed to be feeling or thinking during a scene

>zero was everything i wanted from the series as a long time fan
>Yea Forums shitters every other thread wanting to discuss the game now that its popular.

talk about a monkey's paw

Dropped Zero 3 hours in because of how shit the combat is. I like reading VNs, but why did they have to attach a shitty combat system to the story?

pretty much

I keep hearing about 0fags ruining yakuza threads but I don't see it. What posts are you talking about?

I swear there are more posts complaining about 0fags than anything else, so maybe ask yourself who's really shitting these threads up

0 was simply successful and popular on a level that Yakuza games had not yet been in the West, so elitist fags who really liked how niche the series was here REEEEEEE'd. These are not the kind of people you need to listen to or respect, for they make bad threads and worse arguments.

Now post at least three games that don't include soulsborne and platinum titles with tolerable combat Mr. Contrarian.

There are autists who see a single post being slightly critical of a single aspect of any yakuza game and they throw a tantrum and declare the thread "ruined" and complain about "0fags" until the thread dies. They are pathetic creatures.

Literally who?

play yakuza 1 and 6 dumbass for consequence

Whoa, these didn't have rebindable buttons before, right?

Attached: 20190620084008.jpg (1920x1080, 199K)

>want to have good discussion
>samefagging falseflag autist shows up, copy pastes the same shit, and people reply to him so the thread gets derailed
this is tiring

>give a yakuza game 8/10
>give a yakuza game 6/10
see this is why you can't listen to cultural marxist soiguzzler nigger loving faggots who only have one purpose in life: shitting on japanese games and the proud gamers who play them, well we will NOT be shamed. these videogame """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""journalists""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" are bugmen and while saying judgement reuses assets is technically true they're clearly only saying it to push a pro-tranny narrative

What a fucking dogshit board. I'm actually done with this place now.

When's Virtua Fighter?

>reddit trannies saying yakuza games don't have good combat
git gud

Attached: 1559419148048.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

If reusing assets is why Judgment is getting a low score I'm surprised it didnt happen to the Yakuza series sooner.

Ninja Gaiden 2 and Bayonetta are my favorites, but a lot of games have better combat than Yakuza. Nioh, Middle Earth, Witcher 3, Prince of Persia, any decent action game, really.

Yes, the reviewers have been kinder to this series than they should have

Metascore is up. 79 so far.

I loved the side stories in 0 and it was my first one. That wild goose chase over the damn video game, the dominatrix, fucking protecting Michael Jackson from zombies? Great shit

Dunno, but the PC version of YK2 lets you rebind everything, including Karaoke.

it's funny because there are literally simpletons who see the world in this way

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I imagine it's to do with cutscenes; probably not worth the effort modelling each possible outfit in them.

This isn't what good gameplay looks like, friend

>single post
Read nigger, read.

Show me the posts that upset you. Where are the evil 0fags who are bullying your favorite game?

It's shit.


Attached: images.jpg (200x200, 5K)

just ignore the shitposter, user. anyone screeching about 0fags isn't here to discuss anything.

Another Yakuza thread ruined by people complaining about imaginary Yakuza 0 players complaining about Yakuza. How ironic.

smell me

You might pick up some words in Japanese, kyoudai

Attached: 1530111191069.gif (280x158, 815K)

What sort of styles do you think Ichiban will have?

He's good at nigero.

Do you enjoy what you've smelled?


literally nobody cares about some post-GG faggot fanfiction drama, user

t. anime avatar twitter user with no followers

Are you me?
This is probably why I also watch a lot of children's entertainment (anime, cartoons, comic book movies) instead of all the normie shit other people my age do
Children's media is just easier to understand emotionally
I'm also a big fan of Yakuza and Persona

It’s called being a manchild, people usually grow up and get over it.

>goyim you need to racemix and create more worker drones to raise money for isreal!
I'll just stick to anime and yakuza games thanks. Good luck with your tranny operation.

Smell me please. god please someone smell me.

Attached: 1398188820108.jpg (853x480, 27K)

Spoken like a true manchild NPC with no personality.

Ironic coming from you
Legit autist. Not for your interests, but for your your mentality.

t. seething trannies

Jesus christ

Attached: autism.jpg (946x932, 128K)

How pathetic do you have to be in every single yakuza thread on Yea Forums? I think we can all agree that your life would have to be pretty shit to end up with this much time to waste

Congrats, you found the false flag.

how does the combat compare to 5 / 0 / 6? also difficulty

>six results
Holy fucking shit, jesus christ.

