They're in

Who's next?

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In order of reveals I'd say probably zinogre and brachy -> steve and lagi -> the remaining elder dragons with fatalis being teased at in the end

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tomorrow we will find out if he's in the beta!

Zinogre is absolutely next

Yeah, he's a fan favorite, he's 100% in Iceborne.

I think that they will all be in the expansion due to Glavenus just being confirmed. If Valstrax is in then it's guaranteed

He would fit in Coral Highlands pretty nicely too

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Just imagine a Mizu/Zinogre turf in Coral

For me, it's Qurupeco.

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too bad that >No leviathans in World
seriously i wish they brought Leviathans back so badly

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If Lagiacrus is gonna be in Iceborne then that means they fixed Leviathans.
Also, Beotodus has some attacks from Agnaktor

I personally want more non-reptile monsters. I miss crabbos and seltas

How much of a joke is he going to be?

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is this a "world is easy" bait?

>no big monsters
It's shit.

Where's shen gaoren
Where's Lao
Where's ceadus
Where's nakarkos
Where's gogmazios
Where's akantor
Where's ukanlos
Where's yama tsukami
Where's dalamadur
Where's da'rhen / jhen
Where's amatsu


Nakarkos can stay in generation as the shit monster he is

Can someone that knows 3D modelling or animation explain to me why it's difficult/impossible to use skeletons from previous games and put it in World? I understand being unable to use old models and textures because it would look really bad compared to everything else, but aren't skeletons just a bunch of "bones" connected to joints that you never see anyway?

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Nakarkos was fun
Just change his first phase a bit

>Yeah, he's a fan favorite, he's 100% in Iceborne.
Holy shit some of you people are stupid.

Zinogre won't be in, they know you retardfs will buy Iceshit anyway why would they put in all the monsters?

The roster of IB will be pathetic

shut the fuck up retard

Fatalis doesn't get teased

It's not the skeletons, it's the animations. World's animations are a lot more complex and not just entirely canned like they were in the previous games. Shared skeletons allow them to cut down on a LOT of time by getting things like how a monster should behave on uneven terrain out of the way from the start. If they had to do it separately for each monster, you'd either get monsters that don't behave properly on slopes like in 4U, or like 5 new monsters.

Rigs are not just converted nilly willy from engine to another

GU runs on World's engine so they clearly are, it's just that the old skeletons don't work with World's environments and standards for animation.

You are literally walking over Dalamadur aka Rotten vale

I want to fight dala, not see a nod to his existence.

>I think that they will all be in the expansion
Based mentally ill retard

the original Apex monster, who really wants to fight that asshole again?

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With your expectations calling aonyone else in this universe a retard is bold.

It's a multitude of reasons, however the primary reason is animation.
Designing, modelling, texturing and rigging a monster can take a week. However animation can take ages due to how the creature moves or attacks. You don't really think about it, but a single monster would have easily over 100 animations that then have to be tied to a UI, hurt/hit boxes, collision and potentially physics.
The animations of World are significantly more complex than previous games and we have been straight up told that certain creatures like Seltas Queen most likely won't show up anytime soon in the new engine due to how unique the entire model is.

Can Adult Xenojiiva win against Fatalis?

Why couldn't we just remain with the old graphics?
What was the point of jumping on the MUH GRAPHICS meme?

Graphics sell.

In terms of who is the shittier designed fight? Hard to say

I feel like if Dala ever came back, it should be as a multi-phase fight that ends on a repel like Kulve. I like his aesthetics and gear and all, but it always felt utterly preposterous that you could kill something that big. It's like a grizzly bear getting killed by four hamsters wielding toothpicks.

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Because PS2 graphics are officially over.
Even the Switch, the least powerful current gen console, has no space for PS2 graphic games.

At this point they just had to evolve. They could have done it last gen, they decided to wait even more.

Are you a retard? They could implement any "skeleton" in any MH ever, they are just too lazy to put in the workd. The only legit hindrance is that transitioning zones are very corridory and small so monsters would get stuck or phase through walls or other shit, which is why they didn't add Lagi and which also just signals another flaw World has.

Clearly mentally ill.

>it should be as a multi-phase fight that ends on a repel like Kulve
I think you should just kill yourself and stop posting.

>ram sword into its head that's half the size of its skull for 20 minutes
>omg so weird he die :0

Because Dala's fight was great to begin with

just give me Gore Magala already

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Generations was not initially developed on the same engine

What if we can actually kill kulve in iceborne?

>They could implement any "skeleton" in any MH ever, they are just too lazy to put in the workd.
It's not laziness, it's time.
They could do anything, but development has a limited time. They worked on World for 4 years, yet there was a shit ton of stuff they couldn't do because they had to ship the game.
Then you need to ship an expansion with 20-25 monsters one year later.
Put so much work into a single monster means you have to remove time and resources from other monsters/mechanics/maps, having even less content.

All that stuff will be implemented, but it will be gradual.

But that's true.
Dala is a very cool monster, but its fight it's underwhelming as fuck. What's the point of this gigantic snake if he stands still for half the fight?
The shit part about Kulve is the retarded RNG, but the fight itself is well made.

>Any turf war he gets involved with gets frenzied
>Frenzied Baguel

Because there's nothing wrong with graphics. Capcom depended on the portable market for years because that's what Japan liked. However Capcom wanted to break Monster Hunter truly into the western market which is home console/pc dominated. They made the game look fantastic, it plays just as amazingly as previous titles did when they were released and it is supposed to represent the first title of this generation of games. More monsters will be added, it just will take time. Capcom took a risk and it paid off. Over the next couple of years, more monsters will get released, newer games with more monsters on launch will come out and the older generation faggots who hate on World because "muh monster count" will have dissipated. Just look at Monster Hunter Tri, that game was the first game of the 3rd generation and is considered horrible, yet it paved the way for Tri ultimate, 4 Ultimate and XX and they are all considered amazing.

