What the fuck is going on. This game single handlendly started a debate around the internet, about white SJW's deciding what is offensive and what it's not. Even blacks and rest of the left are now talking about how stupid is for a white lefties to show themselfes in media as morally higher than everyone else. This shit storm can be possibly the end of a white SJW's telling minorities to be offended. How can we push this shit further?

Attached: cyberpunk2077-welcome_to_paradise-rgb-en.jpg (3840x2160, 1.01M)

Other urls found in this thread:

It's basically always been this way, retard. Why does it always take the drones around 3-5 years to catchup to how actual people think? It reminds me how memes from Yea Forums always take years to make their way to facebook.

>How can we push this shit further?
Just let them dookie it out.

Racism is bad.

Cyberpunk has the most progressive character creation and world we've seen in video games ever though.

Fuck off /pol/

Attached: 1558685819057.jpg (1834x1440, 552K)

Attached: wrong.jpg (500x400, 45K)

Only if whites do it.

Imagine defining your ENTIRE WORLDVIEW around video game discussions on the internet.

Attached: pathetic.jpg (500x307, 35K)

no if anybody does it
quit letting twitter determine what your opinions are you cuck

The game literally validates non-binary gender identity. The goalposts have been moved so far that now not only do we have to accept trannies, or be branded bigots, but also accept every tumblr gender ID out their, or face the same.

the only thing gayer than anime is gamers having political positions on things

also this thread is 100% off-topic

>How can we push this shit further?
I will tell you but you will hate the answer.

Buy the game.


Advancement, whatever the subject is, is always slowed down by the retarded majority. It's the way of the world.


The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the 'agentur' of the 'Illuminati' between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion

Attached: Screenshot_20190614-182146.png (720x1280, 541K)

>game that have trans people and non-binary people as a core part of the game and important roles
Its not your game /pol/

We have said that Lucifer came to the world to wake man up, to help him remember his divine origin, the divine origin of his Spirit, and to help him free himself from the body-soul in which he is trapped, and from created time and space.

Attached: Screenshot_20190614-182153.png (720x1280, 522K)

Dumb /pol/ schizo.

Is thinking that races exist proof that you're racist?

Only whites are forbidden from being racist, as they are the most privileged race.

Is it your game?

Unironically yes, Cyberpunk has always been trans and non-binary positive.

Attached: 1559275515334.jpg (854x687, 109K)


1. How the fuck did you end up here.
2. pic

Attached: Cyberpunk 2020 source book.jpg (960x561, 91K)

One of the only games where you can kill trannies and confused fags. Just more degenerates for me to slaughter little tranny wanny!

>Say a plain as day fact of life like "nation should have borders

Ww2 radio telling you the crisis is happening and nazis just invaded poland.

This time all religions go away and this time you know your inner mind.

Stop the dumb ass arguing and search inside your mind.

If not this crisis will open it up for you.

Attached: ysaLqAf.gif (500x500, 1.06M)

this game will be a sjw's wet dream

Races in the way that you think of them don't exist, color is the only common factor. Phenotypes however do exist.

They are fixing these cringy things in 2077

This says just as much about right wing SJWs as it does about left wing SJWs.

Attached: 1557928905617.jpg (1188x889, 72K)

do americans really care about this shit irl?
if I see someone irl discussing videogames politically I'd just laugh at him

>that screenshot
What the fuck? This looks like garbage. If this is a pre release screnshot the finall game will probably look like W3 switch port.

What cringey things?

Its an overhyped game that will end up being very mediocre

Right wing shit that was cool in the 60s

I'm in complete agreement its hilarious desu famalama sjws show exactly how out of touch and ignorant they are and should really just stick to what they know a gtfo of gaming and leave my hobbie the fuck alone.

No it's just an internet thing.
Nobody discusses video games irl actually, ANYWHERE, except for turboautists.
People who screech about sjws or about alt-right on the internet, IRL ar the most humble people you've ever seen.

>cringy things
Weird way to say "blasphemous" but okay.

What's cool now?

It looks good. When the game comes out and looks even better you'll just find some other non issue to go on about. Kek

Being a good and nice person.

Cringy replaced the word that's gay to me.

Which is super fucking gay


>When the game comes out and looks even better
That never happend in the entire history of gaming industry and CDPR is know for their downgrades.

except now Yea Forums uses reddit memes, times have changed

>Right wing mindset
I don't have thing. Government, give me thing!

>Left wing mindset
I don't have thing. Government, make it so that nobody has thing!

What does that involve specifically?

The fuck you are on about?
You legitimately believe this narrative about being able to play as a tranny picked by the media after Gamasutra - who never played the demo apparently - twisted the words of the developer?
Those who played the demo say that you still choose between male or female. No "third gender", no xir, zir pronouns, nothing of the sort. You can put a lipstick onto a male V. There's your "non-binary" option. Even Dark Souls was more "woke" with its character creation than that.

Being obedient to the govt and corporations and memes and buying things off of manipulation and ideas instead of quality

Go back

>dookie it out
Not sure if you meant this, but thanks for the laugh.

Get help

>using outdated concept like left wing and right wing

Time to wake up and realize government is oppression

Go live in a black neighborhood than, faggot.

I take solace in the fact that I'll never be as deluded as ancaps.

Easy thank you govt for mass mind control
Remember when people talked about darpa creating sjws

I police in black neighborhoods

Racism is bad

What does being a good and nice person mean?

I do like the freedom that i have from left and right wing billboards BUY PEPSI AND MCDONALDS on every street corner

2077 can't change its own root material like that

being buried in a cemetary next to all the consumer products i ever consumed and being OBEDIENT to green pieces of paper in my lectest and rghtsf society

No you fag.
>Right wing mindset
I don't have a thing. I should do my best to achieve it.

>Left wing mindset
I don't have thing. Government, give me thing or make it so that nobody has thing!

That's just plain male vs female though.

That's because all sjws are the same, regardless of wh and t pronouns or skin or theyre yelling at

Damn crackers fuckin up again

Attached: 1474776523532.jpg (1192x956, 228K)

What's different about the arguments retards have now than the arguments retards had about every other game that came out in the last decade?

Ah yes black and white peasants fighting again

Attached: lies.gif (697x458, 3.3M)

Im hearing about left and right sjws are we heading for right and left nazis as well?

Acknowledge your inherent bigotry (sin) and one day you might be accepted back into the fold through redemption.

I saved this as cucks.jpg

Can't you do the thing where you can pick a female voice for the male character, it's an older feature but you see it every now and again.

But he's right

Well i remember before 2008 every website had different memes

After that they were eerily the same

Attached: 1557444446392.gif (300x206, 921K)

Fuck off /pol/

I am sure my country hates both Jews and Muslims equally and would not join any side.

This. It's the same religious mindset that was here for centuries. Only names change.

How many of these are (((white)))

Its another gov't thread on Yea Forums well corporatism with govt views on divide and conqyer2


Attached: Cat (124).gif (450x253, 937K)

>Even blacks and rest of the left are now talking about how stupid is for a white lefties to show themselfes in media as morally higher than everyone else


Attached: egypt.jpg (1241x891, 864K)

Wich one?


Attached: think big.gif (300x300, 892K)

/pol/ is everybody in this thread besides this person


Just wait it out history has shown we go through these forced phases. Eventually the push back wins and ultimately hurts the original goal. It’s why real change should be done slow and not forced so people don’t know it’s hsppening but ppl are retards

Point is nobody gives a fuck outside of this hellhole and 10 people on Twitter.

this game might be the one to expose left wing progressive dogma to normalfags

Both get eliminated by ww3

discriminating against individuals based on race is wrong but recognizing behavioral trends within races is accepting biological reality

Western leftism is inherently immoral and violent

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sucking feminine penises.

