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Other urls found in this thread:



Gay and bluepiled

It’s a shitty situation but
is peak reddit

>square enix ethics department

Friendly reminder Squeenis' ethics department killed Deus Ex by diversity quota'ing the characters and trying to jew customers into an episodic model of full price for 2 hour experiences. Also, /vpol/ was right again.

>one angry incel
imagine considering yourself a real journalist and writing shit like this lol
What do you think he looks like in real life?

Square Enix is dead to me, I'm so depressed about the mess they are going to make out of Nier Automata 2 now.

>Ethics Dept.
What do they even do there all week? That's some Orwellian policing right there.

why do they argue just size instead of arguing that they are covered up with sports bra underneath

Yep, busty women are ethically wrong.

>ethics department
normies being allowed on the internet was a huge mistake

Stop quoting this whole shindig as an "ethics department" problem.
THE PROBLEM IS SQUARE-ENIX, not some imaginary scapegoat they can claim to have dissolved later to appeal.
SE is, has, and will always be a cancer to video games.
STOP BEING PLAYED LIKE FIDDLES, THERE IS NO FUCKING ETHICS DEPARTMENT, and if it ain't unethical to remake a video game after proving for twenty years you can't design and produce a new game, then I don't know what is.
Maybe all you people really are just retards. I'm always for the benefit of the doubt, but damn to be this ignorant for this long, it's fucking baffling.
Mental deficiency would explain the attraction to games like Final Fantasy, which require minimal cognition and coordination, though.
t. phoneposter, you dumbass niggers are being called out by some faggot posting on a ten year old mobile. Go preorder Episode Midgar, that'll be 59.99USD/69.99CAD, plus story DLC, plus cosmetics, plus preorder-exclusive Materia. Remember to pre-order Ep. 2, streaming exclusively to your eyeballs TBA 2032

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real reason is that the jiggle physics were terrible

can confirm
REmake is unplayable because of this nonsense

>sony exclusive

Welcome to the club

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>black sports bra ruins work of thousands of people

look at that sane person everyone

>ethics department bodyshaming large breasted women

Just imagine how women with large breasts feel about bullshit like this. You hear about "sexism in video games" all the times, and yet shit like this is considered ethical and not sexist at all.

SJWs compromised the game. Doesn't matter how much or how little, but they compromised it. That's the point.

Who cares how they feel. They're unethical. They need to get breast reductions immediately because they are on the wrong side of history.

>"hey nomura, can you give this girl a sports bra, she looks weird and you'd have to make her tits jiggle a lot during combat if she has nothing to restrict her giant chest."

retard baby

Daily reminder that this is the same "department" that has percentile-based skin quotas for other games, requiring a minimal percentage of skin to be showing. This compromise of artistic integrity cuts both ways, the only reason it's going against the grain is because Final Fantasy is a mature game for mature gamers.
Thanks for nothing, Japan. Fucking cockroaches.

No. This change happened because of American pressure. You are lying.

i'm still going to jerk it to her.

Why is everyone pretending to be retarded?
>restrict: deprive (someone or something) of freedom of movement or action.
They just toned down her jiggle physics, this happened a long time ago and nobody was bothered by her tits not jiggling around when they showed the trailer but now you're acting like it's something awful?

Definition above is so retards won't pretend that "restrict" means "decreased the size". Fuck off already.

Attached: BALLOONZ.png (729x788, 910K)

>ethics department
>dictating boob size and clothes
looks like being an 'epic neutral centrist' didnt work bros. what now?

>boobs are unethical

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The "Ethics department" is a retarded misstranslation you retard. They weren't pressured by outside forces, it's a team in house that is in charge of keeping things from going overboard in order to hit the desired age rating. IN HOUSE aka from SE itself.

You can't expect people to comprehend anything about what they never have seen in real life.


Don't be mad at the FFVIIR Devs, they likely wanted Tifa to have her tits but understood the absolute shitstorm Trannies and SJWs in the West would cause if they released the game with Tifa as is. For now it's a lost battle, but the war is far from over. We need to create an environment where Devs feel free to stick to their guns and tell Trannies and SJWs to fuck off. We do this by voting for Trump in 2020. His victory will prove all their subversion failed & instead redpilled the masses.

Once Trump wins the FFVIIR Devs will release that they no longer need to fear the wrath of seething Trannies and SJWS and will proceed to release a DLC that restores Tifa to her proper form. Vote Trump in 2020 to Make Tifa Great Again! Disregard the Trannies and SJWs that will respond to this post acting like they're not utterly S E E T H I N G.

Trump winning is how we win the culture wars & launch our counter attack against these degenerates. Make them finally suffer the consequences of their actions over these past few years.

>square enix
>ethics department

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The enemy IS everywhere, and it is not my fault.

No. They were pressured by America.

>letting moralistic finger waggers meddle in your entertainment in any capacity because they "didn't change THAT much"


Ah yes, im glad we're seeing the creative vision of the SE's ethics department rather than the actual creators and developers. If you really think about it, gamers are the ones trying censor SE's creative vision!

you would have a point but the idea of adding black to tifas color scheme isnt new for nomura

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Those breasts look pretty large still, what's the big deal?

>Nier Automata 2

So.... Nier 3?

I didn't say anything about color schemes.

I know it's fun to shitpost and pretending to be le ebin troll lmao but there is a limit to how retarded you can act before people stop getting baited.

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It's funny how /pol/ didn't shitpost about her AC design, giving that it covers even more.

they're pretty large but it's more fun to pretend Tifa is flat

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Cherish her before it's too late. They won't stop with Tifa.

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Incels don't know what happens when you put a sports bra on a woman and willingly misinterpret information because they need to be the victim at all times.

but look the leather top does the same as the sports bra.

I did not shitpost. I did not troll. I did not say anything retarded. You concede defeat.

What're they gonna do, add more belts around her tits?

> I did not say anything retarded.
yes you did

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>SJWs compromised the game. Doesn't matter how much or how little, but they compromised it. That's the point.
As long as Aerith wears her "oppressive, patriarchal skirt" you are full of shit.

I did not say anything about color schemes.

They wouldn't dare

>Big tits are unrealistic and unethical
These people should be killed.

No I did not. You are lying.

She had a dress in the original game.

But you ARE retarded user and you know it, you have mental problems. We all know it, you know it, your parents know it, why not just admit it in this thread so we can continue our civil discussion without any problems. You don't want problems right?

>big tits are unethical

As if this is any better. It only proves the point that its actually self censorship and not the creators actual vision for the character.

This is projection.

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Jews did this. Unironically. Learn about the origins of social justice warriors and political correctness etc, it has it's roots of cultural marxism and the frankfurt school (jewish marxists).


Now that we have ethic departments in companies making sure that the games don't show anything haram, there was a successful push towards more female representation in player characters, and now we're even starting to see trannies show up semi-regularly in games like VTMB2 and Cyberpunk, I'm wondering how long it's going to be until we see forced ethnic quotas like in hollywood.

Hell I remember there already being complaints about that back when Witcher 3 and Kingdom Come: Deliverance released.

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Learn what censorship is, breasts not having exaggerated jiggle physics isn't censorship.

No they mean drakengard 7 idiot.

This is deflection.

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It is censorship when the developers are forced into doing it by outside forces.

You admit that I am right and you are wrong. You concede defeat.

This is autism

>ethics department
>bunch of ugly flat chested feminists who are jelly of big tits on fictional character

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Explain how it is autism to point out the fact that people are engaged in deflection.

>Devs moderate the intended content of their game because it would cause friction with a governmental regulatory board
Yep definitely not censorship

>Tifas tits are still massive
>complete next gen 3d model
>give her a bra
>everyone goes REEEEEEE


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So Bravely Default passed on this Ethics department too?

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>Went to college
>Skinny girl with huge tits
>Get regular tiddyjob
god i miss college days and i fucking love tits.

What are you trying to pull here? Soiboits hate tits.

>because it would cause friction with clickbait bloggers and twitter activists
ftfy tranny

Attached: get cucked retard.webm (900x506, 2.27M)

kung pow penis

It was newly developed just in time for ff7r.

I am not retarded and unlike you I am not into cuckoldry. You admit that I am right and you concede defeat.

Yes, nintedo's..

>understood the absolute shitstorm Trannies and SJWs in the West would cause if they released the game with Tifa as is. For now it's a lost battle, but the war is far from over.