All of them except for Lagi

Holy fuck are you shallow minded.
I actually pity you as I can just tell you're a jaded asshole with few friends and little future.

Too bad they also butchered the gameplay, and there's absolutely no chance of that ever improving.

MHW is the best MH and it is time to accept that

This but unironically

How did they butcher it?
The game plays very similar to the previous games but with more smoothly and fluidly.
I played a fuck ton of Generations and after
picking up Generation Ultimate a while after World all I could feel was "man I wish this felt as smooth to play as World". I got used to the old feel eventually and fighting a wider variety of monsters was great, but I was constantly reminded of that feeling of "This monster would be amazing in World".

>but with more smoothly and fluidly
Yeah, that's the problem.

>implying regular fatty won't be even more a pussy than he already was since 4U

Don't make me post the pasta

Aint the max left monster supposed to be Lao Shan?

I dare you

Are you for real?
That's a horribly argument.

Fatalis you mong

People don't actually enjoy those fights do they? There's nothing more boring than hitting something that barely reacts to you for ten minutes then pelting it with cannon balls for another 10 minutes.

I'm getting old sorry

I want the world...
I want the whole world...
I want to lock it at 720 when I dock it,
But it'll fit in my pocket!
Give to me now!!

Games must play like shit and have a shit camera to be good monster hunter.

Is it? Old MHs had precise combat, but also forced you to commit to every action. World is a slippery, weightless mess where everything is adjustable on the fly, nothing ever requires prediction, and you can just roll around like it's Dark Souls 3.

Fluidity does not automatically make a game better.

>It's not laziness, it's time.
Yeah, that's why we keep getting flying wyvern and kush reskins.
>it will be gradual
No shit, they obviously want to sell expansions like they did with frontier with minimal efforts

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Frontier didn't sell expansions, it had a paid sub but the content was free.

>Old MHs had precise combat,
You mean clunky as shit.

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>Dala is a very cool monster, but its fight it's underwhelming as fuck. What's the point of this gigantic snake if he stands still for half the fight?
How would splitting it up like Kulve (which just leads to frustration) help that?

And everything is a 10/10 fight compared to Zorah

>I have to commit to actions so it's clunky
>I have recovery periods on my attacks so it's clunky
Go play Bayonetta, it sounds more like what you're looking for.

>bohoo user doesn't let me shitpost my mentally ill nonsense fantasies

The reason there aren't more "skeletons" in MHW is simply because Capcom doesn't want to spend the resources to adapt them to the vertical, corridory environments.

And that's it. Call it being Jews, call it being lazy, whatever it is, it's not pro customer.

>No shit, they obviously want to sell expansions like they did with frontier with minimal efforts
>Iceborne is minimal effort

unironically, 4u upgraded him quite a bit. still shit though.

>best MH
No such thing.

Yes, animation locks are clunky. Good action games don't take control away from the player.

A reason Dark Souls is trash.

>DMC3 and God Hand are trash

>Who's next?
how about the exact same monster but not made shittyly more easy simply for the sake of entry level fags? So yeah how about not shitty versions of them instead? Cause fucking hell are you nerds that are okay with this shit just some fanservice wanting casual fucks. Needing only shit look like something you member instead of actually being brought in as they are actually supposedly meant to be. Fucking hell like this game and all sure but there goes another series that in my lifetime has shifted into becoming something else more boring and leaving me behind shame really but eh thats capitalism for you i guess.

Returning monsters are kind of a mixed bag.
Like, Kirin, Jho and Luna were all improved.

tl;dr, stop existing please

Its not like they leave everything the same when moving a monster to a new game.
For example rathalos no longer does the "fly for 5 minutes, shooting fireballs at the ground before swooping" attack
Jho no longer does the multi swipes move that can move across the map and pin you
Kushala and teo are now affected by Dragon instead of needing to bring poison to negate their auras
Etc etc

They could easily make the fights more interactive

Based and magalapilled

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>new map is nice
>new monsters so far are reskins
>sub/variant and returning monsters as usual
>this is more efforts than every other G rank expansions
Come on

he is in!

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too bad i'm a consolefag so i can't mod

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Did anyone end up finding out what monster it was in the vid where they cut that stream to avoid revealing? Sounded like fucking Narjala.

That was not a monster. Stop with this bullshit.

So is there anything solid about Khezu and Chameleos being in or is it just word of mouth right now?

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You get to play the demo for 6 days in the span of these next 2 weeks, and will get the game 3-5 months before the PC version. And you get to play with Jap bros.
How is that bad?
You also get zero scriptkiddies online

In about a year the game's performance will be the same with the release of next gen, and that's the only notable advantage of PC, without any of the disadvantages

Base PS4 framerate is crap man.

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>And you get to play with Jap bros.
God I miss playing with the Nips online. The few that actually talked to me because I used Japanese for my automessages were pretty chill. Now that I'm on PC, all I see are people with meme names or the Chinese.

please capcom, bring my boi home to me

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Will there ever be a Dragon's Dogma cross promotion? Would love to fight the Archydra and Gore Chimera.

Xeno is a reskinned Grigori anyways

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>will there ever be a Dragons Dogma cross promotion

There's a big problem there. Without a new DD game on Xbox/PS/PC, there's just nothing to really promote. Of course... things could always change if a... new, Dragons Dogma game were ever to be announced...


Couple of rumors about Khezu
Nothing about Chameleos

If I could just get Zinogre, Magala and Kut Ku on top of what they've shown off already I'd be fucking pleased.