My point is memes are the new ww2 radio and everything is going to plan

What in the world

That fucking face every time.

Attached: Capture.png (411x373, 117K)

Most right wing faggots on /pol/ are college drop outs lmao they're not people who try to achieve shit.

it really does seem like there's always going to be groups of people that gravitate to dogmatic belief systems, i doubt we'll ever truly get rid of religion altogether

Without racism doctors wouldn't be able to effectively medicate as some races are more predisposed to certain conditions.

More like more divide and conquer to prepare for ww3

>Implying goverment handouts aren't leftists as fuck and more common the more left wing a country is

More accurate but still a retarded oversimplification. The left is simply more welfare focused (inclusionism, immigration, the environment, higher taxing to support beneficial programs like education/the arts, the rights to massacre slimy little embryos). The only things they want to "take away" are guns (only fake leftists (see: Hillary voters) and Europeans want this), and slightly more tax money from the rich

You'll join jews. USA will tell to do it.


Attached: We+did+it+source+httpsstonetosscomcomicgaymergate_2f66c2_6517941.png (1200x1162, 596K)

My guess, it's either a really run down part of the city, like a slum, or the lights aren't all on for reasons, like not implemented yet, because it's considered "day" time so the lights aren't on yet. But considering the look of that hotel sign, the junk on the road and the fact that some of those buildings look broken up,, it might actually be a slum area.

Yeah rations are leftist during war

fucking lol is this the 1950s?

>shit storm
literally the first i've heard about it.
just because some people on Yea Forums circle jerk a certain topic on Yea Forums doesn't mean it's a big deal, retard.

I saved that as insanity.jpg.

It's because Cyberpunk has Keanu Reeves on its side

I don't get it

Based retarded newfag

best part is they're not even white, when they go to gatherings they're like 80% minorities

These comics are so fucking cringe

Cool strawman
Huge unemployment benefits, state run housing and farms and "free" healthcare coupled with higher taxes are all signs of leftist goverments.

Same. Gonna need some clarification.


you an white sjw?


Attached: 1559690134199.png (1287x736, 1009K)


Stonebrain forgets that none of them ever protected our asses when we were on the social chopping block back in school. We don't give a damn about society, just our games.

It's just edgy self hating retards.

pretending to be retarded is still retarded user

Good god, you people are brainwashed aren't you.

Rich people in power mindset: Let both wings fight, while we steal everything from them and turn the world into a dystopia that we sit atop.

If you don't realise that while you are failing to do your best to achieve anything because the game is rigged against you. And your opponents are failing to rig the game in their favour because why would the powers that be give an inch.

You're never gonna realize how truly fucked we all are until it's too late. but hey civilization is already circling the drain. And your attempts to push the blame on the other side when you are both at fault. Only speed up the spin.

But don't worry, history will remember america the way we remember the Romans. Full of excess at the expense of longevity.

Guessing it's "complaining/being happy about stuff you don't like being in your videogames, while it takes over the world."

Pacifica is a region of the city that was originally built as a tourist destination, but investors had left it to become a half-finished skeleton of ruins that is inhabited by the Voodoo Boys gang and is rampant with criminals. Mostly immigrants are focused here.

It is the area you will see in the upcoming gameplay reveal in August when the public gets shown what was seen at the private gameplay demo of E3.(which sounds pretty fucking amazing)

>literally the first i've heard about it.
This, OP is spreading fake news

some normies are staring to know the existence of SJW and their activities, the sooner they know about it and how their media is influenced, the better.

Attached: 17-6-2019 14.6.23 1.jpg (302x614, 53K)

You don't understand I'm agreeing with you.

Buf we need to drop this just let economic collapse happen and start total war

It doesn't matter anyways cuz the apocalypse is here

>This game single handlendly started a debate around the internet

Jesus welcome to 2013 you god damn normalfag.

Attached: 1410043843310.gif (400x225, 725K)

Why do you people keep appropriating words that have been traditionally used to define you for years

Cyberpunk is a leftist game, /pol/ retards

That's not racism retard.

Start petitioning Trump to round up all sjws and exterminate them.

Hey whose in the freemasons here who can give me an invite to blame the jews but really set up the problems to transform the world in a positive way

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>showing leftists as drug addicts and degenerates with mental issues who dragged society into the gutter is leftist

So it is technically a slum zone? Good to know. Makes sense, most slum zones in these types of games were pretty dark and gloomy, the "neon dream" being just a distant or non existant thing for the people living there.

based tabletop chads

and your kind dont exist at all

Lol it's better but it's more often this:
>Right wing mindset
I have a thing. I don't want to lose it or too many people getting it because that would decrease the value of that thing.

>right wing SJWs

Attached: Atari.png (320x180, 87K)

Why would she keep the grenades in her groin armor?



Attached: 52352354235.png (1397x648, 48K)

Yes, there are 6 zones in total, Pacifica being one of them. Apparently gangs are persistently at war here, so traveling through it you'll see people just getting into gunfights with each other.

Caused by anarcho capitalism lmao, not leftism

Attached: this is you.gif (450x253, 3.59M)

>Right wing shit that was cool in the 60s
This must be trolling

She's explosive in bed.

What would a right wing SJW comment sound like?

Attached: Cat (93).jpg (342x316, 20K)

Nobody is "defining their entire worldview", this is a video game forum, and unfortunately SJWs are still a very relevant part of the industry. They dictate the nature of AAA games.

The problem isn't even the religions but those dogmatic people who are the one to fuck up religions by establishing stupid rules and modifying beliefs into something that goes their way.

Most people on Yea Forums funnily enough

Moral compasses are based on frame of reference. What's immoral to you is completely subjective. And I only say that because your posts reeks of religion. Also, how is it violent to want to simply include people and protect the environment? I don't personally give a fuck about immigration/minorities, but a hostile global climate is literally the most violent thing imaginable for humanity as a whole. Plus, suppression of LGBT mindsets is provably far more violent than the alternative.

Because social justice might mean different things for different people you know. Some people fight on the internet for the equality others fight for inequality.
All of them are fucking retarded.

CIA is here in a GOVT
cointel pro 101
Ai bot
Stratford university thread

Sane people? No, they don't, that's why Cyberpunk is about Style Over Substance. Usually the main narratives revolve around a person that is still just as entranced in the delusions of their peers but eventually becomes self aware to some degree.

I wouldn't say the underlying tone of Cyberpunk is "leftist" though the trashy garbage people in it certainly are. They aren't people you want to look up to or idolize, they're human garbage. Its more of a warning.

God I hope so. If the modern SocJus movement hurts the bottom line and success of those helping enforce it they'll drop it like a stone.

Some one should probably take those off then so she can get some comfy sleep without blowing up.

Attached: 1554107662806.png (251x231, 40K)

I already do that

>SJWs are still a very relevant part of the industry. They dictate the nature of AAA games.
Only in your head buddy

Leftists by and large are the biggest corporate dicksuckers on the planet.

Read this thread.

>fall of sjw

>game that has trannies and tranny option

lmao fuck off pol you delusional twat

that's the napalm tanks of her chainsaw penis

So ... "Black people are inferior, something something, responsible for most crimes, I can't say the N word in vidya, this is how far we've fallen!" ?

incredibly accurate comment, /pol/cucks and racists/antigays are literally just SJWs on the other side of the spectrum but would never admit it because they're braindead

>right wing SJWs

Attached: 9e7.gif (120x160, 826)

Ah that must be why they're the only ones pushing for higher corporate taxes then

>game is a warning against rampant consumerism, identity politics, and leftism
Of course it has trannies in it. How would you show the dysfunction of leftist ideology if you didn't have the mentally ill?

