Literally every other site on the internet

>literally every other site on the internet
Oh my god John Wick was at E3 this is so epic!

>Yea Forums
I want to facefuck this old japanese lady and then knock her up!

Attached: ikumi-nakamura.jpg (640x360, 32K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Yea Forums is pretty based for once

You don't?

all is right with the world

Yea Forums always liked older women

Attached: 1548466796373.jpg (2115x2115, 2.11M)

>Yea Forums wanting women

Attached: based.jpg (720x609, 30K)

>Keanu was once an icon of sadness and defeat
>a decade later he's on top of the world
We're gonna make it.



Christ the incels on this board have terrible taste

based Yea Forums for once

Attached: (^̳•ᴗ•^̳ ).png (900x536, 104K)

uh excuse me OP I made myself clear that I said "I want to hold her tenderly and make babies in missionary position" thank you

What if she doesn't want to? What would you do?

Every other site was wrong.

Attached: consider.jpg (481x528, 62K)

I want to protect her pure, fragile form from all of you fucking autistic niggers.

>keeping her all to yourself
Not fair

Also, can someone make a good verision of the picture? I suck at editing.




Twitter also has an autistic boner over this lady. Personally I think her Engrish was kinda cute but she's not super hot, definitely a solid 6.5/7

whats her name? whats her feet game like?

fuck off resetera tranny

And it has always been reassuring to know I am in the company of men of good taste.

Attached: Perfection.jpg (2048x902, 174K)

>every other site
Excited about a Hollywood actor
>Yea Forums
Excited about a person integral to game development

Out of all the times for Yea Forums to stay on topic, eh?

Attached: 1445374090690.png (440x278, 141K)

yeah Yea Forums's really interested in her stance on game design lol

Tell me what her game is and what's her position without googling it uo

Sounds pretty based to me, anything that comes out from Hollywood is the epitome of Evil and shit.

Attached: 1560126243552.jpg (750x763, 48K)

She's the art director of not only this game, but also Evil Within. She also designed Bayonetta so she's got a fun style.

creative director of a tokyo zombie survival game
how'd I do?

but user, have you seen the RESETERA thread about it?


Attached: D0ZIIQeUcAAns-K.jpg (988x1235, 212K)

she was the monster designer for The Evil Within.

Can't remember the name of the game, but paranormal mysterious game taking place in Tokyo with people disappearing. The most compelling game shown at Bethesda conference.

Creative Director of Ghostwire Tokyo you fucking retard.


Attached: 1490417991658.jpg (900x2588, 465K)

That thread is the reason #1 I wish the Purge was legal.

All the comments saying this is creepy and I haven't seen one porn pic.

Attached: pp.png (1030x1567, 2.02M)

They're afraid

Literal fake news. I've tried googling for it to absolutely no avail.

i regret clicking that link

Attached: 1559517971892.png (662x478, 22K)

It's truly breathtaking.

2 lewd. I just want to cuddle

Attached: 1560128555227.webm (584x680, 591K)

Have you not seen all the hype about Keanu Reeves? Literally no males are seething about people finding him attractive.

>what's her position
mating press, hopefully


Looking pretty based, Yea Forums.

Also Ghostwire is looking pretty damn interesting. Not digging the bow and arrow, though. Spooky contemporary adventures is more suited to being one of the Men in Black than being bow-and-arrow magic man.

He still called out the Rothschilds tho


It's the outfit, nervous engrish, and I think she's wearing colored contacts or some shit.

Where's the porn

>She also designed Bayonetta
SHE'S Bayo's designer? Truely, she is a spectacular person.

I can find no source that he "signed support" for Israel except this single article, only that he has visited and attended some fancy parties.

>linking to Resetera
That being said, you know that image of a man reading a newspaper and slowly transforming into Hitler? Yeah.

damn dude, a 6 and a half out of 7 is pretty fucking great. Honestly I'd say she's a 3.76/4.1245 myself.

Attached: Jackfrost.png (492x638, 28K)


Attached: 1545945881165.png (1500x1201, 1.82M)

It's a little weird how these drawn portrayals tend to leave out her jagged teeth.

What do you expect from pathetic incel virgins?

i was dewp into nofap when i saw her and now that i'm not i don't see what i saw anymore

Yea Forums is just a ton of 13-20 year old loser ass weebs who wish they were born in Japan

Attached: The Facts.jpg (325x183, 8K)

what happened to gamers hating women devs especially when they are not white?

Will you all be okay if her game sucks?

>I want to facefuck this old japanese lady and then knock her up

Finally, someone who understands me!

>I want to facefuck this old japanese lady and then knock her up!
yes but
I wish to also put a ring on that finger

god i'm so fucking unique for being a Yea Forumsedditor

Yeah, so epic, we did it again, Yea Forumsros, woooh!

Attached: 1555252610275.jpg (1024x683, 53K)

No, these are Americans, Americans like anyone who isn't white because they are programmed to racemix.

look harder, friend

John Wick is based though.
Asians aren't, sadly they don't have what it takes to be as based as Keanu, for obvious reasons.

delete this

Still do, doesn't man they don't want to fuck them. What could be worse for a foriegn woman than fucking some pasty manchild nerd gamer.

Imagine being this fucking gay.

Attached: 1530640185834.png (1457x1080, 729K)

Imagine unironically worshipping a woman.
A man can't possibly fall any lower than to praise a talentless, emotionless, attention whoring creature such as a woman.

Watch trannies SEETHE with this one simple trick

>and then knock her up!
That's just Abe posting from different computers.

Is the janitor too busy cooking his hotpockets or something?

Attached: 1551935577569.webm (800x450, 1.45M)

Western Landwhales Hate Her!
Click To Find Out Why

So what you're saying is Yea Forums is based

How old she is, I think around 25-40

What janitor? This board has constant long-lived e-celeb threads

have sex

>preggo/cum inflation art when?

It's all americans.
You can tell by the fact that they always refer to their women as "obese" and their obsession with racemixing.
How the mighty have fallen.
And now we have to put the US down like the rabid dogs they all are.

Attached: 1538707398502.webm (640x362, 2.42M)

I might.

Keep an eye out within the next few days and you might see it

When you learn when to greentext.

shes in her mid 40s

I'm American and I love interracial couples. I wanna date a black girl so bad.

Attached: 1551702314045.jpg (630x820, 127K)

user, I want to facefuck her HEART. I'm in love. Don't pretend this is petty lust you sicko.

Attached: miss-me-wit-dat-gay-shit.jpg (1080x1080, 320K)

I found a few, but it isn't much.


What the fuck is going on in that webm?

