Why does everyone talk about bitches and whores when this was the real point of adachi?

Why does everyone talk about bitches and whores when this was the real point of adachi?

The MC is a talented Gary Stu.

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It's talked about, but Adachi's main point hits close to home for many, and his whole argument gets completely flattened by "POWER OF FRIENDSHIP", so he doesn't really change or anything. He just becomes willing to give their POV a shot.

It's just easier to paint him as an /r9k/ resident with an additional love of cabbage. Like how every other character can be boiled down to one trait.

Basically, what Atlus does for Persona Q.

Read on Jungian psychology, bro.
Yu is just as much of a loser as Adachi. Why do you think Izanami threw a bitch fit and created the fog and Midnight Channel?


Adachi was also supremely talented. It’s what fed his superiority complex and sense of entitlement.

The macro someone edited proved popular, and Adachi's murders were connected to that, even if his deeper character dealt with other matters when confronted.

>game criticizes its own contrivance
Kind of hard to take seriously, especially when you can point to the first Persona where the protagonist was not a gary stu and had the same power as everyone else, he was just the leader because people liked him.

>predicted incels

How was Persona 4 so kino? People really underappreciate just how well-written thiw game was nowadays. Fucking P5.

>predicted incels
I'm not sure how a recent game can predict something that's been around since forever.

He's not wrong.

Incels haven't started glorifying themselves this much until recently. Remember this game came out in 2008.

I've never played a Persona game but the OST is getting me interested. What do people think about Yukari? I hear there's some controversy around her?

There's no such thing as talent. You're either working hard to accomplish your goal or spend that energy crying like a little bitch and remain mediocre. I for one decided on remaining mediocre.

She is great and one of the best characters of Persona 3, but she is really bitchy in the epilogue and that reputation has sticked out with her.

Play P3 and P4 and then go on with the rest if you like either. Just be aware P3 has very repetitive dungeon-crawling.

Adachi's point is completely moot when you realize that the MC came from LITERALLY NOTHING, because God created the town from scratch

Why the hell is Yu a loser now?

>there's not such thing as genetics
>everyone can be a genius

I'm fine with repetition, thanks. How should I get it? I hear there's lots of versions of every Persona game.

I see you decided to cry about things like a little bitch too user.


FES is for PS2 and has animated cutscenes, better graphics and an epilogue for the story. Portable for PSP and shittier graphics with no cutscenes in favour of a female character who adds a lot of new characters/music to the game. + You party is only controllable in Portable. FES is considered optimum for begginers and Portable for a second playthrough. But I think the decision should be up to you. Full party.control is very, very good.

Persona 4 was for PS2 and it's great. Golden for PS Vita and just added more content really; with barely no setbacks. Some people do really dislike what this content adds to the story, though.

It's getting a Golden-style remake next year. So just new content. Wait for that.

Because he comes to Inaba with nobody and nothing. The dude's a junior in highschool and he has ZERO Courage/Diligence/Understanding/Expression/Knowledge.

Guess I'll dust off my PS2 and go with FES then. Thanks. How come people don't talk about Persona 1 or 2?

FES is trash, P3P is much, much better.

but unlike adachi, he decided to be social, make connections with others and improve himself not just wank his ego but too help others around him

that makes him far from a loser.

who should I romance?

there are mods that add party control to 3 FES btw

Persona 1 is just a shitty old game with barely any substance. It's like SMT but with nothing that made those games good for many. It's very outdated.

Persona 2 is considered by many to have the best writing/story of the series. But the gameplay is awful, complete trash, plus we never got the PSP remake of the second part of the game, so playing them nowadays is an absolute chore. If both parts got a remake it would probably be mildy succesful.

>and was thrown into a situation where he can still have none of those skills touched and still be better than Adachi

P1 kinda sucks and P2 is loved by sjw and transgender people for some reason.

Apple head-chan.

I think that's the main difference, yeah.
MC's gotta WORK for his/your shit. You start with nothing, but grind your way to the top.

Adachi had a lot of stuff handed to him, including his decently cushy job, and is proven a few times to be perfectly competent, but he bitches and talks about "talent" anyway.

So it didn't predict anything, it was just aware of flaws in humanity and portrayed them well. Just because you realized this in the recent years when incels have gotten more spotlight, doesn't mean its anything new or groundbreaking.

Predictions are for future events, awarness is for present and past.

>Adachi had a lot of stuff handed to him, including his decently cushy job
>except he worked hard for it, so hard that he spent his entire childhood studying for it.

Did he? I thought Dojima had to pull some favors to get the job. It's actually been a long time since I played.

But hey, that's even worse! That just means Adachi actually worked hard and achieved what he set out to do, but STILL bitched.

I mean, the public's perception of them didn't exist at this level until recently. In 2008 they were just plain old losers.

I think you are arguing here just for semantics. You know what I meant.

and he lost it all beacuse of the one mistake he did. the thing about adachi is he could have started over and create new goals but decided to never stop being salty over what happened.

Persona's lesson is that what really matters are the connection and contacts you have instead of your actual talents.

Was Yu a loser before coming here? He doesn't even give a single shit about anyone before moving to Inaba

No, Adachi had a good job and then got sent to Inaba for a mistake that may or may not have been as bad as implied.

I agree, I'm just correcting the misinformation to make sure statements made are of sound quality.

too bad I am worthless at both

So exactly how real life works then? The only advantage having talents gives you is the ability to be useful to other people which in turn establishes connections with other talented people.

also that you will die one day.

got to remind the kids and the manchildren its never too late.

Getting connections is a talent itself

>I think you are arguing here just for semantics. You know what I meant.
I'm not arguing semantics, even though semantics are very important for clear communication. I corrected a false statement you made about prediction of incels.

Can we just talk about how Yukari was the best thing to come out of the series?
>ywn come home and snuggle in bed with her after a long day at work
>ywn give her 5 kids
>ywn have a loving family with her
Its not FAIR!

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Okay but like, what was her endgame again? Why did she go around giving people handout copies of her husband whom she hates?

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