>satan made vigja games to tempt the poor children away from the light of god!

>push this shit
>dookie it out

Attached: 1346720464112.jpg (420x472, 18K)

>I read some dumb shit on twitter
no one cares about video games.

Attached: usalia_2_by_final_boss_emiko_d9n33tz-fullview.png (800x860, 413K)

>gib good boy point pls

You bet your ass youd consume mcdonalds and pepsi in a comrade and hitler society




Who are the ones who persistently support Hollywood products and degenerate pop music? Its all leftist shit. Leftists almost universally use iPhones and drink at Starbucks.

Oh look a science denialist...

>right wing SJWs

Attached: 18-6-2019 0.6.26 1.jpg (228x292, 34K)

yep, just have a multi billion corporation's PR department make an empty virtue signal tweet with a gay faggot flag, and all these subhuman leftist animals will instantly shill for said corporation on the internet FOR FREE and consume product like good slaves.

>chainsaw penis
>not chainsaw tail
Doesn't sound quite as good, but I guess she could always use one to replace the other.

Attached: The Tail.webm (640x352, 1.61M)

>garbage incel agenda
>implying you aren't alone with you autismo nazi incel larp
you need to go back

Attached: 1494202611782.jpg (900x900, 109K)

Attached: Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post.gif (500x375, 1.49M)

Evangelical Christians.

I'm guessing the christcucks trying to ban games for being too violent

culture wars are fought on twitter so yeah

This game just isnt for you incels.

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>Also, how is it violent to want to simply include people and protect the environment?
It is when it takes people's livelihood and expression like it does everyday.

>right wing SJWs

What even

Attached: 1547326588373.jpg (2365x3133, 294K)

Conservatards and republifats dont even play games.
Every thread on Yea Forums is full of political trite and bitching non stop about how bad games are. They don't even like games.
How many thousands of threads have there been about tranny streamers and speed runners? They appear to life games a lot.
How many thousands of threads have there been about the SJW run companies making games with teams of women? SJWs seem to really like games.
How many copies of MK11, Horizon Zero, God of War and whatever meme SJW influenced games? Tens of millions. Lefties love games.

Conservafats only love propaganda and emotion posting.

Attached: Hello.jpg (696x371, 27K)

It'll happen when society has deteriorated to the point where SJWs have to be thinking about just surviving, and people can kill them and get away with it.

How the fuck are smartphones and coffee leftist you literal animal?

It was for /tg/ incels and now it's for Yea Forums incels.

That's a jigglypuff from above.

the chainsaw penis cums napalm

threadly reminder OP would be the whiny faggot who would cry about seeing a black guy or a woman or any other minority and deserves zero support.

Attached: 1528786723911.png (1243x719, 429K)

This is projection. It's the left started all this and turned games into nothing but politics. The left isn't interested in games except for political reasons.


>not sneaking something about right to bear arms in there somewhere
Could be better.

Attached: Bear Arms.jpg (350x500, 26K)

Not for polcels though :)

Nobody ever did that.

>Why does it always take the drones around 3-5 years to catchup to how actual people think?
Cultural meme war works like that. For years you've screamed at memes as /pol/, but you've been constantly fed them never the less. Normal people don't understand it, but they keep catching a glimpse of it. Then eventually something happens to the things they like and they think "Hey wait a minute. This is that thing that people kept talking about. Now I get it." Good memes are observations of absurd. When you keep hearing about how airplane food is bad and you finally taste it, you suddenly get all the jokes made about it and have already probably heard why it is so, you just never needed to know.

>Leftists are the biggest corporate dicksuckers on the planet
>Go dilate with your iPhone after drinking Starbucks, fag

>51% of the population

Are you retarded?

there you go, a perfect example.

8===D ({})

>implying nazis don't have an agenda

top kek at least leftist want inclusivity. you rightards just want white male wank and pandering 24/7 or else your fragile egos explode

This post is very good. I think I understand what makes cyberpunk much better now. Does that make a true Cyber game impossible then in 2019? I mean no one will greenlit a truly despicable main player character.

movie? Species?

Sadly not true, it always end ruined in hands of others.

That would be Koikatsu.

yes, the ones who never achieved that goal in any country. corporations can just point to the impotent left and say "look, they are our enemies and we are being kept in check hard", while giving them platform at the same time - controlled opposition.

>if you criticize the leftist movement you must be ronald reagan

>nonsensical post
fuck off retard

based divisive retard

Since when are women a minority ? I'm pretty sure there's more women than men on every country that isn't China since they tend to live longer.

>>Leftists are the biggest corporate dicksuckers on the planet
You absolutely pig fucking disgusting fat fuck alt right/republican/conservatard retarded pieces of shit elected the biggest corporate piece of dogshit that has ever existed and praise him non stop as your godking. You need to be killed. No more talk. You need to die.

Nazi == literally anyone the left doesn't like. As such the word means nothing.

>top kek at least leftist want inclusivity
No they do not.

>you rightards just want white male wank and pandering 24/7 or else your fragile egos explode
Strawman. People didn't care about skin color until you showed up.

this, that looks like vice city high res pack or something, not impressive one bit

well i guess i can at least expect to my shit pc to run this then

Don't forget about the fuckoff powerful corpo-types with the Substance Over Style motif. All these echelons of 2077 society are unpleasant in their own ways.

if you shitpost about political bullshit on the internet you are an SJW.

don't kid yourself even the white male main character is just some jesse pinkman walmart tier criminal

it's lowbrow shit for the mtn dew crowd

You genuinely believe 51% of the population is a minority... Dear god... I'm sorry I didn't realize you were actually retarded. I didn't mean to offend you.

I get the distinct impression that most Yea Forumsirgins who were here a decade ago have long since been radicalised by the extreme efforts by social justice warriors in 2011-2015 to impact the game's industry through journalism. Now a new generation of relative newfags that have come to Yea Forums from Reddit since roughly 2016 and the time of the U.S election are finally waking up to the subversion their hobby is undergoing, except this time actual games publishers and developers are jumping on the bandwagon and not solely out of touch journalists. The constant refrains to go back to /pol/ are slowly ceasing for one obvious reason - they were right all along.

Attached: 1515329051024.jpg (1000x773, 587K)

This is projection. It's the left that must die.

>grouping all people who aren't white males together as one group

okay now make prescriptive claims from that
go on, try and do it without sounding like a piece of shit

>implying ROCK FLAG AND EEEEAGLLLLLLLE doesn't do the same to the right
>implying ANY political "discussion" about an upcoming game isn't faux controversy to push marketing

Attached: dfg1.jpg (600x600, 31K)

>no one cares about video games.
Something has to force you to action. What will it be to you? When?

niggers are even easier offended than (((white))) sjws desu

Geralt is by no means perfect. He's a hypocrite, he's persistently talking about good and evil and wanting to do the right thing but he constantly fucks shit up something terrible. His intentions are well, but I wouldn't say he's a particularly good person. He just simply cares more about his immediate circle of friends than anyone else, just like EVERYone else.

If anyone could write a morally ambiguous main character it should surely be CDPR.

Are you trying to be funny or just retarded?

>still going on his strawman word salad and fake stats

kys poltard

> or a woman or any other minority
They started it, I am using their standards.

>raging this hard about the truth
Are you admitting to being an SJW right nw?

Why can't pol fuck off and go back to their containment board?

Attached: 1506440630740.png (500x600, 262K)

This is SJW propaganda. They've been doing this since at least GG started.