Attached: 4n59IWT.jpg (1680x928, 434K)

I just want to smash asian pussy
Fuck actually living in Japan

Of course you do, amerimutt, that's why you are the ugliest people on this planet.

Attached: US vs EU.jpg (1200x1200, 273K)

Offensive Lineman

who doesnt have fucked up teeth?

actually I referred to the ones who take issue with Ikumi as landwhales

>I'm in love
You need to be 18 or older to post here.

Facefucking is the thinking mans fetish so yes I do want to face fuck her

Everyone talking about this literally-who are filthy Americans.
American men who are obsessed with racemixing because they are the slaves of Israel, and american women because they are whores.
Just america showing off their high level subhumanism.

I don't think the top picture of the left guy eating his goggles does him justice, but he is definitely good looking.

Is John Wick really that good? I haven't watched any of it like the movie where the meme “when I find you, i will kill you”. I just thought action movied are kinda boring. But it seems like John Wick got pretty huge and I'm curious about it. Heard that it even defeated Endgame.

She's just cute, why is this so hard to understand for poltards

uh, most people around me. im not talking about a little crooked, i mean crooked enough for you to point it out and comment on it, unlike with people who only have a little crooked

hollywood has no produced good movies for at least 40 years

No, she's an attention whore putting up a "cute" act.
Real people are not "cute".

>You need to be 18 or older to post here.
Your parents need you to not be gay, but that isn't happening anytime soon.

i hope he has a dick so i can support him.
we can use him as a fulcrum for greater political leverage in japan. his game looks interesting.

What the fuck is that dude doing


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If someone had fucked up teeth, I wouldn't draw them with straight, pristine teeth.

why does he have no eyebrows

>Yea Forums is worshiping this average looking gook
>trannies are mad
>meanwhile pedophilia is presumably considered just a normal sexual preference among mentally ill trannies
Y'all retarded, but I guess Yea Forums is less retarded.

Just an asian dude showing his love for amerimutts.

I've seen the first two and they are pretty run of the mill action movies with bad taste (everybody and I mean everybody has tattoos usually on their hands).
Also I'm Italian and they portrayed Italians in the most americanized way immaginable, basically ghetto gangsters.

why are you so upset with americans as a people?

Probably. But is John wick at least fun to watch? I've been looking for an action movie to watch anyways.

Millennial detected.

Watch Hardcore Henry for a fun one.
John Wick is gloomy, depressing and edgy.

Hardcore Henry has horribly shaky filming, especially for being in fps view.
And the acting is cringe as fuck, 10000x more than John Wick.

just stop trying to make image a thing you guys can't format for shit
i've seen 4 different version of this and even if it looked good it's not that funny

Because they are a country of stupid racemixing liberals who keep pushing their garbage "culture" everywhere, they think they are entitled to shit on the entire west just because their country is a shithole, and are probably the biggest enemies the west has ever had?

Silence spaghetti goblin

Right? They could have at least gave her cute fangs.

Still 100 times more enjoyable.

Not in the least


They're OK but I find it boring when the action hero is as close to an unstopable force of nature as you can get.

Growing up with Terminator 2 and Diehard make me crave for the more traditional (yet satisfying) "getting fucked up and almost not making it" style.

No. Go watch Dredd or the Raid.
John Wick has a couple of good scenes but there's not enough impact either way.
Or just go back and watch the actual 80s action films these modern films weakly ape. They're still around. Stallone and Schwarzenegger.

Hardcore Henry's gimmick is a good one but that ending drags it down, peaks with the elevator scene. Also suffers heavily from lack of impact.
A lot of people don't care for the Sooth Afrikahn guy, I thought he was fine, but he is 90% of the acting.

First one is a cool action movie. Second one is just more of the same but plot is retarded now so it's not as engaging. I heard third is same as second.

Not that guy but the generalizing here is off the charts

Japanese girls can hang

Attached: 1559547620242.jpg (736x1179, 73K)

I'll stop generalizing when I find an american that doesn't fit that description.

Terminator 2 and Diehard are some of the only examples where that happens, that's why they're still so good.

Did I strike a cord? You are Breathtaking.

>this cope
But italians are exactly like that, user.

How old is she? I can't find it anywhere but she looks young.

where are you from?

people praised it for being a simple movie with well shot action that was just entertaining and cool. however john wick's characters became some what of a cultural phenom much like rambo or james bond where he came larger than life and people would randomly reference john wick when dogs are brought up, or maybe pencils, because those elements in the movies left such a big impression on them.

personally i got pretty bored watching the first movie, theres only so many ways for a movie to show "guy shooting a gun all cool like"


Italians are terrible in a different way.

I want to be an Japanese ladies European knight in shining armour and protect her from degenerate wogs

Of course you want to be a white knight, after all, you praise some woman.

>thinks thats unique to american
italians are known for being crooks all over the world.

I'll strike your jugular bitch, then I'll be literally taking your breath.

>Yea Forumseddit is mentally ill
and the sky is blue

You claim to have "fallen in love", that's bullshit that teenagers say when they are really horny.
In other cases, it's more akin to schizophrenia.

Heh, this, fellow wanderer of the darkness. These gullible sheeps know to the pain we endure, knowing how rotten and ugly all people are behind the false facade of this corrupt society.

Every single American is a race-mixing liberal?

beautiful place, I've got friends in Oslo
sorry you haven't met any americans you like, but try to keep an open mind

So, the rest of the world is based while Yea Forums are a bunch of betas?

Francis Higgins is great and so are you

Say that to my face, not on Continental grounds and see what happens.

Bike racks, after school. Be there.

Yes, even the ones that vote conservative behave exactly like that, it's just instead of praising nigs, they praise asians.
America is a joke.

I might consider it when they stop doing their best to ruin the world.

>mad roastie has never experienced love
Color me surprised

No, that would be purebred Anglos (Brits, Aussies). Even their skull structure looks more bestial than any other skull, nigs included. They all have this weird deformity.

Or you know I was joking. Because people make jokes. Do you have autism?

>even the ones that vote conservative behave exactly like that, it's just instead of praising nigs, they praise asians
American conservatives praise Asians? What in the fuck are you on about?

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No, it's precisely women the ones stupid enough to believe in the retardation that "falling in love" is.
Of course, there are exceptions among men, but then again, these "men" will also end up cross dressing and cutting off their dicks.

>wanting used goods Todd himself has sampled plenty of times

They're great action movies, competently shot, with good aesthetic, style and music and stellar choreography. Story is simple but the worldbuilding is interesting. It tries to be at least somewhat realistic/tactical with John using real gun and hand to hand techniques. He also gets wounded, tired and bloody so you feel for him, kinda like John McClain in Die Hard.
The movies aren't the best movies ever made but they were breath of fresh air in the action movie genre at the time.