What is it all with this faggy emotional projection? Like god fucking damn. Honestly have people forgotten that this game is made in japan and not only that but first and foremost for that market more so than anything else? Like god really motherfuckers go look what female anime bitches are on top ten lists and shit of the most the most popular and you will quickly see just how much more in line tifas new body is to them. Given that unlike aeris one will spend a shit ton more time with tifa during the whole shit. They have changed her simply to make her more marketable to the tastes of the modern demographic of mother fucker in japan who obsess over their favorite girls.

Like fucking hell shit is a simple marketing thing really and given how they are the most powerful entities in vidya making sadly enough. I bet you anything that since they are spending a shit tone of money on the game that they have decided to change shit simply to have a more appealing image to their primary demographic to then pump a shit ton of merch around. Simple as that. Like fucking hell are you emotionally projecting fags starting to irk me since either you lot or just conveniently forgetting simple as shit important to the reason behind this or just super self centered faggots who probably never gone far past the county that you were born in. Damn its like you all really just want anything and everything you can turn into something to turn into a tizzy simply to revel in like fucked up sense of recreational anger or something.

What you gonna do about this you sissy bitch? Yeah, you'll eat it up like a good boy. Meanwhile, enjoy the circlejerk in these threads.

its hilarious how on twitter SJW's are trying to go through unbelievable mental gymnastics to deflect this article.

This desu. Tifafaggots eternally BTFO.

Why did they made her dress closed off and loose fitting tho?

If Tifa's boobs being slightly smaller really affects your ability to enjoy the game that much, you really need to re-evaluate your life. If you people could apply even half the energy and passion that you put into being angry at your sjw boogieman you'd probably be a lot happier and better off.

>I am not retarded
>you concede defeat.
>i must win
>i am not retarded guys i am a winner, i am winning

Attached: lafanimugirls.jpg (1280x720, 79K)

Thats who their ratings advisory board is concerned with?

Sony has been taken over by American SJWs which means they have control over anything released on the Playstation.

I am not retarded. You admit that I am right. You concede defeat.

meant to say "If you people could apply even half the energy and passion that you put into being angry at your sjw boogieman into something worthwhile"

t. sjw redditor

This is a strawman and only an SJW shill would ever claim that SJWs are a bogeyman.

Remember: on PC is free and you can mod her back to normal. Also: seed, fuck shills.

This why people talk about their "downfall to the left" as if they had anything of value ever? They haven't done shit for japanese gaming since they stopped being SquareSoft with very few exceptions I can count in one hand.

I accept your concession.

>I am not retarded

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Correct. You admit that I am right and you concede defeat.

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resetera doesn't understand there's elements beyond your surfdace level hot takes, if you put the energy you waste owning the anti-sjws into dilating and applying some basic make up, you would be at least a passable woman.

Explain why it is wrong to be involuntarily celibate and why it is relevant whether or not someone is involuntarily celibate.

Anti-sjws are certainly overreacting about this whole thing but I wouldn't say sjws are a boogieman.

I'm a little disturbed by the concept of an "ethics department" but I honestly see the boob restriction as an improvement. If you're willing to to trash an entire game because of your teenage lust for titties, then you're nothing more than a fair weather fan who doesn't care.

You're no different from the people who hated metroid Prime because it lacked the zero suit tiddies that you've been brainwashed to like for years.

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Only permavirgins care

>If you're willing to to trash an entire game because of your teenage lust for titties

Stop posting your articles here. People aren't going to stop reporting them for advertising.

>If you're willing to to trash an entire game because of your teenage lust for titties, then you're nothing more than a fair weather fan who doesn't care.
So the people like myself who have been playing FF their entire lives are just fair weather fans because we're pissed about this? Granted Im still gonna play the game, but just pirate it and mod the tits back in on PC.

Do you have proof that the site's owner made this thread? And if he was trying to promote his site, why would he not mention the name or provide a link?

What the fuck would an "ethics department" have to do with the episodic model ?
Stop trying to pin down everything you dislike on one entity, retard.



Explain why it is wrong to be involuntarily celibate and why it is relevant whether or not someone is involuntarily celibate. And what is being clickbaited or advertised here?

And yet this wasn't a problem in Dissidia.

In that case, why couldn't she just be wearing a normal bra underneath?

So why do liberals hate creative freedom? I thought they were always on the side of developers?

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Incorrect. You are mentally challenged.

Why are you pissed about it? Why are the tits so important? If you're angry about an ethics committe being able to change a game to fit their political idaeology, that's different and understandable, but you've got your priorities all screwed up.

Yeah let these people downsize Tifa's boobs, who actually cares this much about such trivial shit other than cringecels and waifufaggots, if you care this much about the boobs of a fucking video game character you need to set your priorities, I'm a normal functioning adu-wait what do you mean you're flattening bayonetta's chest and butt and making her proportions human in the third game? wh-OH NO NO NO NO WHAT DID YOU JUST DO TO MY FAVOURITE PROTAGONIST LARA CROFT? DID YOU JUST TURN HER INTO A FAT LANDWHALE? BUT THIS ISN'T HOW A MOUNTAINCLIMBING TOMB EXPLORER SHOULD LOOK LIKE OH GOD WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH 2B IN NIER AUTOMATA 2 THE SHORT SKIRT WAS A TRADEMARK AND ICON WHY IS SHE DRESSED IN A FUCKING BURKA PLEASE STOP I DIDN'T ASK FOR THIS SHIT I DIDN'T MEAN IT WHEN I SAID I WAS A NORMAL FUNCTIONING ADULT GIVE ME BACK MY FEMALE VIDYA CHARACTERS

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No. You admit that I am right and you concede defeat.

No. You're mentally challenged, thanks for admitting it.

Based desu

No. You admit that I am right and you concede defeat.

This is yet another good example by the way of leftist being totally incapable of arguing. The only solution to the leftist problem is violence.

Stop raping me you retarded pig

Non sequitur.

a bit of an exaggeration, don't you think?

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>nerfing Lulu's melons
there will be a war

Attached: king crimson violence.jpg (388x609, 213K)

You don't even give a fuck about the matter. You are just here to shitpost something controversial, gain (You)s and fill your sad empty life with internet attention in an anonymous imageboard.

Here's another (You) boy(girl)! Catch it!

Attached: (You) burger.gif (480x336, 867K)

most sensible person in this entire thread

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First they came for Aerith's legs, and I did not speak out because I ws not an Aerithfag
Then they came for Tifa's tits and I did not speak out because I was not a Tifafag
Now they're coming for Yuffie and there is no one left to speak for me

No. He was strawmanning.

Yoko Taro strikes me as the type that would accept nothing less than his vision. And given how open he was about the reason for tuby's character design, that likely won't change.

Hold on, I thought liberals hated publishers? Why are they okay with giving them creative control?

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>angry about an athletic character wearing sportswear like a sports bra

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No I'm not. You admit I'm right and you concede defeat.


user, Squeenix IS the developer.

Say goodbye to these

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I know what it means.

Reading the thread proves it wasn't a strawman. People are actually thinking like this. They forget about all the loving care they put into everything else and flip the fuck out if their boobies are changed. You can't say that though, else you're from reddit, or resetera or some other nonesense.

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retarded kid lol

>Yeah let these people downsize Tifa's boobs
But user this is exactly what will happen and there's nothing you can do about it, because you and hundreds of other posters complaining about her char design are beta cucks who can't formulate their opinion anywhere else on the internet other than here. Just look at this thread, there'll be more threads like this and what will it change? So, what's the point of your weak ass tantrum?

This is a strawman.

It's not a strawman. I'm simply asking where your priorities lie. If you're mad at an entity separate from the game developers who can alter their vision at will, often to the detriment of the game itself, that's an understandable thing. However, if you only care because MUH TITTIES, then that gives me a disturbing view of your mindset, like you'd happily play a terrible game if it gave you the titties you want. You thus set yourself up as an easily gullible whale who would gladly play weeb lootcrate skinnerbox phone trash. But it has the titties that you so lust over, so it's a 10/10 GOTY in your eyes.

The issue is that SJWs forced the developers to change Tifa's design. You know that this is the issue. You are strawmanning on purpose.

No I'm not. You admit I'm right and you concede defeat.

t. reddit tourist

how are large breasts unethical?

The same reason Im mad at the MPAA for ruining the horror movie genre by introducing the PG13 rating. It dilutes the creator's vision, makes the content worse, and worst of all hurt a character design that I have alot of fondness and nostalgia for.

This. Shocked liberals have turned on developers over this.

