Now that the virtual dust has settled.. Between these two who would you rather have if it was given to you for free?

Attached: rift-s-vs-vive-hero-02.jpg (1600x1200, 244K)

Other urls found in this thread:


excuse me?
yeah there's no vr deus ex 1 but there's vr fallout 4 come back to me when the first thing I mentioned exists then maybe I'll consider looking at your scraped together tech demos you show your dad for that approval you long for your whole lives ( if your dad ever played video games he would be beyond idsappointed in what you built)



neither, quest is going to have all the low end games worth playing aka the ones that are not complete vomit inducing shit

That nice cactus in the back.

the vive so i can resell it at a higher price

fuck oculus and their walled garden bullshit
also, the rift s has some AWFUL design flaws


Sexier though

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The Vive is the coolest looking HMD. The lighthouses are usable with Index and Pimax and the shitty wands can be used for leg tracking when I upgrade to knuckles
Lastly Fuck Oculus and Fuck Zuck. I actually saw this book's author get interviewed on TV today lol

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Valve Index.

My friend has been shitting on me for saying the quest is the path forward in vr because LOL YOU CAN'T EVEN PLAY YOUR STEAM GAMES ON IT. Fuck you Robert, I'm not buying some 1000 fucking dollar headset with pillars everywhere so I can dedicate my daughters nursery to playing vr and punching her in the soft spot, and neither is anyone else

the quest is a necessary evil for the growth of the market, but if you consider yourself an informed enthusiast with taste then you would avoid it like the plague

I'm not saying for the enthusiast, I'm saying for the abysmal adoption rate vr has. The quest is the obvious move forward, the further we get from cords, cables, and base stations the more people are going to be interested in vr. Valve is going to have to do some steam link type magic to get rid of all the fucking wires

HTC Vive is better than the Oculus rift s.
Also you dont support Facebook for buying a vive.

B&S climbing update and H3VR Meat Fortress are dropping at the end of the month
Been hearing about first wave of Index shipping out around then too

Attached: logitech-vr-ink-pilot-edition-5.jpg (1920x1080, 370K)

>Valve index.


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Meat Fortress is the only thing VR related I'm looking forward to for a while, and that's not because of the crappy bot mode, or the guns that'll inevitably be pretty dull after 2 minutes of use because the sights don't work on any of them.

It's because Anton might actually fix some of the locomotion he completely broke last update.

the wait is worth than the cost imo.
it took me a while to get on the index train and now my stock is due to arrive in october.
fucking october.

Because we live in a capitalist nightmare...this is why we need socialism...


this, the government should finance VR headsets and the development VR waifus

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>Classify gaming addiction as a disease
>Get insurance benefits.
>Pass a law that gaming peripherals are a necessity to negate the effects.
>Insurance now pays for VR headsets.


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What did he break? I haven't noticed any difference.

You can no longer map half the movement options on a Vive, twin stick has no left handed support, and robo recall teleport now activates on touch. The game is literally unplayable for me because he broke every movement method I could actually use, and added one that doesn't work.

Oh, I'm on Oculus.

vive because you can upgrade it to index.
Rift is not even in the race anymore.

Works on my machine (WMR)

No difference for me except he broke fucking trigger. My left controller doesn't do the click and now I have to pull it super hard to grab anything.

They're in a "race to the bottom" dude, and they're winning. They can't be stopped!

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For free?
Without a doubt the Vive since it doesn't feel like trash. The Vive feels "normal" while the Rift has no grip and the quality on the headset is horrible and it soaks up sweat like a bitch.

But VR itself is trash.
>Just try it, EVERYONE says it's amazing after they try!
Yet every one also refuses to buy one after trying because it wasn't actually amazing, and everyone who plays more than two hours starts getting bored of the novelty.

VR is a gimmick. It's a wiimote.

This is oddly specific

>Rift is not even in the race anymore.
That's some mighty fine denial there user.

Attached: 1554979348618.png (1024x1298, 887K)

rift s is rebranded wmr. Rift quest is a mobile phone.
zukenshills dont have a single enthusiast vr headeset.

>your vr waifu has to go before the VR ethics bureau
>she gets sentenced to death

Attached: 1531677108741.webm (1600x1600, 3M)

enthusiasts are on the wrong side of history

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vive by a fucking mile

>Q-quest is just mobile crap, it won't influence the industry dramatically!
I hope you are looking forward to games being made for Quest first and being up-ported later for the PC, user.

This shit is outselling all enthusiast headsets by a magnitude, and every normie that touches it has praised it over the PC headsets.

I know for sure that I wouldn't use Rift S even if I got it for free thanks to the lack of DPI adjustment (and inside out tracking) (and shitty sound). I have my still unbeaten CV1 in terms of quality to price ratio.

I have a vive and a quest, I prefer using the Quest simply for the ease of use.

