>"B-but Tifa would look unnatural with big tits!"
"B-but Tifa would look unnatural with big tits!"
I'm glad there aren't parts of my brain occupied by being concerned with the bust line of a fictional character
please, PLEASE, for the love of god: Have! Sex! you fucking incel.
we don't want another school to get shot up.
reminder that you can be apartitical but not apolitical.
There is a culture war going on, doesnt matter if you like it or not.
its occupied with dicks instead
Are you even a gamer?
I'm glad that I'm a redpilled pedophile who (((they))) hate and can enjoy characters because they get flat
They were talking about her fighting, seething virgin.
everyone knows that women with small tits are incomplete beings
I feel like I just read the gayest tweet ever just now. I couldn't have possibly read that shit on Yea Forums right?
Please stop assuming everyone who loves big tits are virgins you retarded sjw.
She looks like she had liposuction. If true she's kinda cheating.
This, I like FF and Tifa too but I don't remember people were so butthurt about Tifa's breast in Advent Children or crisis core.
Lend me your ass then.
jfc you fags lead sad boring lives. who fucking cares you incel fuck
fuck you
I had sex last night and I still think remake Tifa's tits are too small
Twitter war*
That's because you're obsessed with social justice instead
no IRL tits
in that I play games, yes, but the thought of calling myself a gamer makes me sick.
It works both ways. Read it again, cuck.
In real life you are correct, on the internet, he is right. Don't be blind.
Flatfags are waging covert war?
Instead your brain is occupied by the people concerned with the bust line of a fictional character.
have sex
Oh I get, they are occupied by dicks
Why do you think only in els like big boobs and would dislike this.
Do you think sex drive dies after you have sex? It INCREASES you moron.
Honestly, did YOU ever have sex?
>tfw Check every day if there was some shooting and am disappointed when I find nothing
No, stupid. I think the social justice part of being concerned about Tifa's tits is just as gay as the people who wanted her big tits. This shit is so gay.
Gays should be hanged
Slap Tifa in a bikini and youll see her tits are probably just as big as that, faggot.
Literally nobody is saying this
Somebody already used that line. And no I'm literally obsessed with tityesssss. Do you like tits too?
I'm fine with slightly reduced breasts, I'm not too keen on chopsticks legs (and fuck off with ZR, it's overused), but the worst offender of them all is her chink eyes.
Her tits aren't even that much smaller than these, plus she's wearing a sports bra.
have sex
>"big tits"
that's nice, dear
Pretty much all concern about "women are being portrayed as too beautiful!" comes from jealous, ugly women in design teams.
Well go on the, talk to your ethics department to include the optional bikinis for all female member from the start of the game and I will consider to buy this $60 of 1/8 of the game at launch
Then why is my fat pig friend obsessed with ZSS?
this, jelly uggos and fatties are the most bitter cunts and ruin everything for everyone
Try to do it with your hetero partner. I guarantee will feel much better than your usual faggotry.
Show me what she looks like with a proper sports bra.
isnt she just in a sports bra? those things do press in the boobs a bit.
>posts a woman who is not /fit/ and probably couldn’t fight her way out of a paper bag
You showed ‘em, user.
>frog poster
Imagine mfw i found out my gf has bigger tits than nu-Lara.
It’s literally this. It was in an interview that she’s just pressed.. Yea Forums is autistic as usual though
It's because they weren't born yet
Honestly kink has healing powers and sexy outfits were the only thing that kept the nightmares away. If people like you had your way I'd still be a depressed loser with a death wish I wouldn't act on for my family's benefit.
I love all the outrage this generates solely for the onslaught of threads filled with big tits
>all these people don't know that Tifa's tits will be dlc
It's like you yall never played games before.
wtf google
I'm not convinced. Post more big boobs to prove your point.
>will be DLC
doesn't work like that pal
>muh culture war
Nobody is taking you any seriously to ever eve consider waging a war against you incel.
So you're not a sjwtard. Good for you user.
That just means you're a piece of shit who is into kink. Hobbies can't get that smell off of you.
Shut up soiboy
thats the future you chose. You let the left win the cultural war. Now every character will be a masculine female, a gay black, or an agender minority.
Those are literally some of the worst fake tits in mainstream porn
I ain't your pal, buddy.
god i love big tits so much
>fake tits
No thanks.
>Teenies Mit Dicken Titten
if anyone is interested
>People posting bikinis and one layer clothing
I don't get why people with 0 knowledge on the subject are trying so hard to prove a point
>pedophiles get triggered at big tits
really makes you think
Fuck off Incel.
ok yeah they are on anime terms of boobs because when an anime girl wears a sports bra their size doesnt decrease.
bigots like you who say breasts are not an integral part of a woman's personality should be shot dead
Post more BIG TITTIES you dumb faggots
Fucking hell, seriously though.
Were people gonna pause in the middle of fucking gameplay and jack off to her in game model if she had bigger boobs? The internet exists, look up porn.
neckbeards keep complaining about her tits but how are her PITS?
I aint your buddy, friend
reverse image search is completely useless now
>Were people gonna pause in the middle of fucking gameplay and jack off to her in game model
Probably. Stop being a bigot and allow them to fap to what they want.
As god-tier as ever. Same with her midriff, fellow patrician.
>Were people gonna pause in the middle of fucking gameplay and jack off to her in game model if she had bigger boobs?
I did this but with 2B instead while moving her around.
This is how Deadpool would actually do it
She's hot and all but that's photoshopped(poorly) my dude.
Man, I fucking love tits.
It's not the tits per se. That only tells half the story. It's massive tits on a slim/athletic body that's the problem. This perpetuates an idealised body image, even though there are many women who genetically have a high breast-size to low body fat ratio. Large breasts are ok on a fat landwhale, but otherwise breast size must be "realistic"
Hitomi is fucking disgusting.
Are you offering?
>guy called cloud running around with a sword 10 times his weight strapped to his back flipping it around like its a literal matchstick
>giant robots
>giant centipedospiderscropions
>tifa with chicken legs
>tifa with big breasts: no, this doesn't look natural. big breasts are the red line of the realistic aspects of video games :)
That's pretty much how big nu-Tifa's breasts are, though. Do you not understand the effect that a sports bra and tight t-shirt have in regards to flattening breasts?
only incels think human female physical attributes are repulsive and hate them.
