Why is the PC gaming market so fucked?
Why is the PC gaming market so fucked?
just stop being poor lol
They still make 70$ GT 1030s for you poor fags that's pretty much an xbox one s tier GPU lol. Buy used 1080tis instead if you want to stick it to nvidia that's what I did
Also is the 2080 super the card that matches the 2080ti for 800$? Worth it
If it matches the 2080ti at $800 that sounds a steal. $800 is where that card should be priced.
t. 2080ti owner
Because game devs have stopped trying to optimize their games and instead demand hardware manufacturers to make shit with MOAR POWAH which of course ends up being expensive as shit and then those same devs start the loop again by not optimizing their games despite hardware being leagues ahead than before.
Looks like PC gaming is going back to being a more exclusive crowd. (Only problem is nothing worthwhile will take advantage of that hardware, until it's implemented into consoles, so those games can be ported)
Do you play modern games lol? Slave. I buy these nice ass cards to play shit from 2004 in 4K Ultra
The reason prices are high is because
A) there’s no high end competition
B) consumers are paying what they’re asking
I wish amd could chase Nvidia back into the $7-800 flagship price range, but I’m glad amd is laser focused on taking it to intel before chasing Nvidia down.
Every game you play will play better with newer hardware. If the upgrade doesn't feel worth it buy a new monitor
Still gonna wait for the next batch of AMD before I pick one.
>tech doesnt just get exponentially better at the same rate for ever
It got more difficult to improve gpus
It's a 30bil affair to get the next iteration of fabs going
Someone has to pay
What can you expect from plebs that care more about specs than videogames itself?
>Consoles are getting shittier as well.
Every time.
Consoles have always been shit and have held back gaming for decades. I can't wait for the consoles to die out as another streaming service
didn't they waste a whole bunch of money on social fluff shit? you're probably paying for that.
I use a 7 year old video card and it still holds up fine, but it is probably time to replace it soon. Won't be getting one of these meme 1000$ vid cards tho
Soon and I mean it this time
I'm outdated now so I can't hold off much longer.
>I can't wait for the consoles to die out as another streaming service
Yeah, PC already is that.
>Yeah, PC already is that.
What did he mean by this?
How is it fucked user? Care to explain?
Steam. No physical version of PC games (that were never a thing really).
I haven't upgraded my CPU since 2011 and my GPU in 2014 for a cheap 950 when my other one died. There is like zero reason to anymore. When I was younger you could barely go 4 years. Kind of amazing.
console users need to kill themselves
My computer plays everything offline lol you don't even legally own your console lol. Don't @ me bitch
Nvidia X60 series went from $190-200 to $450.
High end went from $600 to $1400.
They were dumbass you're just too young to remember big box games and CDs lol
And the worst part, its that the price increased FOR THE SAME FUCKING PERFORMANCE THAN A CARD FROM 2016.
1080ti was like 700-800 new lol. The 2080ti just became what the people who used to buy titans bought whereas Titan RTX is something else. Nvidia literally just changed the name and theres and entire series called the 16 series for budget gamers
give me one thousand dollars
It's not fucked then. It's basically AMD being unable to compete on the GPU end and Nvidia taking advantage of the fact. Basic economics.
Because you people keep buying Nvidia. Everyone who keeps paying for this crap is to blame.
Holy shit vote with your wallet.
Its a mix of not being able to and being retarded as fuck
>Release a mid end card for $500 too that performs the same than a RTX 2060 which is $350
>Also make it a blower GPU
The 5700 series should have been $300 tops, not $500.
Because you retarded fucks kept buying it.
You don't need a fucking US$1,000 render farm to play video games. "Gamers" got played harder than any other group of people on the fucking planet, you gullible fucks will buy literally anything as long as it's marketed as "epic" and "hardcore."
>fuck yess I can't wait to play prettier games on my new 5-600 dollar console
>fuck no a graphics card is 600 dollars? Prettier games aren't worth that much
Make up your fucking mind
this picture supposed to be some justification of herd mentality? you think getting ripped off is fine as long as other people are too?
Absolutely agree. But my main issue is just focus on support on Emulation, Efficiency, HDR, 1080p-1440p resolution. Do not focus on meme 4k resolution and Ray Tracing™. If AMD would have focused on this and went with 250$-350$ it would have hurt Nvidia hard.
Exactly. With enough money you can escape any problems, even murder!
Buy me more money then.
To be fair a 1070 and a 1060 could easily beat a PS4 Pro and will beat the PS5 as well even if by a slight margin. Also these 20XX cards will be dropping in price soon as well due to this announcement.
Literally the 350$ RTX 2060 is gonna be around or better than the PS5 the 2080ti rapes the PS5s mother
After taxes I make 1600 bucks. Nvidia wants HALF of that just for one PC component that makes games look slightly sharper than my existing rig.
Get fucked and die. High-end PC gaming is a joke, a temptation for the rich and dumb.
This, you'd be a fucking moron not to milk the dumb cunts with too much money on their hands.
Still fuck Nvidia.
>TFW you 3D print your own graphics card through piracy.
High-end PC gaming is just dick waving contest at this point.
Prettier console games are the only thing PC has had going for it since 2007 and Nvidia is simply acknowledging that fact.
People are still going to buy it. We're back to the point where a console is simply good enough for 90% of gamers and the other 10% are rich fuckers who shitpost on internet forums about how their omega platinum quad HD machine has ALL the gigapixels.