Any idpol shit is automatically SJW.
>muh [insert group of people] are being [some sort of perceived injustice]

Attached: 1485854790734.gif (1280x720, 2.7M)

I'm just confused at how you could fail to follow a basic conversation so hard. Are you illiterate or just retarded?
Why don't you fuck off back to plebbit?

Not sure
By the look of it, it might be succubus rape, so succubus.

Only way to get attention.

left can't meme and Yea Forums's bait left really can't

>cyberpunk is for us /pol/bros

Attached: 1540242285167.png (231x218, 4K)

Why did you have to declare war on video games and gamers and turn video games into nothing but politics?

Tabbed browsing, nigga.
I got Yea Forums, /m/, Yea Forums, /int/ and /pol/ open at the SAME TIME.

Current male population (50.4%)
Current female population (49.6%)

oh no, on last counting you are correct women are now the 'minority'.

Rejoice, you have 0.4% minority status.

I'm here for the video games actually.
Go back.

>when will you take action!?!?
Against or for whom?
SJW's don't effect my life in any way, literally all you have to do is avoid twitter.

You're putting your nose up against a giant asshole, breathing deeply, then complaining about the smell

So basically Cyberpunk 2020? I'd be game with that.
>join anti socjus/anti commie group
>blow up abortion clinics
>steal from left wing elites and jews
>give to poor
>tell the poor where to eat the rich left
>snipe blue haired twats for fun

>You have to figure out my autism or you're illiterate
>Why don't you fuck off back to plebbit?
You're the newfag here my friend.

>Why can't pol fuck off and go back to their containment board?

I was here long before you arrived.

Attached: 1414104562083.jpg (691x470, 58K)

the cyberpunk setting depicts sex changes alongside surgeries that turn people into animals and robots. extensive body modification also sometimes turns you insane in the setting.

somehow the blatant message of "body modification is weird and makes you less human" flies over both the heads of twitter folk and pol folk, and they both think the inclusion of a thing means it's an endorsement of it.

>"an advert exploiting a trans person's sexuality? CPDR are exploiting trans people!!!"
>"sex changes in the game? CDPR are endorsing sex changes!!"

brainlets, the lot of them. i'd argue that neither party really gives a shit about the game or its setting, people just want to use it a reason to seethe and blog about the shit they really care about, which is idpol political shit

>right wing
>wanting government gibs
are you black?

Not. Your. Game.

of course, but don't pretend it doesn't concern your side. what's more, it's the faggot month now, and notice how many corporations changed their logos to milk some shekels off you. coincidentally they only started doing it in the US after the faggot issue solution was regulated and solidified by law, and at the same time the same companies don't do this for countries where it's not accepted yet (even going for geoip lookup to show a faggot flag or not).
calculated moneygrab move and you subhuman faggots fall for it every time.

This is the most retarded and backwards post ITT. Democratic socialists really love those mega-corporations, don't they! Hipsters do love coffee (because they also like craft beer) but would much rather go to indie joints while Starbucks is for daft normies. And pretty much everyone has an iPhone, don't act like republicans are all Android users when you know there's practically no correlation

i'm a gamer i don't feel like games are being politicized or if there's any culture war ongoing.

Since 2011, nigga.

Because this is not your turf. You're the foreigner here.

Young people like video games
Nazis like young people because they're stupid.
Convince them that X hates or is "changing" what they like and they'll dance in the palm of your hand.

Couldn't be simpler

Don't expect too much from Yea Forums, this is the board that says
>politics in vidya bad
>wolfenstein 3d good

It was a different era of tabletop. Sadly now tabletop is the new hobby of infestation by parasites.

Just go to /tg/ and you shall witness.

it's just clickbait rags, like always

In the far cyberpunk dystopian future you should ONLY be able to play as a WHITE HETERO MALE with NO CYBERNETIC ENHANCEMENTS!!!

>leftist put in a positive light
>lgbt friendly
>right wing literally extinct
Cyberpunk is based

Blame Yea Forums's open door immigration policy.

You're an SJW shill. You've been saying this shit for years, hoping we'll all go to sleep and ignore what's going on.

Nazi doesn't mean anything and you are the ones who started this.

The battle for global climate change locally is moronic. A lot of it boils down into minimizing production, which slightly helps environment, but it is then met with demand of production being moved into China, which doubles the damage you just prevented. If you actually want to make an effort, boycott China.

Time to filter the /pol/fags out I guess

the image never implied women were minorities, dumbfuck
>women and minorities
keyword "AND"

then you will officially be a "good person" as soon as you apologize for being white.

>Leftists by and large are the biggest corporate dicksuckers on the planet.

This. Pic related was Occupy Wall Street.

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*t. Election tourist.
Forgot to add that little detail.

You're posting about politics, SJW redditor.
Your defensiveness must mean the truth really struck a chord. Its basically an admission you cant stop sucking corporate cock like the consumerist cuck you are.

You're avoiding it then. You posted anime before. Right now you can see the tracks being laid to change your hobby forever. If you are for this change then good. But watching and keeping silent will be a yes vote.

>If you actually want to make an effort, boycott China.
Agreed. Fuck China. Also yeah, minimizing production is a start, but the real change will come from technological breakthroughs and reworkings of how we deal with waste and energy


Remember you can be a good person without some authoritarian breathing down your neck waiting for you to fail their standards.

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>your side
You were so close to sounding reasonable.
There are more sides in an argument than FAGGOT LGBTQSDKK TRANNY and WHITE INCEL SEETHING NEO NAZI TWEEN

You're redirecting anger that should go towards megacorps at your fellow peasants, being a good tool.

I know several trans so I asked them how they felt on sexualisation of trans people.

They all seem to think that it'd be a good thing, that if they were sexualised then people would start to see them as sexual entities and people.

Only people who don't want that is transtrenders who like being the other and masking their incel lifestyles with faux oppression.

SJW's are basically closet transphobes, they don't want trans people to be people. It wouldn't benefit them and sexualisation is something that is done to people.

opinon discarded

leftists oppose Hollywood for being rife with underpaid and unnapreciated master craftsmen of costume and set design as well as stunt doubles, cultivating work conditions where the producer, director, and bigshot actors can bully, abuse, and in some productions outright torture their employees, the pedophilia rings, the systematic sexual grooming of child actors by talent agents and older actors, the rampant narcotics abuse problem where actors are pressured into taking addictive drugs "because everyone else at the party is doing it" which just so happens to make it way easier to get said actor to comply to unreasonable contracts, the financial bloat where hundreds of millions of dollars go to the bigshot actors and gaudy SFX leaving fuck all for the rest of the crew's wages, as well as the unreasonable physical demands placed on actors both male and female, not just dehumanizing things but actually life threatening things like Hugh Jackman and other actors in similar 'ultra muscle man' roles who in order to get that shredded look spent most of the shoot dehydrated to the point where they could black out any second, and have to have paramedics on standby whenever they do anything physically intensive even if its just running down a corridor, and lead actors and actresses having every single thing they eat micromanaged for the sake of getting an unnatural ideal to the point where many have malnutriotion by the end of a given move that has to be covered up by extra makeup
leftists are also extremely critical of pop music and always analyzing the kind of message being put out by the artist. Thats why artists like Hozier are super popular with leftists,

I don't think you can tell the difference between leftists, and people who are less right wing than you but still ultimately right wing

>*t. Election tourist.

The previous republican candidate's election, sure.


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This game is not for you please go back

Dialectal synthesis, the rise of the anti-PC left is coming.

Filter yourself through a woodchipper my nigga.

It's discriminating based on race.

>leftists oppose Hollywood
Stopped reading there.