On one hand, I can see where they're coming from with a sleeker build.
On the other hand, fuck them I'll wait for the PC version with mods.
Beta cuck
I hope you're not the same guy pushing his awful drawing of Tifa in a garbage back to get artfag clout
>That just means you're a piece of shit who is into kink
Just like 99.9 percent of humans that currently exist or have ever existed.
K. Where, when, preferences?
>landwhale riding a scooter
>no complaints
>big titted athletic fighter
>complaints about her boobs being unathletic
>not a single complaint about the chicken legs
SJW's need to be fucking thrown into a ditch and shot, they're not defending any kind of social justice.
I like her boobs
You'll have to invite me to dinner first, bucko.
Honestly I don't care. This is just a fantasy vidya.
Give me an attractive female char with big tits that's it. Don't care more about her race, species, color, body type whatever
K. Where, when.
So rather your brain is occupied with being concerned with people being concerned with the bust line of a fictional character?
Based thot. What ethnicity is she?
>have sex
First said incel has to resolve psych issues, then there has to be a woman that finds him attractive enough to consider a fling or dating + relationship.
>There is a culture war going on
Nobody really gives a shit because these discussions don't take place anywhere else outside of this board, but yeah keep "battling", pal. I'm sure this will affect things on a big scale.
She does have big tits though.
Breasts are unironically always going to be part of a woman's character. It gives them constant Male attention for no reward and will generally give them a sense of self-entitlement with regards to their value in the dating market.
I love breasts! Big ones! Small ones! Medium ones! Really big ones!
what's wrong with you
No fake ones though.
You are in this thread so you are part of it.
Why are people so upset over Tifa's reduced tits but nobody cares about the most iconic woman in video games getting completely butchered?
Yeah, fake ones are gross.
because it was six years ago
Based and redpooled
>Large breasts are ok on a fat landwhale
Its like a six-pack on a skinny guy - fucking pointless.
Not the same audience. Tomb Raider audience shifted more during the years.
Helped by the fact that the Tomb Raider games were very unequal in terms of quality.
Also it got rebooted, meaning starting over. While in Final Fantasy, it's different episode, so you more or less keep the same fanbase.
>He's not aware of modern politics
They didn't want her to have smaller breasts, they wanted her to have a sports bra for support because fighting with humongous bazongas flopping around without one is just painful. There seems to be a disconnect here where the "Ethics committee" wants a degree of realism to an inherently women only problem and others just see censorship.
Literal brapp hog.
Yeah but that still doesn't excuse reduced tiddies.
Smaller knockers are never a good thing.
the first image barely resembles a human. Obviously, a series wtih a realistic artstyle will look more lifelike than an early 00's render. Do you even think about what you post?
Pls respond.
incels orbit around nu-lara when shes garbage and the old one was literal perfection
Are you posting fanart as evidence?
Well "excuse" is a matter of opinion. But I feel you bro.
But in the end I'll forever mourn the alpha woman that she were rather than what they made of her with the reboot.
Fuck off faggot, Tomb Raider wasn't meant to ever be realistic. Even though in the LAU trilogy she looked great and realistic, maybe not to your faggot ass since realism = uglier.
The nu games are trash, and nuLara is even worse. Looks like shit, personality is shit, all around SHIT.
name one part of the game where the size of her tits mattered
we should just nuke the planet.
ok fags, here is how boobs work, They compress in a bra. Sports bra even more so. Bras are different than swimsuits and bikinies. I mean I cant believe I have to say this shit.
This and there was a fuss just like this pointless discussion about Tifa.
>Do you think sex drive dies after you have sex? It INCREASES you moron.
This. Never cared less than during my three year dry spell in my mid 20s.
Christ I wish this game ended up being finished
>Are you posting fanart as evidence?
Yeah, fanart that was made into an actual game and faithfully represents Old Lara.
As will I. I can't even play the nu games due to Lara being a full blown rip off of Nathan Drake, which is hilarious considering Nate was a rip off of Lara in the first place.
I think people accepted that a bit more too because it was supposed to be "young Lara" and people assumed that it was a one-game thing. They were of course wrong.
Easterners don't know how to write good bodacious characters
Why does everything has to be 'realistic' nowadays
I fucking despise those people who hold realistic features in games the highest it completely ruins gaming
I'm going to install TR Anniversary right now and play through it for the 100th time.
I'd go find more examples, but this is literally as far back as the archives go, and I'm not going to trudge through said archive to find more.
Good, glad to know that people are fighting the good fight.
Because the industry started making real games for real mature MEN two generations ago and if you play anything with an actual artstyle that's kiddieshit, not like the latest modern warfare game.
Creativity is looked down upon. Art isn't about creative expression anymore, it's about promoting political agendas.
11216 Burton Street in Independence Missouri, 64054.
Reminder "extremely low quality posts" are a bannable offense
>I'm glad there aren't parts of my brain occupied by being concerned with the bust line of a fictional character
I know, how stupid is it that an ethic committee for a gaming company would do that. Same with game journo sites obsessed with proportions of breasts.
OP on fucking suicide watch!
People bought the "this is a prequel so she's just a young girla now, in the next games she will become the hot woman old players remember".
Watch your mouth 40%er
>Why does everything has to be 'realistic' nowadays
I've been asking myself this for years
Citation needed on that quote.
>my mind isn't occupied by fictional tits
>my mind is occupied by opinions of people who discuss fictional tits
If they werent so important, why change it? This arguement is always dumb
TR4 had young lara.
TR Underworld (or was it Legend) had child Lara.
The whole prequel argument was and will always be retarded.
>always the americans complaining about big tits and beautiful women
>"but what the fuck that's how everyone looks everywhere...right?"
>watch tons of stuff with average americans, everyone is an ugly titlet
Truly we nordics and slavs are blessed
In the first one nu-Lara wasnt even that bad....in Rise and Shadow her tits were pitiful. Rise is actually the worst/ugliest Lara ever.
