Why isn't gamefaqs popular anymore?

Why isn't gamefaqs popular anymore?

Do any of you miss having to print out a walkthrough of the spirit temple at your friends house so you'd know what to do when you got home?

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Because the site has been taken over by a bunch of degens. Have you seen the site board at all?

Because youtube exists

Why would i bother to dig up some text guide and ctrl f my way to a vague description of what to do when i can see a video showing exactly what i need to do.

The only redeeming factor of gamefaqs was the ascii art people put at the beginning of their guides

GameFAQs boards were a mistake. Anyone can be a mod there, almost every topic turns into political discussion (so does here, but people here won't get banned for having a ''wrong'' opinion), and the whole 'report user' system is wrong. Mods usually look at how many people reported you and delete your post / punish you based on that, not what you wrote.

Forum-based websites are pretty much superceded by Steam and Reddit
They probably could have maintained more relevancy by updating to modern web design, but the aforementioned platforms are already more accessable.

>youtube walkthroughs

hit or miss. sometimes you can't find what your looking for or you'll be searching for like 10 minutes and sometimes its deep in some 30 minute playthrough. for example i wanted to know the requirements prior for a particular grinding method in XB2. it requires me to have certain item for character that I have to make and I have to fetch these materials. the grinding tutorial doesn't tell me how to get them so i have to search other vids on how-to which can be time consuming rather than CTRL+F in a gamefaq walkthrough

>video walkthroughs
I want to experience the game myself, but just not have to wander aimlessly.
If I'm gonna watch a video I won't play the game.

Text walkthroughs don't spoil the game that badly, and I can easily search for what I want instead of having to guess which episode number the part Im at is

wiki sites are far more convenient and useful than handwritten faqs/guides particularly ones NOT on fucking wikia
also they completely raped their forum layout for no real reason and drove a bunch of the "community" off

Wikis are better, every with the godawful game wiki sites.
I do miss the talks of exploits and more advanced strategies from gamefaqs though.
The real shame is that most modern games require no strategy anymore

games are easy as fuck these days

Games are a straight line now.

>Do any of you miss having to print out a walkthrough of the spirit temple at your friends house so you'd know what to do when you got home?
No, because I actually had internet.

I still use GameFAQs to this day, though.

Sites like pureistationtrophies dot org are better now. When I google I tend to find walkthroughs that I might otherwise have found in gamefaqs last gen there. Unironically its because of the community.

>raped their forum layout for no real reason
When opening old forum links, they return a 404. This is because of the change to the gamefaqs dot gamespot dot com. Then the index search of their forum archive doesn't seem to want to spit out the topic in the original 404 either.


Most of the walkthroughs were actually shit in retrospect and the boards are some of the most autistic places I've ever seen

The same could be said for almost all the shoddily written walkthroughs

GameFAQS walthroughs sucked ass. It was always "go out the second door on the right then drop down the ledge into the alleyway..." Takes way too long to compare the vague description. Even in 2007 a Youtube video was more than sufficient.
Also like the other user said, wikis have supplanted them and are easier to comb through.
I miss many things from the 2000s but GameFAQS is not one of those.

I always wondered how they made such in-depth guides back them.
Real dedication

Because if I wasn't paying attention and need to find 20 moon-berries for OP fagtonian potion I can just google it now that will bring up a page explicitly explaining that and only that, often with pictures for reference.

All without running the risk of finding out the third act reveal that Drake the brooding loner third companion is actually the true heir to the inexplicably technologically advanced evil empire when I'm 20 minutes into the game.

>see a video showing exactly what i need to do.
>load video
>dupstep intro
>ad break
>guys i LOOOVVVEEE this game its actually really special to me
>6 minutes of stalling for time
>3 more ad breaks
>anyway here we ARE! here's how you do this thing!
>3 minutes of repeating the first action
>talks about something irrelevant
>jumbles up the sequence of events
>AAAAnnd that's how you do it! Lemme repeat it:
>repeats irrelevant steps and doesn't mention important bits
>stalls for 4 more minutes to remind you to suck his cock
20 minutes for a task that could be summed up in about 4 lines. Videos are theoretically better, but that applies only to a vacuum world where let's players don't exist.

