>not playing multi-player games exclusively

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>2020 - 1
>posting wojaks

Why should i?

BASED and redpilled

ok birdbrain

Fuck off zoomer.

>playing multiplayer games ever

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mp games are for talentless devs, with only a few exceptions

Yeah why play shit like Borderlands or MH and have fun with a small group of friends
Fucking retarded LMAO

>posting selfies in the OP

why would I want to be friends with a bunch of 16 year old faggots like you though

So don't play with 16 old faggots but play with your based friends instead?

>multiplayer games

i don't have friends to play with and i don't like playing with randoms unless it's tf2

All challenge found in single player games is artificial. That's why intellectuals prefer multiplayer.

MH is the only multiplayer game I like and I play it alone.

Op here. U r based

>Not playing single-player games exclusively
Fuck man, it's nice to close the blinds, turn off the phone and get some time to myself.

Have sex, incel.

I barely play vidya anymore, I just come here occasionally to laugh at this awful board, but I still hold that the only games that can ever not be wastes of time are single player.

Most vidya fun I ever had was probably playing Sea of Thieves with my irl friends. But it's also nice to hunker down and autistically play total war for 12 hours straight.

I would but there are no decent online RPG since the mmo genre died more than 10 years ago.

I have sex all the time and I play almost exclusively play single player games. i actually have friends and a life outside my living room, so I dont have to pretend to be popular online.

i have no friends lol

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Start a family

Heh you seem frustrated, incel.

>people are still exclusively playing what they enjoy
What the fuck bros? But my eSports...

This post reeks of third world poster.

Fuck twinks

seething incel

No wonder you can't stop thinking about cutting your dick off, you literally can't stop thinking about sex.

Someone has evolved from frustrated to full on mad.

Multiplayer games are arcade tier. Just jump on and get down then fuck off. Single player is for the gamer who wants a story and substance.

Please don't cry, go look at some more porn so you feel better.

Janny, this man has lost his composure.
Please remove him at once.

>literally calls jannies for help
How low can you people get?

>being dependable on others to play a game
Ultimate sign of a retarded normie boomer

Read pua

Have sex

Make white babies

Have relations sexually

Experiment bisexuality

I'll play them if a friend buys but fuck paying for online-only games. It's like throwing money away once everyone moves on.

I'm above you, incel.