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Naw you are just a loser ass faggot who is razor focused on those you supposedly dislike to the point of thinking that the nerds you focus on are the end all be all of whatever the fuck you have emotionally projected on to them. Since really and hilariously you and fags like you only go into surface level of shit as possible till you find you want and chose to stop then and there to then pretend you have and know it all.

Since really the game is all leftist as all shit and you seem to be to the "stick to X" type where all you need is negative shit to happen to people you dislike to feel better about shit missing the greater point simply to revel in that weird sense of joy, Hell with even the "diversity" and shit flavor text meant to describe some nomad class people is another example since that shit was actually describing a group of collectivist fuckers whom special ability was to call in a bunch of their group for help but needs to also in turn give equal or more of it back.
Really and simply put yall loser ass faggity mother fuckers are some shallow ass queerbos just as shallow as the groups of people you seem to dislike yet focus so much time one which is like fucking hell cant say this enough but some faggity ass lame gay shit i swear. Ya dumbasses.

This, but unironically.

>behavioral trends within races
you mean cultures? behaviours exist only within cultures, there is no such thing is biological behavioral patterns among homo sapiens we all are the same homo sapiens we've been 100k years ago..

True climate protection is impossible because of the capitalist model. It's a tool to redistribute wealth and power

But it is.
I think Cyberpunk is a great setting, for showing society ran completely in the gutter by trannies and drug addicts. Its a liberal paradise, by that I mean a hellhole for anyone with a basic standard of hygiene or civility.

>Are aware you are trapped in a world run by corporations. Want things to change.
>Right wing cum dump with twelve corporate dicks still fresh in his anus: Ur ThE aCtUaL wHoRe

Based second post.

>you're arguing the contrary, which means you're being defensive because you're wrong
No, I'm pointing out the contrary because I'm laughing at you for knowing nothing about what constitutes genuine left wing thought and I'd like you to actually be able to logically participate in democratic discussion. You've clearly learned your "debate" skills from EPIC right wing Youtubers. Glad your sources of info are being shut down and ridiculed every day.

the kind of person who rants on about degeneracy and the downfall of western society yet in another conversation rants about how toning down sex appeal in female characters is censorship and must be opposed in the name of freedom of speech is a right wing SJW

>left can't meme
>dominant culture is the left and we're incel outcasts whining

pick one

lmao I won't even dignify this. seeing a minority or woman in your game is not politics. it's representational of reality. go outside virgin.

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Liberal paradise with a message that is not for you, piss off.

>games are changing maaaaan

In b4 "marketing teams tell devs what isn't allowed" - that has literally always happened.

I've been following the actual industry side of gaming for almost 30 years. If anything the industry is too slow to change and is suffering for its old-fashioned approach to team structure and marketing

not happening and you know it.

>there is no such thing is biological behavioral patterns among homo sapiens

Must be your first day on the chans.

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well at thanks at least for outing yourself for being the shallow emotional faggot that you truly are.

>somehow the blatant message of "body modification is weird and makes you less human" flies over both the heads of twitter folk and pol folk, and they both think the inclusion of a thing means it's an endorsement of it.
i don't know man, it's pretty obvious to me that the cyberpunk setting is meant to be a dystopia, not utopia. the presence of something in a dystopian setting does not mean an endorsement of it.
if anything the issues for us to get mad about are the attempts at hijacking of the game, like pic rel

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have sex

i agree, that would be big enough reason to finally impeach the orange idiot

>triggering /pol/ and the alt-reich

>triggering resetera, SJWs and RPS

Holy shit CDPR and Mike Pondsmith are so based

>seeing a minority or woman in your game is not politics.
It wasn't before you showed up, but it is now. Because you made it political.

>go outside virgin
No leftist has ever explained why they believe that not having sex is not just a moral transgression, but one of the worst in existence.

>NPC meme
Pure projection. As always.

What form of government for economy isn't?

Common sense anti-SJWs are not right wing SJWs. Right wing SJWs are people who are legit white supremacists and, forget about cakes and weddings, won't even tolerate consensual homosexual relationships in any way.

Its nobody else's fault you were wrong but your own user

Keep arguing about pointless shit and wasting your brain cells, that's a good prole

This thread

Only /pol/ is triggered, we're not triggered you idiot.


>the presence of something in a dystopian setting does not mean an endorsement of it.

isn't that literally what i just said

>denying that /n/ was literally /stormfront/
>denying that stormnigger discord regularly spams the shit out of Yea Forums with the same retarded "le tranny le sjw" talking points

Attached: maxresdefault (2).jpg (1280x720, 45K)

>he loses brain cells from some basic arguing
hello alt-right

That's her 'mini'gun

It is though, only someone who is themselves not leftist garbage can truly appreciate the nuance of cyberpunk. You retards see it and think it's supposed to be heaven on earth. You don't understand cyberpunk. Get out.

>I think Cyberpunk is a great setting, for showing society ran completely in the gutter by corporations and unrestricted consumption
Fixed that for you and saved you the hassle of actually reading anything relating to the genre.

>please hire me, you racist sexist transphobic bigots
Is this how to get a job?

>dominant culture is the left
dominant culture is trendsetting and memeing? Not really, no.
>we're incel outcasts whining
But heres your (you)

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discriminating(v.) has negative connotation in modern english
in this case it's something positive so discriminating doesn't apply here

It was not created for you, literally made by a black guy.

Very convincing.

>cries every time he sees a woman or minority because it makes him feel threatened
>admits being virgin
>says the same shit generic spiel like an pol npc that he is

lmao just kys at this point

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i'm just putting you down like I used to with the power of anthropology.

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source of pic? place looks awesome

>basic arguing
You've been doing it for weeks now. Perhaps there weren't any brain cells to begin with

>constantly triggered by their "traditions" being changing
>obsessed with the culture war and identity politics
>no social tact whatsoever; tries to bullheadedly shout people into submission instead of actually having a conversation
>spends all day every day wrapping themselves up in internet drama
>will talk about surface level shit in relation to media, completely obsessed with context rather than content
>piggybacks on any "controversy"/discussion usually surrounding something they don't care about in the least in order to push their opinions
>claims to have strong political beliefs but knows next to nothing about how their political system, government, or sociological and cultural structures actually work
>probably has an entry level understanding of their chosen philosophy that everyone above them moved beyond decades ago
>has never engaged in any direct action, can only enact the smallest of changes through social media while business as usual continues on around them
>oblivious of this, convinces themselves they're some sort of vanguard of justice and feels intense self-satisfaction
>when they don't feel this way, they're completely and utterly depressed, probably nigh suicidal on a regular basis
>does nothing be react emotionally to every bit of news they pay attention to
>said emotion often leads to pure spite of "the enemy"

I mean, just look up any "political" Youtube video with a lot of dislikes and see what the top comment is.


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>poltourist acting like he's Yea Forums

LMAO did you forget we raided you stormniggers as well. Fuck off.

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RPS is pretty triggered.

That means it wasn't created for you either, wh*Toid.

There's no such thing as non-binary

When you say someone has discriminating taste you are speaking positively of them. The only negative connotation that discriminating has is revolving around the race question.

Just because he is black doesn't mean he is leftist garbage. Why are you so dumb, user?

Like pissing into an ocean of piss, you fucking retard.

>denying that /n/ was literally /stormfront/
I never said anything about /n/.

>denying that stormnigger discord regularly spams the shit out of Yea Forums with the same retarded "le tranny le sjw" talking points
I never said anything about any discord.

>cries every time he sees a woman or minority because it makes him feel threatened
Strawman, and as I just told you this was a non-issue until you showed up and you turned this into a political matter.