>Why would i bother to dig up some text guide and ctrl f my way to a vague description of what to do when i can see a video showing exactly what i need to do.
For two reasons:
1. When you find a text walkthrough, there is only the walkthrough. You don't have to deal with some flaming faglord going "HEY YOUTUBE, WHAT'S UP, IT'S SOMERANDOMFAGWAD HERE, LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE," then have to deal with said faglord not shutting the fuck up.

2. You can ctrl+f and find exactly what you're looking for immediately; you don't have to search for the game on Youtube, hope that at least one of the results isn't one narrated by some faglord who's going to talk through the whole thing, find which part of the 75 different uploads actually contains the part you need a walkthrough for, then click the bar at the bottom of the video until you actually find the bit you're stuck on.

Unless the search results feed write the spoiler too. This happens sometimes.
>search is x useful
>feed spits out a reddit thread saying character is actually the villain

>he actually used walkthroughs for video games

>he literally never in the history of fucking ever had to look up anything in a walkthrough of any fucking game ever
OK buddy, retard.

Why isn’t the Yea Forums format more popular and why does it still deter normies? Name another site where you can post engaging threads about literally anything and get responses as fast in real time

The spirit temple was easy
Water temple was the one I struggled with

Look at this place. Does this really look like it fucking deters normies, when we had been taken over completely by normies at lest for 50 years if not more? Are you insane?

i guess they never miss, HUH

Imagine posting on Yea Forums for 50 years

Because its not financially sustainable. Yea Forums gets by through brand recognition.

Because games don't need faqs anymore due to being baby tier hand-holdey and ensuring nothing is missable in a single playthrough.

I used to do it for JRPGs because I didn't want to miss any optional stuff but after a while I just stopped giving a shit

Not giving a shit feels really liberating, and playing a jrpg completely blind and not worrying about missables makes the experience much more immersive and genuine. If you really care about stuff missable, you can use a guide to get them on a second playthrough. I've stopped ruining my first playthroughs by trying to get everythign.

This. Smashburb a 29 year old furfag autist always shits up the Smash boards.

Hi I'm OP and I wanted to tell you that this was funnier than it should've been

Its just as popular as its ever been and us better place to discuss games than Yea Forums

I struggled moreso with getting there and getting through the wasteland as a 7 year old

text guides are a pain to use and the mods on the boards are painfully corrupt/play favorites constantly

Gamefaqs has a wonderful community, especially the Halo 3 board.

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Video guides are retarded and if its not clear why you are underage or mentally handicapped

You fags know what to do

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Because it takes like three seconds to find what you need in a text walkthrough? For youtube you have to watch a bunch of unnecessary segments even if you skip to the part you're ay

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>Why isn't gamefaqs popular anymore?
Games dont have cheatcodes anymore.

And that's a bad thing!

>Look up video of trick or secret
>"Heeeey guys generic game bacl at you with another video you should have like favor and subscribed before you see any of this video make sure the ring the bell icon to keep yourself posted on all my crap content now before I get into what this video is actually about let me ramble on and on for about 3 minutes before I get to the actual point and then somehow stretch this to be 10 minutes"

GameFAQs mods are more lenient than Yea Forums mods, who will hit you with a ban if you accidentally posted something on the wrong board. You must have been a real asshole to get banned from GameFAQs. But that would require you to admit you are capable of being wrong.

Nah, it's good. When I was a kid everyone was a cheat junkie. You'd buy games based on if you had cheats for them or not.

>Get stuck in a game
>Open up GameFAQ
>Scroll down to section
>Find concise written answer explaining how to progress

>Stuck on video game
>Search on YouTube
>Find some faggot stream

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Only a retard kid would do that

GameFAQs bans make you shit a brick though. At least I did back then.


>Get stuck in a game
>Replay every part leading up to that part 100 times out of boredom but never progress

Fuck you Sonic 3

But spawning a bunch of shit in GTA was some of the funniest shit you could do

Nonsense. You want to see everything a game has to offer, right? Get value from your money? But then you come home with a game like Battletoads, where you just stop progressing after level 2 unless you know about the hidden warp zones and extra live cheat.

you know that you can skip forward right?!

Fuck these people so much.
Shit even in like 2012 when i would look up CoD zombies easter eggs while doing them. I would get long-ass intros and they would ramble on about how this is the newest map and how explaining what zomvies is basically. Like Fuck off faggot i just wanna know the note order FUCK

People complain about retarded youtubers, but any reasonable person can just skip ahead to the part of the video they need the info from.
It's simple, it's easy and video is a much better visual medium to process information through for the majority of things.