Attached: it's okay when Square does it.png (579x543, 53K)


Tifa is x10 as iconic and famous as her, they would absolutely dare.

Anything that makes the fat dyed hair whamen is unethical sweatie.

Bazztek, you're retarded we all know that.

Oh I don't know, maybe it's because behind the "boobies" there are other more nasty shit waiting to happen all of a sudden as well?

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No I'm not. You admit I'm right and you concede defeat.

pretty clear you lost there bud

>The issue is that SJWs forced the developers to change Tifa's design
Would you care if it had nothing to do with the titties? I've seen alot of changes done for the sake of making a game more "politically correct" but none of them ever get as much attention as when titties are directly involved. Also, these people who complain have extremely low standards. They say nothing about day 1 DLC or season passes or microtransactions. Give them titties and they'll worship anything.


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It's literally not strawmanning though. You keep saying that blindly and I am beginning to think you're just baiting, and I hope for your sake that's true.

Going for the slippery slope already eh? I will concede defeat if something major is changed then. Right now, nothing about the actual fucking game is a problem.

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i dont think you know the definition of the word or youre a male feminist virgin if you think real breasts dont jiggle way beyond anything in any game

Seething so fucking rofl
Why did you feel so threatened towards a video game developer's wallet that you had to go fetal to me criticising their game? are you a squeenix insider shill or a turboblasted twitter tranny tourist? what do you mean by "other places", by the way? surely you're not referring to reddit and retrannyra?

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The only reason they ever looked unrealistically huge in game was due to the polygon limit. They were never canonically that big, the remake just reflects the original art and creator's vision

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Based Japs. Small tits are the future.

>Big boobs are unethical in 2019

look at me, we are now the outrage culture

Why the fuck does a VIDEO GAME COMPANY need a ethics department and why did that ethics department say that a woman is not allowed to have breasts?

Sure, but not the guys in the ethics department.

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No I did not. You lost.

SJWs must not be allowed to dictate game development at all, least of all Japanese game development.

>none of them ever get as much attention as when titties are directly involved
Big tits are one of the top priorities of SJWs.

>They say nothing about day 1 DLC or season passes or microtransactions.
This is a different topic.

>Give them titties and they'll worship anything.

It literally is though, and I did not bait anywhere. You concede defeat.

That thing has 101 likes and 18 retweets. Its basically nobody and it's hungry for attention.

Dissidia's is big. As big as PS1.

It sounds like you hate the devs' creative freedom in updating Tifa's look to fit a more realistic style

Liberals despise the female form with a seething fury.

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Why is Barry so autistic?

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Literally who? Another fucking boogieman?

I just wanted classic outfits, not unnecessary redesigns.

>Would you care if it had nothing to do with the titties?
Yes. I don't like when decapitations and dismemberments are censored in Japan either

>They say nothing about day 1 DLC or season passes or microtransactions
I was speaking out against that shit since day one. For example horse armor and the Dead Rising on disc dlc

Ever since tortanic Yea Forums has been on a mission to hype up the failure of every new game that has come out for any reason we can find. The fact that we have so little to go on for FFVII remake just means we're getting angry over dumb shit like boobs in a screenshot.

remember to vote with your wallet
dont listen to the idiots who say it wont make a difference, it will
dont contribute to the paychecks of ethics departments who ruin games
ignore all resetpedo trannies who have been co-ordinating attacks on tifa threads through their discord, in an attempt to make us see this censorship as not a problem
you can do it lads

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If it's the ethics department of Squeenix it literally is though

Yes actually. They're scared of potential outrage from leftys calling them homophobes, sexists, etc. It's mainly shareholders or the top execs who are scared and the devs could give less of a fuck. Even one of the character artists for Injustice 2 showed off all these nice attractive designs he had for the characters only to write WB told him no. Devs aren't choosing this, their publisher is.

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Square Enix, Ethics department? That probably must have been created by to corrupt any design that might offend baizhou Westerners. No doubt facilitated by Sony. These people and all SJW cucks deserve the guillotine.

Aeris got nerved, in every sense of the word, people just don't seem to care very much about her to get angry enough

Yea Forums fucking hates women

heard you loud and clear cap'n
give them the get woke go broke treatment ala burkakombat11

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When did these faggots co-opted anime? I always knew anime watchers were faggots deep down.

The thing is even if normal fags buy episode 1 the attach rate for Final Fantasy sequels is low.
You should see FFX-2 and XIII-2 and from there Lightning Returns.

There's no way they're forming a cohesive and loyal following because they're just not listening to the fans. Sure the first part will be big but we'll see about the next parts.

Did you hit your head really hard or something before writing this post? The ethics department of squeenix, the developers, are not the publishers of the game.

My beef is with the ethics department stepping in and on the creative rights of developers.

Attached: Untitled.png (836x135, 12K)

Thanks I'm probably gonna get it

Tits all over for the final fantasy 7 remake which is sad because i always considered it to be the breast game in the series. At least i will always have fond mammaries of playing it as a young man. How udderly disappointing.

>SJWs must not be allowed to dictate game development at all, least of all Japanese game development.
And yet you say nothing when corporate greed ruins a game, all because you got your titties at least.

>Big tits are one of the top priorities of SJWs.
It's also your top priority.

>This is a different topic.
Don't give me that. It's the exact same problem. You and the SJWs are exactly the same, fighting an outrage culture over titties while companies screw you bareback for years. People like me are concerned about far more important things, like companies actively cutting out content in a game to sell it back to you.

Still think this isn't related? Look at Fate Grand Order and how it LITERALLY makes more money than entire console libraries. It's almost making Pokemon money! And what does it offer to justify this? Some JPEGs of waifus, hidden behind lootbox gacha crap. I'll be very honest with you, I'd rather let SJWs censor titties, then let FGO be the pioneer of an entire generation of mobile phone filth that rewards blind whales with titties.

I have a hard time believing you user. This board had nothing but good things to say about FGO.

But there ARE changes in the actual game you idiotic faggot. And do you REALLY think it's an overstretch to fear for the worse when there groups of people being perfectly ok with using the hobby of video games as a platform for their IRL political agendas because of how esily digestable and interactive it is? And also shaming and enforcing a "adapt or perish" policy to the previous owners of this hobby?

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all this drama because of tits?

Fair enough

Tifa running around with milk jugs and boobs slapping her face would look ridiculous though

its less about the tits and more about censorship in general
the tits are a bonus

>Yea Forums hates women
you mean /r9k/ incel tourists (often former redditors).
Yea Forums doesn't hate women, Yea Forums spends almost all its day starting threads about women and female characters and fapping to them. you consider this a form of sexism because of your dilating hate for the adoration surrounding females because you'll never get it, and thus call it "Sexism" when in reality it is not only appreciation - but also an inherent genetic male trait.

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So Square employees that aren't an integral part of the development staff are allowed creative control? In that case, better ask the janitor for his input.

On second thought, don't. He'll likely want the sports bra gone too!

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>I have a hard time believing you user
Damn, im speaking to a real life mind reader? Im honored sir

This tweet makes me very horny because I have a fetish for relatively flat looking girls pulling up their shirt/bra only to reveal MASSIVE tits

They have not co-opted it.

>And yet you say nothing when corporate greed ruins a game, all because you got your titties at least.
That is, again, a different topic.

>It's also your top priority.
Only because it's a top priority for the enemy, who started the war.

>Don't give me that.
I will, because it's absolutely 100% the truth.

>You and the SJWs are exactly the same, fighting an outrage culture over titties while companies screw you bareback for years.
SJWs started this and SJWs own the companies. They are the institution, they have all the power.

Yea Forums doesn't start threads all day about women
they start threads about tits and ass

not just any tits, THE tits
tifa's tifas are the tifas that defined video game tifas

>because of tits
its because of the censorship controversy.
anything that gets censored should be protested.
And in the end, criticism is a cornerstone and a normal and healthy thing in consumer-producer relationship.

Dilate and have sex, also don't forget to seethe and cope and 40% yourself.

Kudos to the user who drew this.

Attached: 1560857802451.png (1015x976, 607K)

They are plenty and anybody arguing otherwise is just trying to stir up controversy.

In what way does breast size have anything to do with censorship?

Attached: Annotation 2019-06-20 222901.png (1096x46, 12K)

Nope. We're the only ones who want Tifa's tifas to be free, after all.