>admits being virgin
I didn't, but even if I did then so what? You can't explain what your problem is with virginity or involuntary celibacy.

>says the same shit generic spiel like an pol npc that he is
Projection. The left always projects.

>Source: my ass

physically, sure, there is plenty of insane people

so which one of these is related to "social justice"? or are you just attempting to turn around a commonly despised group to the other side of the political spectrum even though the name doesn't fit at all?

So you concede that the left are trend setters then?

That explains a fucking lot. Jesus what happened

A meme argument is just an argument you've given up responding to because you don't have a persuasive counter-argument.

learn the difference. two different words.


>left can't meme
>dominant culture is the left and we're incel outcasts whining
He says, and proves his point by using a right wing meme.

What happened to games being hyped amd played based on quality of gameplay elements here?

I think you're confusing social justice warriors and moralfags.

Attached: 1539812105826.jpg (750x892, 144K)

Source: biology
Leftists were ruining everything and a massive backlash hit them.

>This box art thinks
I'm pretty sure it's just a box without sentience, and as such doesn't think at all.

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It's fucking not and I'm not even white.
Look at what happened to sweden.
Their home literally robbed, women raped, all in the name of tolerance.
Fuck you.

>n-nuh uh!
Excellent post faggot

The left happened.

>n-nuh uh!
That's not what I said. You are lying because you have no arguments. You concede defeat.

The only difference is what they want to force you to do.

>right wing

You stole it from r9k you normie retards and it's hilarious your buzzwords works best against you.

People like us are rare these days, but so far i dunno what to think about cyberpunk, they did not show enough gameplay.

>The left happened.
says same kind of faggot from opposite side, you people are hopeless

Exactly. But this nonsense will take away billion jobs. We should face reality and ignore drastic revolutionary climate change demands until scientific solutions exist

Admit it. You wanted to say bigot instead of idiot.

>assuming the box-art person's gender
Shamefur dispray, mentarry-irr-chan

>what caused the huge influxes
Chanology, /stormfront/ reopening, gamergate, and the election, in that order

It's incredible how many of you miss the point. Transhumanism is not depicted as a good thing but a vanity for people thinking they can outdo nature and go beyond basic biology.
The main theme of cyberpunk, is that everyone is foolish znough to think they can be augmented, be anything they want and chaos ensues.
Trannies have all reasons to worry over this game because non sensical progressive character is actually something that works against them in this game. "Be anything even a woman with a cock" used as advertising tells a lot about a society using progressivism as a selling point.
Cyberpunk is not a universe in which you'd like to live, it's actually a hell on earth filled with idiots.

>Leftists were ruining everything and a massive backlash hit them.
Fuck off, the only thing that made this place go to shit is GamerGate kiddies and dumb Trump supporters and you know it. Leftists never did anything bad here.

There should be a sitewide 96 hour ban for whoever posts on pol. They can keep their shit to themselves

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immersion>everything else. especially when modern kids consider gameplay only the combat mechanics.

It's a right wing meme and you are merely projecting like you always do. You can't create anything of your own, you can only lazily reflect it back at us.

This isn't a "both sides are at fault" situation. The left started this and we are acting in self-defense.

I used to think the world would be a better place without religion to fight over. But I've come to realize a significant portion of the population are hardwired for "original sin" and will just find a secular version to prostrate themselves over instead.

Wow. The left really are the racists. I stand by any black weeb anons who want to fight these underhanded bastards.


Bro you just posted cringe

Gamergate happened because of the left. You know this. You are just lying.

>The only difference is what they want to force you to do.

One side wants to force you to censor your speech, cater to outspoken identity groups and demolish your right to property ownership. The other wants you to clean your foreskin cheese, pay attention to the world around you and be cognisant of your right to say whatever you want.

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>The left started this and we are acting in self-defense.
I don't care who started it, y'all are cancer and deserve a ban.

>The left started this and we are acting in self-defense.
it's " she asked to be raped" response of a total brain damaged retard.

I'm still waiting, nigglet.

What if it never happens? The wealthy will tear down the planet as soon as they are sure they can live in space without relying on the rest of the world.

Living under a rock or some disinfo cunt either way you are a retard.

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it's easy to spot a shill on Yea Forums as it brings up muh gamergate as some giant disaster (it was for them) in every argument

the other side sound like centrists to me

Yeah, we're pretty edgy like that these days, r-word.

It happened because of kids on summer break, that's literally it. Anita Sarkeesian was a fucking nobody that you worked full time to make famous.

It matters who started it and you cannot claim otherwise.

This is total batshit crazy nonsense. You started this war, you attacked us. Now we are defending ourselves.

>one presentation among dozens on GDC

I'm so glad I had videogames to play that year and skipped whole bullshit.

no it isn't

RPS is very triggered.

(And then John Walker the original founder of RPS later defended this article, after hearing the response from Mike Pondsmith)

Resetera is triggered:

Anita is unironically based for taking advantage of retards on Yea Forums and making fat stacks even though she fabricates the majority of her points about games.

There is a massive "culture war" going in the US and video games are just one part of it. You know this.

i don't understand how these people latch onto cyberpunk as a "progressive" setting when it pretty clearly depicts those progressive aspects as dubious and dangerous

>the way games are made is political
where's the lie tho, or are gamers still under the assumption that politics is all about muh left/muh right

>Its only in your head bro this shit never happens
>wait a minute im going to move the goalposts now when provided with just one piece of evidence of many

i love it retard keep it coming please.

This. Anita is a con woman and you all fell for the trap hook, line, and sinker. She couldn't have gotten better PR than gamergate if she paid a million dollars

Thats not what the post was addressing, some user cunt is trying to pretend this shit doesn't exist.

>I must reply even if there's no reason to
>I must show that user that I am easily flustered and baited
Post quality sure has dropped. And its retard, retard, not r-word.



why should we care about US at this hour?

Good. Maybe perpetually offended white SJWs will finally be nuked from the orbit. Or at least will be told to grow the fuck up.

Subversion works like that, we mustn't cede even a centimetre and we need to get rid of these faggots to the very last of them.

Attached: Screen-Shot-2016-06-16-at-4.57.14-PM-e1466110695381.jpg (1167x501, 53K)

See Because it's the largest video game industry in the world and because this stuff also affects the rest of the Western world and now even Japan.

>uuughggh I'm really tired of /pol/tards constantly bringing up politics on a video game board. They need to stay on their containment board if they're going to spout problematic views
>This article is right, y'know. All video games are political and we shouldn't lose site of this fact. /pol/tards are just mad at being against progress and on the wrong side of history.
The same exact person.

>There is a massive "culture war" going in the US and video games are just one part of it. You know this.
Hahahahaha no
More like boomers and rednecks learned to use the internet and now they brought all their retarded politics here

>the other side sound like centrists to me

They are. By the standards of the 1980s anyway.

Ahh yes, moving the goalposts from "SJWs aren't 'taking over' games" to "SJWs aren't 'taking over' games."

Long walk, that one. Got anything besides YOU STARTED IT and the fallacy fallacy?

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Heh. Good one.

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for them the logic is
presence of transhumanism -> that includes transgender, and transgender is good (it's a logical axiom to them) -> cyberpunk is good

You are such an insufferable retard.

Hahahaha yes. We both know it's true, but like all leftists you lie about everything whenever you think it's convinient.

It's not like any of them have ever heard of the word dystopia, or even touched Nineteen Eighty Four in a middle school lesson.

>people are anti censorship are basically the same as the ones who are pro censorship
Go back

Because you Eurocucks are in it even deeper than we are.

Move to Somalia.

