Dragon Quest thread!

Dragon Quest thread!
>Favorite Hero

>Favorite Companion

>Favorite Class/Vocation

>Favorite Game

>Favorite Overworld

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Erdrick or Five

Can't wait for September to finally play XI

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Butt sage a cutie

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>Favorite Hero
VII hero
>Favorite Companion
DQ3 Priest
>Favorite Class/Vocation
DQ VII Pirate
>Favorite Game
>Favorite Overworld
DQ1: youtube.com/watch?v=STahp4WPCKE

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I've yet to play 1-3 and 6, which should I go for?

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Do the original trilogy, they're really fun when you play them one after another

>Favorite Hero
VII's hero
>Favorite Companion
Hard to say, though Alena, Torneko, Maribel, and Yangus are some of my favorites.
>Favorite Class/Vocation
>Favorite Game
>Favorite Overworld
III's, it's a lot of fun to explore.

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That's a pretty nice taste you got in party members you got there

Just finished 1 as my first DQ and I loved how basic yet open it was. just 9 or so hours of exploring an overworld and collecting mystical macguffins.
what other games in the series are like that?

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6 will be easier. Definitely try 1-3 if you can handle retro. Erdrick saga is genuinely great and you'll come out of it as a better human being.

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Im starting to get the orbs in DQ3 how close am I to the end

II and III both have a similar feel
Just be warned that II has a bad case of growing pains


I'd say around like 60%

Terry seems like such a edgy tryhard, the girls seems cute though

Damn I only got 2 of the orbs thought I was close to end game

Terry is edgy, but by DQ standards so it's not too bad.

Yeah, you'll see.

Nope, you have a whole lot coming still.

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I played 4 a while back, I got to Femscyria, 24 hours in. It's there a lot left, I need to finish this game at some point

Man you really must have taken your sweet time with this one. At 22 hours in, I had already recruited the secret chapter 6 party member.

Alena, Carver, Sir Mervyn, Angelo. Its hard to pick just one.
Either 3 or 8

i am hesitant about getting into this series cause of the potential lack of depth in combat
from what i see it's all very simple - a boon to its pick-up-and-play nature, for sure - but i don't see much that warrants experimenting with at length, eg stuff in the vein of ff7's materia or bravely default's and second's jobs and support abilities

but then again i don't know much about DQ at all, so i'm more than likely just not looking in the right places

3 and 9 have something similar to that Job and support thing you mentioned, some games let you switch party members in and out of battle freely, some games let you recruit monsters as party members, some games have a weapon skill tree.

Generally speaking combat is very simple, there's not a ton of things like builds or experimentation to be done. There's class switching in a few of the games, notably 3 and 9, and there's monster taming in 5 and 6. Each game has its own little gimmick to set it apart, but if you're looking for complex character planning and builds you're not going to find it here.

Im playing starry skies right now
do any of the other games give you this much choice in classes? Can you make mercenary companions in the others (basic characters with no personality attached to them)?

>do any of the other games give you this much choice in classes
Not really to that same level of freedom but several other games have the same style of multi-classing
>Can you make mercenary companions in the others (basic characters with no personality attached to them)?
In III yes

i'm still interested
like, what can clerics do outside of healing and curing status effects? and is there any buffing classes like time mage or dancer?
there's gotta be at least a fair amount of strategy involved, right?

Then you surely must know the answer to my question

>Not really to that same level of freedom but several other games have the same style of multi-classing
Could you recommend me any games that came out on the ds (im using a rom)
that you personally think are good to play

>Favorite Hero
>Favorite Companion
Yangus or Sylv
>Favorite Class/Vocation
>Favorite Game
>Favorite Overworld
DQ VI fite me

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If you want class changing then DQ VI
It's a bit messy compared to other DQs but it's your best bet if you want another class-based game on the DS

Where is the patch for DGQ monsters 3 pro

There is, but a lot of revolves around finding enemy weaknesses, buffing your characters' defense and reducing your enemies' defense, planning around what moves you think the enemies are going to make, things like that. Character classes have different spells and attack types, but the roles tend to fall into things like damage dealer, supporter, all-rounder, defensive character...
I'm probably not selling it very well and you'd do best by just playing it and finding out yourself.

>tfw earliest fap memories were trying to look up Bulma porn on dial up and finding priest and sage instead
3 has good girls.

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I just remembered XI has a 3ds version and now even when i will totally be able to buy the way superior switch version my autism is telling me to get it just so it's there with the rest of DS and 3ds titles,

that's autistic enough already but then i remembered Terry's wonderland and Monster Joker 3, i think, i wanna learn japanese, it was basically a miracle we got 7 and 8 here but the other 3 i just mentioned will forever be "never ever" because the 3ds is dead now

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don't get me wrong, i still think its worth trying out
from what it sounds like it looks to be a slightly more flexible variation of earthbound, albeit with a run-of-the-mill rpg setting instead of a modern one

I kind of like the 3DS versions aesthetic. Too bad we'll never get it.