If you're part of the clique that the resident mods of your board like, sure. Otherwise what you say couldn't be further from the truth and the politics board alone is proof of that. Keep on gaslighting like a cliquenigger.

But do vidya guides numerate shit like item/collectible lists, world map locations, bestiary, and other misc stuffs?

What? You used to not even be able to cuss on GameFAQs

I still use it when I play pre-2007 games. Is a fantastic repository for old guides and cheats, and some .png maps are actually cool. Sadly the forums went to shit.
For more recent games there are wikis and zoomers love YouTube footage.

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I disagree. Videos generate more money the longer they drag out what you want to know, and spikking ahead too far spoils what comes next.

Here's how you get past the barrel; alternate between up and down. Visual information processed in 0,24 seconds, whereas a video about ti would be 3 minutes at best.

He doesn't even have an adblocker, he's clearly a retard and a newfag

Inly autistic kids would buy a game based off cheats.

the layout is dogshit and the moderators were too autistic

funnily enough, they used to warn you if you put "Hitler" in your post, because comparing anything to Hitler is wrong. nowadays everything gets compared to Hitler and the Nazis

zoomer's heads might explode if they have to actually read something instead of having some streamer turbofaggot hold their hand while saying "hey guys it's me again with another video yadda yadda yadda please like and subscribe here's my pateron" for 5 fucking minutes, then play through an entire one hour section of the game, just so they can see where one single hidden door is or something
fuck youtubers and zoomers is what I'm trying to say
I miss going to gamefaqs, ctrl+fing whatever obtuse bullshit I'm stuck at, and being done with it in less than a minute

Games are so simple now that you don't need walkthroughs.

Assuming you're logged in to a google account it will affect your recommendations. You'll have to clear your history.
Text is objectively superior because you can do it while playing a game and you won't have to leave your game on for more than a minute.

This I recently got into emulating PS 1&2 games and gamefaqs is really useful for 100%ing or finding easter eggs I wouldn't have otherwise. I forgot how decent some text guides were. I tend to look for both videos and text since sometimes ascii art isn't enough to figure out how to solve something.

also: fuck "walkthroughs" composed of a billion separate clickbait articles written by some corporate asshat who sounds like he hasn't even played the game
gamefaqs walkthroughs used to be a labor of love and I enjoyed reading them

>mfw I had to print out a guide for KQ8 that was over a hundred pages over dialup

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Because games don't really need walkthroughs anymore? cheats don't exist in the way they used to so gamefaqs has basically turned into a trophy/cheevo walkthrough site. And other sites existed to do what it did long before.
Also youtube makes posting content with visual aids much simpler than having to host shit on photobucket and link to it from your shitty text guide.

It's just deprecated. The forums kept it alive for a while but they too are irrelevant, everyone uses discord now, and skype before it.

because modern games are easy trash, for complete muh dx11 retards. My got are modern players stupid. They are some of the dumbest fucks on this planet. Big trash of humanity. Modern gaming is like apple products, for the incompetent and backwards people.

Good luck finding it in a feature length film of a shitty video. Some saints post the timestamp in the comments, but at this point you're really just better off reading a text guide.
Alternatively, don't search for specific video guides for what to do. Shittubers hog those with their filth.
Instead, just search for either longplays or playthroughs. Not lets plays, play throughs. Those usually have no narrators or any bullshit, you just need to find the place you're looking for.

The disadvantage is still that you don't know where to skip to in the video, when you can just CTRL F in text documents

So what was your favorite FAQ? I'll always remember the monster arena guide for FFX as a stand-out example because it had a lot of personality and described the amount of anguish each new bonus boss brought in hilarious detail. It was the AVGN long before the AVGN.

One time when I was like 8 me and my mom walked to the public library to use the internet so I can print out walk thoughs n shit.
At the time I was playing Edd ed and eddy Jawbreakers on the gba and I was having trouble with the kevin boss.
So naturally I downloaded a walk though and my mom would only let me print out one so I did.
On the bus ride back home I was reading the walk though and I got to the where they talk about the Kevin boss.
the section was one sentience long.

"Dodge Kevin's rocks"

I was fucking livid.

Fucking walk throughs.

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>GameFAQs mods are more lenient than Yea Forums mods, who will hit you with a ban if you accidentally posted something on the wrong board.
Yes, if you post NSFW content on SFW boards. That will get you banned for 2-3 days, and I see no problem here. If you want to post dick, post it on Yea Forums or /soc/, not Yea Forums

Do you know how many times I've been banned for posting about SFW video games in a video game thread on Yea Forums?

No. What kind of question is that? How am I supposed to know that?

I got banned Friday for doing just that

Any number higher than 0 proves my point?

I guess.

What exactly did you do to ''earn'' a ban? Just curious.

LUE was literally pre-Yea Forums before Yea Forums became popularized. 99% of GameFAQs's old userbase moved to Yea Forums.

Even though the boards on GameFAQs are a relic of the past, it's highly doubtful that GameFAQs will ever shut down as it is STILL the #1 place to view quick, easy-to-read information like release dates, FAQs, game time, etc. If GameFAQs ever was in dire straights, someone would buy it up and keep it going. It might not be "popular" like it was back in 1999 to 2007, but it's still a staple to this day.

Posting this picture and discussing how my favorite DBZ game is fairly obscure, but the depth of combat and training elevates it above the mindless beat 'em ups.

Banned because DBZ isn't video games.

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>Games are a straight line now.

Lol, this.

It's weird because while I never participated on the site itself, it was a massive help to me growing up. Kinda regret never doing anything for it lol.

I was banned once for fanboyism. The ban was 12 mins long tho.

>Because youtube exists

At least those old text guides don't shout in the most obnoxious voice imaginable upon clicking:


This. JRPGs have the the most convoluted missable optional shit/items in gaming. I've long since stopped caring. I'm guessing they do this just to shift Ultimania guides and the like.

This may sound annoying, but you DO need to star your video with some kind of intruduction. If you do just a no-comment walkthrough, then you obviously don't need one. But starting a video with ''I'm gonna show you how to get the XX key'' is kinda weird. ''Hello guys and welcome to my channel. Today...'' is normal. I guess.

You are most correct poster. I so agree with it post and that are why no one reply yet. Cos everyone agree. All games of now are so suck bad.

All kid today is -9345762542 IQ and never ever think ever. Are hate all challenge.

Gen Z is the worst generation of all of humankind. Literally fucking ruined everything holy shit!


So much this basically. Every game after 2008 sucks so bad that its the worst games ever.

Why has every early internet forum been taken over by autists and power tripping mods?

Gen Z ruined everything... thera's a reason why all modern games suck so much

This. Zoomers like shitty games and hate thinking. There isn't a single zoomer who won't despise at least 90% of the games we loved in our childhood. The scariest part is that they will be the majority of the world and rule it.

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Because zoomers heads will explode if you tell them to think for themselves. They adore 1984 Big Brother societie

Image checks out. Its mostly true.

Let's face it, humanity hit peak and is now regressing

>Ys VIII worst game in its series
I know this is bait, but god damn.

please dont forget to take your meds before posting on Yea Forums next time

Those were the good days.

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so much wrong with that image, holy FUCK

Final Fantasy 15 is not worse than 13
Inquisition is not worse than DA 2
Silent Hill Downpour was WAY worse than homecoming
Resident Evil 7? Really?

Still can't fucking believe DMCV turned out to be unironically worse than DmC

So glad everyone on this board can agree. Scariest thing is that there is nothing we can do to make things better. If there was we would be discussing it.

It's the Fire Emblem Fates of the series

At least us boomers can think for ourselves.

zoom zoom

>It's the Fire Emblem Fates of the series
And what are Wanderers of Ys and Ys V?
I could understand liking Celceta more, maybe.

>us boomers
you are a gay millenial LARPing as boomer and projecting your failures on zoomers.
Kill yourself

because it got purchased by (((gamespot)))

>Wanderers of Ys
>putting felghana fags in their place
You, I like you. But I disagree. The older Ys games have soul and feel good to play. They still give me the same adventurous feels as Ys 1 and 2, 7 and Origin.

>tfw zoomers and discord trannies killed gaming forums.

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Nice defense, isnt there a new season of fortnite going on?

Used it today for some Skies of Arcadia stuff.

t. zoomer

Boomer here, when i was a kid everybody wanted to know the cheats for GTA and Diablo2.

>he doesn't write his own walkthroughs
absolute zoomer tier.

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How do you get karma again? Do you have to post for it?

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I do that too! You're great user. Its on notepad though.

