She was 18. He was 33

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Does no one have an issue with this?


tick tock, roastie

I don't care




i would bang an eighteen year old

if snake can do it so can Destiny

Quit thinking that 18 year old women still wear diapers and have to be spoon fed you stupid fuck.


I'm in my early 30s. What's a good way to pick up 18-year-olds to fuck?

Be James Bond

They're both of legal age
There is nothing wrong here

>30 year old dating a 18 year old

Who cares? It's not like it's going anywhere anyway. Newsflash, men like younger girls and women love older men.

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>Be at least 6'1"
>have a strong jaw
>hair isn't thinning
>high testosterone levels
>Dick needs to be a minimum of 8 inches long and 6 inches in girth
>maybe six figures a year
That's it, really. Super easy.

go to college

>tfw 23 and still fuck with 18 year olds
There is literally nothing wrong with this, young girls are so cute and innocent, roasties would rather I date some whore with an attitude? fuck off, I love seeing dumb roasties seethe because men don't want to take care of chad #3's baby.


came here to post this

>hair isn't thinning
>high testosterone levels
Do you know what causes MPHL? Of course you don't, you're an idiot.

>claims she had therapy to make her not attracted to men
>is attracted to Snake

The real question is how old Otacon was.

Cope, soiboy

you guys wanna hear the red guy from cow and chicken having an orgasm?

>>hair isn't thinning
>>high testosterone levels
Pick one

Male pattern baldness is caused by elevated HGH in the scalp, not from high testosterone. Several generations ago the majority of men had much higher test and they weren't all bald.

The therapy probably involves her reading about Snake's story all day long to the point that she is only for Snake.

Solid Snake was a clone, so he wasn't actually human at all.

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It's Japanese. And not just Japanese but also made by a massive fan of anime. What else would you expect but anime bullshit?

Like 25 or something

Gives hope for us all.

Snakes ages faster than normal people. He's not really 33.

33 is not old hes still practically 25

His accelerated aging didn't kick in until several years later. Snake is still relatively young looking in MGS2.

So like a Moby/Natalie situation?


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It's caused by DHT. Guess what the T in that stands for?

women can trick themselves all they want but they still crave cock expecially murderer cock

Hair loss isn't caused by high testosterone, it depends on how sensitive your follicles are to testosterone, regardless of how much of it you have. Keep coping though, baldie.

I made a revised list, cutting out some of the uneccesary ones. Here you go everybody!

>make six figures a year

All the ass in the world is now yours!

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Hopefully I can pull this off when I'm 33. My ex was 19 and I was 26. Hopefully my next gf is 18.

he was a skater boy

Doesn't matter, Snake chose Otacon anyway.

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>make six figures a year
I do and I'm still a touchless wizard. I'm not deformed or anything, I'm just pretty short, balding and not handsome, but fit

Maybe you need to advertise your assets a bit? I don't know how you'd do that subtly, as I'm a young poorfag

>She was 18. He was 33

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Damn, you can just hear her eggs dying.

You need to bee yourself more.

Could I make it any more obvious?

Snakes are reptile.

>boomer's wishful thinking

It's a video game.


I was 33 and dated a 20-year-old. Our relationship consisted almost entirely of me going to her house, watching a movie, and having sex. We had absolutely nothing in common, but she liked me, and that's an incredibly rare trait in a woman. I miss her, but I'm not entirely sure if I miss her as a person, or if I just miss the idea of having someone. That makes me feel like a bad person.

she was a sk8tor boy he said see ya l8tor girl he wasnt good enough for herrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr