Why are people complaining so much about Pokemon?

If you complain you are literally endorsing crunch and poor working conditions. You fucking monster.

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catch em all

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How much are they paying you guys for this damage control?

>not the highest selling Nintendo IP
What is?

Probably fire emblem phone games


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wh-which one's the highest selling Nintendo IP user?

What the fuck is this stupid-ass image?

how did you make a picture with literally nothing but objectively wrong points
>competitively worse than smash 4 in some ways

How about you zoom in all the way on that Pokémon screenshot like you did with the other three, hmmm?
Have fun buying the same effortless garbage over and over again, Pokédrone :^)

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>games comes out regularly
Whover made this really struggled saying anything positive about Pokémon

Because snoyfags are getting desperate.

>Allowing non-whites proper working conditions
There's a reason mutts are shilled into hating unions

>If you complain you are literally endorsing crunch and poor working conditions. You fucking monster.

They should delay the game until it's fucking passable.

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Wii Sports

not sure why he said otherwise but the mario franchise is easiler the biggest


Mario and then Pokemon

>They should delay the game until it's fucking passable.
They should. But it's The Pokemon Company and dare not give such vile words even scarce utterance.

only as console videogames. when you take into account : the show, movies, F2P mobile games, merch, cards, collectibles etc, pokemon is actually one of the most profitable franchises in the world.

They are obsessed shitposters, they don't need any other reason.

LMAO are you really pretending that Pokemon's gameplay is better than Zelda/Mario/Smash? Please.

>Gotta catch 'em all!*

*Note: You cannot catch them all

>If you complain you are literally endorsing crunch and poor working conditions
I seem to recall Miyamoto saying something about a "delayed game will eventually be good".

the zelda team and monolith spent over five years working on a gigantic world and an insane physics engine that allows tons of crazy shit.

pokemon is reusing the same shit engine, cant even prevent popin and slowdowns despite looking like a 3DS game and doesnt include all the content from the previous games despite being able to recycle 100% of the models and animations.

the comparison is so insulting.

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What is the highest selling Nintendo IP then?

I'm fine with the game getting delayed, I'm just loudly voicing the fact that I won't buy it if it's releasing in a state that it seems like it probably will.

Morning, bruh

yeah pokemon is #1 grossing franchise overall but im pretty sure its not technically a nintendo IP which would mean mario is #1

>most profitable franchises in the world.
and all thanks to WB editing the shit out of the thing when they first brought it over and even putting in pops song of which they owned into the shit. Fucking hell if anything Pokemon and what WB did with it at first is like the best argument against fags wanting literal as fuck translations of shit.

>full camera controls
>bold new direction
Jesus Christ

You really think it was the fucking anime of all things that made Pokemon popular in the west? Are you that retarded?

Actually, I'm endorsing them to delay the game so their workers can have more time to actually finish it as well as have a life outside of development, like the Animal Crossing devs.
Perhaps with happier workers and more time, the game might be decent instead of this cut up mess.

because the japanese are embarrassingly bad at programming
i mean imagine not knowing what mesh instancing or differential compression are
they deserve crunch and poor working conditions for being so fucking stupid

It's because of people like you that we'll never get a good pokemon game
Keep buying and eating gamefreak's lazy shit with a smile on your fag face

God damn you are desperate

>you are literally endorsing crunch and poor working conditions
They deserve far worse than that. Every one of the retards at GameFreak needs to get fired so they commit seppuku in shame over having destroyed one of the most beloved franchises in the world.

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Wrong, you're mistaking a nation instead of a company from that nation, you goof.
You can't say that an idiot from your country represents you and hasy your level.