If your MC doesn't look like this I'm not playing your gamse

If your MC doesn't look like this I'm not playing your gamse

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God I wish that were me

AVGN really let himself go

Same. Cocky ugly giants are the best archetypes.

What is this from?

Boogie really lost weight.

boogie wishes he was that thin

Real talk: What's with the obsession with fat ugly bastards?

What form is this?

please don't post pictures of me

Because the target audience for these kinds of games are fat ugly bastards.

Fat ugly bastards make up the majority of the hentai audience in Japan, so they gotta appeal to them.

Are fat ugly bastards a meme or do some women actually find repulsiveness attractive? I'm... asking for a friend. I'm not some sort of giant fat retard with a dry 5 inch circumcised penis bent to the left or anything.

Fat japs don't exist, retard.

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the peak form

Degradation. Some people get off on seeing a beautiful woman raped by fat and ugly man

soredemo tsuma o aishiteru 2

it’s basically BLACKED but for people who dont have self hatred

This guy is honestly the biggest Chad in existence
>huge fucking frame
>extremely broad shoulders, wrists, and forearms
>could probably lift a truck
>great teeth
>dresses nicely
>enormous dick
>confidence of a God
>fucks bitches constantly for a living

Why arent you a fat ugly bastard, Yea Forums?

Everyone is someone's type.

Absolute unit