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Depends on the game really, many low-key games that aren't political have a nice enough board.

every board has 3-4 absolute fucknuggets who act lke primadonnas owning the board and shit up every thread

also less and less people feel like typing out literally MBs of text when they can record that shit and get yt money

Couldn't disagree more. I can find the information in a guide in like 3 seconds with ctrl+F. Meanwhile Youtubers make a 10 minute video on just showing where to find something and the key moment is often somewhere in the middle so you can't just skip to the end. Fuck Youtube.

This is probably somewhat true, I went GameFAQs -> Yea Forums and nowhere else.
Though I was more of an RI poster
Boy its funny to think how much of the humor back then was pretty close to 4chans Yea Forums of the same time.
And how literally all of it would be called "cringe" by todays zoomers of Yea Forums

Lots of walkthough cheats, but very few actual cheats.

>look for hidden items in a game
>search YouTube
>video cuts everything in random places around the level
>some cuts they're just in front of the item without showing how they got there

They clearly edit the videos. They can't show items in order from beginning to the end?

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I wrote 1 just so I could say I did it and because it was a great way to kill time at my first incredibly shit office job.

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I can't stand watching videos for "help".
>8 year old comes
>HAY GUYZ today I'm gon--
>mom yelling in the background
>dogs barking
>microphone that came packaged with the Packard Bell their grandfather bought in 1993
>2 minute introduction and begging for subscribers before getting to the fucking point.
>they completely skip the part you were wonder about.


>pull up text document.
>"[topic of interest]

I don't think I've ever written a guide that took less than a week. That's what makes people who write text great. They're insanely thorough and do it for the autisms. Videos can't compete.

Gamefaqs is great. I still regularly use it, most recently checked out the PSO2 Xbox One board to see what people thought about it. I haven't used it for nearly as long as some of you (I started in 2015) but the site is still a fine place to talk about videogames. I'll admit I've visited it far less ever since I found out about Yea Forums though.

>shit that never happens
It's not 2007 anymore gramps.

always look for a video thas as short as possible
then youll get somebody who gets to the point right away and maybe says 'pls like if this helped' at the end
if a video is almost exactly just over 10 minutes long its 99% guaranteed to be some retard spewing bullshit for 9 minutes

You're the senile one if you think this shit never happens. It happens at least half the time you search for anything. From video games, to plumbing tips, to dog training. Every fucking time.

because games aren't difficult anymore. You don't need a guide. There aren't difficult puzzles. There aren't unavoidable obstacles. There aren't even hidden secrets. Just hundreds of repetitive MMO-style side-quests where you go to location X and kill a bunch of enemies or collect a bunch of flowers.

Reddit would be close except only the first 10 threads or so for any board have actual discussion going on in them and it isn't even decent or entertaining discussion, the board mods still have the final say on anything you say

Is there some sort of monetization reason to make a video longer than 10 minutes exactly?

>Yea Forums in the 70's

It was far out times, man.

I still have my roller skates.

I've forgotten my password, but I found an old post of mine. I remember I used to use it all the time.

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ye, dont know the details but there was a huge fuss about youtubers suddenly making videos 10:07, 10:15 etc with filler shit and then it got leaked that yt changed something about the way monetization works
it was like 3 or 4 years ago

GameFAQs is still a great site and I sometimes use it, but japanese game wikis are much more informative and in-depth than FAQs most of the time.

>all these 2007 babbies
fun fact: I was like 12 when I registered to gamefaqs, which was under the allowed age, but nobody ever found out

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I googled the username I normally use on boards and 'gamefaqs' to see if I ever had an account there. It turned 7 pages of results for people talking about my mods for various games. But not account.

I still go on Gamefaq to bump all those ancient threads. But with the change in the bump limit, I feel I have lost my purpose.

Children arent even allowed to have comments on their videos anymore, nor do they get promoted in searches.

>tfw would have an account from 2001 but i was an idiot and tried to put different passwords because literally the only time news spoke about internet it was about epikk haxoors
>kept forgetting passes

i also was a 9 year old

But BOTW is the only good Zelda

I'm sure it's strictly regulated and they personally inspect each of the 10,000,000 videos uploaded per day.
Like this brave rebel here:
I'm sure he barely escaped their exhaustive venting process of "Check this box if you're over 13"

Did anyone else have a binder filled with video game walk throughs, cheat codes, and roaches

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I had a 5-digit ICQ account. You'd have to be 40 to know the significance of that. But I forget the number and even the email it was linked to. I was so pissed off when I tried to recover it.

user, we live in the age of videos.