Funny you guys mentioned that because I just pirated Shadow and had to quit an hour in because of how insufferable her character still is, same as in 2013 and Rise. No progression whatsoever, fucking horrid Nate Drake ripoff crap.
Just letting you know, you probably made a bunch of roasties and mentally ill trannies fucking SEETH with this image because they know they will NEVER look as good as this woman.
that bra is too tight for her it seems
As if you posting this thread/supporting it will do anything.
>tfw i learned how to lucid dream so i could shapeshift into a hot chick like that
For how much I hate the new games, 2013 is BY FAR the best out of the 3.
still fuck that dual pistol tease at the end that they just so happen to completely forget when making the next 2
lol who cares nerd
Teach me your ways.
Follow the instructions. Doesn't get easier than that.
>out of body travel
Oh it's one of THOSE books.
Got a real one?
Could you imagine how much of a normal non-hateful person Emma would be if she wasn't flat as a board?
>dual pistol tease
Also i thought the fact she did not ended up in shorts (due to damaged pants) was a missed opportunity...It would have been kino.
I love when, during an adventure, the clothes/character get damages (another good example of this is Spec Ops: The Line). They completely forgot about this in Rise and Shadow. Fuck them and fuck these shitty games.
Your loss.
Literally me.
The fact that we got 3 NuLara games and not a single one featured shorts, or dual pistols for that matter.
What a fucking disgrace.
But there are, just the other way round.
>comparing some cow roastie with tifa
incel detected
The 2013 one had dual pistols though.
nulara was a literal upgrade, you fucking aspie. also lara croft was ada-wong tier in the fact that she was regularly changed and reiterated with each game. Tifa's look was fixed.
>Man, I fucking love tits.
based and milkpilled
Learn to read a reply chain dumbass
> tifa H cup DLC
Sign me up
>nulara was a literal upgrade
Maybe if you're gay
>she was regularly changed and reiterated with each game
No she didn't. Of course the models got more detailed with improving technology, and she wore different outfits, or even had a tan, but she always had the same characteristic features.
Literally fictional. Christina Hendricks is a deep fake.
Chestlets are literally demonic hell beasts.
Your statement was factually false, other posts don't change that.
That probably sounded smarter in your head
have children
Lara was never even crazily busty, she just had a miniscule waist. I don't know what it is about large chests that angers jews and their goy underlings so much.
I knew Tifa’s tits we’re going to cause a shitstorm.
Nice armpits.
It was a pretty concise and defeating point.
You are fucking retarded, the dual pistols were already mentioned in previous posts hence why I told you to read the chain idiot.
>"still fuck that dual pistol tease at the end that they just so happen to completely forget when making the next 2"
And it was literally just a quick time event on top of all that.
No, dipshit, what they meant is that it would look unnatural for tits that big to be in nothing but a short white tank top and they don't want to attempt jiggle physics. They made a good compromise. Fuckin deal with it or don't play it. Quit acting like a whiny little child that had his favorite candy taken away.
My dear, if i am ever in Kansas, i will be sure to come by and say hi.
London to Kansas City, might be a nice trip.
>Lara was never even crazily busty
Well its boring as hell that the industry is resentful to its consumers and has been for years now. If we want escapist media why is high fantasy, high violence okay but our view of attractive women punished? I'm not even an incel or a final fantasy fan yet i still see it as a massive industry problem.
The post I replied to was still factually false. I don't know what else to tell you.
You don't have to tell me anything, everyone already knows that you're a retard who jumps in and posts without reading reply chains.
Not really. They could say the top is a sports bra and keep movement minimal, have her new sports bra but still larger or just neither and have movement or not. In a game in which a scrawny midget can weild a person sized sword im sure a large chest being mostly static in combat wouldn't cause problems.
wow ugly bimbo with eyes literally drooping down her face, what a downgrade!
Still incorrect though.
Agree and i also found that "well here, have your old Lara back" with that pixel shit, actually offensive. Like they want to laff at us but they cant do it openly to avoid getting BTFO in sales.
>wow ugly bimbo with eyes literally drooping down her face, what a downgrade!
Yeah nuLara was indeed an ugly bitch and definitely a downgrade
>this entire thread
I just want a name on OP's pic for fucks sake.
Rhian Sugden
Stop making excuses for being wrong, there are no dual pistols in nuRaider. QTE's don't count.
Dios mio
Square lost this argument the second they admitted their "ethics department" had anything to do with it.
The fact that their company is bloated enough to have such a redundant section that actually pays people is another problem altogether and a symptom of the cancer affecting wider culture.
I didn't mean to say she wasn't busty, but people act like she was stupidly so. Yet if you make her waist realistic there then they're just big.
>there are none
>the instance in which they are there doesn't count
>b-big tits are so unnatural... just a male fantasy, r-right?
Man, what a disgusting skank. I like it.
You know exactly what I mean. The fact that you say "the dual pistols are there" when it's literally a 5 second QTE at the end of the game, is very telling of how dense you are.
La creatura.......
Rhian Sugden, a literal homewrecking slut but still.
Big tits would just cause clipping in cutscenes. Plus SE don't have to the balls to go into Dead or Alive/Soulcalibur tier tits.
Fuck off if I can't use dual pistols in the actual gameplay then I could give a shit if they show up in a cutscene
>The fact that you say "the dual pistols are there" when it's literally a 5 second QTE at the end of the game
So you agree with me, they are there.
Yes like I already mentioned here, the post you failed to read
Give me huge milkers or give me death
The new line is a straight up subjective argument "it would look silly and take you out of it!"
Complete nonsense tier when in a fantasy setting. It's also the opposite argument these people often make where you have to break stereotypes by putting people in roles. E.g "a black scientist? Unbelievable" = more black scientists.
We should show busty women exist and can do lots of things and not just be in media as sex objects.
Of course i don't care about those arguments, but it illustrates their dishonesty.
Too bad they're filled with gender dysphoria instead
user, were you breastfed as a child? Were there any complications?
Honestly, why are we attracted to bigger breast again?