So everyone but Yea Forums is a faggot.

I bet you think the boogeyman lives under your bed too

Take a look at your "activists", it's just a race among autists over which race they are obsessed over.
None of them over white though, Israel has already convinced them that, no matter what, their enemy are whites, and so, they are an enemy of whites, and pretty much every decent people on this planet.

No, but their cancerous influence can be felt everywhere, and it's sickening.
The USA is the biggest traitor the west has ever had.
Hell, the birth of the USA was the biggest act of treason ever comitted against the west.

Attached: 1551945278338.png (650x925, 627K)

You are watching to much CNN/MSNBC then.
The majority of normal Americans don't think the way you've been shown through literal propaganda

I think they're great. All three are of very high quality.

>the magic words boss, say them

That's a literal vocal minority, pushed through full blown propaganda. These sick fucks are the whole reason Trump will be re-elected in 2020.

The fuck are you saying Anglos are the ideal. Pretty much every attractive person is Anglosaxon.

>So everyone in Yea Forums is a faggot
Fixed it for you.

I'm not talking about your right-wing or your left wing, i'm talking about both, because both of you support your government blindly (as long as it's the one you voted) which does nothing but sabotage the west and try to turn it into a multicultural shithole like the US is right now.
Mindless people who think what's worth fighting for is the amount of non-whites in shitty superhero movies, and a cancerous government that harms everyone.
There's no hope for the US other than it's collapse.

Cute feet.

They are like skill levels in Doom:
First is Hurt me Plenty.
Second is Ultra-Violence.
Third is Nightmare!

Once again, you are generalizing millions of people into one group that you've already demonized. Your dumbass can't comprehend the fact that people think for themselves as individuals, even in the USA.
Go impale your narcissistic ass on the fence you've already been sitting on.

Yes I too would fuck kawakumi how did you know

And, once again, I might consider change my idea of you if you ever stop ruining the world.
But we know you won't.

Yea Forums should jack off and then see if they still want to fuck her or even care about her.

your entire country has less people than NYC, take your political opinions and shove them up your fat ass

>look, we have more citizens
Damn, the might of the American silver tongue.
I guess I love racemixing, watching infantilized media and diversity now.

>if YOU ever stop ruining the world.
>YOU won't.
Proving my point for me.
I bet you whine about "Yea Forums's opinion", because we all know Yea Forums is one person right?

Recommend me some jav idol that looks like her


The point was that your using the fact you live in Norway, a place with a fraction of the amount of people in the USA as a reason for your rationality, and yet your still generalizing literal millions of people across 50 states into the idea that they're all "racemixing" retards.
I just don't get your reasoning.

Yuu Shinoda's debut. It's uncensored.

The muslims will soon take over Norway, and you'll let them too

Attached: Tom Cruise 4.jpg (500x333, 35K)

But you are.
You never talk about anything else, you are obsessed with race because you are all turning into mongrels.
Which would be fine, considering that will be your downfall, but you push for the civilized world to do the same.
My point is: die quietly, quickly, and leave everyone else alone.

10/10 user.

Like I said, you've been watching too much CNN. Nice job feeding into the hysteria.
Think as an individual for once, don't be a sheep

Like how you let south americans flood yours, and let blacks control your culture?
Hell, you even speak like them.

>The muslims will soon take over Norway
And why are they not in their countries?
Because Israel, your masters, brought you in to ruin the middle east.

She was the creator behind that fucked up crawling bitch in The Evil Within. And she grew up watching Clive Barker's Hellraiser pretty much every day. If you don't think that is just the tightest fucking shit you can jump into oncoming traffic. Fight me 1v1 faggot.

The big bad American boogeyman is coming for you user, he's not gonna leave you alone.
He's gonna wake you up in the middle of the night and force you to race-mix with some ugly hispanic chick.

>you've been watching too much CNN
Again, I don't bother with your cancerous media, it'll end up brainwashing me into turning into a liberal or a neo-conservative.

>Think as an individual for once, don't be a sheep
Is there something more ironic than an American saying this?

No, but you are pushing propaganda.
Fortunately, you will racemix, and when you do it enough, all of America will turn into a gigantic favela, collapse, and maybe then humanity will finally get back on it's feet, without having someone slowly pushing knives into it's back.

If I could stop the influx of South Americans into the country, I would.
>Because Israel, your masters, brought you in to ruin the middle east.
Exactly, and you really think Norway is safe from them? You're closer to the problem than I am pal.
Enjoy the invasion.

Imagine thinking that ugly hag is pretty

How is prison, Anders?

Why is she doing that thing Hatsune Miku does in some of her PVs?

>Is there something more ironic than an American saying this?
Yeah, thinking that your above the higher influence the jews as you've already stated just because you live in bum-fuck nowhere.
You still live in Europe pal, so you better prepare for something worse than the US has had to deal with.

Even in the worst possible scenario, by 2050 this country would still be 80% white.
You are 56% today.
Don't try to imply you have it any better.

Attached: 1533108829315.png (1526x582, 1.01M)

Yes. And?

Europe is way worse with racemixing than US though?

it's sssspppooooooooooOoooookkkyyy


Considering i'm not a drooling idiot who thinks of nothing but superhero movies and racemixing, I think i'm way above that.

And now a question that might terrify you: source?

Scamarcio should be glad he got to "act" in the second movie and get shot in the head by Keanu, desu.

Your numbers aren't gonna save you from the marauders user.

Because she's an old hag and all old hags are desperate to pretend they are young and energetic.

The revitalizing power of meme magic

>who thinks of nothing but superhero movies and racemixing
You must be though, considering your constantly bringing both of those things up and no-one else is.

>no one else is
Racemixing is the entire point of this thread, though.

>And now a question that might terrify you: source?
The neighboring country to Norway, Sweden, is the rape capital of the planet dumbass

Yes, they will.
Helps that we aren't savages who's favourite national pass time is killing each other.
Then again, if I lived in America, I would also feel like shooting up a school.

you're far more delusional than I thought

>And now a question that might terrify you: source?

The cucks running the show in the EU.

Isn't rape what happens when a woman isn't willing?
You have rapes, on top of the fact that you do it on your own.

>I want to facefuck this old japanese lady and then knock her up!
you really summed it up perfectly

Nigger like this user said You are neighbors to Sweden, you're in for a rude awakening

Unironically based


Everywhere on the planet has rapes retard, you just so happen to live next to the literal "rape capital" of the planet.
So have fun when they decide to go on a rape-fest in Norway.


I Want to fuck your mum deep in her pusy!

And America most of them.
And that's where your entire argument relies on.
That Europe is "obsessed with racemixing" because in one country there's raping, when you have constant propaganda pushing you to do so, you actually do so, and then you have the rapes on top of that.