GameFAQs will always be special for older games but come on.

Because they have bannings and postcounts.

It' s a popularity contest that noone needs.

Sailor Bacon and CBS defending the fact a mod on there blackmailed a 14 year old into sending him nudes (Sashanan was the mod)
The alt left agenda is pushed heavily.
The fact that you cannot name call, at all. "Dude, bro, friend", all banned and moddable.
The game boards are taken over by about 15 regular trolls who make upwards of 100 accounts per day each (seriously, ask Allen about the dude with 15000 banned accounts on the Switch board alone).
The why the trolls work is they treat troll accounts as individual ones and when 50 accounts are made and one of them is banned, hr other 49 are treated as "clean" meaning it starts over again.

Oh that thing they say about mods only seeing what you see on your mod history? Complete bollocks - we (well I had) have access to a board where every fucking message in the past 8 years is tied to your account name. So like "troll9999" has a topic with all their modded messages in it.

t. former mod

Find me a video of a guide with a child speaking and his mother yelling at him in the background right now seeing as it's so common.

And yes, they catch 90% of underage uploads before the video has finished uploading now.

I don't have a binder. I have a stack of 5-star bradded folders, seperated by franchise. Some of this shit is stupidly old. It looks like the oldest I have is a bunch of info on creating/editing DOOM wads.

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>user, we live in the age of videos.
yikes nothing beat ctrl-F a guide instead of watching a 15min video

You seem awfully invested in this issue. Are you upset because they took away your favorite pedo beat-off material source?

He gets it.

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Fucking this, along with a table of contents (even better when it uses anchors). Not to mention that because text can be used in a non-linear way that you can't do with videos.

I use it for JRPGs

i still use it, been using it since it went up in 97 or something

Because everyone there has shit taste.

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All the trannies on gamefaqs moved over to resetera once the pedos on gamefaqs were exposed. The funny thing now is the the same shit is happening to resetera now.

gamefaqs is honestly where 70-80% of the smash spam comes from

Just log in, might need to have an active post but I think you just need to log in

Zoomer detected
>Vague description
Not even fucking close, those text walkthroughs are extremely precise

I think the success of video guides is really a testament to people's short attention spans these days. Video makes a fantastic supplement, but your first target should always be text for efficiency and not to completely spoil the fucking game.

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>tfw family goes on trip and you come back and you're locked out of lue for the rest of your life

They sold the site to GameSpot and that was the downfall of gamefaqs.

damn fantastic soccer for the commodore 64 is dead. That place had some culture. You guys should check it out. Best kept secret on gamefaqs.

same, wasn't it called game sages back then though?

Football board is the best. Yea Forums before Yea Forums was even a concept

I miss the inconvenience of not having the information right to your hands. It makes you try harder on certain games, usually JRPGs. It also makes you find people to talk about what did you discover and share your secrets, and all that urban legends that you don't have any ways to confirm.
I miss those times where you buy those local gaming magazine that contains cheat codes to your games, some might even be bogus.

Gamefax is owned by CBS though

Games are literally easy as fuck and walkthroughs are largely unnecessary. Also youtube exists.

>Game that isn't even released yet is the worst game in a series
Really makes you think

Magazines are still cool, though. I get PC Gamer and Game Informer to read on the shitter. It's relaxing. Highly recommended. Game Informer is surprisingly decent. They have some good in-depth articles about topics you'd never think to ask about.

>says the guy that never played a game before the internet gave them all the answers

Nice lowkey Homestuck.

I visit Gamefaqs every day. I post frequently in the forums. Just achieved Sage status. They have some excellent speed run guides and item guides for JRPGs.

They have speedrun guides now? Wait, I actually seem to remember seeing some of those 15 years ago. Did GameFAQs start speedrunning?

It depends on if any mod vetos the guide but yes, there have existed speedrun guides as "challenge" guides since around 3 years ago when AGDQ got popular, though interestingly until CBS stepped in and fixed it, discussion of speedruns for the games were off topic

>only have intermittent internet access when my dad felt like paying for it, as it wasn't considered a necessity back then for a blue collar worker
>Need to print a walk through
>My dad takes us to the library and we hit up game faqs and Cheat code central
>Do it real smooth like when the lady in charge of the computer lab is going to take a piss or something so we can leave without paying per page printed

I want to go back anons. I want to go back so fucking badly.