I didn't reply to that post though, and I can't tell who made that. I did reply to a post containing incorrect information.
Big Bob thread? Big Bob thread.
To the extent that clipping is even a problem you just work around the model. It's like saying Barrets size will cause clipping.
women with big tits are being discriminated against, we need to defend their honor
Don't defend their honor, defend their genes by making lots of children with them.
Again, learn to read a reply chain before jumping in mid-conversation you dumbass weeb.
Theres a part in the ending where Tifa is holding onto Cloud. 2hardforthem just make them smaller
It's a natural balancing act. High test leads to desire for high oest women. They combine to make a middle way kids.
Same reason girls like Chads, it's manly. And tits are feminine.
What a surprise that the weeb is brain-dead
based Al poster
Not this guy but sure faggots. Deny there is a Culture War going on. DENY that the SJWs are winning it.
But don't fucking come back in Yea Forums though and start flooding, spamming and crying about in threads that are about vidya companies taking out your boobies, political incorrectness and SOUL from your games to appeal to normies. YOU are turning this board into politics and not video games in the first place. The "Yea Forums hates video games" meme has a strong foot in reality.
You know what the primary difference is between you and SJWs/leftists. They are more organized, and "fight" for what they believe in in the extreme. That's why they're only a handful of them yet they have taken over almost the whole of western Video Game Industry and are even, indirectly, affecting Japan lately.
tl;dr: Keep crying about taking away your boobies in an online siamese basket-weaving forum while they're actively changing the industry more and more. They get RESULTS, while you get shitposters and seething.
>another tifacuckold thread
You lost, get over it.
Yes but in this new one there's a scene where cloud and barret masturbate each other and that's going to be a clilping nightmare.
Obviously simpler models are easier for animation but sometimes it's worth the extra work. Plus the reaction to tifa's chest clipping would be much less than this ethics department mess.
din dins
She's a nigger
Its more a cameo than anything. I thought there would be the option in Rise instead we got nothing. So maybe more than a cameo was a "did you remember and like old Lara? well fuck you, its all lost now".
A false statement remains false regardless of context.
She still has big tits. Its called a sports bra. Go to a gym you probably need it regardless.
Stop excusing the fact that you weren't even aware of the context in the first place. Dumb weeb.
The fight for these things is always post fact. Yea Forums isn't in square design meetings. However public response routinely changes things or, more commonly, affects future product designs.
>seething chestlets and trannies are trying to censor big tits because they feel "bullied"
Yeah, so they were in the game.
Virgins dont know how tits work. Half of them think shes a B cup now.
Wakarimasen lol
They don't have to be SO big...
real women have boobs. chestlet imaginary girls btfo.
There's a girl whose always lifting at 7am in my gym with a sports bra but her chest still looks about three times the size of nu-tifa. Should i tell her she's unrealistic?
I'm not, I'm just saying the context doesn't turn a false statement into a true statement. It's basic logic, really.
No she's probably a D. Which is average in my country and in her first appearance she was clearly around an H. In concept art probably F, so no matter how you look at it she's been nerfed hard.
Mah heart, muh brain.
>chestlets feel bullied
well, I'm afraid it does occur
okay, your dumbass mistake is now justified user
>Thigh highs
>Pleated skirt
>Big tits compressed into a sports bra, ready to burst
They made her hotter
God, I'm so lonely.
She had some based pregnancy genes.
Doesn't matter. You'll never see a busty woman again in a western video game.
Better go out and start looking for real ones.
Just don't buy the game
I made no mistake though.
That woman doesn't look asian, and she doesn't look like she can throw a punch.
Just like Clouds hair spike got "nerfed", or Barrets gigantic feet. Who gives a shit, shes still a busty barmaid and if her tits are the most important thing to people they probably never actually played anyway. Just stick to exhentai.
I understand and I’m in no way supporting them. I can’t even fathom Sony’s endgame. They have always been successful and they’re a household name around the globe so I see no reason for them to suddenly start alienating their consumers. Are their numbers going to suddenly tank if some character shows a bit of skin?
I saw big tit girls in The Sims
Fatties don't count and Tifa was never megamilk outside of some goofy outsourced off model cutscenes. Can't you people go cling to Lulu or something
Normies will buy it and that's enough for it to succeed. FF7 is so iconic that has entered normie waters years ago.
Whatever helps you sleep at night
fuck you
They made her sluttier but less hot. A really common trend with these people. A hatred of natural beauty and hierarchy but a sexual obsession.
A transsexual obese man in fetish gear and pony buttplug offends them less than a blonde, busty girl in a dress showing off large cleavage. It's really weird.
I want to taste her milk
I, too, can mod games in desperation for something better user.
Yeah Sony has a problem. I've been with them since ps1 but i have zero interest in continuing. Even though the censorship doesn't hit the games I play i still find it deeply off putting.
complacency regarding the Mammacaust is guilt by association
your silence will be remembered
Seeing any decision attached with 'ethics department' is enough to be turned off.
Nice file name.
I'm sleeping very soundly, actually. I go swimming in the evening and don't use any screens 2-3 hours before going to sleep. It's amazing how much of an effect that has. I can recommend it whole-heartedly.
Fuck your cow tits, smaller is better.
Modern men no longer desire large breasts. Cope.
I would disagree that she is, people weren't expecting full fmv size. Cloud still has his crazy hair, just toned down. Whereas tifa isn't toned down, she's explicitly had them removed for ethics reasons
s-she's fast!
tachikawa rie, you can iqdb alot of jap webms btw, like that one
I think Hitomi's improved over time. She's moved past the coquettish airhead stage and into the lusty, purry cougar phase.
She's not remotely fat, though i think she's a lesbian
you can make big tit girls with the vanilla game
Heck you can make traps and trannies with the vanilla game
Why don't we fight fire with fire? Why don't we flood those developers'/companies' Twitter accounts and start...I don't know...ACTUALLY complaining and forming contact with the world outside of Yea Forums for a change?
>trolls are twitter bombing us with sexism
>we banned them all
>our games are even more progressive now
I had a girl in my a-level math's class who wore a leotard as a top under pants like that. Shit's cash. The implication that she could drop her pants at any time has my dick like diamonds.