It must be a false flag. Literally nobody would actually be that pathetic. Just read it. Imagine someone being like that. You can't.
Obvious false flag.

what is it about yakuza threads which has a team of dedicated shitposters who run through the same script every time?

t. the asshat who keeps posting the pasta

>protagonist is a virgin who gets cucked and has to raise a kid from his waifu and some other dude
Y-yeah w-what a power fantasy...

Congrats, you found the false flag.

Obvious false flag. Nobody on Yea Forums is like this.

wtf, is this true?
I remember people saying you play as a cuck in god of war, but it wasn't true. are you memeing or do you actually raise another mans kid in yakuza?

Yes. I don't care if I spoil an over decade old game series, but Kiryu goes to jail to cover for Nishiki, while his crush has an amnesia and marries a chad who then has a child with her. At the end of the game the chad and Kiryu's crush both die, so Kiryu adopts the now orphan kid. This is the first of two children Kiryu raises who isn't his own.

Yes but this is not considered bad in Asia where everyone looks like each other. No one knows who is who’s children

>Look up PS4 gameplay
>900p 20fps

When is the actual game coming out that I can play on my computer?

Attached: nogames.jpg (2016x1134, 767K)

Anything remotely popular attracts dedicated shitposters nowadays. I doubt it's a team, just one huge autist.

we've known it's shit for a while.
hokuto no yakuza sucked ass and anyone who wasn't brainless downloaded the jap demo and saw how void of content it was. I feel nothing but contempt for idiots that still bought it, instead of pushing for isshin.

They talked about it in marketing a couple months ago. As opposed to the subs for jap dub being the english script, they translated the jap dub more literally for it's subs, and the english dub has it's own script for it's subs.

They wanted to do it because they know people are sick of shitty english dubs/subs and want an accurate one. When fucking fansites put out a more accurate script than a professional localizer there's a problem. This is a solution to that. Sort of. Super expensive.

>only names one
So you have no argument. Good to know.

Releases in 5 hours, can’t wait to play it

Yes, you raise the halfbreed child of another child you were raising who also wasn't your own. You literally play as a double cuck. Every Yakuza fan knows this is 100% true but they struggle to admit it.

but yakuza isn't that popular. sales figures are pretty bad aside from 0.

>only one city
>the one reused from every single game

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Since this is probably the best thread to ask this...

I'm currently trying to farm Mr. Shakedown as Kiryu. The various drunken skills in the Brawler style look very attractive to invest into for damage boosting effects.
But I was wondering, just how drunk do you have to be for them to activate? Does it have to be specifically the red status icon? Or any alcohol level will do? If it's the latter, does the effect get stronger the more drunk you are?

Attached: 1427817026519.jpg (512x640, 242K)

Ah man. I really liked Fist of the North Star.

Invest into Beast for farming Shakedown, nothing else is needed.

Attached: Thank you for contributing to the Kiryu Space Program.webm (640x360, 2.86M)

It's popular enough to have regular threads on Yea Forums. Didn't mean sales.

Should I get FotNS if I don't know nothing about the anime?

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I haven't unlocked the high level beast tree skills yet. I wanted to farm some money first, because those top tier skills are pretty costly. Provided you do have access to them in the first place.

only get it if you're a fan of hokuto

Just do beast mode and spam. Take advantage of the broken combat system.

Read the reply chain, my dude, it was all already cleared up. The English dub script seems pretty rough.

Attached: 20190620100413.webm (1280x720, 2.81M)

Doesn't matter if you watched/read the anime or manga, the game just very loosely has stuff from it and mostly just does its own thing. Don't pay more than $40 though, it doesn't have enough content to justify it. It has some fun boss fights and the combat is actually good, but driving around is pretty bad and so is how railroaded you are for hours until you reach chapter 5.

If that's the case then just get a Zap Gun and use whatever your strongest style is, you can use the alcohol system if you feel like it with Brawler but I don't believe the damage will be as good as Beast since Beast in general has a higher damage capacity than Brawler even without the unlocks (Assuming you don't have access to level 4 damage on Brawler yet). Zap Gun should only take about 8-10 shots max at the point you're at to kill a Shakedown and only costs 1 million to reload.

Can't you just answer a simple question?
When does the drunken passive effect activates?

>that webm
this looks like a shit PS2 game
isn't this a new IP?