I don't know how you do it, everytime an American accuses someone of something, his country always has it worse.

What a surprise, the Euro-shit is border-line retarded.
Europe is just as bad as the US if not worse, dumbass

Imagine the overweight neckbeard behind this post

Hey, where should I go for drawfriend dumps/OC of Nakamura-sama?

>y-you are worse
Who posts constant racemixing propaganda in Yea Forums?
Hell, who pushes for racemixing all over the world?
It's you.

Almost as if you know that your country will collapse because of it and try to bring the rest of the world down with you.

Rapes are concentrated in specific areas in the US, just like in Europe you mongoloid. It's not just "1 country" fool, what about UK, France, fucking Germany.
You live next to these sand snakes and yet you're still trying to downplay the damage they've done to your union? Fucking sand-nigger apologist.

Kill yourself, weebshit.

>It's you.
Damn I must've been sleepwalking when I myself posted all the stuff you are claiming I did.
Take your head out of your ass, you scape-goating pussy. Better hope that literal boogeyman doesn't climb out from under your race-car bed tonight.

Damage to the union?
The European Union is absolute cancer, it doesn't deserve damage alone, it deserves to be disbanded, and fortunately, it seems things are going that way.

I wasn't trying to (you) farm, but sure, be rude.

So just go to a Yea Forumsbooru or something? Maybe try danbooru?


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But you're still part of Europe, so according to your logic you must think the same way as those retarded Euro-shits?

>"All Americans are dumb and think the same" way
>"b-but I don't agree with all Europeans"

Attached: 151572086411.gif (190x200, 2.56M)

No, the European Union is cancer precisely because there's no sense of union between us, we are not the same people, and Europe has been infighting for a long time. This union is completely artificial and brings benefit to no one but leeches.
You are though.
There's some differences between your city and rural people but in the end you keep supporting your government as long as it's the one you voted for, you always have, and always will.

I stopped the first at ten minutes in
Crap that insults my intellect

I was with you there for a moment but you just ousted yourself as a hypocritical faggot. Fuck Europe, fuck Norway, and fuck you

The EU wants to turn Europe into a clone of the United States.
It's a stupid idea that needs to be abandoned.

>and Europe has been infighting for a long time
No fucking shit retard, I'm illuminating your hypocrisy. The US has been dealing with extreme in-fighting for years
>There's some differences between your city and rural people but in the end you keep supporting your government as long as it's the one you voted for, you always have, and always will.
More hypocrisy, it's literally no different over in your section of this shit-hole planet, you just like to claim it is to make yourself feel better

This snaggle-toothed chink is ugly even by roastie standards.

Yea Forums only has one queen, now and forever.

Attached: TWK.jpg (2000x2000, 413K)

>The US has been dealing with extreme in-fighting for years

>it's literally no different over in your section of this shit-hole planet
I don't praise my government, in fact I think a lot of good could be done by eliminating key politicians in Europe.
You don't.
If whoever you voted for is elected, you trust him blindly.
You did it with Obama, you did it with Trump, you'll do it with whoever comes next.

I agree. You can't act like you fully understand what's going on the US though when you're already over-simplifying what's going on in your own continent, it's obvious you don't fully understand even that.
You're just bullshitting just to bullshit, and you've already made up your mind that America is nothing but "race-mixing liberals"
Very embarrassing, and I'm convinced you are under 18.

What was she even promoting?
What the fuck did she even do to get a cult aside from doing average girl things while dressing up as a goth slut.

That is it, isn't it?

why does this picture keep escaping my md5 filter
Also everyone who posts this needs to fuck off to r9k

who else just got done beating the FUCK outta their meat?

Attached: 1489533391193.jpg (900x1200, 186K)

she looks like she ____ ______ ____.

Attached: 1560439525847.jpg (405x363, 28K)

So nothing, just shining light on your hypocrisy.
>I don't praise my government, in fact I think a lot of good could be done by eliminating key politicians in Europe.
You don't.
How do you know what I think as an individual, or are you just going based off the generalizations I called you out for in the first place?
>You did it with Obama, you did it with Trump, you'll do it with whoever comes next.
You keep saying "you", and it's only proving to me that you are easily swayed

>you've already made up your mind that America is nothing but "race-mixing liberals"
You aren't?
Then prove it and start behaving like it and pushing your garbage ideals everywhere.
Hopefully you will when South Americans are done invading you and you are done racemixing until not a single white remains in the US.

>bloodborne fans
Contact gesture.
The sky and the cosmos are one!

Attached: 2h.jpg (373x348, 60K)

>I don't but YOU do
You are literal cancer

Attached: 1551282509.jpg (800x800, 67K)

this has to be the dumbest post on Yea Forums today. It's almost like you get all your information from Yea Forums

You are so fucking dense it's not even funny.
What the fuck do you expect me to do? Storm the fucking white-house or show up at the fucking border with a gun?
Take your tiny fucking brain out of your ass and think for 2 seconds you retard

>So nothing, just shining light on your hypocrisy.
What hypocrisy?
In the end, you all end up behaving the same, you are just fighting over which useless party you vote for.

>You keep saying "you", and it's only proving to me that you are easily swayed
I just react to what I see, and everything about the US is acts of treason and cultural terrorism against the west.


they're good action movies, great for what comes through hollywood today, but they cant live up to the old stuff

>What the fuck do you expect me to do? Storm the fucking white-house or show up at the fucking border with a gun?
I expect you to die quietly.
I don't want you to stop racemixing and filling your country with South Americans, I just want you to do it silently, without pushing propaganda in our lands.
Why would I want the US to live on?
You have only brought harm since the country was born.

Yeah well you act the same way as all the race-mixing muslim dick-sucking euro shits, take a 2 hour drive into Sweden an have fun getting butt-fucked by some towel head.
>I just react to what I see
LMAO what did you see and where did you see it? Give sources on this shit because you just said a few posts ago-
>"Again, I don't bother with your cancerous media, it'll end up brainwashing me into turning into a liberal or a neo-conservative."

Attached: mOnvOJG.png (2271x2380, 298K)

>I expect you to die quietly.
>You have only brought harm since the country was born.
In what ways have you yourself been harmed by the US?

Attached: 1558595763112.gif (424x382, 1.44M)

>Yeah well you act the same way as all the race-mixing muslim dick-sucking euro shits, take a 2 hour drive into Sweden an have fun getting butt-fucked by some towel head.
No, I wouldn't have a problem with destroying Sweden.

>LMAO what did you see and where did you see it?
It's all what you do, what your social media is plagued with, what your laughable "activism" does, what the media you support preaches.