>no external sensors
>no wires
>leaves standby within 3 seconds
>don't even need to push a button, has a proximity sensor in the headset and turns on when you put the HMD on your head
>can use it in the living room, where I have much more space than in my PC office

Attached: beatsaber-quest1.webm (800x800, 2.91M)

>capitalist nightmare
>have to spend 1/3 of your paycheck on a state of the art VR system

>will never get a VR system because you don't need it. Best case scenario it will be only avaiable in arcades, and will be greatly inferior to anything in a capitalist country. If you REALLY want a reality where you can get a home version, you'd probably have to submit a ton of legal paperwork on why you need it and wait 10 years.

Attached: arcade.jpg (1920x1209, 472K)

Eh, Ill wait until VR is cheaper then my TV. Until then, why bother? You can buy a great TV for less then a VR head set and it looks just as good (and you don't need a 1k$ rig just to run it)

this but with an etch-a-sketch
uses less power than both a TV or VR and I can write my own shows

>Most people hesitate about spending another $50 to upgrade their pc
>Steam thinks people will have no trouble paying 1k for their VR

>all these people recommending the Vive over the Rift S

>lowest res in PCVR
>worst screendoor effect in PCVR
>worst godrays
>worst controllers

the good tracking doesn't counter how shit it is for 500$, the Rift S is a much better purchase if you are within the comfortable IPD range.

Attached: comparishon.png (1072x834, 1.53M)

Takes to long with the etch-a-sketch, but the TV can match the VR head set in every way. sorry

>Index sells out in hours
>backordered for months

Attached: 1304800820702.jpg (1280x720, 108K)

>flawless tracking
>controllers can be replaced for knuckes, which are the only non shit controllers for vr
>hmd can be replaced for valve index which is the only non shit HMD for vr
>godrays are a meme for autists

It was available first in spring and the amount of orders were so much that a full blown entire factory dedicated to making them is unable to fill the orders until sometime in autumn.
In 3 hours after preorders were available.
Stay mad poorfag.

You don't seem to understand how much we hate Zuck
It is going to get worse

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Then just go straight for a Valve Index instead of spending extra on outdated hardware if you plan to upgrade anyway
The only real choice right now is either Rift S for 400$ or the Index for 1000$ WMR is alright for space/racing/flight-sims

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I've had the Vive, Gear VR, Daydream, and currently the Vive Pro.
Honestly, if you aren't using a Vive Pro or equivalent you're missing out. The resolution basically eliminates screen-door effect and makes text crisp and readable, the latency is practically nonexistent, it has room for expandability with the ability to add more basestations, more trackers, and the ability to go wireless.

I would have got an Index if they announced wireless capability right off the bat, but they didn't so I'm sticking with my Vive Pro. Wireless VR is fucking amazing.

Where are my questbros at? The good news aren't stopping

Attached: quest.jpg (1604x3526, 1.57M)

Onyl real choice is index. If you have vive because you're not a dumb suckncuck and foresaw index being compatable, you can feel smart because the thing everyone but riftbabies predicted actually happened.

why would you want vr in a game that old? it would look like shit and wouldn't enhance the gameplay either.

Your daily shilling thread not going so good huh

I'm sticking with the Quest until the index drops in price, even without buying basestations its ridiculous.

Attached: roborecall4-quest.webm (800x800, 2.91M)

Not him but exploring old vidya haunts in VR is nostalgic as fuck and comfy
You might not understand because you probably don't actually love video games

>Rift S
>Literally can't use with my eyes without head pain


>play with vive for hours upon hours in a row
>no issues
>try on rift s
>headaches and constant discomfort
What good is your fancy ass display if its unusable.

If you're an enthusiast or your eyes are outside a specific IPD range you're on the wrong side of history

If you buy headsets that make one step forward in display quality and then a step back for literally everything else from sound to tracking to controller ergonomics, you are on the wrong side of consumerism.

if being on wrong side of history means I get bigger play area, better visual quality, better comfort, physical ipd adjustment, not get cucked by a shitty jew company that makes VR worse and its fangirls lap it up like bethesda and tortanic drones and I get to play better games then I'm fine with it
I don't give a fuck for the right side of history since it contains shitty facebook closed platforms and being forced to indetify as a LBTQBRRKGLBBK communist.

Heh. Fools. We'll meet again at Facebook reeducation camp. Except I'll be on the other side of the barbed wire. Remember me.

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But I have Oculus Rift, which is superior to everything else currently on the market if you count in the price.

>actually bringing up zucc being a jew
>while Valve is selling the overpriced headset
leave /pol/

Attached: journeyofthegods2-quest.webm (800x800, 2.97M)

The CV1 never existed, there is only the Rift S and the pinnacle of VR: The Quest

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Jews excel at the long game, this is why you're a goy

Keep them both OP. I'm perfectly happy with my PSVR...for now. I don't have to have the latest tech. Just something that's functional and fun and a fair price (got mine for $170 with two games).