>shitposter trying to make yakuza look bad with bait webms again

I just want to know whether the bosses are tough and interesting and the combat is an upgrade of 6 or not

5 was ruined by the fact that the villain was clearly supposed to be Majima, but they pussied out and changed him to some literal who background character

If I recall correctly it's the same as Ishin so that means as soon as you have the icon on your screen you get the full buff, I don't believe it increases in damage the higher your drunk level goes. All the bottle means is how long it's going to take for it to fully wear off, as soon as it's on screen you're considered drunk, except in the newer games where max drunk = controls get messed up until you drop one tier. You can tell the level of drunkenness doesn't matter because the higher you go in the bar you don't gain more Heat from hitting enemies and you don't encounter more enemies than if you are at the lowest amount of being drunk.

once a character is popular japs won't let them be bad guys
it's just typical bad writing

>Yakuza 6 A Song of Life - 8/10
>Yakuza 5 - 7/10
>Yakuza 4 - 7/10

Attached: Yakuza 4.jpg (3264x2812, 835K)

Have you ever played a PS2 game?


Attached: the power of the PS4.jpg (325x417, 25K)

Ignore it. That shitposter is posting bait and fake webms trying to make Yakuza games look bad.

Paradise Lost spoils the FotNS manga, so keep that in mind if you intend to read it (or watch the anime) at some point.

The shadow clones were sick until you realize that this is the most OP version of Saejima ever and still beat the shit out of Majima. Also, Saejima grabbing the knife barehanded while using his free hand to punch Majima really hard in the chest as the last QTE was good

I've cancelled my pre-order, I really thought sega had it this time, but I guess not. I'm literally crying right now, I can't handle this. I need an out.

>I pushed one button and all the bad guys died at once
>none of them were attacking me
Glad to see the great Yakuza combat we all love so dearly is still intact with Judgement

Thanks. If you're right, then I don't have to carry a whole bar with me at all times, just a few bottles.

majima makes no sense at all. The whole plot involves around yakuza clan he isn't apart of.

Which chapter am I supposed to rush to to unlock all the important early game stuff in this one? Think Majima construction introduction in Kiwami 2 or Cabaret/Real estate in Y0.

Attached: 1558984646042.png (795x539, 599K)

Learn to count.

It spoils the first few chapters via Shin, it spoils Uighur, it kind of spoils Jagi, and it spoils Souther but everyone else is more or less their OC story. Even then with Uighur and Souther it only spoils their fight which matters more for Souther than anything. Hell, Toki doesn't even die in this iteration. I wouldn't consider it spoiling too much, Shin is the first few chapters/episodes regardless and Souther's weakness is the only thing spoiled with that fight considering it doesn't even take place in the same area nor are the events leading up to it the same.

You can unlock most everything in chapter 1. Some skills are locked behind unlocking other skills (Body Balance 3 is required for Attack Speed 3 just as an example), five are locked behind QR codes in the world you can get immediately as you gain control minus the one that needs the drone, and several are locked via the skill books you find in areas you visit throughout the story. There's one in the area where you break in in chapter 1 just as a quick example, I can't remember what skill it was though.

How does it run in comparison to Kiwami 2?

It also spoils the fact that Yuria survives Southern Cross and is reunited with Kenshiro at some point, since the whole game is just a dream she's having.

To be fair you could chalk that up to being an OC story and not part of the actual story. Even when you meet Rihaku he doesn't spoil anything as far as I can remember, I don't even recall them stating she was the last surviving Nanto General.

Probably about the same on base PS4, but I'm already used to it so I don't think I would really notice a difference. Heard it's stable 30 on Pro.

Attached: 20190620110459.jpg (1920x1080, 302K)

Pretty sure it runs the same as K2 on PS4

since there's no trainers in this game, how does one get the different moves that can't be unlocked via leveling up?

>Yakuza 6 A Song of Life - 8/10
>Yakuza Kiwami 2 - 7/10
In what bizarro world is that even true

you search the city for QR codes with your drone.

The only framerate tests we have show it's roughly on 6's level but without the screen tearing on base PS4s. Cutscenes fare much worse than in gameplay.

Skill books you find in the story and from friendships.
QR codes, if you want some I know off the bat:
Tiger Drop is from the QR code at the Champion District side area. Once you get the drone turn to face the entrance/exit of the small square and fly the drone to the left, it's in a window.
Doc Emoto's clinic has an elevator next to it. Take it up and before you go through the glass doors into the office it's on your right.
The Yoshida Batting Center has one in it. Go through the door on the right side when inside it and you'll find it there along with the guy who sells you really good baseball equips that make the minigame a breeze.
I seem to recall one being inside the Millennium Tower I just can't remember where.
There's one more but I'd need to check the guides again to remember where it is.

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Is that pic from the demo or are you playing it already

Only one requires the drone, the other four can be gained with just the camera.

Demo, nothing's changed from the chapter 1 demo because the chapter 1 demo is chapter 1 minus Club Sega. I'm getting it physically but Amazon says July 1st so I'm on the long wait.