>Merica scares euro-shits this bad

Attached: Steve.jpg (453x500, 33K)

You are the only reason there's muslims moving here, and now your intelligence agencies are working to push around Europe the idea that "diversity" is good.
Not to mention your entertainment media which is also full of propaganda and should be completely banned.

So Yea Forums is still the most based, good to know.

Attached: Muffled Leon.jpg (1280x720, 111K)

Ya gotta admit that that made you smile, Yea Forums

Attached: Keanu.jpg (1439x1477, 447K)

Yes, you do scare me, you are ruining the world and you support that.
That's why I want to see you gone.
Which it seems will happen within our lifetimes, at least.

is that our favorite hero tsuyu?

shes mcqueen, I don't know what else to say

>No, I wouldn't have a problem with destroying Sweden.
Then fucking do it, you live mere hours away
If you've seen it "everywhere" then surely you can provide at least an example other than "u-ur social media is laughable".
Nobody is gonna disagree with you there retard.

>and then knock her up!

Haha, hey there Yea Forums just droping by to remind you that she's mine untill every last one of you buys all my games. And every single thing you care about will be mine in time if you refuse, if you don't care about anything, don't worry, I'll give you something to care about just to take it away. Check mate once again, who's laughing now?

Attached: 1560328625453.png (720x960, 891K)

holy fuck my sides you're so cringe

Attached: 1471030427632.jpg (327x324, 15K)

>It's the US's fault that muslims are moving to my country!
Must be nice having a scape-goat for everything. There's a reason people are pushing for border-control in the US, do it in your own country instead of blaming America for your problems you pussy.

For some reason nu-Yea Forums has to act like thirsty virgins every time they see a female.
I think it's because of GG or the elections, they don't want to be seen as sexless soibois by their incel peers.

>Yes, you do scare me
Good, now you know not to fuck with us. Now keep whining sissy boy.
>I want to see you gone.
Which it seems will happen within our lifetimes, at least.

Attached: Merica.jpg (600x400, 58K)

Ghostwire Tokyo
Creative Director

But we're America, we're always to blame. Until someone wants help in a war.

op is just mad he won't get a thicc asian qt3.14 like this one

So adorable, even though you know everything that will be said in bed are lies

What emotion is that conveying


Attached: Rev up the deprogramer.jpg (750x661, 113K)

>Then fucking do it, you live mere hours away
I don't have control over the military, sadly, this is why eliminating a bunch of key politicians would be useful.
There's a few countries in Europe that need to be destroyed, specifically Sweden and Germany, which I don't understand why it wasn't disbanded after WWII.

>If you've seen it "everywhere" then surely you can provide at least an example other than "u-ur social media is laughable".
Are you telling me I need to start looking for Americans spouting racemixing crap on media for you now?
Are you implying this is rare?
Now you are going to say "if it's not rare, do it", but do I really need to post one example to convince you behave like that?

>"Oh please Norway, the US needs you to help win this war!"
You live in a fantasy land

Attached: Emilia Clarke Laughing at you.jpg (1280x720, 78K)

not that guy user but america's been the good goy so long its destabilized the middle east and caused a ton of fucking problems, it's not perfect


Both are cringe

Attached: pottery.gif (1234x410, 63K)

>There's a reason people are pushing for border-control in the US
That would let the US live on, and that's not desirable.

>Good, now you know not to fuck with us
Or what?
Will you send me angry tweets?

Ah yes, "cope", the adored FOTM buzzword of American millennials like "yikes", "thot" and "oof", product of your nigger praising culture.

Brave, yet stunningly untrue statement.


What. The designer in black kind of reminded me of her but wasn't actually expecting a connection.

Attached: 1512789333285.jpg (900x750, 262K)

Feeling sad.

Attached: 1551855986264.gif (480x270, 382K)

you will delete that image at once.

Attached: _________.jpg (560x560, 48K)

Did you intentionally misread what he said or are you retarded?

Sorry, I don't speak millennial.
But yes, I expect your country to collapse.
The well-being of the world relies on it.

>retarded euro-shit can't even (you) correctly
What a surprise
>I don't have control over the military, sadly
Now you understand my point, you kept saying it's "YOUR" fault, "YOU" do something about it.
I fucking can't, neither can you. I'm not the one generalizing non-stop though.
>Are you telling me I need to start looking for Americans spouting racemixing crap on media for you now?
Not at all, just for you to accept the fact that it's also a problem across the pond.

Imagine the smell.

He's American.

Not saying it is, Europe and US are both on the same page when it comes to fucking shit up royally, along with basically everyone else on the planet. That's what I'm trying to point out.

Alright keep me posted mate

that's fair

she looks cute...and funny...

Attached: 1560453895251.jpg (426x382, 60K)

America is, by far, at the top.
Only way to redeem yourselves is nuking your own country and Israel.

I thought you meant "we're America" as in Norway is basically America because it is. Even if you're not a part of the EU, the US has their hands in some form or another.

Maybe you're right, but not before we nuke the fuck outta the rest of the world first.

>I want to facefuck this old japanese lady
Facefuck is the best kind of fuck

That just looks like me irl to be perfectly honest with you sweetie.

>That would let the US live on, and that's not desirable
Maybe not for you since you're a sadist, you're just as bad as the sand snakes
>Will you send me angry tweets?
No but Trump will right before he hits the nuclear launch button.
>HOW DARE he tell me to cope!

man she looks like she fucks nerds

>Maybe not for you since you're a sadist
Sadist? Are you going to tell me you don't deserve it?

>No but Trump will right before he hits the nuclear launch button.
That depends if he has Israel's permission to do so.

>Are you going to tell me you don't deserve it?
Yes because I don't adhere to the faux generalizations you've made about me in comparison to other retards in the US.
>That depends if he has Israel's permission to do so.
Israel wouldn't nuke themselves though

>Average looking girl
She's quite attractive, she doesn't look like she's caked in makeup and had injections, makes me think modest, honest. Which to me sound like very desirable qualities.
>Those guys focusing so hard on his bulge.
Feel like that's the trademark of, I've never cared about a relationship, sex is the only thing that matters to me. He's firstly in great shape by the looks of it, and secondly decent looking AT LEAST. Bulge if we really gotta talk about it, seems good enough, and in a real relationship, one that isn't based on sex instead of love, good enough will do. Sure I've heard of extreme cases size problems, but that certainly doesn't look like one, also there's the grower factor that could always be at play.

Attached: 1536698216461.gif (473x267, 996K)

Still better looking than the gook girl in the OP.

Attached: Toki.png (232x232, 70K)

>Yes because I don't adhere to the faux generalizations you've made about me in comparison to other retards in the US
That's what you say, but you are certainly not enough to cause any change.
Even if the US suddenly fixed itself overnight, it would still deserve to pay for all what they have done.

