What do you usually do in this game?

What do you usually do in this game?

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Is it possible to play this without fighting? Like just talk your way out?

Idk just play the game
Never played FNV after I 100%'d it


...play the game

or try and sneak out the backroad behind goodsprings past all the high level enemies, to red rock canyon, and then to freeside.

oh is this a faction bait thread? if so then

legion (yes man)
house (yes man)
ncr (yes man)
yes man (yes man)

walk slowly across the empty map

put points into sneak/speech mostly and put some into things like barter to get by. just don't count on your companions living very long if you play a non combat character.

play as a legion edgelord and pretend to understand hegelian dialectics

Yes man is the redpilled option
Kill Khans, kill every casino jew, nuke NCR and Legion, ally only with the boomers and enclave

Sometimes it's unavoidable when you're running around looking for stuff(attacks by random junkies and giant bugs'n shit for example, ) but for most of the main questlines you can talk your way out of everything. Those speech perks + 100 speech and Barter will get you pretty far. Though again, sometime's it's unvoidable you should carry a gun or two just in case.

Wander aaround, trying to find things I didn't find such a quests, weapons, and other stuff in previous playthroughs. Also trying to learn to play caravan but the instruction disk that guy in the beginning gives you makes no fucking sense to me.

Walk, it feels really nice to just travel through the mojave.

>convince myself I'm going to have a normal playthrough this time
>install every half decent companion mod on the nexus
>run around the wasteland with my 24 man posse liquefying anyone who breathes at me wrong
every 3 months


i bet you also stop at red lights in gta.

Run my courier into a coyote den and watch her get brutally raped for two hours by hot, knotted alpha cock. Then pretend that she's trying to crawl away and watch the pups pin her down and take their turns.

... sometimes

Give up before reaching Vegas because i end up taking the same quests in the same order.

rush Speech and Barter, and a bit of planning for side quests and you can do a no-combat run.

I usually do a legion melee and dynamite run, never gets old.

Walk around the desert and shoot shit when it attacks me.


>or try and sneak out the backroad behind goodsprings past all the high level enemies, to red rock canyon, and then to freeside.

thats what I've been doing. Its pretty easy to hug the mountain cliffs in order to avoid the deathclaws.

my next character is gonna be a strength tard that lives off the land. ptetty hyped desu

Does he join Legion?

>name character 'benny'
>make character look like benny
>put points into skills i think benny would be proficient in
> level the shit out of those skills, usually up to 100
>kill benny, take his suit and maria
> wild card questline
what courier?

those geckos though..

they did a pretty good job closing off the map and levelling areas. you've got cazadores on the road, deathclaws in the hills, geckos in the valley, mantises in the park..

tbf it's nice to take in the sheer detail on display in gta v

I try hugging the cliffs near the super mutant radio station. I usually end up attracting at least one deathclaw, but they give up after a while.

Is New California any good?

No, it's shit
Your typical badly written mod with a bad sense of direction and no idea how to map a world
Wouldn't recommend even if you're starving for Fallout

You'd be locked out of a good half or so of the map because you refuse to fight permanently hostile NPCs and have to run away instead, and I think just about all factions require you to kill someone throughout their quest lines, so you can't play as a true pacifist to completion.

Damn, it was overhyped and even had those quest flowchart back then.

This is a random opinion on Yea Forums of all things, don't take it too seriously

next playthrough im gonna do something different, im gonna kill everybody

haven't thought about that yet, but he probably joins the NCR Rangers cause they seem like the friendlier bunch