Will project Borealis be a valid successor to the half-life franchise?

Will project Borealis be a valid successor to the half-life franchise?


Attached: Alyx.jpg (1373x728, 38K)

I'm not convinced any of these are ever coming out. This one, the one that's basically a sequel to Blue Shift, the rest of Black Mesa, et al.

Nah the movement and controls appear to be directly parallel to hl2, rather than any attempt to advance them. It'll meander for awhile before being completely overshadowed by the Valve VR game, or the completion of Xen in Black Mesa (making the game complete). At that point it'll dissolve like the other 4-5 attempts to reboot / remake a half-life game in the past.

Black Mesa is scheduled to be finished within the next few months, though. Also, this Project Borealis team seem to have a pretty defined team structure, and I assume they've got someone funding them. They're far more organized and professional than a typical mod team would be.

They spend a huge amount of effort to flawlessly recreate HL2's movement in Unreal 4. Of course I can't say I agree with slavishly imitating HL2 because HL2 had very weak combat design, but I think this will feel like a direct successor to Episode 2.

These projects take decades to ever get anywhere IF they are lucky enough to survive at all.
>black mesa still isn't finished despite being worked on since 2005
>opposing force remake still not even in alpha

Black Mesa spent years without clear direction. They also had to create a 6 hour long section of the game from scratch. Xen has taken forever because original Xen was kinda disliked and they've had to rethink it from the ground up.

>doing Valve's work FOR FREE
imagine being such a kuk

rent free

hes right
these companies dont give a fuck so why should you do their shit for free?

>>opposing force remake still not even in alpha
My understanding is that the Opposing Force remake has been rebooted twice. There were three different and separate teams working on the project. The new team is called Tripmine Studios, and they are supposedly stable and well organized.

Because just like black mesa source you can sell it for money.

I wonder when Valve changed their mind about that. Back in 2011 or so, Saber Interactive asked their permission to remake Half-Life 2, with revenue share for Valve. Valve claimed that they weren't going to allow anyone to remake Half-Life, but then a few years later they had no issue with Black Mesa being sold on Steam.

>make billions from suckers by doing fuck all
>throw a bone to some jerkoff fanboys and keep the fanbase happy despite HL being totally dead
It's a win-win. Not everybody is retarded like Namco
>keep half a dozen gook Tales stuck in Japan forever
>guys quietly translate for free
>I'll give you a job as a janitor at Namco if you kill all projects

because they want to you fuck
not everythings about making money, goldstein

I think it'll be a decent fan project if you come into with an open-mind.
It's obviously not gonna live up to any series veteran's hopes and dreams for a full-fledged sequel but serves as a fun 'what-if' project.
At it's best, it'll be an interesting portfolio piece for the devs and who knows, maybe it'll kickstart the career of the next visionary developer.

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>that nose


It won't be a leap in technological achievements, so no.

>It won't be a leap in technological achievements, so no.
Half-Life was never really any sort of meaningful tech leap anyway.

what's her ethnicity?

alyx looks like makeapp was used on her.