>Israel wouldn't nuke themselves though
Nor would they let the USA use any nukes altogether, after all, they probably dream of having them themselves.
Wouldn't be the first time Israel builds a nuclear arsenal by blackmailing America.

What the fuck is wrong with you retards?

Site literally run by autism and pedophilia.

>she doesn't look like she's caked in makeup
Because she's clearly practicing some sport, you dumb fuck, you don't wear makeup in that.

>makes me think modest,
Imagine thinking there's such a thing as a "modest woman".

holy goddamn fuck

>you are certainly not enough to cause any change.
No shit retard, that's what I've already said multiple times. But according to you I "MUST DIE" just because I live in the US.
>it would still deserve to pay for all what they have done.
You're trying to hard to be edgy, you wanna-be Adolf
>Nor would they let the USA use any nukes altogether
Jews control the media, not the nuclear codes. Trump would probably be a lot tougher on Isreal if it wasn't for his hot-ass daugher and Jared Kushner.



>But according to you I "MUST DIE" just because I live in the US.
Are you worth saving?

>You're trying to hard to be edgy, you wanna-be Adolf
Do you know what the word "justice" means?
You think a murderer should get away with it because he behaves nicely afterwards?

>Trump would probably be a lot tougher on Isreal
He wouldn't, he's the president of the US, you are requiered to bend over to Israel to get there.

>There's probably some one like webm related in just about every country of the world.
Not really shocking if you consider that people are still people.
>Having a problem with racemixing.
As long as I get along with her, I don't really care. I've seen women from all races that I can consider cute/beautiful/attractive. And I'd hope others feel the same, women about men of other races as well.

Attached: 1553658342743.gif (500x281, 1019K)

This niggerspeak is funny af.
But then I remembered some people encounter nigs on a daily basis and this is a reality to them. That's sad.

Fuck it’s so hard being an Asian male outside of an Asian country. Everyone expects you to be smart. Everyone expects you to have a small penis. Everyone expects you to be a weaboo virgin. Even if you look like a turbochad like that dude you’re only average compared to every other race. Fuck being Asian

>Are you worth saving?
I'd like to think so
>You think a murderer should get away with it because he behaves nicely afterwards?
No but you're talking about millions of people, not just one murderer. There might be a lot of full-blown retards in this country, but not all of us are like that.
>you are requiered to bend over to Israel to get there
Possibly but that's impossible for me to know, but his actions have been a bit better in that regard than previous presidents

Shut up, mutt.

>Good looking chinese girls don't exi--

Attached: 1540394025925.jpg (400x400, 23K)

>I'd like to think so

>No but you're talking about millions of people, not just one murderer.
Millions of people who support that murder.
Are you saying muslims aren't terrorists just because it's only a minority of them that cause damage, even though all muslims support those terrorists?

>Possibly but that's impossible for me to know,
You can tell by the fact that all presidents do it.
In fact, the last time a US president didn't want to they killed him.

>if it wasn't for Trump's hot-ass daugher

Attached: Ivanka.jpg (960x720, 87K)

Have sex

loves head pats.

>practically blurting out "muh dick" on the left
funny how things work out sometimes

Because I'm a cool guy
>Millions of people who support that murder.
Not gonna deny that but as someone who lives here you still gotta attempt to salvage what's left, and it's honestly been going in a better direction the past couple years despite the hysteria driven by the media. Especially in terms of muslim terrorists as you brought up, at least near where you're at. Still not agreeing that the US should even be meddling over seas but at least there has been some progress in the terrorism aspect.
>You can tell by the fact that all presidents do it.
More generalizations, but I'm still not disagreeing, it's entirely possible.
>In fact, the last time a US president didn't want to they killed him.
True, and it's a damn shame too.

>30s is old

Bad life experiences user?

Attached: Dog (44).jpg (320x320, 26K)

I was watching some JAV earlier about a teacher that got raped and mindbroken by 6 of her students and flipped into this weird sex slave scenario. (WANZ-051, eng subs available, but that's not important).. And it occured to me how these Japanese women are just completely out of the league of Japanese males. They're all so hideous except for the gruff yakuza types. It's just not fair.

>Because I'm a cool guy
I doubt it, you are American, you are the enemy.

>Not gonna deny that but as someone who lives here you still gotta attempt to salvage what's left
You only says that because of that you live there, nothing more.

I'm neither american, nor race mixed.

Attached: 1552390727476.jpg (194x186, 17K)

actually attractive

unlike the E3 uggo

Attached: 2147968-ikumi.jpg (1000x667, 55K)

>I doubt it, you are American, you are the enemy.
If you say so
>You only says that because of that you live there, nothing more.
I'm a patriot and will fight for the original idea of what the USA was supposed to be, until the end. At least I have a chance unlike your sorry ass, Norway will soon be Sweden 2.0 and there is nothing you can do about it

It's actually 70 years.

What's the deal with Japan and their reluctance to straighten teeth? Is it because national healthcare doesn't cover it and people are cheap? I mean, god knows some of those idols have half their salaries going into plastic surgery. Surely some salaryman could get some braces for his daughter or some shit.

Approved, the best way to end the retarded species is with gloriously retarded self destruction.

It's pretty much Kung Fu mixed with Gun action. Gun-Fu.

>If you say so
I do, nobody that does so much harm can be considered an ally.

>At least I have a chance
No you don't, Israel and their friends in Hollywood have already brainwashed you into convincing you that you want to fill the country with south americans, as if it isn't already.

>Norway will soon be Sweden 2.0
I doubt it, but if it does, it will pay for it along with every man, woman and child who supported it.

>I want to facefuck this old japanese lady and then knock her up!
Yeah it's pretty sad. Too many thirsty incels on this site.

Attached: IkumiPo.png (421x591, 251K)

>Nuking the whole planet is the best way to solve everything
Ok Todd this new Fallout idea is getting out of hand. Pete was just joking when he said you could actually nuke everyone.

I skipped e3 because it looked mediocre. And I was right.

>Too many thirsty incels on this site.
This is a local banner. Just saying.

Attached: 1543153656648.jpg (436x412, 92K)

>nobody that does so much harm can be considered an ally
I wouldn't wanna be allies with a schizo anyway
>srael and their friends in Hollywood have already brainwashed you into convincing you that you want to fill the country with south americans
But I strongly oppose that and strongly advocate border control reform?
>I doubt it
Your doubts aren't gonna protect your bung from brown dong.
>but if it does, it will pay for it along with every man, woman and child who supported it
But you'll be spared right?

