Morph Cube!
Morph Cube!
now where's the vag?
anyone got the video of samus being put into a basketball shape and bounced around?
why do nips have the worst fucking fetish
y cant mertoid roll
Imagine her being put in storage among other thousands of girls in the same situation haha
Do you think their faces would align directly against other girls asses? Haha
Farting in that situation would be embarrassing haha
this part of that one taimanin game was pretty hot
And mark the expiration date on their chest. And when the day comes they would be thrown at a furnace lol
Do you think those in storage could hear their screams when put in the furnace? haha
Time to see what I got in my loot crate!
I never understood this, the vases and royal stalions or whatever.
If the cube and vase thing are you being able to fuck them because they're helpless, why not just have them as a torso?
>public use loot box sluts
Glad to see my fellow degenerates keeping it classy.
a smash thread died for this
What a blessed day.
haha it would be funny if someone drew that haha
but what would the cube butt feel like when it farts haha
back to you /d/egenerate
I'll never understand minecraft porn
Clearly top right
user delivers.
And thats a good thing
I ain't laughing, stop that
imagine the smell while they burn lol
good kek on this drunken early wednesday morning
And flames bursting out with each fart haha
oh no, is this gonna be the next merchandise fad - cube figurine transformers, like that big headed thing that's going rampant as of now.
I know this is fetish shit but that texture on that ball is cool as fuck
Well user, you've introduced me to a new fetish
You'll see this fetish comes in all shapes and sizes.
>as if all Rouge's curves have been exaggerated
>completely flat chest
Goddamn wackjob fetishists can't even do their job right.
>Her vag is still visible throughout the whole thing
I just might fap to this
is this like the delitize meme?
Someone post the comic where Peach gets turned into a ball, then painted and trained to be that one Koopa's bouncy ball after so much torture
Is it fetish time?
That sounds like a silly joke but looking at the picture it looks totally doable. You could lay a girl on top of her so that her face is right against her vagina.
It would be pretty uncomfortable because she'd be face down. Coupled with massive containment, it would be cramped and uncomfortable as hell. Not to mention the smell: it would stink a lot even without farts.
Let's make another thread!
surprisingly hot
Oh no, I'm in /d/ again.
what does this feel like?
it'd probably feel really good but only if you were flexible enough to endure it like some sort of plastic human
A series of Cubes
>/d/ specimens leaking out to other boards again
/d/ and Yea Forums rhyme.
Post the danganroppa cube girls
this guy drew so much fucked up shit back in the day. it's so jarring seeing his newer wholesome art.
he's drunk in the morning what the fuck do you expect
>he draws wholesome art now
Bullshit, you're lying.
yep, he goes by tran4of3 now. barely even does fetish pics nowadays besides some light hearted rule 63. too lazy to post any of his newer pics.
Try taking yoga classes and find out
That's actually hot as fuck
Do cube girls have squared farts?
Be there or be square haha
>Her expression
I think this is snuff.
she's just orgasming. non-cube people wouldn't understand
Too bad that author stopped making any content more than year ago.
Don't ask how I know. Im 1 year until wizardhood anyway.
Definitely not a bad way to end up compared to that comic from earlier.
>find people turning into grotesque monsters and eldritch horrors fascinating and arousing
>find flattening and shape changing weird
Here's one
Pretty simple stuff compared to whatever the fuck is
Should of made nessa white desu
>has keanu and tango girl but not the shitbull
he made a metroid comic a while back that i liked
This is some I have no Mouth and I must Scream shit.
I don't really get the whole White Nessa trend that's been going on lately
Is it really just a bunch of Jap artists telling dumbass westerns who keep whining about her skin in art not being dark enough to fuck off?
I remember looking at this guy's stuff on deviantart in like 2007. It's nice to see he hasn't improved at all and is now just doing weird transformation art.
I think it blew up for a few reasons. One, a really rude westerner edited one Japanese artists's picture to darken the skin, and when the artist asked them to take it down they not only refused they demanded the artist apologize. Japanese artists are already very sensitive about their art getting rehosted in any way, especially by foreigners, so the audacity of this individual probably caused a lot of outrage. Second, a western artist well liked in Japanese art circles got very publicly bullied into apologizing for the skintone in one of their comics, and once the SJWs smelled blood they went after every aspect of the comic. Those two events happening in very close proximity probably caused some group of people to intentionally draw her white out of spite, and then it just caught on as an art meme.
Because shit skins shouldn't exist
>no prepreshow
>that Dark Samus at the end
Ah shit, I can fap to this.
>the /d/egenerates are here
where do you find this eternal prisoner type shit?
That's an ancient meme.
At least monsters can have a nicely shaped ass.
Oh hey is this the gurochan /f/ board? Awesome, man.
>It used to be moving
"Oh god at least she's out of her misery"
>Makes weird squeaks -like sobs-
bros this shit disturbs me so much how do I remove feelings
>that feeling when you're into degenerate inanimate transformation shit but not into furry
Did she just get killed?
I played this game once. I accidentally turned myself into panties as soon as I started and couldn't progress.
Why don't we table this for later?
Jesus Christ, use a coaster you animal
Which one?
For me it's vicissitude
I can wrap my head around a lot of things, this just confuses me though. Why would someone even draw this. I can at least GET cunny posters, this shit is just confusing
It's a kind of humiliation and powerlessness decreed on the transformed. Turning someone into a 'thing' with little to no purpose just because.
>No Chief
Here you go, friend. Little filter for you.
Tzimisce are creepy as fuck.
>getting to use giant titties as pillows
Eh, I can fap to this.