I'll probably upgrade next Xmas. So, guess I'll wait and see what my options are then.

for 700 you get
>usable headset with great audio solution, unparallelled comfort, best dispay, expandability
>by far the best controllers that make them feel like the only controllers that are worth your time
>best tracking

for 400 of rift s you get
>shitty uncomfortable headset thats only benefit is screen
>shit tracking
>shitty closed software
>shit controllers
Rift S is insanely overpriced, it should sell for 200.

God I want to play VR games but the only guy I know who has a VR headset only has a PSVR, and the idea of using 2 move controllers to play games seems like utter cancer.

>for 700 you get
1000$, actually, how much do you need to lie?

>shitty uncomfortable headset
It's praised everywhere for its comfort?
>shit tracking
works fine
>shitty closed software
You can use steamVR, why do you keep lying?
>shit controllers
the Rift controllers were the best controllers for 3 years and now they are apparently bad?
lmao, your post is so retarded

Enjoy your finger tracking knuckles controllers because all they are good for is showing the middle fingler in multiplayer games, what a great investment

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it's actually 700 because I wasn't dumb enough to buy shitty headset with shit tracking.
But keep defending your bad purchase, i'd understand if you had limited space and could't mount lighthouses but you are literally sour grapes and buyers remorse combined so go be retarded elsewhere.

I recognize those notes.

Ah yes, the enthusiast who spend 1000$ on a headset with no dedicated software, truly smart

>its actually 700 cause i wasnt dumb enough to buy shitty headset with shit tracking
it's 1000 bucks no matter what dude. 500 headset, 300 controllers, 200 for the tracking stations.

The original Vive is the worst headset you could possibly buy at this point

>buy vive
>if its good sell headset and/or controllers and upgrade to index to get best bar none
>if bad sell to someone else who wants to do the same

buy oculus
>stuck with shit hardware you can't upgrade.

Vive has the best tracking at the cheapest price, which makes it the best headset you can buy, though.

Honestly, if VR wasn't fucking dead, and someone made a 3D printed thumbstick addon or something, ideally with a couple of extra buttons (no, I'm not talking about a fucking piece of plastic strapped to the trackpad here), there would be literally nothing wrong with the Vive.

What if i just kill myself?

Too bad the rift S and Go use LCD displays instead of OLED, i'm sticking with my Oculus Rift for now partially because of this.

vive. i have rift, i like my rift, but vive is more of a enthusiast's toy while rift is a product for masses. i'd cry myself to sleep for choosing vive wands over oculus touch, but i'd still pick vive because of ideals. openvr is exactly the thing vr needs to evolve, freely configurable api where you can fiddle with input as you please, and idea of separate parts of the system being compatible is great as well

I've tried both. I really preferred the Oculus, I felt the display blew the vive out of the water. Controllers too, that's a given.
Plus the price gouging HTC did with the Vive is insane.
Oculus supports all the openVR stuff anyways, so I don't see why, as far as gen 1 VR goes, the Rift would be any worse than the Vive to anyone, besides the chance someone's opinion is the Vive has a better screen. Guess it comes down to what kind of downsides you don't mind from a VR headset compared to the ones the other headset has.

I have the stupidest idea in my head right now.
I have a mixed reality headset and I'm going to try to play VR games with it over a wired network connection via steam.
I have one room with the space but not the powerful pc (fx8350+270X 4gb) and one room with the powerful PC (6700k + 1080ti) but I can't move it out of that room.

It didn't work.
Guess I'd have to switch the PCs around in the future for the extra playspace.

Don't buy the Vive, you fucking retards.
I PROMISE you, you will break one of the controllers easily in the first year, and HTC customer support is a fucking wash.
Buy literally anything else.

>I actually saw this book's author get interviewed on TV today lol

>Had one since 2017 early
>Still works fine
You broke you promise already user, how can I trust you ever again?

Good for you user, i hope they never break, because i don't wish HTC customer support on even my worst enemies.

Mine ships next week. I only needed HMD + Controllers since I have the Lighthouses from the Vive.

just finished a 5 hour beat saber session
my hands are quaking and I feel as dehydrated as a mummy

>you will break one of the controllers easily in the first year,
Even if this did happen, I would just fix it myself because I'm not a fucking brainlet. I really can't stand people who are too dumb to fix a fucking button or something, the trigger on one of my controllers was squeaky out of the box so I opened it up and put some lube in.

Looks like Mr Blue Sky

It's KDA Pop Stars.

>try be
>it's pretty amazing
>still would never buy one

>even if this did happen
A simple search on the vive reddit will show that this shit happens a lot.

>proud of fixing a megacorporations broken products (out of the box)

Niggers like to put too much force into shit, I'll believe it when it actually happens to me.

A squeak is hardly broken, it just means the product is well-engineered and the tolerances are tight, or the lube has dried up while it's been sat in a warehouse for a few years.

The actual internals of the controller were very nicely designed, I was impressed.

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>VR deus ex and thief
oh no i didnt realize how bad i want this

VR thief will happen, screencap this

this, but unironically