Because it's not that they don't know. Why do you think they have an 'ethics department' forcing these things. It's precisely out of hate for the overwhelming heterosexual male consumer base that they have this ethical program.
They look like ballsacks when she takes off her bra, it's like her tit fat melted or something. Doesn't help that her nipples are invisible.
The only weapon you have is in your wallet.
A picture of my anime waifu?
>no IRL tits
Yes. Your "waifu"
Western culture conditioning since birth, mostly due to "Boobs=obscene" in christian (and related) religions for 1000's of years. It's truly bizarre how that's the one thing that's so unanimously consistent with such that people, smart people even, unironically believe it to be a genetic thing.
why is Bri such a titty bully, bruh's?
reminding developers that twitter trannies aren't their userbase wouldn't hurt
unless you assume there's a corporate-level conspiracy to change beauty standards
even then, pressure could work
gimme your fattest tit Tifas
I was mad, but i was under the impression that those new games suck anyway. No one will argue that it's a positive /role model either because of the almost sexual guro in the game
Barely. They make it very clear with the name 'ethics department' that this is a moral, political agenda, not financial. A church program in a sinful town isn't greatly dissuaded if the denizens don't fund it, they just try and find ways to defund and block the sinful alternatives.
Im actually surprised they gave themselves such an open and honest name. Normally these departments conceal themselves under all kinds of obsfucating monikers like 'equality and diversity team'.
Good on you then
Build your own videogames with blackjack and hookers
Leftists either deny that women with big tits exist at all, or they are suggesting that they are some kind of reality warpers who shouldn't exist but somehow do. Then again, leftists are super mentally ill and/or retarded.
Grats on the (yous) user. Incels are easily baited arent they?
her tits are an acquired taste
All I'm saying is that they will have difficulty coping with customers not buying their games AND complaining with arguements about their political-oriented changes.
Doesn't work as much, I'm afraid. Because vidya was not a normie hobby. We had a saying and most developers listened us. Now vidya IS a normie hobby though. And we are outgunned because, let's face it, the normies are much bigger in size and don't give a fuck about a lot of things.
We are a minority in our own hobby, if you haven't noticed. Maybe it's our turn to start being louder for a change.
None of this shit matters.
I used to obsessed with news like this too, getting outraged at "forced diversity"
Then I got a job
And you realise its stupid to waste time on this shit
Christianity has funded countless art over the centuries of breasts and icons of female fertility, so don't be a moron. Just the other day i was in the ufizi looking at room after room of madonna breastfeeding or venus nude. It's only in churches themselves or day to day interaction they should be covered, as most people agree.
Preference for breasts is largely genetic in that it highly correlates with testosterone levels.
If people won't like it they won't buy it
If people like it who are you to question their tastes
Increases sufrace area of chest, as well as mobility. Mobile contact is the essence of sex. Chests are a crucial intimate area. It adds up that they'd be larger and jigglier. That they form a natural cleavage similar to buttocks and foot pussy is poetry.
Looks very unethical. Delete.
>ctrl f: incel
>10 results
They're fine if she kept the bra on
Moral aims supersede financial. The hope is to starve out choice such that they make money when you can't buy what you want but even then look at hollywood, year after year they report lower earnings but keep on producing in the same style. They have political aspirations and will pay to see them realized.
Society is crumbling around you.
tweet them a big titty Tifa then
Im not, nor have I. I'm expressing my view as many others are, leading to many thread deletions and shill anons saying stop complaining. Weird line for you to adopt considering.
Would require remodelling because of the mythical "sports bra squish" that you redditors have invented
>Why are people so upset over Tifa's reduced tits but nobody cares about the most iconic woman in video games getting completely butchered?
You mean the recent shitshow how they got nerfed even further in Shadow? Your newfag is showing.
There're thousands of games that catter to every taster possible stop being angry and normie videogames
Because they're tastes are obnoxious and often don't make sense. Let's make women be less sexualized BUUUUT...also, who are you to say how a woman should behave. We're queens, amazons and we don't give a fuck.
They do not seek to create new things. Most of these SJWs don't have the slightest idea about programming and they can't even be called gamers. Yet they have no problem changing already existing things because of "re-evaluation of core values" and "modernization" and "trends". Remember: They weren't here in the first place. We were.
Or that she has FAS face.
Impeccable. Fpbp
he said as he posted in a tifa tit thread on Yea Forums
People just tweet outrageously sexual ones which hardly gets the point across. It'd be more effective to just tweet old tifa.
Stop playing AAA games, they are not for you anymore, stop caring about AAA games, they are not for you anymore.
is it happening already?
is there a hashtag or something?
go dilate
i likes em tits
I don't. I used to be the most normie FPS/racing gamer going but now it's mostly fromsoft and remakes as im sick of press x to receive your black lover games.
Probably not, i don't know. Im not a FF fan and won't buy it, i just dislike this censorious trend.
>Stop playing AAA games
But AAA games are the ones that usually have the most advanced systems. Why should I force myself into seclusion? Why self-exile? I was here first.
>nobody cares
are you new here?
I can't think of the last game that featured an unmistakably european protag. Say blonde hair, blue eyes, pale skin. They're all tanned, buzzed hair people that could be spanish, could be mexican etc.
I get they're not usually black protags either but it goes both ways.
well i posted one, make sure you follow and subsribe
That's a man.
Nigger I was on the front-lines for that shit, and got banned for it.
Remember FAT LARA?
>Why popculture won't do things the way I like them?
Sounds familiar?
And holy shit being intrested in AAA games in 2019. You're a graphics fag aren't ya
Is this the western version of Abe's population increase program? I mean, we're seeing plummeting fertility rates in the west and the new additions aren't doing a lot for us, so devs are making their women less attractive so we can be more deprived and hornier so we might actually use that energy to reproduce instead of fapping?
Rarely now. The only studio i can think of who makes technically good games and has political shit is naughty dog.
All the others are ubisoft or bioware tier where the gameplay has suffered as well.