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I'm 33 years old, m8. I've looked up some solutions a fair amount but games today are piss easy and basically only require a hand to play. If you disagree you must be as dumb as a sack of potatoes.

Funnily enough it's the only place where I can get information about Inazuma Eleven games, how is it this scarce

>so we can leave without paying per page printed
Used to do the same at college. We had accounts which logged how many print credits we had but for whatever reason it would sometimes stop logging how much you printed. The entire guide to getting every characters final weapon in dynasty warriors 3? Yes please.

I remember writing down cheats & walkthroughs on a piece of paper and stored them in the disc space of my PSP

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To answer the question though, most of the time I'm looking shit up now, it's for games with some amount of depth like RPGs. Like most anons are saying, most games are piss easy now. RPGs however that actually have a lot of hidden shit and crafting and enemy specific drops I'll look shit up for, and most of the time they have fan run wikis that are constantly updated, making gamefaqs largely obsolete. If a game's brand new though and I'm looking shit up, I still check their forums, but that's it.

I wonder how people finished Tower of Druaga during its time in arcades? Is there a notebook there in the cabinet that tells you what strange thing you need to do to access the next level or is it just really word of mouth? First time I've played it, I just killed enemies straight with no idea how important items are.

I would wager very few people did. Even in current year I'd wager most people don't finish most, if not all games they buy. Damn near everybody here, including me, has a backlog of shit they've started and never finished, and that shit is free to finish at any time. I like looking up achievement/trophy unlock rates for story moments just to see how far most players get and it's pretty surprising how few people will even play a game past the intro. If you've got to burn quarters to win, The win rate's probably substantially lower.

It was already getting that bad at around 2009. I was a lurker user there since like 2003.
Nothing more eye opening to see a mod befriend some guy he just banned after said banned person made a complaint, just to shut him up.

At least in Yea Forums there's anonymity so it doesn't look personal unless you get a psycho.

>ctrl-f keyword
>5 seconds

>30 seconds of game illusion ruining later
This has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. If I absolutely need to consult a walkthrough it's either on GameFAQs or there is no walkthrough to consult.

I think they found a cabinet in gamecenter cx once and it just had a big binder chained to it for people to write notes on.

How come he stopped logging in?

A written guide with images for reference it's still the best option for help in games, people mostly do this for very popular games only though

>mfw looking at my old message board posts from the early 2000s
It hurts.

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text guides are superior in concept because they are more time effecient

I know that feel
>trying to discuss the latest events in the Colosseum
>everyone just talks about that assassinated emperor and the civil war instead

i dont remember my account info i made in 2004. feels bad man.

More like GameFAGS.
Also every time a thread about vidya forums comes up I wonder if anyone from Zantive is on Yea Forums

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>made account in 2004
>still only an ancient
I wish I cared more

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Games are too easy now. When I try playing a multiplayer game, I can see why the industry makes games that are so easy, it feels almost insulting.

>need faq to 100% a game
>kouli etc.
>one text document
>everything is placed in order, vertically, and it leads to perfect
>leads me to coming back for more
>post actively for a while
>go back to the site one day
>literally every new faq is this ugly useless convoluted shit.
>can't download it properly
>can't read offline
>gotta keep browser open while gaming
That was the reason I stopped caring, and for whatever is worth, I was "le Icon" level. I think it was also one of the reasons my gaming habit slowed down.

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One issue I ALWAYS had with GameFAQs was that you'd be reading a walkthrough for a part of a game you were stuck on and it'd always be like
>If you have been following the walkthrough up to this point, you should be fine!

What the fuck happened to their forums? They used to be great, but I swear now like 75% of the userbase is either a tranny or a furfag.

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I agree. This HTML bullshit is heretical. But at the same time their web designers must be feeling the heat from wikis.
I just want to CTRL+F. Wikis aren't even perfect you have to search and then waddle through lots of junk info.
Like the trash tier Fextralife souls wikis. If you want something, scroll all the way down and read the comments for the one with the most upvotes. That's how badly game info searching is now.

You knew you had a great faq when the creator made ASCII maps

I remember when the only way to enjoy Super Robot Wars story for EOP is using Mark Neidengard's walkthrough. Bless that guy.

I just logged back in to my account after years and saw I had a notification. Turns out somebody responded to a technical question I asked on the PS3 boards over 10 years ago. Why even bother lol
I'm also appalled at my English from when I was 14. It's not my primary language, but I thought I was pretty good at it back then.