She isn't attractive at all

based Yea Forums

>I wouldn't wanna be allies with a schizo anyway
Funny, because it seem as if you attempted a friendly approach earlier. As if anyone would trust an American again after being stabbed in the back everytime someone does it.

>But I strongly oppose that and strongly advocate border control reform?
You oppose and advocate, which means you want something to happen but won't actually do anything about it.
Peak American idealism.

>bung from brown dong
Is this some kind of new expression from the creators of "yikes" and "oof"?

>But you'll be spared right?
I don't care if I am, as long as the people who deserve to suffer end up suffering.

Would still cuddle.

People who have to wear glasses shouldn't be allowed to breed

unironically based believer

Attached: naamloos.png (224x225, 93K)

I think she's cute.

Attached: Cat (308).jpg (1000x963, 86K)

>because it seem as if you attempted a friendly approach earlier. As if anyone would trust an American again after being stabbed in the back everytime someone does it.
Never trust anyone, not even yourself.
>You oppose and advocate, which means you want something to happen but won't actually do anything about it.
Literal euro-trash reading comprehension, I'll simplify it for your dumbass. I OPPOSE South Americans flooding into my country, in turn I ADVOCATE strong border control to prevent exactly that.
>Is this some kind of new expression from the creators of "yikes" and "oof"?
No it's literally what is going to happen to you when Norway is compromised, I just simplified it for someone as dumb as you. Here's another way of putting it, "your anus will be penetrated by the penis of a brown man". There you go.
>I don't care if I am, as long as the people who deserve to suffer end up suffering.
That sounds eerily similar to something a suicide bomber would say.

>Funny, because it seem as if you attempted a friendly approach earlier.
Keyword "attempted" until you kept spouting terrorist tier shit on how "all americans" need to die

>Never trust anyone, not even yourself.
No, just don't trust traitors.

>I'll simplify it for your dumbass
I know exactly what you mean, what i'm saying is that "advocating" and "opposing" means nothing.
You are not actually doing anything, it just means you think that, and thoughts are irrelevant.

>"your anus will be penetrated by the penis of a brown man"
And here we go back to the obsession Americans have with racemixing.

>That sounds eerily similar to something a suicide bomber would say.
People willing to die for a higher cause?
Then yes.

>Keyword "attempted" until you kept spouting terrorist tier shit on how "all americans" need to die
Yes, you tried a "friendly" approach until you realized I wasn't falling for the lies of a people who have lied so much and have always stabbed others in the back in the end.
Don't think at any moment that this is unfounded.

You are cultural terrorists, the ones pushing propaganda about the "benefits of diversity" everywhere.

craves huge hugs

>No, just don't trust traitors.
Who betrayed you?
>what i'm saying is that "advocating" and "opposing" means nothing.
Maybe not for a retard like you who can't understand shit
>And here we go back to the obsession Americans have with racemixing.
It's not an obsession over anything, It's a reality. You will indeed be raped eventually at the rate the offenders are moving, very close to you.
>People willing to die for a higher cause?
Then yes.
Then go join what's left of ISIS

Its Guile's son, he went home to be a family man

Attached: guile-sfex2plus-bust-artwork.jpg (543x776, 98K)

>Yes, you tried a "friendly" approach until you realized I wasn't falling for the lies of a people who have lied so much and have always stabbed others in the back in the end.
You sound like some loser who's braud didn't call him back. Where did America touch you?
You are cultural terrorists, the ones pushing propaganda about the "benefits of diversity" everywhere.
A few whack-jobs on the television and internet mean that everyone is like that? You are indeed a schizo

First: yeh!
Second: eh ..
Third: .. meh

>Who betrayed you?
Me as in the west.
And who?
America, time and again.
The very birth of your country was a betrayal against the west.

>Maybe not for a retard like you who can't understand shit
So you are telling me you have changed things?

>It's not an obsession over anything, It's a reality.
One that you fantasize about, since you are American and for you racemixing is the ultimate goal for all white people.

>Then go join what's left of ISIS
Although I admire those willing to sacrifice themselves, ISIS is a terrorist group, and even worse, one created and equipped by America.

>You sound like some loser who's braud didn't call him back. Where did America touch you?
America harmed the entire world.
Why do you think it's in it's current state?
You are a bad nation and your influence is turning everywhere else into similar shitholes.

>A few whack-jobs on the television and internet
And your government, which you will always defend. Pic related.

Attached: 1530336912035.png (650x925, 672K)

You won't.

Not really. Vastly overhyped superficial action movies. The production values are good, thats about it.

Dilate, mutant

>all that butthurt

Attached: 1450218118787.gif (555x555, 602K)

>The very birth of your country was a betrayal against the west.
Said like a true sand nigger, you were lying about living in Norway weren't you? Or your just some snake who made his way there.
>So you are telling me you have changed things?
By voting and voicing my own opinion to others, that's really the only way to peacefully advocate change. I'm no terrorist pal.
>One that you fantasize about, since you are American and for you racemixing is the ultimate goal for all white people.
I'm not the one obsessing over it though, you however...
>ISIS is a terrorist group, and even worse, one created and equipped by America.
Yeah by that nigger Obama, who can be hung for all I care
>America harmed the entire world. Why do you think it's in it's current state?
Refer to my previous statement on Obama
>And your government, which you will always defend
Refer to my last statement about referring to my statement on Obama. Bush is also just as big of a nigger as Obama was.

>Not super hot

Attached: consider the following.png (1400x1400, 1.31M)

*breathes in*

Attached: 2147968-ikumi.jpg (480x480, 21K)

>Said like a true sand nigger, you were lying about living in Norway weren't you?
Funny, because American revolutionaries were pretty much the 18th century talibans.

>By voting and voicing my own opinion to others, that's really the only way to peacefully advocate change.
Nothing of worth is achieved peacefully.

>I'm no terrorist pal.
You are American.

>I'm not the one obsessing over it though
You are the ones who, not only keep talking about it, but do it willingly.

>Yeah by that nigger Obama, who can be hung for all I care
You seem to believe different presidents in the US bring meaningful changes, even though they constantly act in a liberal way and follow Israel's orders to the letter.

>Refer to my previous statement on Obama
Obama has only ruled 8 years, America has been harming the west for 300.

>Refer to my last statement about referring to my statement on Obama. Bush is also just as big of a nigger as Obama was.
Sounds like, no matter the ideology, they all cause the same kind of damage.
I wonder why that might be.