I started watching some older movies lately and it's striking how the leading men are commonly blonde. You literally never see that now, only occasionally as villains or joke characters.
how do you even find webms on the net? googling "name webm" just gives porn site links and some Yea Forums archive links.
>tfw this is the only DVD she appeared in
Fucking sucks
They seek to make them as ethnically ambiguous as possible so that anyone could self-insert more or less.
Just not white.
In an artistic context sure, that's why "Artistic nudity" is still a thing to this day (and even at that in limited contexts), but you have to understand, long before the US as a country was remotely a thing, the church WAS pretty much the governing body of culturally what was and what wasn't, if they said something was obscene, that was the letter of the law now.
I'm talking about how the fact that what was right or wrong across all of society was dictated by religious groups for somewhere in the realm of 1000 years+. The
>Preference for breasts is largely genetic
is 100% bullshit. How do we know? You know all those tribes down in africa where the women are frequently/usually topless as a fact of life, because they don't give a shit about it? Anyone male in said groups equally don't give a shit about women being topless either. They didn't have 'the church' telling them that doing so is wrong for most of their cultures existence like they were in western cultures. Maybe only just now with things like camera crews having to bend backwards for networks when filming documentaries in africa because to this day we're still beholden to the prudishness of people 1000's of years ago, but that's beside the point.
Haven't video game companies always been more or less filled with libtards? That they get so easily swayed by SJWs shouldn't surprise anyone.
they always were kiddo
Yeah and i don't disagree with that design. It's the same reason non speaking protags works too.
However for those who are complaining they're being dishonest acting like it's some real care for representation, whatever that means given the consumers are all white or asian men. I can probably name more black and hispanic protags in the last 10 years than blonde white men.
I honestly think that if the current Tifa were in a bikini her breasts would be about that big.
>these threads get made
>people just post pictures of big tits
God bless this controversy im cumming dust from so many of these threads
>Feminist Frequency
apparently femfreq is better at counting than you are
i guess it depends on what exactly you're looking for
>Oh look a potential fapthread
>Dilate, incel, have sex
This board needs to be nuked. Either one of 2 things is happening here
1. The people posting these things genuinely care about their political arguments and are getting mad
2. It's just shitposters who think spamming the same catchphrases for months on end is top tier humor.
Either way you're all a bunch of faggots.
The rates of sex were, and still are much higher in africa though. Obviously you can be desensitised, a man in a relationship with a 10/10 will eventually not be raring to go all the time, but there is still a biological root.
As for the church/religion deciding prudishness, sure i don't disagree. However as said above i don't think that's the ultimate reason for breasts being sexual. Though it may heighten it as such, in the way small cleavage is much more inspiring to a teenager than full breasts are to a man who has seen enough.
>complaints about her boobs being unathletic
When did these complaints arise with the release of an FF property?
Not during OG FF& release.
Not during AC release.
Not during CC release.
What people are working off of is fanart, not in game art or properties.
can you not
Man, I'd fuck the crap out of Anita. Right in her Jewish feminist pussy.
Das rite. Day of the board is coming.
It's 2.
big if true
SotTR was ridiculous
>obligatory granny clothes for 70% of the game
>every skirt has knee-low shorts underneath
>only skin that shows some minimal cleavage is from Rise that you need to have installed in order to unlock it
>recycle the braptastic animations from Rise but move the camera angle way up so Lara's butt doesn't show
>photo mode literally programmed to stop you from making panty shots
it's like it was approved by a genuine Victorian era censor
You know, some of us care about this industry and where's it going instead of only caring fapping. Just because you don't give a fuck and you're opinion and awareness is NPC-tier (that is to say...none), doesn't mean that all of us are like this.
This doesn't surprise me.
It's clear the undertone was "No jiggling allowed".
Im pretty sure reducing the bust line was a sjw move.
Only victorian concerning heterosexual lives. These people want to hang a man who comments to a friend about a girl's cleavage but want more desmonds twerking at pride festivals.
anything. porn webms. hentai webms. funny webms. webms under 3mb.
What happened? Tifa tits got nerfed? I saw the E3 video trailer and they looked fine to me.
they have to do something so they don't flap around when she does her kicks. they're not just a triangle shape any more.
It's a compression bra.
Runners and volleyball players wear them to stop unwanted jiggling.
If you cared about the industry, you'd come up with better input than "dilate tranny" or "have sex incel"
If you cared, you'd be discussing video games.
Dare I say it, you might actullay talk about video games
reddit, /gif, rule34, the boorus, realbooru
she's fucking seething
So you complain and make your valiant attempts to make people care on an anonymous imageboard that, at most, is the same as the old times when romans used to write messages on traveling signposts?
I don't think you've thought this through. Maybe reddit is more your speed. At least you'll have a "name" there.
>real women don't have big boobs, you misogynistic racist islamophobic transphobic homophobic oleophobic bigot who voted for Bad Orangeman
You're new around these parts, arent ya boy?
I dont think they though that through. The pants that is. The person wearing them becomes a target for assault, battery and GBH instead of rape.
>rock hard fake tits on an ugly peruvian peasant who pretends to be a muslim whore
Very no.
No but you might be if you haven't seen all the cringey "cute/wife" posting surrounding nuLara in the past 5 years
Sex rates are more than likely to do with the principle of "The less people have going for them in terms of stimulating activity, the more likely they are to bone profusely out of boredom." Exact same principle that applies to the same thing happening between people with lots of money and people who don't.
It is purely a matter of non-sensitization to breasts that makes people not care, if it were the case that there was a genetic component, those dudes in african tribes would be tent poling for breasts to some degree, regardless of breast exposure or not.
It's pissing me off I can't find it, but some interviewer was talking to some dudes in a tribe about this subject matter, and what they'd tell the audience at home, and it was something to the effect of "You should grow up and act mature (about breasts)".
Also quote from that article:
>‘A narrower waist in relation to wider hips is a visual sign of healthiness and youthfulness. Larger breasts may be a sign of sexual maturity and nurturing ability. However, mainly in Western cultures, they are considered a sign of attractiveness.’
>actually browsing Eurogamer
Just looking it up right now, and they're downvoting anyone talking about pro-breasts. Good old classic eurogamer.