Attached: 1560605722801.jpg (1200x1600, 301K)

I love watching the 22 year old incel alt right crowd seethe and shit themselves in fury over how increasingly irrelevant they've become in the world. It's like getting high, nothing beats it.

Because SJWs forced the change. We've told you this countless times now.

in the way it's mentioned in the definition you just posted.

Of course there are changes dumbass, I meant gameplay and over all feel. I am more than willing to concede the point if it really is as bad as you lot are saying, but so far all I see are words and smaller tits. I won't buy the game if they change enough for it to be distracting.

Attached: 1540154107808.jpg (445x960, 51K)

There is also self-censorship underage. Look it up.

So for those that hate tranny and faggot shit, can complain about the cross dressing scene right? Which masculine man would want to be put through that. I'll wait for release and if it's force, it will be a massive hypocritical move on Square Enix. Fuck these dumb Nips, gookfuck.

Nah that's Lara Croft

I don't know what you fags are bitching about. I think she looks fucking CUTE

Attached: el7t8msaxn331.png (588x861, 271K)

Who gives a shit, the game will suck anyway.

>But there ARE changes in the actual game you idiotic faggot.
Yeah, and nobody here cares. Hell, we have vocal defenders talking about how important it is to give Square 500 dollars just for the finished game, because each episode needs to cost as much as a full AAA title. but the titties? Oh that's going too far.

>That is, again, a different topic.
You're trying to make it a different topic because you don't want to be called out for your hypocrisy.

>SJWs started this and SJWs own the companies. They are the institution, they have all the power.
And if you had the power, games would be no better. We'd all be choking down zero effort phone games, and any criticism would be banned because "ZOMG HOW FUCKING DARE YOU TALK BAD ABOUT MUH WAIFU"

You don't even realize it.

Explain why it is wrong to be involuntarily celibate and why it is relevant whether or not someone is involuntarily celibate.

No, as soon as a woman says anything or isn't attractive and has the GALL to appear in a video game context Yea Forums wants her dead

I'm filtering your copypasta so until you get something more original to say I won
keep coping

How are sports bras related to public communication, information, and speech?

>making epic screenshot meme
>having only 7 replies
>which more of the half is probably from the guy who made the post

I love watching that despite "winning", you still have a fixed 40% chance of committing suicide. It's like you've engineered yourself towards destroying yourself, which is a poetically ironic sight.

>They have not co-opted it.
Yes they have. Every fag on twitter now has that rainbow tranny sub human flag with an anime avatar.

thats because youre a tasteless faggot

>You're trying to make it a different topic because you don't want to be called out for your hypocrisy.
It is intrinsically a different topic. No hypocrisy is occuring.

>And if you had the power, games would be no better. We'd all be choking down zero effort phone games, and any criticism would be banned because "ZOMG HOW FUCKING DARE YOU TALK BAD ABOUT MUH WAIFU"
SJWs came into power in video games around 2014, yet micro transcations and loot boxes etc. have only grown worse and worse since then. I don't know why the hell you are rambling about some "waifus."

I like how Yea Forums was filled with idiots who claimed Tifa was not censored. Now the truth everybody with more than two brain cells knew is out there.

Sounds like you care more about tits

I want to make sweet love to her

Being involuntarily celibate means you are a dead end of the human race, an abject failure of nature's only mandate for humanity: to fuck.

You are so unfuckable that it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy, so you retreat into fantasy worlds where you can pretend you are virile, and have your tastes pandered too. Now those, too, are being taken away from you, and I'll never be able to stop laughing at you while you, the most complete failure of a man, cry over digital titties being made smaller.

Classic SE deflecting
>Uhhh it wasnt us guys it was some other shit!
>We aren't going to do anything about it though

your gaping wound is bleeding, don't forget to dilate and apply antiseptic so a bacterial infection doesn't kill you because of your AIDS.

This. Much better than before.

all of you lost, I win since I like flat chests

Had Square not censored Tifa, liberals would've thrown a hissy fit of their own. Shame they just won't let anyone enjoy the female form.

Attached: Di4ybNrUYAA6GuG.jpg (580x819, 51K)

>Th-they're laughing at me! I know, I'll imply they're a tranny! That'll show em!
Pathetic. Seethe harder for me.

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Not him but you reek of autism. Not the good kind with high education and intellect, but the fedora kind.

She really does look like a JAV. I don't dislike it but that ain't Tifa.

Well we can't get women so we might as well talk about the parts we like.

here is your Tifa bros

Attached: 1548932983519.webm (1920x1080, 2.85M)

I do not have any copypasta, and you are admitting I am right and you are conceding defeat. There is no "cope."

What are you talking about?

So? That does not mean they have power over the industry.

Having sex does not equal procreation. Many people have a lot of sex yet never procreate. Leftists are also famous for being unfeminine and unmasculine.

>Now those, too, are being taken away from you, and I'll never be able to stop laughing at you while you, the most complete failure of a man, cry over digital titties being made smaller.
There is sooner or later going to be a civil war in the US. You are not prepared for it at all. You are also projecting and strawmanning.

Sports bra.

tranny leave

fourty percent

>not liking slender fit qt waifu with perfect facial features and nice perky tits that aren't monstrous
No sir, I'm afraid you're the tasteless faggot

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>SJWs came into power in video games around 2014, yet micro transcations and loot boxes etc. have only grown worse and worse since then. I don't know why the hell you are rambling about some "waifus."
I'm "rambling" because even if we got the SJWs out of power and you got your titties, you'd continue doing nothing about the other horrible things of the industry. If anything, you'd defend them even harder. You're a corporate shill for anyone who gives you titties.

I just really like girls.

Attached: fe59d60ffc5fa55fd38d81bbb64a8170.jpg (923x1300, 274K)

*tips fedora*

Attached: 1530045940278.jpg (367x500, 26K)

You say that as if I don't want em dead too. But I'm laughing at you on the side. Faggot.

Attached: 1539755528263.gif (320x300, 221K)

>You're trying to make it a different topic because you don't want to be called out for your hypocrisy.
Not him but you're throwing out fallacious arguments like crazy. A fallacy of relative privation (bringing up the irrelevant topic of corporate greed) and ad hominem tu quoque in regards to calling him a hypocrite.

Also, hi Jim Sterling

>Saying something that doesn't fall under recognizable patterns

>other places
Any other that isn't an echo chamber cesspool of shit like v. I mean, let's look at it logically, nobody cares about what's going on here. Where is this all going? What's going to happen and how are these complaints gonna affect anything? Do devs even know about any of this? Do you know how many people are fine with her design and will buy the game regardless of what's going on here? How many people on this very board are upset with this? A thousand? Two? Three? That's like fucking nothing. So I'm asking you again, what are you and all other people are going to do about this to change this? My guess you won't do jackshit, you'll bitch and whine, but will eventually let it slide, as usual. Those retards are the minority alright, but they're vocal and at times extreme. You might be the majority, but what the fuck is the point if you can't even take your complaints outside and let companies and devs know about this?

too small

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>Slipperly Slope fallacy

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The sports bra and the stockings are completely unnecessary.
Tifa got one shitty redesign. I can only hope that the game offers alternative costumes for the characters.

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They're essentially a failed link in millions of generations of mothers & fathers having children.

As I just told you, the things you are complaining about have grown worse since SJWs took power, so your entire thesis is completely wrong. You have also at no point given any evidence that I defend corporate abuse, which means you must be projecting.

So if a real woman had 34DD breasts on a "petite" frame (127lbs, 5'8 tall), would she be big boobed or average according to Yea Forums standards?
What about Yea Forumssetera?

>so we might as well talk about the parts we like.
maybe if those weren't the only parts you liked then you could get a woman


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grow up and stop blaming your life failures on anything but yourself
you lost in life

A civil war fought by what, reactionary disaffected young white men? You decry the left for being Commies, but I seem to recall fascists being completely stomped by Commies. Interesting.

And I am saying that, for all we know so far, the game is gonna suck balls. Because Squeenix, aside from the fact that are too much incapable to produce anything new of note, are soulless chickenshits and are willing to make the game as bland and PC as possible to "make it more modern". "Modern" according to the West's definition of it of course as of 2019. Their words, not mine.

Attached: 1543956132846.jpg (635x320, 23K)

do you think no one sees your retardera sleeper shilling tactics, tranny?
fourty fucking percent, friend. that's your chance at being in an ugly hon in a noose one day because you destroyed your masculinity and castrated yourself.

obsessed isn't a strong enough word

Oh, did a touch a sensitive white boy nerve? It must be hard being so fragile that your reaction to seeing happy women is to shoot up a school.

>I can only hope that the game offers alternative costumes for the characters.

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>corporate greed

You mean the same thing that allowed the creation of an ethics department, for the purpose of trying to gain the support and money of SJWs by appearing woke?

Dear user, corporate greed is at the root of every industry problem. Every last one. You have to hate all of it, or you set a precedent that it's okay to be greedy as long as it fits your specific ideal.

Attached: legolas smoking a j.jpg (1024x641, 169K)

>Never played a JRPG and probably won't
>Shitpost in this thread to make all the snoyboys seethe

Lmao it's digital tits grow up faggors
She's not even underaged

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Fair point. The opening sequence however is amazing so far so there is some hope.

I did not give a shit about the design changes until they mentioned the "ethics department". If Nomura had said the y wanted to modernize her design or some shit I wouldn't care. I just don't want westerners and their retarded sensibilities dictating what's acceptable in japanese games

Not a school but probably a bunch of niggers, thanks for asking though :)

But at the same time, leftists are sexually highly undesireable and are enthusiastic supporters of abortion and are against family formation.

What failures have I blamed on others? How have I lost in life?

A civil war fought between SJWs and everyone else.

> seem to recall fascists being completely stomped by Commies
The modern American leftist is entirely incapable of waging war.

"Cute" is a word I would describe Aerith on first impressions, not Tifa, numale.

Attached: tifa_lockhart_by_nopeys-d9jd39z.jpg (900x1391, 177K)

You're wrong actually. Video game companies have always been left-leaning. There's essentially no real change.

Should have just made her into a loli desu

Attached: loli tifa.png (1113x1320, 849K)

>doesn't care about tits
>is a pedo

I'm actually quite happy with my cock and will be fapping to some touhou doujin later, but go ahead and keep talking about ugly people while I continue laughing at you. You are just to easy.

Attached: 1539739625558.png (960x720, 947K)

>As I just told you, the things you are complaining about have grown worse since SJWs took power,
They've grown worse regardless of SJWs. If you took them out, it would still be bad.

>You have also at no point given any evidence that I defend corporate abuse
You blindly sucking off Fate Grand Order, Xenoblade, Senran Kagura, and every trash weeaboo game is proof enough, showing that you care little about quality if you can jerk off.

you automatically lose if you use the worst KotH character with a tumblr filename, tranny.

Sounds like you're grasping for any reason to delay hanging yourself another day. But I believe in you, user. Today is your own personal day of the rope. Run, find a chair and a tree, you can make this happen.

>episodic jewing
>jew department overrides character artists

Hard pass. I'll find something else to spend my money on.

My mistake, I forgot, the right is so tough that they're scared of milkshakes.

>The modern American leftist is entirely incapable of waging war.
But they are, they have been rulign the cultural war for decades
Now every wh*te male is arguing over tits in vidyagame like you

And then if you go on a "civil war" you will only be painted as a crazy wh*te kid and only make you look worse

I hear the Ars Technica staff are loving the redesign but think her chest should be flatter.

Attached: TypicalLeftistIncel.jpg (1193x791, 270K)

>will be fapping to some touhou doujin later
What's the matter son? can't find a real woman?
What's wrong?

Cool, so you want to murder people because of your inferiority complex, thanks for clarifying you utter failure.

>She had a dress in the original game.
Yes, and? If Tifa's appearence is being supposedly changed because of SJWs then why would they randomly hesistate about doing that with Aerith? Makes no sense.

>Why did they made her dress closed off and loose fitting tho?
>Aeris got nerved, in every sense of the word, people just don't seem to care very much about her to get angry enough
That's completely beside the point though. The reason I say that SJWs wouldn't let Aerith be as is isn't due to any body features or being too revealing. Quite the opposite infact. SJWs just HATE "traditional skirts" like what Aerith is wearing. They consider them a sign of oppression that's even worse than supposedly "objectified women" are to them. Because the traditional skirts concern the "archenemy" of the SJWs, which is the so-called "patriarchy". They are super-sensitive and easily triggered whenever that is involved.
For that reason the claim that Tifa's issue is caused by SJWs isn't credible until you can counter this argument.

virgins being mad due to their lack of knowledge on anatomy


her boob size is literally bigger than in any of her other realistic models
they only talked about giving her a tanktop to her breasts not bouncing all over the place will look more logical, but they never even bounced to begin with; you can't censor something that only existed in your head

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They've grown worse under your rule, yet you keep claiming that the right is at fault. That's absurd.

>You blindly sucking off Fate Grand Order, Xenoblade, Senran Kagura, and every trash weeaboo game is proof enough, showing that you care little about quality if you can jerk off.
Ok, show me where this happened.

This is projection.

This is projection. It is the left that is extremely hypersensitive and prone to panicking over anything.

The culture war is not the same thing as a real, physical war fought with guns.

How about incel? That always works, right?

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>He thinks anybody that thinks 18 year old girls are hot are pedos
have fun watching granny MILF porn

How fucking ironic lmao.
What, are you not allowed to fap once you have a woman? Sex is tiring sometimes, maybe I just wanna nut?

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Probably too autistic. I've met a lot of guys on Yea Forums that were well endowed but doomed to be permavirgins due to their autism or other mental issues. Like legit wanting a feminine male girlfriend and turning me down on that basis. Or having extreme anxiety to give me their address

But they're not small!
It's her black top that makes breasts look small.

>Yes, and? If Tifa's appearence is being supposedly changed because of SJWs then why would they randomly hesistate about doing that with Aerith? Makes no sense.
What are you talking about?

Well of course! Big tits are unethical!

>you can't censor someth-
Sports bra.

excep tifa should be HOT

Too bad a real war won't happen
Look at who's running the world
It's over

Tr*mp was the only real chance wh*tes had but he's found out to be a jewish shill with no interest but money

Thanks for once again demonstrating why SE made the right choice.

>inferiority complex
I don't have an inferiority complex towards niggers, spics and trannies. I'm superior to them. Hence me and mine having enslaved, genocided, colonized, dominated and domisticated them for 2000 years. They are my social and genetic inferiors, and should be referred to as thus.

>le civil war!
I'm so glad edgy righties have gotten this agitated. Every time one of them commits some act of terrorism on some retarded normies and then blows their own brains out or goes to prison for a life of raping, it lifts my whole week up.

This thread is unethical. You have been warned.

For your info in Yea Forums next time you browse....

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Someone answer me please and thank you.

>ethics department

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You wouldn't want my genes in the pool, anyway.

Answer me, user.

There is going to be a war.

You are the ones who are agitated all the time, and you were running around like headless chickens after Christchurch.

God, her overall proportions are awful looking. She looks like ayy lmao in most of the scenes.

Your kind deserve the vicious mockery that the milkshake represents.


>They've grown worse under your rule, yet you keep claiming that the right is at fault. That's absurd.
Excuse me, "my" rule? If I had my say, games with titties AND gender politics would be nuked off the face of the earth, and I'd gouge the eyes of any CEO who thought that 60 dollars wasn't enough for an AAA game and needed more money for their vacation home in Maui. I'd burn the industry to the ground and start over.

>Ok, show me where this happened.
>an entitle general dedicated to mindless praise of being allowed the privilege to purchase lootboxes for their waifus

>clickbaiter is clickbaiting
imagine my shock

>Squeenix and Söyny are afraid of boobs
>meanwhile at Nintendo's mobile division

Attached: lol.png (1684x1920, 1.24M)

uhm, this is one of the fags who has been asking for Tifa's redesign for years

Attached: reseteraop.jpg (1251x4047, 778K)

Anti-SJWs support tormenting the children of illegal immigrants in actual concentration camps. They are not allowed to complain about payback.

>ethics department

Attached: (You).webm (640x358, 1.91M)

Thanks, but what happened to incel? Was it never a part of this system?

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>So? That does not mean they have power over the industry
Apparent they do since they can bitch and whine and get their way.

when is the video game crash

You're always freaking out when the right does anything aggressive, or even when they don't. Stop projecting.

Yes, your rule. You are an SJW. Your faction controls the game industry. Exploitation has only grown worse under your watch.

The fuck? You're claiming I wrote that? Based on what?

>Some muslims dead
>White guy painted evil
>Gun control law forced
>Everyone has to turn in their guns

Yes, yes all according to plan goyim

Israel and Bolton wants a war with Iran and Trump wants a distraction.

