confess your VIDEO GAME sins, user
Confess your VIDEO GAME sins, user
I buy single player games and indies instead of cracking them.
I don't like shooters because they make me dizzy.
I'm not autistic enough to care about females or minorities in my video games.
I really don't care about modern video games
or rather you're just the right amount of autistic to concern yourself with identity politics in video games left or right
I have about 3000 hours in all total war games combined (excluding the ones before steam) and never played a single online match.
i don’t like playing too many different video games on my PC because I hate playing anything that isn’t on my SSD and I have a data cap so installing new stuff is a rare occasion. I just broke 1000 games on steam and so many of those aren’t getting played because I keep going on with CSGO and stuff
Assassin's creed was my favourite franchise back in the days
I'm guilty of the long-running joke of buying games because they're on sale, then not playing them. I have a PS4, Switch, and PC, all of which I bought back when I had more money than I knew what to do with and more money than sense, assuring myself that I'd despite working 50-60 workweeks, I'd find the time for vidya. Now that I've lost my job, I have all the time in the world to play video games, and then never do. I'll play maybe an hour a day, for no real reason.
Same. At least I stopped adding to the pile of games I'll never play. I wanted to buy Crash Nsane Trillogy when it was on sale but rationalized it to myself that I'll play it for a bit and never pick it up again.
I try to buy only one game at sale, you can never play multiple games that you bought together. I was tempted to buy ea sports bundle for $30 but chose not to.
I played all the zeldas in existence, except the first one
I've only played LEZ and BotW, nothing in between
i enjoyed DMC2 when I was a child
One time I failed to dismantle the corrupt and decadent Roman Catholic tyranny in Europa Universalis.
Uh, I'd rather not
The HDMI cord between my TV and my PS4 says "Xbox 360" on it.
When I had friends I was always on the look out for multiplayer games and I would buy them all copies just to play it once and never again. I'm alone now.
I denied gay marriage in my lands in draggon commander and it triggered the elf ruler and a female commander with short painted hair. Then the undead told me I'm doing the right thing and that their place is drawning in an ocean or something, the dwarf told me I'm protecting family values and the imp was confused and suggested we just flip a coin.
I have 1k hrs on OW and I still suck at aiming with McCree
I tell people i'm a onebro but i used pyro.
I have an inferiority complex when it comes to video games, and that's why I usually avoid playing with my friends or don't let them watch me play, because I am afraid they will make fun of me
I don't play videogames anymore, but I shit on them and pretend like I do.
Just git gud. Every fat retard is doing it.
i've been playing fallout 3 recently and every so often i'd quicksave in a town and bash people's heads in with a sledgehammer while i'm in a town because an npc annoyed me
I cannot have fun playing anything other than anime games
I have never played a ranked match in any videogame because I'm scared to know for sure that I'm a shitter
I play solo because I'm worried the person will like me too much and try to play with me frequently, but I like playing solo mostly.
400 hours of Heavy maining has ruined my Game sense. I constantly get the lowest rank in anything other then tf2 pubs
I have a 3000€ SLI machine that I use to play red alert 2 in 720p.
I bring up video games at work and autistically talk about console sale numbers
I can only ever play two games regularly
And I only play games regularly, never lets say once a week
If I pick up another one, I'll drop one of the previous ones
My 500G nvme is more than enough
I don't hoard any data
I stole my GPU, SSD, keyboard, and headphones from work. The only reason I didn't steal a mobo is because it was RMA'd.