It's almost like Yea Forums is full of retards

Is this the game where the actor playing the main guy got caught with cocaine and Sega said they weren't even going to release it because of the shame it'd bring?

People shat over Yakuza 5 long before Yakuza 0 came here, fag.

People shat on 3 ever since it came out but criticize it now and watch the "reee 0fag" meltdown that ensues

The fact that EDGE gave Kiwami 1 fucking 8/10 should give you a clue about them being fucking retards.
Judgment is easy 8/10 or 7.5/10 at worst. It's better than 6 (since that was a tech demo) and Kiwami 2 (which butchered 2's best moments), has great story and lots of good content.
The only shitty part is tailing missions.

>Sega said they weren't even going to release it because of the shame it'd bring

No, they didn't say it.

I swear I read that. Either that or they were going to get a new actor to take his place.

It was a main character, not the main playable character, and they just changed his face a bit (Made him younger-looking) and his VA is different.

Attached: Pierre.png (854x480, 949K)

Judgment has VF5 and Fighting Vipers

Oh fucking spare me, you know that if they gave Kiwami 1 or 6 anything less than 8 everyone would be crying foul about them being retards or SJWs or both.

Are people falseflagging when they post Webms like these or do yakuza fans actually think this looks good?

It's unironically both. Yakuza fans made them and posted them to show badass combat, but everyone else just laughed at them. So now they're bait.
All Yakuza combat looks like bait because it is inherently shit.

>rehash the same game for the 10th time
>people get tired of it
I'm surprised

Attached: 1542293583009.jpg (250x250, 19K)

what do you get out of falseflag shitposts?
nobody is tired of it. in fact the only thing wrong with it is that they changed some things. they should have made the main character kiryu and not included detective elements

Does this take place after 6?

Don't mean to shill but ACG just did a great review on this, think I'll buy it.

Yes, but it never actually crosses over into the Yakuza characters outside the use of Kamurocho.

Yes. Little Asia is still under construction thanks to Yuta's fire.

Attached: 亜細亜街_.jpg (1920x1080, 490K)

> Kamurocho Hills took ages and never got explored properly. DS featured it the most
> Now Little Asia

God Fucking Dammit.

It's amazing how much nicer Kamuro looks without the green filter

>green filter

>it would be kinda jarring to some since there's no EN battle voices
Wow, that sounds awful. I was never going to use the dub anyway, but still.

Attached: kiwami2.jpg (1280x1440, 2.14M)

For what purpose?

trying to emulate the early 2000's or some shit.
kiwami had it too, but it wasn't as intense.

It's how the 2000s smelled like

>there's no EN battle voices, at least for street fights
That's interesting.
Lost Paradise had EN battle voices, but that seemed to be a non-union dub.

Is the Australian version of this game censored? I want to play it ASAP and am perfectly willing to open another PSN to play it, but I don't want to purchase a censored version of the game when it is coming out in my home territory soon.

It’s not censored anywhere i don’t think

That is excellent news then. I wanted to buy the game in original Japanese, but I slept on it and then it was pulled from the Japanese PSN before I could buy it and everyone was selling physical copies for crazy high money. I am not willing to pay that much for one game. Over half the price of the console I'm playing it on? No way in hell, but the exchange rate of Aussie bucks is not bad at all. I'll probably bite the bullet and get it today if it truly is uncensored. Thanks user! If other Anons can confirm it being uncensored I would adore it!

My guess is that it was trying to match the muted look of the original but that was a ps2 title they didn't have much to work with.
A shame because because Y6 Kamurocho look had a lot more color to it

Attached: 3-Kabukicho-Ichibangai-1.jfif.jpg (1600x900, 615K)

Kiwi here, uncensored for me

Yeah, it's usually a clear cut where the reverse side not picked by the marketing team is always the best, like the shinkawa art for MGSV or the throwback art for Doom 2016 that ended up becoming the official art on the Switch port.

Attached: that's one doomed space marine.jpg (600x783, 98K)

Japanese can't into contemporary themes, they should stick making those medieval jrpgs they always do

Bought it from Australian PSN store so I could play it earlier as well. Been playing it for 5h now, it's fine. No reason to censor it overall desu.

Well you are going to get the replacement actor for Hamura either way unless you managed to grab the first run of Judge Eyes JP

Thank you both kindly. Know that you helped a man out today and that makes you a better person.

Japan is all about green slime.

No problem user, enjoy the game. It's good!

>Yakuza 6 A Song of Life - 8/10

Attached: 1554825925178.png (1366x1185, 1.58M)

>Fighting Vipers
Wow. If Shin has Fighters Megamix, I'll buy it day one.