Bring it on. I'm sure it'll go well for you

Attached: FB_IMG_1561038591299.jpg (720x973, 56K)

>Yes, your rule. You are an SJW. Your faction controls the game industry.
What kinda stupid accusation? What is that based of? My "faction" is people who enjoy video games for good gameplay. We haven't been in control for decades, because corporate greed and SJWs and weeaboos have pushed us out.

Illegal immigrants have to be put somewhere and Trump didn't invent detaining illegals.

Can you give examples of this?

What are you talking about?

The right has more guns, more training, more experience and more organization than you. You explicitly reject masculinity and guns and anything else that would be useful in fighting a war. You now pretend that this failed shooter represents the entirety of the right and pretend that Christchurch never happened. You are full of hot air.

SJWs control the industry. Things have gotten worse under SJWs. You cannot blame the right for this.

They're going for a realistic art style, and cartoonish anime proportions like that would look really out of place

We never ask for this

>sperging this hard because I shit on your epic maymay
oh my

Sex is not tiring, you're just high on the estrogen or you're just a low-functioning autist like most people on this forum and fap to touhou doujins while LARPing as a chad in threads to patch up your inferiority complex.
Try actually having sex, you don't have to go through the hassle of hooking up with a girl and becoming her girlfriend, just go to a club or dial up a high class prostitute since you're a virgin doujin-fapping autist, it's not tiring because you see people fall aslseep in movies after sex. You can have sex and satisfy several women in one day and still be fresh and able to function. I fucking figured it earlier that you're a permacucked incel with very little interactions with females and thinks they'll yes him because he whiteknights on anonymous siamese basketweaving forums.

God, you are pathetic.

ethics department for artistic medium

tits too big

Oh, let''s not open the Resetera shitstorm on Tifa's breast reduction.

Attached: 1560224153841.jpg (3548x2828, 1.07M)

>sports bra
Did Square ACTUALLY hire this man?

Attached: b6681f14456d67d63b0d1918e0be5891.jpg (1048x1192, 145K)

Read into what happened with gun licenses in NZ after christchurch

Attached: file.png (512x512, 128K)

Come you fucking nigger trannies and fucking meathead sexless incel virgins answer me
Ironically enough one of the guys with the nicest cock I've seen was a bong from London

Big boobs are unethical

How unethical

Attached: istoleitfromoag.jpg (1200x1476, 415K)

>SJWs control the industry. Things have gotten worse under SJWs. You cannot blame the right for this.
I DO blame the right, same as I do the left. You two factions of ninnies use video games as your own political platforms, not caring about the actual game part.

More like the SJW department. I hope you cucks don't support this bullshit.

How is this relevant to what we're talking about?

delete yourself user

I fucking hate this outfit.

Even Nintendo, mother fucking Nintendo makes girls with bigger tits than SE in 2019.

How the fuck we came to this shit.

Attached: 1518904017063.jpg (1284x980, 389K)

The SJWs have been in control for years and things have gotten worse under their control, so they are the ones at fault.

>You two factions of ninnies use video games as your own political platforms, not caring about the actual game part.
We did not start this.

a fucking ethics department
are you serious

Who is this basedboy?

>when there's actually discussion about if Tifa's tit reduction is a bad or a good thing

This board has more redditors than fucking /ptg/, it truly is Yea Forumseddit.

Attached: 1519652107162.jpg (480x465, 44K)

War isn't gonna happen
Leftists control the world now
Any "uprising" like Christchurch is only used by the left to make wh*tes look more evil and take away more guns

It's over

Hitler controlled Germany so I guess that means Germany won the war because once you control something it means you cannot ever lose. At least that's your logic.

The only problem i have with are the leggings to to cover her skinny legs, which are not supposed to be that.

Holy shit mother load of projecting. Damn, you really went off about nothing, huh? Sure I could fuck my girlfriend all day, or, because maybe I feel like it, I'll fap to a big tiddy shrine maiden. I'll do what I want faggot. Suddenly I'm not allowed to masturbate, that makes me a virgin now.

Attached: 1541140647278.jpg (362x223, 29K)

Cartoonish? How is that cartoonish? Is that woman a cartoon to you?
Are you an actual faggot by any chance?

Reminder that you'll never be a woman. You'll always be afraid of the one thing you cannot have.

Attached: 1560929667649.webm (640x640, 1.24M)

>Leftists control the world now
except that one american president.

>me thinks yer breast is tad bigger than regulation
>off to the gulag you go

Some dumbass who tried to do a shooting and got capped immediately

Have sex y'all

Based Laegjarn

Would've rather gotten alts from the mainline series, but whaddaya gonna do

Hitler controlled Germany, nobody could defeat him from the inside
Lefitsts control the World, nobody can defeat them from the inside

shitty logic

this is a nice post and deserves more attention

>Sure I could fuck my girlfriend all day
Shrine maidens in doujins aren't your girlfriends, user.
Have sex, it's not hard, females are real and you can touch them. You don't have to go these lengths to cope about your imaginary relationships.

My gf is blowing me right now....

>Literally money hungry jew puppet that fucked up US economy further by letting chinks invest their dirty commy laundered money on US real estate

you THINK he's on your side, except he's only doing it for money, whatever he does

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>The SJWs have been in control for years and things have gotten worse under their control, so they are the ones at fault.
And who gave them control? Oh yeah, You did. You said it was okay for games to be greedy corporate trash, so companies took the opportunity to appeal to the "woke" crowd.

oh wow someone actually saved it lol
Maybe I should pick it up again

Attached: asdasdasddsa.png (3440x1440, 974K)

I beat my ass to be fucked by the biggest angriest nigger in commifornia that the "ethics department" of SE is in the US or commifornia.

The right as it currently exists is a product of the left. It is truly all their fault.

Sex is unethical!

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>no one has answered me

>can't take personal responsibility

>Oh yeah, You did.
Nope. You are again trying to shift blame. You are the ones at fault here.

That's different. The very same people who plotted to beat Hitler to great success are basically the same people plotting in this instance.

Is /pol/ ITT?

Reminder that only CHINA that can save us all

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Why are these super deformed midgets so sexy?

Why are you getting caught in the specifics of the example instead of the actual point? Just because someone or something is in power does not mean that they will always be in power.

You're right, sex is pretty fucking easy to get, but so is masturbating, and I have the luxury of doing both! if you'd like I can go into intense detail about it! Let's chat about it. When was the last time you has sex user? Did she make fun of your for jerking off?

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Fuck off. No one actually cares about her.

Why do you keep trying to paint me as a supporter of the left? I hate every political idaeology here and just want to play video games. I can't do that, though, when you actively start these stupid little hissy fits about muh titties.

>Literally money hungry jew puppet that fucked up US economy further by letting chinks invest their dirty commy laundered money on US real estate
good, based as fuck.
US collapse real soon, you insectoids need to be wiped out. And it's going very smoothly wtih close coordination between China and Israel and it's insider jews. It's gonna be beautiful as a 3rd worlder to see the west plunge back to the dark ages and ironic leftist wh*Teys like you get genocided by niggers and mudslimes because you strive to swallow what the 3rd world is trying to break free of.

Any femanons want to have sex?

>implying I’m on the right
>not knowing how counter-culture
This decade has been a mirror image of the 90s but with the sides flipped. Dumbass retard.

>backwards Islamic values
commies seething lol

show me a real non-photoshopped picture of a woman with those exact proportions

Based chink

This is exactly what I always wonder. Big Breasts = unethical
just what the fuck is this clowb world

Because you are a supporter of the left.

>I can't do that, though, when you actively start these stupid little hissy fits about muh titties.
The left started it, yet you are shifting blame. Why? Because you are a leftist.

Too bad China is literally dying day by day
US is doubling their trade sanctions by the hour and every company is pulling out of China, their economy is going to go back 10 years at least

holy based

I'm sure plenty of femanons want to have sex, but I'm pretty sure none of them want to have sex with you.

Study more economics. Every time there's a republican majority debt decreases 1%. Every time there's a dem majority debt increases by 7% on average. Its because of the welfare pogroms they keep promising. Military is like peanuts to the total of gibs. And the wall is nothing.

Even if you don't like the guy having him sit there is good for your well being.

>Because you are a supporter of the left.
Okay, so you don't want an actual discussion. You're just shitposting.

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>le smug chad with gf that faps to weebshit doujins and can't stop responding to an anonymous in a forum despite implied position of high ground
kill yourself, you blew your cover the second you uttered the word "doujin". get a fedora with a shorter brim so you can proofread your shit more thoroughly next time you autistic cuck. Keep desperately seeking validation from me.

Keep telling yourself that Trumptard

The specifics are to refute your argument about people being in power. These people have been in power for over a century and the chance of them giving in their power are next to negative numbers.

I did not shitpost anywhere. You admitted to being a leftist. You just tried blaming this problem on us even though the left caused it.

This is an extremely intelligent man.

the woman in your webm looks like she's a 5'0 shortstack. She's proportionate for her height, unlike that Tifa model


And that's a good thing, fuck chinks

Sounds like a regression to puritanical ideals from yesteryear being brought up to diminish and impoverish biological women in this false bid for "diversity" that the American left pushes.
God I fucking hate today's liberals. I'm glad many women athletes are starting to fight back and tell transpeople to fuck out of their women's division.

The specifics are irrelevant, what is actually relevant was the point I was making. You cannot argue against the point.

can you even on reddit discus something like that these days

Based and chinkpilled

Ethics department sounds like a made up department for nepotism.
Like the "youth trends department" of the company I used to work in and who's director of the department was the boss' son.

Tick tock burger, i for one welcome our new chink overlord


China more or less nailed that on the head, moral puritanism for brownie points from circlejerking peers nothing more.

This is a made up department right?

I'm replying because I'm bored, just as I assume you are. Doesn't take much effort man. Plus this is kinda funny. In all seriousness though, do you seriously just like, never jerk off? I'm with a pretty cool chick who will even read some doujin alongside me.

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That's irrelevant to the real estate point, at least learn how the system works when ur just gonna read off something you've read
The ownership of money is going over to the Chinks, yes the economy will be better but US will pay a toll later.

Just like how Japan/Jews owned 75% of New York real estate, see what happened to the US economy, Jews milked that money and are now at the top of the economy

I'm unironically a chink, and no, I don't care about US politics but they are slam fucking us everyday. Even few hours ago Apple decided to move out their entire production facility out of China to Hong Kong

We fucking wish.

But I refuted your point by giving a real life example that you cannot refute. You cannot refute my point.

"Puritanical" isn't a pejorative, tranny. Dilate.

Aye, I guess we are always the same people posting in Tifa threads kek

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make it good drawfag, work on your art.

have you ever seen a big tit woman with a sports bra incel?
spoiler they jiggle still

>S-s-someone was mean t-t-to me, they must be a t-t-tranny!

How's it feel to be the most pathetic person in this thread?

No, you cannot refute mine. The fact that someone has power now does not mean they will always have power. You cannot refute that.



Only if we can reenact this hentai.

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the only women that have those proportions irl are like 4'11 like the girl in your gif. The Tifa model you posted looks to be about 5'4 to 5'5, so yes, I would still call that model unrealistic and cartoonish, retard.

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Leftists always claim that anyone who is against them is an incel or nazi.

>I'm with a pretty cool chick who will even read some doujin alongside me
is she a 4/10 landwhale or a furry tranny but you, being the genteel chevalier respect her pronouns? because no normal woman would even look you in the face the second you mention your incel masturbation material.
tell me about the doujins you fap to, user. Do they contain any furshit?

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You cannot refute reality. These people have been in power for over a century and will still be in power for the entirety of your lifetime.

This, but with an irony deficiency

And are uncomfortable. So many companies don't make properly fitting ones and they overly compress the front end to the point of discomfort and pain. Hell I've gotten a few rashes from sports bras

I just showed you literal faggot a curvy and busty woman in a SPORTS BRA that could very easily fit the Tifa thicc fighter-monk archetype. It exists IRL. Imagine that.

Now go back to whatever shithole you creeped out from.

If that seems like 5'0 to you, then you are actually blind af. Tifa is either 5'4 or 5'5 for your information faggot. Essentially what would many claim here, a "womanlet".

It's real, and is likely going to be adopted by every major publisher moving forward.

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>It's more ethical to have small boobs
someone arrest Christina Hendricks, quick!

The reality is that being in power today does not mean you will be in power tomorrow. There are endless examples in history that prove this. It's just common sense. Are you mentally ill?

I didn't say either, just that you're pathetic. Your immediate reaction was blame and deflection because you can't accept that you're pathetic. Which is, obviously, pathetic.

big boobs are banned from vidya

You're trying really hard.
Kemono is based and I will stand by that until the end of time. Keep looking up old posts though. Let's see where this one leads you

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What happened to body positivity?

I didn't make that post, I was just pointing out that the left always claim that anyone who is against them is an incel or nazi.


>but US will pay a toll later.
Zoomers are already on average priced out of being able to buy a house in their lifetime.
It has to do with the Fed.


That's a useless argument. They will still be in power tomorrow.

It's unethical!

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>all these people this anal anguished just because tifa's tifa's are slightly smaller
Pathetic. You should all learn how to be self aware.

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Did all of Yea Forums miss the fact that Elon Musk said he wants more NSFW adult-oriented games?

We need t

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Just invest in middle-east/non capitol areas
I got a nice house in Minnesota and life is great except for the fucking retard cold Winter

It's a fact. It's reality. It's common sense. You CANNOT refute it. There's nothing you can say to win.

I don't have a gaping axe wound that's a cesspit for decay you nigger. I am proudly cisgendered or whatever the term is the hell bound fags use

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Considering the resurgence of Neo-Nazis in the US, that's a pretty easy claim to make.

I always crack up when I see far right Americans flying a Confederate flag or Nazi flag alongside the American flag. They're flying the flags of losers that got their assess beat by Americans. It's too funny. Celebrate your Southern pride by flying a loser's flag all day, please, I need to laugh.

>very easily fit the Tifa thicc fighter-monk archetype
You showed us an instathot working out at the gym.
They are not the same.

Strawman, as pointed out numerous times already.

Stop fapping to humans masquerading animals.

Grow thicker skin and gain some blubber you refugee


Why are they not? You don't think Tifa would be one of those if there had been social media?

Agreed. Best of all its far away from relatives and people who might know you.

The left calls anyone a nazi if they go against the left.

The way the straps bulge totally imply that Tifa used to be STACKED. I don't know why it's bad to be attracted to that, sure she had big knockers but she was a cool character for other reasons. I think the same amount of outrage would be directed at any blatant edit of the characters if it was this sloppy. You know that there was an internal viewing and someone just couldn't fucking stand it that she was big tiddie. This isn't because I have an obsessive male gaze or any fucking nonsense like that, I'm an assman so the issue is a joke to me.

Like fuck, look at it. You can see that they fucking scaled those puppies down and it's sad. Most tit sizes are represented in FF7 and they're all good choices so I don't get why they need to do Tifa dirty like this.

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>ethics department
Why does a video game company need that

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"Body positivity" is only for fat chicks & trannies. You can't have characters with big knockers & slim/athletic physique. This is an idealised female form that shames other women for not being able to attain it. Despite the fact there are plenty of women who naturally look like that.

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>Can you give examples of this
Yes. Look a all the changes I dialogue made with propaganda in mind. Read the funimation debacle, see what happened to Vince, dragon Loli anime.

I already won. You cannot refute reality. These people will be in power for centuries to come. Tomorrow is a few hours away and they will hold power when tomorrow becomes today. You have no argument. Never did.

You sound like a very shallow person

Sports bra.

Cloud also cannot possibly carry this huge ass sword according to his body frame and neither can Sephiroth. For example. Your fucking point about vidya "realism" again, brainlet?

What is the strawman?
People taking a poorly translated phrase at face value because it feeds their outrage culture?

Those are dubs made in America.

How did you win? You presented no counter-arguments. You could do nothing at all to refute what I said. What are you babbling about?


No wonder liberals hate him.

No one cares besides actual virgins. Tifa still looks good. You can see actual tits and doujins for free on the internet right now and new ones will be made for Tifa too.

The issue, as you have been repeatedly told, is that SJWs forced the developers to censor Tifa's character design.

Explain what is wrong with being a virgin and why it is relevant whether or not someone is a virgin.

>It comes from Instagram so is no real!

why it fucking matters that the girl comes from instagram you fucking mongrel.

>it's about ethics in games journalism!

Creator’s vision you say?

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>Explain what is wrong with being a virgin
This thread is a prime example.

Please have sex

No, because everything about her personality has shown her to be demure to the point of being a homebody.
>it is a point in game that superhumans are possible that can achieve great feats
>such as the entire player party
Your desperate attempt to cover your ass falls short.

