Clean your pc right now
Clean your pc right now
that dust keeps everything cooler by wicking away heat
No thanks
The intensive whirring gives me a nice background noise
That's an impressive amount of dust. Makes you wanna lick it all off
Already cleaned it not long ago, even bought an electric blower because the fuckng cans cost way too much.
>when you die and it takes people ten years to find your body, this is how they will find your PC
I clean the fans.
Rest don't matter.
They're not that expensive, I just never liked that they got too cold to hold after a while. And I was never sure if the condensation was bad, but always assumed it was. So I just bought a DataVac.
>Smoking indoors
Just cleaned my GPU and CPU cooler two days ago, why the fuck does the dust get EVERYWHERE
I smoke indoor too but try to smoke at window most of the time, Feels bad when i see smoke get sucked up but fan
What is the best place to keep your case?
I keep mine no the floor, but have a distinct feeling thats why it has 10 kilos of dust every month
I use an old wet vac in reverse.
few far away blows and everything clean
This is not the best idea.
I keep mine on a shelf above my PC. I check it every month for dust and it's absurdly minimal every time. I've never had a consistently cleaner PC than this one.
is just werks
use it 2-3 times a year without any issues
fuck paying $60 for the amazon hand vac.
imagine the fucking smell
tfw I built a new pc and this time the case has dust filters
wait, are you serious? cases that are $40 come with dust filters. you could even buy magnetic ones that fit nearly every case.
Yeah but for some reason I was retarded and got a case without them last time. This time I have decent ones and good air flow because of a couple of additional fans so where mountains of dust would accumulate within a week in my previous pc now two months have gone by and there is almost none in there and the filters are nice and easy to clean.
It's so fucking nice to be able to look through the side panel and not be disgusted.
my pc has never ever ever ever ever gotten so dusty to the point i felt the need to actually clean it
Is this some kind of mental disorder?
but then I'd have to remove the castle of empty soda cans I have built on and around it
i'll clean it when i upgrade.
i don't like thwt they put a bitter tasting substance in them to try and prevent people from huffing them. I keep thinking that shit is coating my electronic s
Joke's on you I buy a new pc every week
>I keep mine on a shelf above my PC
of course your case is going to be clean if you didn't put your PC parts in it, there's no electric charge to attract dust
I've been awake way too long, just replace that first PC with desk
no need to.
Shit you too?
>buy new pc
>immediately put sales ad for this "new pc", overpriced by about 100$
>After 2-3 weeks sell to whatever loser bites
>The same day, buy new PC, simply plug in my hard drive
>rinse and repeat to get money out of thin air
My PC is fine.
mine's comes out from the bottom so it's impossible to remove without unplugging shit and pullung the entire thing out so there's no way Im doing that with any consistency.
3 years and going without cleaning filters or opening the case and my temps haven't gone up even a single degree so Im not sweating it
>There are anons on this board that have rooms that look like this
you ain't seen nothing yet bro.
>worst girl
as to be expected
It's all fun and games until she starts melting in the summer heat
That's one nasty ass heroin junkie
What turned this PC into jelly?
I reverse vacuume my pc every 1-2 week/s
I thought it was a fancy ornamental room with a balcony from the thumbnail.
what the fuck is wrong with drug addicts
drug addiction
What about the static electricity?
How, most I'll ever dare is let dust pile on, but even then I'll probably reach a point where I go "enough is enough" and use a vacuum. How can one just throw stuff on the ground and not bother to pick it up and take it to the trash bag?
>Getting anything but a Ryzen for general PCs or Threadripper for workstations in 2019
Good ventilation, she gets cold air before the GPU in fact, don't worry I got my priorities right.
Stop using john carpenter's the thing to power your computer!
Wow a insulin dependent person with bad manners. Diabetes.....What a nightmare.
You're right, I should. Thanks for the reminder user.
I've had my PC for years and so far only a thin layer of dust has accumulated on the filters.
How do you people even breathe in your dusty ass rooms?
I just need to clean the dust filters in the front. But Im too lazy
M-more? I'm morbidly curious as to how these people can stand living in this mess
Though I guess all that heroin can account for that
>reverse vacuum
Just say that you would blow away dust using a vacuum cleaner like a normal person would.
Talking about that very thin lair of dust that sticks to the pc? I dunno, maybe it gets rid of it, maybe it doesn't from what I've seen it does it's job fine, blow the dust out and it's done.
Yea that, I use the most narrow vacuum head to blow the dust out after removing the cap. it's mainly got holes in every other side so getting the dust out is pretty easy.
but that takes longer to say
No. Static electricity is the charges which are induced on your hardware when blow them away using a powerful jet of air.
Basically the air will have charged particles which stick onto your hardware which might fry some delicate components on a chip.
I guess you haven't faced any such problems yet.
It's almost a meme. It happened to me once and that was 20 years ago with some SDRAM stick. Never with newer components.
How do you clean your PCs and how often bros? Let's get a demographic here.
I will start. I use a toothbrush and clean it every 2 months
Never. I only blow on them untill the dust gets out, so a few seconds, then move on, and never in all the years of cleanining things with it, have I had something like that happen as far as I'm aware.
I have to do it every ten days or so, because my cat favourite nap location is just next to PC and all that fucking cat hair ends up in fans and filters.
I love my cat and everything but why the fuck it HAS to be next to my computer. She have like dozen of other naping spots with blankets, cushions, boxes and shit.
And it does not even look that comfortable, since she can barely move there.
cats are fucking natural born trolls
Blow it up every 2 weeks.
Cats prefer warm places and the cabinet is usually warm.