Get over it, doomer

Attached: 1543683826179.gif (320x240, 1.99M)

Attached: 1516885247150.png (1000x1231, 1.72M)

Lol no

>Funny, because American revolutionaries were pretty much the 18th century talibans.
Keep telling yourself that terrorist
>Nothing of worth is achieved peacefully.
>You are American
Don't forget that nitroglycerin contains material from the stomach of pigs, so when you blow yourself up you are technically being infused with pork. No 72 virgins for you mate.
>you do it willingly
I would never willingly racemix though
>You seem to believe different presidents in the US bring meaningful changes
Not at all, they just didn't fuck shit up as bad as Obummer did
>America has been harming the west for 300
>no matter the ideology, they all cause the same kind of damage. I wonder why that might be.
Because the USA is still the greatest super power on the planet, I bet you got bullied in school

Found the incel.

Do you not realise that other cultures have different standards of beauty? Not everyone thinks Americans with their creepy perfect teeth is attractive. I personally find American women nightmarish to look at because of it.


>I personally find American women nightmarish to look at because of it.

Attached: f2mba5spaj701.jpg (1536x2048, 290K)

>Keep telling yourself that terrorist
You don't believe in justice?

>so when you blow yourself up you are technically being infused with pork
No, that seems counter productive.

>I would never willingly racemix though
Of course not.

>Not at all, they just didn't fuck shit up as bad as Obummer did
No, I bet in their view everyone, even Obama, did great, because they've been causing so much harm to the people they promised to be allies with.

>Because the USA is still the greatest super power on the planet
Indeed, and it holds a lot of influence in the west, that's why the west is going down in flames.
A lot of money and military might, all used to destroy western civilization.

Why is that fedora-ish? I'm being serious, the typical American woman looks uncanny valley to me, the perfect teeth and inset eyes make me shudder.

>creepy perfect teeth
Funny, because American women tend to use that same logic of "Oh my god, that looks good, almost TOO good is creepy".
This the logic ugly people use, that perfection is somehow bad.

>anime poster
So, a tranny?

Attached: 1537383316200.png (800x448, 636K)

>Terrorist? You don't believe in justice?
Blowing innocents up is the opposite of justice, terrorist
>No, that seems counter productive.
Yeah maybe to your fucked up religion, muhammed
>I bet in their view everyone, even Obama, did great, because they've been causing so much harm to the people they promised to be allies with.
Yeah that's the problem, there's a decent amount of dipshits in the US that think that way. And for the 100th time I strongly oppose that. And along with that, I still don't advocate violence because it's exactly what those retarded fucks have been doing for the past 3-4 years. Fucking up nice towns and what not.
>A lot of money and military might, all used to destroy western civilization.
Europe has done a fine job of fucking themselves over, no surprise they're putting the blame on the US for it. You know there is a reason that Brexit is a thing.

Sure, but that's what personal preferences are. You can call it cope if you want, but I know what I like, and I prefer a girl with an imperfect smile. Straight white teeth look creepy to me, I can't change that.

>the typical American woman looks uncanny valley to me, the perfect teeth and inset eyes make me shudder.
the "typical" woman, doesn't even have to be american, doesn't look like that retard. You've been brainwashed by the internet/television, go outside and you'll realize things are a bit different than you'd expect.

>white men
>white women
No wait, that's wrong.
Yeah, that's better.

Nice delusions

>Blowing innocents up is the opposite of justice
Americans all behave like rabid savages, calling for killing all white people, or calling for civil war, and plenty of other insanities.
You are potential terrorists, and you support a government that's actually terrorizing the west.

>Yeah maybe to your fucked up religion
I'm a christian, not too religious though.

>I still don't advocate violence
The logic of the weak.

>Europe has done a fine job of fucking themselves over
We have, we are not perfect, but you actively sabotage us and push your insane anti-west and anti-white ideals on the world, and you'll always defend your governments, as seen from your "I don't advocate for violence" approach that will fail.

>You know there is a reason that Brexit is a thing.
Yes, because the European Union must die.
They would do their best to turn Europe into something akin to the United States.

I'm Australian, I've lived in America, parts of Europe and Japan. More Americans are likely to have had braces and teeth whitening on average, that's just my observations. Maybe it was the area's I lived, but that's what I saw, and I didn't like it. I'm just saying, some cultures don't value perfect teeth as much as others. America seems to value it more. That's literally the only point I was making.

And you like fucked up teeth.

But that's mcclaine in literally every die hard. His biggest injury in the original is glass shards in his feet

>You are potential terrorists, and you support a government that's actually terrorizing the west.
I'm not, and I don't. Yet you still advocate my killing because of your own skewed beliefs.
>I'm a christian, not too religious though
You sound like a muslim to me
>The logic of the weak.
As if you've ever done anything even remotely violent in your entire life. You are a fucking pussy trying to act like a badass, and it's honestly pretty hilarious.
>but you actively sabotage us and push your insane anti-west and anti-white ideals on the world
"It's not our fault for fucking up, it's yours!" cope
>Yes, because the European Union must die.
Finally the common ground, except I'm not advocating for violence.
I bet you're the kinda guy to throw milkshakes at politicians you don't agree with.

Attached: SEC_68556328.jpg (1200x630, 167K)

>somehow missed all the Keanu threads
Stop acting like people here werent excited about him

There's no such thing as a "standard of beauty", only a "threshold of tolerance" where nations made up of uggos have a higher tolerance for ugly women. Beauty and human attraction is genetically geared toward specific attributes. Whether or not you're willing to hold out for someone that has them depends on desperation's effect on your tolerance for their absence.

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True. I want to impregnate Ikumi so much

Incels are literally muslims prove me wrong.

Can't prove you wrong, look at this fag who's been spewing shit the past hour

>Yet you still advocate my killing because of your own skewed beliefs.
Which are based on your actions, instead of your words, because words don't mean anything anymore.

>You sound like a muslim to me
I don't think muslims really understand the concept of justice.

>As if you've ever done anything even remotely violent in your entire life
I haven't, I didn't need to, but I would if needed.
You don't because you don't care.

>"It's not our fault for fucking up, it's yours!"
No, we have done things wrong.
But you sabotage us on top of that for no other reason that you are inherent traitors to the west.

>except I'm not advocating for violence
Because you don't really want what you preach.

>I bet you're the kinda guy to throw milkshakes at politicians you don't agree with.
No, that's utterly pointless and stupid. If you are going to do such a thing, at least try to kill him.
All these "powerful statements" are completely worthless.

Good B-movies.

Not him, bu that athlete girl did turn out to be a giant thot and fucked up her face with plastic surgeries.

dumb monkey

>Americans all behave like rabid savages, calling for killing all white people, or calling for civil war, and plenty of other insanities.
You are mistaking whack job millennials and niggers for the rest of America, which is made up of mostly normal people.
Go back to watching Anderson Pooper.

When you grow up you stop caring about general 'attractiveness' and start noticing little things, like ass fangs for example.
Have sex