Stop saying the right you stupid faggotnigger. There has been NO right wing party ever since the french revolution. We you have I conservacucks lead by zionists shills. Educate yourself.

>Sounds like a regression to puritanical ideals from yesteryear being brought up to diminish and impoverish biological women in this false bid for "diversity" that the American left pushes.
>God I fucking hate today's liberals. I'm glad many women athletes are starting to fight back and tell transpeople to fuck out of their women's division

Western SJWs ruining everything as always.

If men were as petty and spiteful as women there wouldn't be any muscular superheroes.

Explain how the thread supports your claim.

What do you want to talk about? If its not boobs and Tifa I'm not interested.

I can't deny I get pleasure out of watching people align themselves with history's biggest losers.

>The issue, as you have been repeatedly told, is that SJWs forced the developers to censor Tifa's character design.
Except that isn't the case at all.
The simplest explanation that can be drawn is they didn't want Tifa to have jiggle physics, so they gave her a compression bra as a reasonable insetting excuse for it.
You are the one making a "sjw" scare out of it.

One of the most retarded threads I have ever seen. Arguing about video game boobies. Jesus Christ.

>if someone loses a military conflict it must mean that they were in the wrong

Why do you guys all pretend like this is something that shouldn't exist when you have no idea if perhaps every country in Japan is supposed to have such a department by law?

But I already did. You can ignore my real life example but it's still there. They will still hold power tomorrow making your argument irrelevant.

It is the case. SJWs did this.

What's with the ethics department then, sounds a bit over the top.

*every company

Where? Where did you prove anything? Link to the post and quote the relevant part.

Flat is better in porn but also in character design;it looks more natural and gives more character

Nothing about that is sensible, classic fallacy at work

>Slightly smaller
>When from a G to a D

She is not big breast fetish material anymore, that the fucking issue.

Why you fucking retards can't understand this.

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You wouldn't want me near real women, user.

>SJWs did this.
No they didn't. SJWs don't allow "patriarchal, oppressive" traditional skirts like the one Aerith is wearing.

The irony is that Hitler would've probably had Tifa censored even more.


I've never heard SJWs say anything like that.

It's sad that this is probably not trolling. I've seen it too frequently in the Trump camp, the "if you vote for him the SJWs won't use that as an excuse to feel like the underdogs in a world shifting right and scream louder now that their concerns have validity" level of cope. Yes, vote for the only sitting president to release anti-video game propaganda, that'll save video games.

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As if we needed more evidence Yea Forums was filled with white incels. lol

Tifa still looks hot.

>Go from shitty anime graphics artstyle to a realistic one
>Surprised the tits aren't comically large anymore
Gamers were a mistake.

So are you actually shaming Tifa for having that body? Why, because she doesn't fit your idea of a fighter's body? What about Yuffie What about all other ordinary-looking fighters capable of extreme feats? You said yourself that there are supernatural forces in this world. The game's name is final fantasy. You absolute faggot mongloid.

Tell me the rough % of screentime estimate that THIS particular version of Tifa got during the whole game and why you thought it'd be a good representation of both canon and what people remember of her when playing the actual game.

Explain why it is wrong to be involuntarily celibate and why it is relevant whether or not someone is involuntarily celibate.

How new?

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Her tits were censored by SJWs. That's the only reason. And they were never "comically large."

I know what I said and I meant exactly what I said.

That would be useless. You dismissed it when I first gave it to you so what good would make now? Are you changing your mind?

Those looked fucking retarded and only fit because of the shit style FF7 had back then. It doesn't work otherwise.

Her fucking tits are still big.

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So you can't provide any evidence that you ever refuted what I said? Ok.

>And they were never "comically large."

Are you fucking pretending? They are the size of her face and she is suppose to be a FF Monk.

I'm sorry, but those tits look absurd.

No they are not.
Not even close.

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You just have a completely warped idea of what "comically large" means because you SJWs think that having big tits is "unrealistic." There are real women with tits much bigger than hers.

>Tifa gets a sports bra
>The internet has a meltdown
>Yea Forums rages about those ebil feminazis again
So predictable. Outrage culture is the worst thing to happen to the internet

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Strawman. Again. How many times have you posted this now?

I see women with huge tits all the time user. They are not jumping through the air like monks in FF do and they also tend to be thiccer women not fit like Tifa.

We've been going at it. You should remember. You can also search it yourself and reference it yourself.

>Outrage culture is the worst thing to happen to the internet
Right? The left SJWs do it all the time.

Be sure to report them to Square's ethics department!

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i agree with outrage culture.
but the fuck, did you even read about the ethics apartment? about honey bee inn changes etcetera? its not the only fucking thing, and why is it changed? CUS ITS UNETHICAL. Now thats the shit part, thats the thing people are upset about and why not only tifa whiners are now on the edge.

Respect womyn!

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Final Fantasy is not real life.

You cannot produce any evidence that you have ever refuted what I said. If you could, you would have. But of course it's not wonder, as nobody can actually refute the following:

>The fact that someone has power now does not mean that they will always have power.
It's impossible to refute. You totally lost.

I like ho you incels and sjw are just red/blue.

You guys are actual cucks. Everyone in the middle doesn't care and thinks she looks fine.


Even if they looked fucking retarded they were meant to be fetishised.

Tifa is as generic as heroine can get, you guys think she would have been as memorable or popular if not for her massive rack? please

Attached: TifaNew.jpg (1023x639, 64K)

The right wing has taken that throne in this day and age.

Liberals still seem mad even though they got the toned-down Tifa they've always dreamed of. There's just no pleasing them.

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>Final Fantasy is not real life
Yet they are using realistic character designs for the humans you fuck and have been for decades now.

Explain why it is wrong to be involuntarily celibate and why it is relevant whether or not someone is involuntarily celibate.

>Pic related has bigger boobs


That doesn't make it real life. What are you babbling about?

>by SJWs
[Citation Needed]
Did you know that SJWs aren't the only ones to censor stuff? You know, many religions tend to favor that as well, as well as fundamentalistic traditionalists who view any sort of exposure as "undecent". Japan got a lot of people like that too. If you want to say that it's SJWs specifically who asked for the Sportsbra, then PROVE IT.

And before you say anything, no I do not hold that view that SJWs "don't exist" or any BS like that. I am just saying that they aren't responsible in this particular case, since the only circumstancial evidence provided up until now is that SJW is the only "well known" reason for censorship currently and that whole Sony California non-sense, but they have only showed their influence on their own spcific titles and not for other timed-exclusives from big brand JP devs. So PROVE IT or otherwise acknowledge that you don't know for sure.

>incel or nazi
It sounds like your in camp "I don't know but it just feels like it". Yes, it happens but "incel" happens more often and that's just an old "get laid" joke.

Because a skinny ass guy like could should be able to hold a massive fucking sword right?

Are you not being sexist by applying physics logic to Tifa but not Cloud?

These niggas are fucking retarded.

SJWs did it and no amount of attempts at deflection is going to change that.

What are you trying to say?

also, its a goddamn vidya.

[Citation Needed]
Note that a literal translation of the name of some Japanese Business-related department that might or might not be something required by law and might or might not exists for decades in any big-name Japanese company is hardly an argument.

Rarely they demand something completely outright.
It's simply a matter of Japan watching the West experiencing all this current political shitstorm in her games and adjusting their exported games accordingly because they want the overseas sales after all.

You are ignoring it because you cannot refute it but that's fine I didn't expect you to anyway. Going in circles is not something I like to do. Have fun doing it yourself. I already won.

They gave cloud actual muscle definition in the remake.

>Tifa was built to be fetishized and objectified
>But now Squeenix has a reputation to uphold, and objectifying women is t popular anymore.
>So Squeenix tweaks Tifa in the smallest, most inoffensive way to conform to new morals but still perfectly keeping her old charm
>Everyone loses their minds
We live in a society....

seems like you didnt read the article or anything posted these last three days huh? google it. noone here will spoonfeed you, summerfag.

You cannot refute what I said: Repeat: cannot refute what I said. You have no arguments against it. None. It's absolutely mind-boggling that you even started arguing about this. You may as well try to argue that gravity isn't real.

You lost. This is fact.

Her battle model has way smaller boobs than her FMV version though, in other words you are proving my point.

They base the characters on real life and put them into a fantasy setting. Doesn't somehow mean they wont use realistic proportions its not hard user.

Are you still in school?