Ah so you're a case of the #1 example in my post.
Why ruin a sexy body by editing her boring thin-lipped face on it?
You are retarded (intelligence).
I know you're retarded but they released 2 more games after 2013 where she didn't mature a single bit, or even get close to resembling old Lara even though they take place over multiple years
My gf has big tits since she was 15-16 years old, user. Lara in the reboot is post graduated (around 24-25 years old i guess)
I was never in that crowd. what give me off like this to you then? I really wonder.
But Yea Forums has done things in the past. Things more difficult than just complaining. But now, they're even doing that.
And what does having a name mean? You may not have a name here, but you a name outside and in social media.
That was a trend, just like wearing a suit every day as a part of casual fashion was a trend.
Also, padded shoulders, mullets, dark haired protags in movies earlier than the blond haired trend, etc
>I know you're retarded
Not as retarded as you apparently
How do people still claim hers are real? She can only squish them so far, because there's some kind of implant.
thanks anons
>not wanting to rape her more because she has a dick
it's like you don't belong here or something
You are an idiot user.
I wouldn't take western journalist interviews of african tribe members' teachings for westerners at face value.
I don't know why you've quoted that part, it's just saying breasts are part of the feature set higher testosterone males go for.
Finally there's material evidence in the general existence of breasts, they don't serve any functional purpose at human sizes. They are a sexual signifier to attract mates.
Upvotes and downvotes were a mistake. Good thing there's no reason to leave Yea Forums ever. Its perfect here.
Wendy Fiore is the hottest woman alive. Period.
>I can probably name more black and hispanic protags in the last 10 years than blonde white men
There were never many blonde white men outside of Japanese games, and that is because the Japanese use blonde as a fashion/othering statement.
imagine liking chestlets
Are you a moron? Women go through puberty years before men. A large chested girl will be large chested at 14, they don't spring into existence at 18.
I know who it is, what is the show?
the bro science is off the charts. someone give this man the Chad Nobel prize.
>video games
Well it's in many old books as well. Im currently reading one from the 40s with a ginger protag, equally unseen today. Going even further lots of classic art is blonde men. I would say it's a much more obvious recent deviation.
Who is this chick again?
source, bro?
my world is flat too
and it's beautiful
I already gave an actual study alongside some historical information then the "bro-science" there was an observation. If you have any other non-sexual explanation for human breasts then go ahead. Essentially I've given just about every form of evidence there is against your "no".
My one desire in life is to have a girl I can genuinely make this joke to.
It was mostly the
>However, mainly in Western cultures, they are considered a sign of attractiveness.
part I was pointing out.
I wouldn't say that breasts as a instinctual signal for fertility and ability to rear young (as nonsensical as that is) isn't a thing, as you said permanently engorged breasts otherwise don't make sense from a functionality standpoint, but the titilizing nature they seem to have over people and the push/pull of "Got to keep them covered up at all times vs having them exposed is sexually exciting" is absolutely a culturally instigated phenomena to the point that many people don't really realize that's the case because it's been so consistently enforce over 1000's of years in western culture.
she's trying so hard to make it jiggle
Imagine being such a fucking faggot that you cry about the models other people want to create.
Final Fantasy is autistic dogshit anyway, I thought this board cared about gameplay? Fuck that shitty garbage franchise and every stupid normie who worships it.
It's very important that those of you on Yea Forums understand that we are going through a culture war and this side, full of seething trannies and SJWs
wants to utterly destroy everything you find fun and hold dear. They'll try and find ways to play down the assault that's happening & shame you, but understand that the war is real & these people absolutely hate you with a passion. The only way to put Trannies and SJWs like this in their place is to completely destroy their wills. What better way to do that than for Trump to win in 2020?
If Trump wins in 2020 it proves all of their subversive bullshit in games, tv, movies, and all other aspects of western culture has not only failed but had the reverse effect of redpilling people. These same Trannies and SJWs will proceed to respond to this post by pretending to be non-seething Trannies/SJWs & give "reasons" for why Trump shouldn't win. Don't be fooled, Trump winning is exactly what these degenerates do not want above all else.
They know that Trump's victory will spell their end & mean they've lost the culture wars. Yea Forums, I promise you that if Trump wins in 2020 then the FFVIIR Devs WILL release a DLC that restores Tifa to her original form. Essentially, vote Trump in 2020 to Make Tifa Great Again!
Put seething Trannies and SJWs in their places!
Age depends on the medium, a game from the 80s is old but a film from the 80s isn't and a book from the 80s definitely isn't. Considering that books from literally 2000 years ago exist and are still read (currently reading the Iliad) a book from the 40s is not fucking old.
I don't know bro
you linked a daily mail article mate
Well yeah i don't contend that the extent of desire can be cultural. My only point is that there is a biological desire for them, and for larger size hormone dependent. That can be desensitised or increased by cultural trends.
oh hey it's this guy again
>DENY that the SJWs are winning it
Nobody's denying that, in fact you said the same thing I did.
I hate SJWs and trannies with a burning passion but
Where is that wall bro?
How could you marry your own flesh and blood to kikes? Huh, "Great White Hope"?
Fuck off with Trump. Things would be the same. Just another puppet like everyone else.
No, age depends on years. An 80 year old book is old. It's not historic but it's not new.
>bunny ayumi
>my soul when
This kind of attractiveness hurts to look at. I want to see that she's "approachable," but that's obviously not the right word. "Realistic," maybe? She looks like someone you could actually know, maybe you had a crush on her in high school or college or something, or she worked next to you. A girl who looks like a model, there's something "not real" about them, like you know you'd never realistically be in any situation where you'd have to be around them. For some reason, that feeling of proximity makes it hurt so much more.
Which concisely talked about a study.
I don't even like big tits, but holy shit watching a massive cock rubbing violently against a girl's sternum while enveloped between some nice tits until cum flies all over the place is hot as hell.
pornhub /view_video.php?viewkey=ph5ad6bcd6768dd
If we can’t say onions basedboy desu or senpai then why are we still allowing “have sex” posting?
