Defeats the Cuphead boss you struggled with for hours in one try

>defeats the Cuphead boss you struggled with for hours in one try
Nothin' personel

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Other urls found in this thread:

your shit thread and e-celeb spam has reached page 10
Nothin' personel

>oh no I won

he's pretending
more rage = more views = more hate/help donations from orbiters

*makes $1000 in a day for playing video games*

Attached: triple-dab.webm (1280x720, 428K)

>mfw this guy pulls in more money than the entire fighting game community combined

Attached: GZrDuh6.jpg (500x375, 216K)

Does his t shirt says he hates youtube and twitch?

at least you admit he's not genuine in any way shape or form.

how does anyone care about DSP at all these days? he's extremely boring to watch when he isn't fucking up, and he never fucks up thanks to twitch chat playing the game for him

>oh look, another e-celeb thread
modern Yea Forums was a mistake

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Looks like it, must be an old one because he loves Twitch now.

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>makes $1000 in a day
(x) doubt

Even from a shitposting stand point this is an absolute retarded post because of how much money Tournaments get for their prize pools now.

You grossly underestimate what paypigs can accomplish

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Phil does like an hour of prestream to offset this, gives something for the detractors to dissect everyday to make videos about.

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You grossly underestimate how much money WB and the like pump into Tournaments.
Sonicfox doesn't need to work a day in his life and he doesn't have to please some random audience to do it.

Phil can beat him

Shoutout to niggerfister420 for the $2 tip let's get you up on the leaderboard here.
*sounds of typing* *burp*
Allot of people are saying that I need to think about retirement and getting another job. GUYS I know a lot of you are immature and don't know how the real world works. Things are not black and white, streaming 24/7 on netstream is the future I know that now. I'm a full time netstreamer and I make way more money doing this. But I need your help the bank is demanding a reimbursement of credits which I would have if it wasn't for the cybertrolls so please if you can beam any amount directly in to my netstream account I would really appreciate it, beaming credits is the best way to help me out right now, okeh.

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He's playing FF9 and he's full of big dick energy

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Oh, he can, but he's a complete retard who spends all his money and cries that "he's broke" and "its not my fault" when it is.

you spell like dsp speaks

Congrats Phil, you're still around. All it cost was every shred of dignity and pride, that you even had to begin with, as an individual human being as you continue to beg, cry and virtually suck dick for money, daily, by acting like the clown/children's entertainer you know you have to be to pander to your fan base. All it cost was 2 legitimate banks loans, and maxing out credit card, after credit card, after credit card, after credit card, after credit card and unapologeticly dipping your toes into your parent's retirement fund time and time again. All it cost was isolating yourself from essentially any and all irl human contact outside of your Fred Meyer cashier and the 2 women in the world who could possibly stand you.

Like Thanos, you won, but it cost you everything.

cuphead is easy try winning gout

cupheads final boss is rng though


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we live in an age where watching DSP ironically is cool.

kill me.

Don't worry, he's not, this is just low quality bait.

Nudes when?

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obsessed with phil

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give me your address


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>that vid where he forgot to turn off his stream and it was just him sitting there doing nothing

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It's the fact that he never washes his hands and the implication that he did this many times before getting caught that makes me laugh everytime.

Is that the one where he just sits on the couch staring into the distance?

Yeah, found it.


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He moves like an orangutan

>Defeats Isshin in 3 tries, a boss Yea Forums cried about for weeks on end
Sometimes he just accidentally shows his true power

was for

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Attached: Dsp HEIL.webm (1280x720, 1.43M)

>john rambo always getting awkward when dsp goes on his racial spree

>you will never see Phil move or stand ever again.
>All he does is sit in his little box in the corner
And yet everything this guy does is interesting

He has gout you ableist piece of shit

Attached: 1542374374782.gif (220x238, 2.75M)

Does his wife work? How has his expenses become more of any issues with additional income from a second person?

imma channer an dphill is based

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>We will never get pre direct capture drunken DSP kino again

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Is that why he had to pause on a boss and hold it hostage until chat told him exactly what to do?

He hasn't had a flare up in years

He was apparently drunk during FF13 but I can't figure out when

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Half-hourly reminder.

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Fuck off

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where does Wings of Redemption go?


Daily reminder to report this beggar.

Attached: report this faggot.jpg (1890x981, 154K)

Compared to phil, who is a constant source of unintentional comedy, wings is a miserable sack of shit with serious mental problems and no entertaining value and needs to be put out of his misery


Kiss my goiter

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Holy based

>implying you can have the name niggerfister420 in the year 30XX without the PC-enforcers warping directly into your entertainment pod and reducing you to ash with laser fire


Yes she does apparently and no it doesn’t of course, always needs more money so he can eat at fancy restaurants 3 times a day on his day off, so pay up piggy

and? if you understand every attack pattern, this isn't a problem.

You can if you're a nigger.

>is a boring piece of shit

>Select all images with tractors
fuck you google

caw gang rise up caw caw

He based

Attached: based.jpg (211x145, 11K)

not even Yea Forums cares about this boring retard anymore

Tu ano version destruida por mi

>Make all images with tractors disappear
LITERALLY de-tracting

funny how you never post this image in giant bomb threads

just deal with it, he's dead
Layers of Gout 2
he can't stop being boring