Like half the threads on the front page are shut down early by mods too. The main reason being.. that people are mean basically. It used to be alright but now it's almost unusable.

I write as I play and after I finish.
Good exercise for memory. I wouldn't say its as good as if I use MS Word but I try for max compatibility and as little numerical detail as possible.

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Former mod here. They're not "shut down", I assume you mean locked because of people being mean.
They're shut down if it's a non-troll account that's being trolled.
The idea is simple: the boards are dying (site is doing fine) and one of the ideas the crossdresser had was "ban accounts that are new and on VPNs" since they're more likely to make new ones and thus more accounts looks like the site is doing well.

It's pretty shitty but most of the mods agree that Alan has no fucking idea what he's doing with the boards. A bunch of us just upped and quit when he announced he wanted money for accounts

Ya locked is what I meant.

I never used gamefaqs forums, but I used their guides religiously.

Reason I don't anymore is fairly simple: because now every game in the universe has it's own wiki, if not two or three. And most of the time it's easier to look up the info I need on a wiki rather than going to a gamefaqs guide, looking through the table of contents, finding the section for the part I need, scrolling to that, etc.

Text-only is outdated as fuck. How many guides did you read where you had to look into your crystal fucking ball trying to make sense of directions on where to go? "Turn right at the thing, you should see this other thing in the distance, underneath is a bush walk past it to this other thing"

Don't even get me started on how people would resort to making ascii diagrams and maps to compensate.

This was acceptable back when I first started using the site in like 1999. But there quickly came a time where AT THE VERY LEAST gamefaqs should've enabled the ability for guides to include some basic images that would aid with things like maps, directions, etc.

That place have more autist than here. Especially on the Switch board

>Because the site has been taken over by a bunch of degens
Are you sure you're not talking about 4channel?

>do straight to the point videos of secret areas with the longest being 3 minutes long
>don't get many views
>fagtron9001 does the same but adds his annoying intro, ad breaks and stretches the video to 10 minutes long
Fuck youtube.

>How many guides did you read where you had to look into your crystal fucking ball trying to make sense of directions on where to go?
it's called reading comprehension

>unironically worse than DmC
Except it’s not, you goddamn contrarian.

>"Turn right at the thing, you should see this other thing in the distance, underneath is a bush walk past it to this other thing"
I like it because even with a helping hand you still feel like you did it. It was you you won, discovered that, figured it out.
Videos are brain dead. Once you see you can't unsee, and you spoiled the game.

I'd go further and say that you must not be good at English at all. I remember in college we had a literature course and it was mostly about directions.
>turn right after the intersection, keep going straight until x, take a left turn at y
Come on even I knew it was babby stuff but who would have known that that stuff would make me feel like I'm not an absolute brainlet right now.

You're part of the problem

Uh it's not 2001 anymore grandpa.

Any bongs here that used to post on 313?

please be bait.. most frustrating shit when you can't find a text guide for what you're doing and some fucking retard has a 10 min video of 'uuuh hey guys whats up uuuuuuuuh so this video is..'

>worse than 2 and DmC
I know this is bait and all but this is just the definition of tryhard.

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I still use it it for Etrian Odyssey for example, the guides tend to be much more comprehensive than the wiki

I left it due to all the namefags and heavy handed moderation. Fuck that place.

Zoomers rarely, rarely use forums. It's an old school format now. Most forum users are the same people from 10 years ago.

That site runs like shit now, it takes forever just for a FAQs or even a page to load.

>new game released
>get stuck
>no walkthrough

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Just used a guide of theirs to figure out what the fuck to do in Final Fantasy Adventure, it was pretty comfy to check on it when I was utterly lost. I miss the times when it seemed like every fucking game, no matter how obscure, had a guide on GameFAQs. Today I have to visit different wikis and check video on YouTube to see if I can find the info I want. Worst case scenario, the only playthrough of the game is from a guy talking over the footage while constantly fucking around and getting nowhere.

fucking jej, this

>Comparing nowadays' games' exploits compared to back then

there are none and barely any secrets or fun easter eggs compared to back then

Modern games are so shallow and easy that you would never need a guide


This. Just follow the map marker and objective tracker and you'll be fine.

Have a lot of time on their hands, and a serious lack of have sex

You forgot
>Part 1/32 and all 10 minutes each