>muh culture war
Inbred dumbfucks have been manipulated into buying and doing shit over a nonexistent "culture war" since the fucking 80's

The ESS JAY DUBYAS aren't taking over video games any more than they're taking over Christmas you gullible cunt

>We both know it's true
You gotta stop using these cringey lines man

>The irony in this post
Seriously, where's your self awareness?

not really, from public speakers maybe
reality is pretty normal like it always used to be, europe boils down anything it touches for the last 2 000 years, it will continue to do so

1984 was written by a white male. He was probably racist and het. It doesn't have non-binary representation. Of course they are not going to read it. Or any other book for that matter. What sort of incel reads books in this day and age anyway?

Nothing. Games aren't changing, you're all just underage as fuck.
Lurk until 18


No I'm not, but you are.

The culture war is real and you are a leftist shill playing the same old leftist shill games.

I said nothing cringey.

But muh boogeymans!

>unable to parse anons statement
>retreats to safe buzzwords
Yup, it's a right wing SJW alright

>This game that is bending over backwards to accommodate sjws is the end of sjws
CDPR shills are so obvious.

>1984 is pro right wing somehow
>Cyberpunk is anti left wing somehow

What level of education do you need to be deprived of to think this?

Did you just reply to your own post?
This "tell" thing is pointless because I say that something is happening and you are saying that nothing is happening or you just don't care.
You say that ignoring politics will protect you but it won't, believe me. There is a culture war that will change everything and I'm not saying it can be won with keyboards.

>Fuck off /pol/
OP tried making this thread on /pol/ and they told him to fuck off, this is Yea Forums garbage

>Nations are passing laws banning lootboxes that will seriously harm or kill Fortnite/Epic/EA
>Games Journos are destroying themselves by going after a video game and then Pondsmith all because they think everything is racist
>Woke twitter is having a fucking aneurysm and is feeling the blowback of outrage culture
What a time to be alive

Attached: 1499037270053.jpg (400x460, 36K)

>1984 was written by a white male

It was written by a revolutionary socialist who fought muh Nazis during the civil war in Spain. I thought they looked bashing the fash.

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2/10 you can do better

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Orwell wrote 1984 after witnessing Spanish civil war. Man was quite observant.
Hemingway wrote "A Farewell to Arms" after doing same thing. The man was a twat.

Stereotypes exist for a reason. You can't make that shit up.

>but a vanity for people thinking they can outdo nature and go beyond basic biology.
But they do exactly that in cyberpunk setting

i'm surprised the anti-murder community (which should be 99% of the population) doesn't campaign against the game despite murder being depicted

somehow inclusion equals endorsement when it comes to transgenderism, but not when it comes to murder, stealing, extortion or speeding

>The culture war
Only because you want it to be
To normal people it you all look like a bunch of autists that would be better off exterminated, literal parasites that just want to ruin everything

>defending the tranny ad means you just want white males in your games

>Games aren't changing
Yeah you're still putting in inputs. Is that what you mean? Of course they are changing. If you only play tetris then maybe you don't have to care

I did not troll anywhere. You concede defeat.

We did not start the culture war, and everyone including "normal people" are affected by it. You are a leftist shill.

>I can't answer the question or support my views, I can only make baseless assertions
Cool story, bro.
Go get triggered by a greeter saying "happy holidays" instead of "merry christmas"


Orwell was a conservative in his later life. How can someone who wrote Animal Farm be pro socialist

>1984 is pro right wing somehow

Well the book is an anti-communist work by a disillusioned former socialist, which purposely depicts a Stalinist nation as a hellscape nightmare to live in. At the very least it is anti-left.

>Cyberpunk is anti left wing somehow

The game depicts a progressive future of identity politics, body modification and unchecked corporatism as a dystopia too. How could you even think it wasn't anti-left wing?

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cultures follow patterns, that's why they are cultures.
Educated from birth black is same as any white. white trash living in shit usually lives worse than niggers.

>all these based and redpilled comments galore!
go off kings

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>Leftists by and large are the biggest corporate dicksuckers on the planet.

Like I said there is no war. The people you bitch about like Anita Sarkeesian nobody knows outside the internet and nobody cares

>/pol/ doesn't just seethe like retards
Can't wait to see you guys all the next 40 times this thread gets made and reaches 500 replies

Can you replace the /pol/ logo with a discord logo? That would be accurate.

Trying to force a status quo and stagnation on the environment is unnatural and evil. The planet will change and get warmer. Adapt with it or go extinct.

Ultra cope, this game will be praised as pro tranny rights and even will get some reward for that. Would it be made by EA you faggots wouldn't care to search some deep meaning in this shit. fuck off.

I can only imagine the little fucking bullied retard you are IRL.
Keep believing you are part of some epic culture war defending the west and the white race. We've always been at war with eurasia and we'll always be at war with eastasia.

For the billionth time, Animal Farm was anti-Stalinism not anti-socialism.

Snowball is Trotsky

So why do even the richest of blacks do more crimes then the poorest of whites ?

The fuck, thats not what I was linking to at all

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>There is a culture war that will change everything
epic, simply epic

cope harder, holy shit

What you don't do that in all your job interviews?
>Oh so you think just because you're the manager that you have agency over me? You racist scumfucking manbaby piece of shit, I'm calling the cops and telling them how you just eye raped me if you ask one more question in this "interview". More like "menterview" you fucking sexist. Please donate to my patreon

There is a war, but leftists shills like you keep saying there isn't one because you want us to go back to sleep and do nothing. You've been doing this for years. Just fuck off. I know all your tricks. You can't fool me.

>I can only imagine the little fucking bullied retard you are IRL.
This is projection.

>Keep believing you are part of some epic culture war defending the west and the white race.
The left's ultimate goal is the extermination of all whites and Western civilization, and you of course knew that.

>private corporations rule the country
>private citizens have full access to body modifications that make them super humans for a small fee
>anti left
what? do you even know what right wing stands for?


Calling the whole left communist Stalin sympathizers is no different than calling the the whole right Nazis

Epic post
No seriously wha question even asshole? Are you 467224765? Aesthetics are changing, themes, stories all fitted to the global market and the loudest demographic. Why is there an old women in watch dogs? Because the Kentucky bros who play the game want it? Only 1 example but I'm not your secretary

You need to go back

Jon stop posting on Yea Forums and finish your next infomerc-I mean youtube video

>It was written by a revolutionary socialist who fought muh Nazis during the civil war in Spain. I thought they looked bashing the fash.
funny because 1984 reminded me of communist eastern europe (i was too young to remember personally, but heard stories from parents and movies from that time).
shortages of everything (foodstamps for clothes, razors, etc.), promotion of snitching on neighbors (this mentality is still present here), propaganda of success everywhere (we beat our last year's record, every year), obligatory parade attendances, obligatory youth organizations, constant threat of war (from the vile west), big brother figures (lenin, stalin, later secretaries), bloated bureaucracy...
i can go on and on. always funny how westerner college kids romanticize ussr, even though papa stalin would put them in the gulag for being dicksucking faggots.

>Literally just a /pol/ thread on Yea Forums
>gets 500 replies here
>no one gives a fuck over there because this is retard autist non-politics on the level of schoolyard tribalism

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Imagine the smell haha...

Forgetting the fact that you're just combining two separate viewpoints into one strawman

>rants on about degeneracy and the downfall of western society
It's easy to see how ID politics (not just identity) is breeding division and threatening normal discourse. What with the popularity of deplatforming.

>toning down sex appeal in female characters is censorship
It is when you're doing it at the advice of an ethics committee to avoid backlash and unease from culture warriors.

Violent crime rates even in poor white community's are generally fairly low, certainly significantly lower than that of poor blacks. I dont know if you are simply ignorant of crime data or just making this up, or trolling.