Do you fucking job mods.
>tfw i know a girl who is flat, but at the same time cute and adorable (on a good day)
>tfw i cannot embrace her and tell her following
>"dont really care about your breast size"
>"im closer to your heart"
I dont really care about size, though bigger is nice (upto a certain limit), what matters is shape.
Why would a sane person do that?
ban boobs!
just get out more bro
and as we all know daily mail is the premier scientific journal for publishing studies
Because the mods are secretely trannies as well and encourage this kind of shitposting
They look great and I'm not even a fan of hers.
Good quality too for a phone vid its like she picked up some skill while doing her work.
You mean the same mods who were trying to silence any discussion of the resetera paedophilia news?
If that's really the last defence you can make it's pretty sad.
Same user, to add to this, it's similar to how many birds of paradise and peafowl have brightly coloured feathers, and the large tail feather display of the latter as a impractical (as it makes them easy pickings for predators) aspect of their physiology, but still have them because the opposite sex finds it attractive.
The biological component isn't hard sexual though as it seems to be depicted when we get "Dudes obsessed with boobs". There's a fertility component, but that's distinct (though related) to pure sexuality. Going back to the african tribe thing, they don't give a fuck about boobs on the day-to-day, but when actively wanting to bang, they probably make a subconscious note of it.
Fuck off
why not just post the study itself if it's so useful for you? i can read an abstract.
No, the standard is different for different things. A YouTube video or meme from 2007 is considered old but only an absolute zoomer would consider anything else from 2007 old. Popular music from the 50s is considered old but classical music from the 50s is modern classical.
Reminder that 'modern art' started in the mid 19th century and that even the most representative work of postmodern literature (Gravity's Rainbow) is going to turn 50 in a few years.
I have no dog in this fight because I'm gay. The shitstorms hilarious, but I guess I'll root for the bigtitfags.
Censorship and Sharia are hip now grandpa boomer, get with the times.
Ok, I'm outside. Now what?
>Tifa's breast in Advent Children
tifas tits on AC where still huge
These are the people who mocked Elliot!
What is a SJW?
Why are women so insecure about shit like this?
Its almost like deep down they know their body is all they're good for
You're not gay until you've had anal sex with a woman. How do you know you don't prefer a woman's sphincter if you haven't tried it, tough guy, huh?
More like Fuck ON, am I right?
Sexual attraction IS the phenomenological experience of seeing fertility signifiers. You don't coldly assess the size and shape, it causes sexual attraction. Otherwise the feature would fail in its purpose in 99.9% of species which don't even know what they're doing when they have sex.
As for africans, they will still have some sexual inclination towards them. A feminine shape is sexually attractive but can be seen easily at any time. It means it won't be AS sexual as say to a muslim whose women are completely covered, but it is still there. It's also useful in my mind to not cast the net too wide, it's very possible to have biological sexual features different in blacks than other races, not that breasts fall into this but i wouldn't have a problem if they did either.
Yes modern in that sense refers to a period. It will be modern art in a century as well.
For what i've seen Trump already completely lost alt-right voters. I dont know how impactfull this will be, because i dont know how big is the alt-right compared to conservatives.
Uh, the trilogy bombed.
Have a stable monogamous relationship.
An even more mental ill type of leftist
And for good reason.
Hopefully SE realised they piss off way too many people and somehow fix Tifa's design
Tifa should be changed to a 50 year old Australian Aboriginal Woman. something realistic and inclusive. we must influence culture to be more accepting.
I hate fake tits.
Post more Laras quick
I've seen the opposite. the mainstream conservatives have been disillusioned with trump while the alt right are doubling down
>ctrl+f dilate 3 match
>ctrl+f tranny 1 match
You're not making any sense.
I for one can wait until it comes to pc so that I can Mod her original bust size in.
They're all Zionists. Niggers, Spics, and White pigs like you go on and on about Jewish tricks. But would sell your entire family and self out, because some tranny got on your nerves. A faggot is you.
Y'know what, that's fair, it's not like religious prudishness as a thing came about out of complete thin air. My point still stands about how that cultural control for such a absurd length of time is the reason why western cultures obsession over boobs is a thing, which seems like we both agree on that much.
Makes me think, how would fashion over the years have been different if having a completely exposed chest was perfectly culturally acceptable?
Big tits are life
Because niggertalking and /pol/ garbage is not fun like telling someone to have sex.
By the way, have sex.
Definitely untrue. In so far as there is an "alt-right", they've barely ever been behind Trump more than a desperate alternative to hilary and they certainly haven't supported anything about his actions since. The only support he'd have again would be, once again, as a desperate alternative to whoever the democrats field.
For alt-righters Trump is a jewish shill.
boards:v;/based and/i
boards:v;/t wing/i
boards:v;/looks like she fucks/i
boards:v;/fucks bla/i
boards:v;/fucks whi/i
boards:v;/OH NO NO/i
find love emcels
I seriously wish someone would start a little campaign where telling people to have sex or calling others an incel is an insult to asexuals and the LGBTQA+ community.
fuck off
What do all these mean? Is it some kind of format?
There would probably be a lot of female fashion displaying them. With the cultural limitations we had an infinite number of ways of manipulating and presenting cleavage and the shape of breasts. If breasts could fully be shown you'd likely still have them pushed up and illusions of greater size as well as decoration. Seems crass to me but that is cultural.
Paste into 4chanX's General filter to kill most of Yea Forums's cancer instantly. You are welcome.
It's not like everything is political, its more like they are pushing politics everywhere.
I'm glad they went relatively mild with Tifa. and I mean relatively, she's still the hot tiddy babe in tanktop that I've obsessed in my childhood. I pretty much have just been fapping to Anri Okita since her reveal because that's as close I can get.
>this is currently 60% of all posts on newpostneo/v/
Christ the fucking state of this shadow of a board.
Do this people realized that "Incels" were the ones who made FF big in the first place .
>tfw you can't have sex with gaping wounds
What does that mean? Is this some kind of code?
Thanks user-san.
It's just failing to actually sway Yea Forums, the resetera paedos moving to try get people to filter out opinions they don't like.