Terry's Wonderland got a fan translation, but you're outta luck for the DQM2 remake

The second Monsters games also got a remake
I'm so happy the new Monsters game will likely not be nip only

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Earthbound is a good comparison, because Earthbound directly copies Dragon Quest's combat system aside from the rolling HP.

are there any magic skills in DQ that act like the shields from earthbound?
ie, halve and/or counter damage from physical attacks, or negate or reflect magic?

Im just happy that maybe with the heroes being in smash dragon quest could become popular enough to get games localized more frequently without us needing to beg square enix

Going by how it has affected the persona series, i kind of calculate that due to our way more old school gameplay, we will not get invaded by casuals for too long and the western fanbase will grow just enough

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Different guy here, not really. There is some buff and debuffing magic.

DQ was a huge influnxe on the Mother series. Itoi has said his desire to make Mother came from when he was playing Dragon Quest III and thought "I wonder of I can make something like this".

Is the Terry's Wonderland remake good? If I want to play the game should I just play the original or go with the remake?

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Right after the DQMJ2 PRO english patch

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There's a couple of different shield spells. They're mainly for countering non-physical moves, either by bouncing them back or cutting their effectiveness

Holy shit, DQ I-VI plus VIII mobile ports, didn't know. I'm currently playing DQ I for the first time, it's pretty fucking great

I'd recommend staying away from the VIII port because it's not really good, but all the others are solid

What happened to that blue jellyfish game where you got to bang all the heroines?

god that was great

>bought dq11 last year
>got about 8 hours in
>got diagnosed with cancer a week later
>too depressed to play vidya so stopped playing
>dont have cancer anymore
>ready to pick it back up

Should I continue my PS4 file or wait for Switch?

I'd say wait for Switch but you already have the PS4 version so it's up to you
Switch has a good bit of brand new content as well as some good QoL additions

Congratulations, bro.

I would wait for the Switch. The treehouse E3 play-demo showed off that they had Symphonic music as a toggle in the menu.

Just kidding, you guys keep having fun. Have a Priest since that's one of the few things I know from DQ, from reading a bunch of Hentai and playing a H-RPG parodying it.

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>Favorite Hero
>Favorite Companion
>Favorite Class/Vocation
>Favorite Game
>Favorite Overworld

so given that the luminary gets titled erdrick at the end of xi could the game be qualified as part of the alefgard trilogy?


DQIII Priestess

The epitome of taste

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I just got Jade back after the cataclysm in DQ11, how far am I for from the end?
The game is fun but I feel like it's a little bit too long, I'm at 80 hours already. I refuse to use sprint that might be why.

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kyaaaa Terry is so cool in DQ VI

Halfway through the 2nd act.
There is a 3rd act.

How do I get into this series? Should I go ahead and finish 11?

Either play it sequentially starting with 1 or play one of the popular entry points. 4, 5, 8 or 11.

3 is one of the best games in the series but you should play 1 (and maybe even 2) before playing it.
4, 5 and 6 all take place in the same universe but are very loosely connected.
11 is essentially a prequel to the entire series.

>Favorite Hero
6/5's Son
>Favorite Companion
>Favorite Class/Vocation
Sage for playing/ LMS for fun
>Favorite Game
>Favorite Overworld
6 I absolutely love anything that involves a dream world trope.

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Is she legal?

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Is 6 similar to 7 in terms of revisiting the same places?

I felt some similarities, but rather seeing everyone's dream self What they wish they were. i.e. a blacksmith in the dreamworld has a shiny new expensive chestplate, whereas in the real world its a rusty piece of garbage you just visit the same places during different time periods. The overworld is pretty different too. Towns are in different locations, but identical.

tie between Erik and Yangus

I Hope not or She boring

After I saw Hero being in Smash in this Summer, which Dragon Quest should I play first?
I need lotsa knowledge about these games.

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Depends on how experienced you are with JRPGs

>Not Experienced
>Slightly Experienced
>Pretty Experienced
>No life
>Not a chance
10 Japan only MMO

They all tend to play pretty similar to each other, but each can stand on their own.

1-3 and 4-6 are trilogies you don't have to play in any order. 7 and onward are standalone stories.

8 and 11 are the easiest to get into Play the 3DS version of 8 since its definitive and the Switch version of 11 for the same.

1 is easy to play however its very dated. Any port of 1-3 will give you the same experience.

4-6 play nearly identical to each other more than others. I prefer the DS ports over others, but anything is an upgrade to the originals.

7 is the longest in the series and takes a lot of patience. Play the 3ds version if you want as its the only official English release.

9 is the most generic of them all but still has its charm. It was meant for online play and since the DS wifi is gone the only option is local co op with a friend with a copy, which if you can manage its a great experience.

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Didn't 7 release on the psx in the west?

>Whatever Eight is

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Yeah, I was mistaken.

A bubble slime
Wizard just like me HA

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Birds are not that charismatic


I didn't play 11 yet though

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Remake, obviously. Especially now that there's a fan translation. GBC games are really old and aged badly.

I prefer the original because it has a dungeon crawler vibe
Visible encounters in the remake means youd be just avoiding everything which is boring, game is way easier overall too.
The remake of 2 is however amazing