Also you dont need an education to know that crimes like rape and murder are wrong. That isnt something you learn in college.

>The game literally validates non-binary gender identity
the game is also set in fictional dystopia. widespread trannyism is not something that would exist in perfect society. in utopia, mental health problems would had been solved instead of them being enabled by medical corporations.

segregationist opposition culture present in US and EU like in France
blacks aren't integrated, they feel special, while being same citizens as everyone else
and you keep widening the gap, it will lead to even more crimes and cultural degradation from black population
for example we have similar gypsies problem, but there is a lot less of them than blacks in US

>There is a war, but leftists shills like you keep saying there isn't one because you want us to go back to sleep and do nothing. You've been doing this for years. Just fuck off. I know all your tricks. You can't fool me.
I can tell you that you need to go back >>>>

Why? Reddit is yo kins folk

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I did not say anything that would in any way suggest that I'm from reddit, which means you are projecting.

>Games are changing forever and being taken over by duh ess jay dubayous
So they're not being taken over, then. They're the same industry they've always been and you're flipping the fuck out over marketing strategies.

At least you tried? Sort of?

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So much of left-wing thought is a kind of playing with fire by people who don't even know that fire is hot.
Inside the Whale (1940)

>thinking the left means old fashioned 1970s anti-globalist Marxists in the year 2019

Don't be an idiot. This is about 21st century progressives that dominate the left. They don't give two shits about traditional left-wing concerns like workers rights, union strength and opposing mass immigration so as to preserve wage growth.

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>I did not say anything that would in any way suggest that I'm from reddit, which means you are projecting.
>which means you are projecting.
Every fucking word you say is Reddit
Seriously get the fuck out now this is super cringe

actually you do need to learn this, societies took thousands of years to come to tame and calm world we have now
simply because through trial and error its what makes us survive better, such patterns are easily overwritten if society isn't solid enough
blacks are segregated communities, it's the only reason

right, i forgot how fucked up american politics are
thanks for reminding me.

Black people have a natural talent at dancing

I did not say anything that would in any way suggest that I'm from reddit, which means you are projecting. Cringe is not a word.

this, the progressive agenda is their main goal now. workers' rights (usually straight, white, male) most of the time contradict that, so they are pretty much completely phased out now.

You absolutely have, you fell for the false news network image of Yea Forums, you think this place is moon base alpha for political activism, when it is and always has been just for the lulz at the expense of everybody else, nobody gives a shit about the white race or muh traditional values, LOOK WHERE YOU ARE.
Go back to r*ddit and take your propaganda with you.

>you fell for the false news network image of Yea Forums
No, I didn't. I was already here at that point.

>you think this place is moon base alpha for political activism
The left made video games political, so now Yea Forums is political.

>nobody gives a shit about the white race or muh traditional values

>Go back to r*ddit and take your propaganda with you.

ive never liked donald trump but i love the effect he has on people like this.

>always funny how westerner college kids romanticize ussr
Because they haven't experienced it firsthand. They are narcissist special snowflakes who do not understand that socialism in general is incompatible with narcissists. They live off their parents money with not a worry in their mind, thinking they are good people by playing woke on twitter. They literally cannot wrap their heads around the idea that their beloved Xbox could be taken away from them at any minute in communist regime and crying about what is their right or not would get them fucked quicker than they realize.

I can't tell if this is a joke post

The intention isnt violent, the violence comes from their radical means to that goal. There is no middle ground with them

Eat shit and die, you're worse than moralfags.

Just look at Africa. No segregation there and they still act like niggers.

It would be fanta, actually

There's nothing about it that would suggest that it's a joke post. You are damage controlling.

They are just pushing the overton window a little more to see what's the hard wall, and there doesn't seem to be one yet.
It started with "anime games", then tits, then sexy women, then blacks, then gays.
Today there's at least one black, gay or trans character all around.
They literally have already won, and years ago.
Not only that, games that don't fall into that category get dogpilled, censored or unable to find distribution.
I'd not care about the change in culture, I always thought that mainstream culture is pure shit, but I find concerning the level of censoring and thought policing behind anything that isn't part of that culture.
Hell, now even big corporations like Sony take that stance, there's no place for anything that is not the homogeneous thought.

The european center-left is going that way too, which is why people are dropping them for the greens and the right

I didn't say "take over" or "ess jay dubayous", but it is sort of take over. Metoo is a kind of takeover for example. I just said that changes are coming. I thought this would be intellectually stimulating. You don't care and that's fine.

I am superior to you, and you have no arguments. You concede defeat.

I'm not sure whether you're trolling or if you're actually fucked in the head.
It's just you're such a dense motherfucker, it's literally like talking to a wall, you just repeat the same fucking thing over and over again.
Jesus christ, where do you cunts even come from.

And then the go cry at the latest trailer for a Marvel film

So you arent even in the US but you think you know the issue behind black crime in the US? Its a combination of a bad culture, and low IQ which is also a driving factor of the bad culture. Blacks are not even remotely comparable to gypsies. In many cases including the city i Live in they are very much integrated, they go to school with white people, live with them, work with them, and yet it makes no real difference.

People dont go out and rape someone because they dont live around enough white people, its a moral desicion that is made due to a moral bankruptcy from a bad culture that they perpetuate and glorify.

Yeah, we've always just been pretending to have a right-wing/libertarian bent.
Jokes aside, we're really all progressive feminists who tacitly approve of every polygon,or Kotaku article posted here, even though we might mock it as a front and to be funny.

Winning arguments is pointless because no one agrees on any principles of arguing here.

I have not said anything that would indicate that I'm trolling or fucked in the head or dense.

>you just repeat the same fucking thing over and over again.
When it's necessary. If you don't like it, stop making it necessary.

>Jesus christ, where do you cunts even come from.
I was here first.

Apparently so do you you fucking rabid animal

>Heavy consumer interest from the left
>Product slowly evolves to accommodate these core consumers

>when it is and always has been just for the lulz at the expense of everybody else, nobody gives a shit about the white race or muh traditional values, LOOK WHERE YOU ARE.
This is just the way politics are on the internet and overall are. It's still very much politics and might as well be 100% serious

>I was just saying stuff changes bro
You're a faggot.


What's a joke is the fact that many on Yea Forums now support and downplay social justice.
We joked about this happening in the past, but now it's where we are.

i'm try to explain to you that if culture is shit it doesn't matter what race you are, look at arabs, they are same as niggers in their desert. slightly more civil because islam, but same instincts.

He didn't say common sense anti-SJWs, he said the kind of people who say "GRR LIBTARDS RUINING MAH GAMES"

You cant meme. That meme right there literally came from /pol/ and was targeted towards lefts. Yet here you are using it.

So you are saying black people dont know that rape is wrong and they need to learn it from white people but they cant because they are segregated. This is obviously bullshit, they know rape is wrong, and they dont need to go to college to learn that or live with whites.

While segregation is irrelevant as it does not stop the flow of information in this day and age (that being that rape is wrong), most blacks are not segregated at this point. The city I live in is almost 50% black, my apartment complex for example is half black half white. Obviously most blacks in america are not segregated, and youd know that if you actually lived here. This lack of segregation makes no real difference, they still commit alot of crimes in this non-segregated area too.

The point is we have no political stance on this website aside from universally laughing at people while they're down, if you want to argue about unions and central planning vs libertarian free markets this is not the fucking board, let alone website.
This mans life revolves entirely around complaining about twitter anecdotes, it's not worth it.


GG wasnt even about Anita. Anita was long before GG. Way to fucking out yourself

Like how you avoid the topic