Attached: fighters megamix hornet.png (640x480, 405K)


So far really enjoying it. The characters are great as well, dunno why some people hate the MC.

People seem to hate his hairstyle.
Still looks better than how the actor looks currently.

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RIP toyota

Oh, so review scores matter now?

How will weebs ever recover

Someone please tell me all of the arcade games in Judgment.
I can't find anything through a search besides articles just focusing on one game like House of the Dead.

>listening to reviewers ever
How can you post here if you're braindead?

What are your thoughts on Binary Domain?

Attached: binary domain team.jpg (1900x1516, 1.92M)

Judgment survey

surveymonkey com/r/QDZTKCV

Pure fun

reviews say it's a new story with new characters on top of a game that's still very much yakuza
that's all I wanted

Space Harrier, Fantasy Zone, Puyo Puyo. VF5 Final Showdown, Fighting Vipers, Motor Raid and Kamuro of the Dead (House of the Dead with Dead Souls zombies)

Here's all the minigames in general:
>VR Salon
>Drone Racing
Here's the arcade games:
>Kamuro of the Dead
>Fighting Vipers
>Virtua Fighter 5
>Puyo Puyo
>Motor Raid
>Space Harrier
>Fantasy Zone

Massively underrated on par with InVersion. Both are solid games which didn't recieve any recongition


0/10 if it's western, 10/10 if it's japanese
which is it?

>FotNS, 3, 4, and 5 below K2 and 6
Their opinions means less than dog shit

Attached: 1386363471501.gif (480x270, 865K)

It probably "didn't portray women well" and lost points for it


Wait, this is a Dragon Engine game?

Fucking pass.

Attached: abandonthread.gif (340x255, 951K)

So what? Are they just completely removing roulette and bacarat from Yakuza games now Lame.

Is that a finisher?
What the fuck lmao, thats amazing.

there are a certain group of weebs, probably ex-GGers, who have a serious persecution complex. a game journalist could give every single jap game a 10/10 until giving one a 7/10 and suddenly they're all screaming about SJWs and whatever

>half a minute heat action

Attached: 1413177844663.gif (800x800, 921K)

It is amazing. Makes me so mad when people shit on Yakuza combat when they haven't even seen how good the animated finishers that you get to sit and watch during fights are

Every Yakuza game is now on the Dragon Engine so I don't know why this is coming as a surprise to you. It's the standard engine just like Kenzan's was for years.

why does this look like a 15 year old made it at home in an afternoon?

>these choices
wew lad

Attached: dub.png (856x521, 44K)

the only correct answer

Attached: Untitled.png (856x521, 33K)

It's nice that Sega tends to put out surveys that go beyond the standard fare. It feels like what you say actually matters.
I like how for the Sega Ages survey, there's the option to straight up tell them to stop with the Genesis and MS games and move on to Saturn and Dreamcast.

>They got rid of the option to recommend them Ishin or Kenzan and now you have to stick it in the "Tell us anything" box.
>Ishin and Kenzan aren't on the "What Yakuza games do you own" list when they were on either K2 or FotNS's.
At least they want in-depth knowledge of people's language choices, that's always a good thing. Hopefully you guys all make sure to complain about the dumb bouncing block because the sooner that leaves the series the better. It's no K1/Black Panther 2/Kenzan stun/knockdown problem but it's keeping the new engine from being as fun as it should be. That and how they keep randomly removing content that was there for years, the fact there's no karaoke in Judgment is incredibly dumb considering the MC is a singer.

I much prefer companies that do these surveys rather then use shitty focus groups.

Attached: 20190620141618.jpg (1920x1080, 524K)

That’s a compact looking guy

I don’t know if you’ve seen him when he was young but he was a 500/10 in his prime

>tfw patrician taste and been playing Yakuza since Y2 came out

My only regret is not buying 1 when it came out because I was a poorfag kid

Why do I have to wait one more fucking hour, I wanna play my detective game Sony you fucking hacks

Sony cucks shilling another game that will be mediocre when we get it on PC

Yakuza 0 was literally QTE the game. Sony kids really loves there movie games, huh?

Guess I’ll just pretend or fool myself into enjoying it.

>work is paying me to stay at a hotel on the beach overnight, lunch and dinner also paid for
>would rather be home so I can play this

Japan has shit taste as usual.


>he doesn't think this is cool
stick to westernshit, tranny

Attached: 0559411889430.webm (640x360, 2.17M)

>implying trannies don't like Yakuza

My trans gf loves watching me play these games

Maybe they're one of the people who consider 5 to be the middle of the scale?

PC version will probably be 2020 sometime if they keep going at their new pace of porting.

>inb4 they dub the 3-5 ports