You chose Quarians over machines, right?
Mass Effect
And I'd do it again.
>choose geth
>pick destroy
>get to dab on both space gypsies and toasters
Hahaha no. Even when I had the option to save both I always chose to kill the gyppos.
Tali is the only good quarian
She's so much of a standout that I'm 100% convinced she's an asari in disguise
No. Quarians deserve everything they get
>He doesn't kill off all non-humans
Space is for humanity, no one else.
Quarians are kinda shit though outside of Tali I don't think we got any other good Quarians. That being said Tali is based and that's the only reason why Quarians lived.
This, if irl aliens exist they should be purged
>heres your epic alien species, fren
>not making peace and uniting them
>Kills Heretics
>Don`t worry Legion i´m your friend!
>Sleeps with the Quarian
>Of course you have a soul!
>"picks destory"
>My life>toasters, thanks for killing my enemies trash cans
>You chose Quarians over machines, right?
I chose her for everything, always
Nothing makes me happier than seeing the space gypsies get blown the fuck out of orbit and Tali do a swan dive off a cliff
That´s my girl
no they're extremely incompetent and weak
I chose both.
Asari are even worse
>Sits on tons of protean tech while barely using it
>Only military is an handful of biotic users
>Talk only about how much they despise purebloods and how much they love aliens
>A phase of their life is literally a slut phase
>Live centuries and still are less smart than salarians
>go for the “worst” ending possible
>realise that you actually freed them all from being in Mass Effect anymore
Not sure how to feel
>Go to all the effort to defeat the heretics
>The geth sign up with the reapers anyway
>Legion had to sacrifice himself to make an upload
>Gave all of them individual intelligence when their whole schtick was being an AI hivemind
This series did an amazing job of making all of your choices feel completely meaningless.
salarians are objectively the most forbidable bastards in the galaxy
>live short lives
>incredible scientists regardless
>they fucked with the Krogan
>when they had enough of them, engineered a disease to genocide them all
>choose reunite Quarian and Geth as it is best option
>choose Destroy as it is also best option
>throws away the work I just did and promised to the geth
someone post THICC red geth juggernauts
What about based Kal Reegar?
>do you make the choice to sentence a species to extinction for the actions of their forebears, or do you risk being the cause of another galaxy spanning war?
>this might be the toughest ethical choice you’ll ever have to make, Shepard, so we’ll be sure to have the consequences be truly impactful
>lol just kidding
green ending is clearly the answer
every other ending is shit
I don't like him, because the plot line about dying stars that was started on that planet you meet him is completely dropped
This made me happy, user. Thank you.
shut up mind control kinkposter
Go to bed, Hal.
>Not saving both
Tali is so pure and lovely she makes up for the rest of her race. But some Quarian dudes are total bros.
Fuck this franchise. They ruined something that could have been so great.
This is one of the best examples of just how much of a shit they actually gave to this franchise. It is sickening.
Quarian girls are sluts.
Their problem is that having short lives they don't properly understand what their actions may cause, hence the krogan uplifting and they were considering to uplift the yahg too and they are way more dangerous than the krogans
I want a Quarian wife that does this to me so bad!
Mass Effect's roleplaying was ruined by Renegade always being at the bottom of the wheel and Paragon always being at the top. It let people autopilot tough decisions instead of thinking about what their Shepard would do. They should have randomised where the non-investigate choices appear on the wheel every time you played, with the Charm/Intimidate options highlighted to show they require a stat check, but not show whether they were Paragon or Renegade choices.
I told Yanick Roy this in 2015, and they proceeded with the even worse version of the dialogue wheel that you see in Andromeda. In short: BioWare don't understand Role-Playing anymore.
Tying stats to your paragon/renegade levels was retarded as well. It completely removed any element of choice since once you make the original decision to go with either you have to stick with it for the rest of the game unless you want to gimp yourself.
>fingers don’t even line up with what they look like in game
What truly put the bullet in it was 2, which had paragon/renegade checks based not on a flat rate, but based on how many potential points you’d earned.
It meant that if you didn’t play like a brain dead gimp, you would actively screw yourself out of loyalty.
It actually punished you for taking each choice case by case.
The Paragon/Renegade system was completely idiotic. The series would've been much better had they not existed at all and therefore made people actually pick the choices they wanted to, rather than mindlessly clicking the red or blue button every single time without thinking twice about any of it.
Morality systems in general are a mistake in RPGs.
I love Geth
Yes darling, you're right as always my love *rubs her feet*
>supporting space gypsies
The whole Paragon/Renegade shit is retarded and does the exact opposite of what you should want in a role playing game.
My thoughts exactly. It's like putting effort into a game to give the player the choice to play the game the style he wants, and then actively discouraging him from actually making use of it. Might as well ask a single question at the beginning if you want to be nice guy Shepard or bully Shepard, and then just proceed with the game.
>tfw the only Mass Effect porn I am getting off too is when Liara with her giant bimbofied tits is getting degraded to a fuck slut
feels bad man
The checks feel so arbitrary, too. At least in 1 it was based on a skill, so if you didn’t put points in, it made sense you couldn’t talk your way out of certain issues.
In 2 and 3 it boils down to
>sorry, but you didn’t meet your puppy kicking quota. I’m afraid you’ve temporarily forgot how to intimidate properly.
>Not saving both
I always feel that "save both" solutions ruin the narrative and should not be canon.
Nobody in their right fucking mind chooses to kill one side if they can wave their dick and sap "abra kadabra, everybody is happy now and all war is solved"
Moral choices only make sense if you don't have a Perfect Solution.
shit, didn't notice I thumbnail posted
You're welcome
>green ending
All the endings were shit. When you’re literally referring to them by a color then you’ve already lost.
>Killed in a text message