A fucking 2080ti would last you pass the whole next console cycle without a sweat lol my GPU from 2017 is doing the exact same lol
>Works for me it so it has to be the majority
How come the best looking PC games are console ports then? How come PC exclusives are almost always designdd to run on Intel HD 4000?
So is this still ridiculously high because of bitcoin mining and the chinks all buying them up en masse? I was hoping that meme would fad and things would normalize, but apparently not.
I'm in no major *need* to upgrade atm, but it's something I've been thinking about. But I just can't justify the modern prices.
No it's just to show the futility of humanity and how dumb they are. No matter how many times you tell them to not shop at Walmart they still fucking go. No matter how much Amazon fucks the consumer people still buy them.
this is a stupid question
Most of the world plays on PC get your head out of your ass loo
It works on my PC™
Because you don't have an answer. Name one good PC game that can't be played on a 5 year old graphics card.
No, most of the world plays on smartphones.
>b-b-but clash of clans isn't a game!
By that logic neither is PC F2P gacha shit like TF2 or League of Legends.
My 1070 SC still maxes every game I have with 60 plus FPS.
Because you can't cope with PC being primarily a poorfag platform with 1% of them being the rich elite.
Post your speccy.
paying with your wallet is an empty platitude pushed by the corporate elite to get people who are unhappy to just shut the fuck up and get the fuck out rather than hang around and try to convince other people to not tolerate this bullshit and thus potentially force businesses to change their business model.
You can not vote with your wallet in a globalized economy. Your individual purchase, or lack of purchase, does not effect an industrialized business that has direct access to 6 billion other potential buyers. Voting with your wallet only works in localized scenairos, like you live in a small town and whether or not you shop at one store will cost that business like 5-10% of its total income. Otherwise you mean jack shit. Those cock sucking baby boomers completely fucked any concept of customer loyalty and consumer protections when they decided to rig the game with absurd regulations and then turn around and 'free trade' their way around the world where those same regulations dont exist. You can't vote with your wallet when some saudi prince or chink party member's kid will go out and buy hundreds of your over priced gpus to give to thots and ecelebs. There is no voting here, you have no influence. 'Voting with your wallet' is you isolating yourself and removing yourself from the conversation. It's a god damn fallacy hence the picture you dense mother fucker.
That's simply not true, see games are made on PC lol. Consoles are just shitier PCs lol Sony don't make the PS2 anymore they suck balls now lol. The one best the looking games is Insurgency Sandstorm I'll never see a console game look that good or play that good. Tell me even if what you said is true why wouldn't I want to play the best looking version of some faggy ubisoft game? A 1080ti used is like 400$ and it's stronger than next gen for sure
pc fags spending twice the amount of a console on the graphics card alone. lmao. get ready to buy a new one in 2 years lmao
I bought a 7950 and a new psu just to play DaS3, but guess fucking what?, It wasn't worth it.
When the 7950 died I bought a 1060 6gb, an R5 1600 and a mobo, enough money to buy a used car or an old sports bike, guess what again?, Wasn't fucking worth it, no interesting games, and the fun is gone anyway, you'd be a moron to drop more than a grand on a PC with the current state of vidya and hardware market.
I had this PC for over two and a half years now.
I own over 500 games nearly all installed on my 5tbs of extra storage. I have a normal PC and I play normal games, even alot of online only games still launch just to tell me I'm offline lol.
this. b+rp. I fucking hate it when people tell you to "vote with your wallet" as a means to just get you to be a good little goy who sits down and shuts up.
They really want to pretend the crypto boom pricing is permanent.
Okay you're right
I have a S9 and a PC I'm the best form of gamer
Good user. Glad you are apart of the PC master race with me.
Do zoomers just think PC had high speed internet in the 80's and 90's?
I'm a pathetic loser in the 2% p_p
Or if you wanted to spend that money on video games regardless you could have bought the entire game library of good Gamecube and Wii games along with a Wii to play them on for that much. You'd even have actual game cases instead of just a useless file on your drive that you downloaded from who knows where!
That's exactly how I feel about the current situation. The number of games that have come out over the past like 4-5 years that I've actually been interested in have been extremely few. And while my PC I built in 2012 might not be able to run the latest games on ultra and 60fps, I can still play them well enough to not justify a new purchase. Maybe I'd be able to justify upgrading if the number of quality games was higher, but it's not. I play fewer and fewer new games not because my system is limiting me, but just because there's hardly anything fucking good.
It's an honor to be part of the PC master race.
Sounds like you should've spent less money lol. This a you problem not a problem of the platform
It was never crypto, it's phones
People still buy dude, you lose like what?, 10% of your potential profit from sales to poor fags?, and gain 50% from the stupid fucks who still buy your overpriced shit anyway.
The only way the market will go back to a neutral state is when ayymd gets their thumbs out of their asses and start competing with jewvidia in the high end segment, just like they fucked Intel in the ass with Ryzen and woke them the fuck up.
So how much would it cost to make a gayming PC that can actually run the latest games at 1080p 60fps? I don't need any crazy shit like 4k 120fps, I just really want to build a pc so I can mod games and play with a mouse and keyboard
what does phones have to do with inflated gpu prices?
Nice, now I can play poorly optimized Ubishit titles in slightly more frames.
Shut up those WII games are a waste of plastic I shit on.
>It was never crypto
wut, the crypto boom drove the GPU market insane for like two years.
Cheapest possible for 1080p@60FPS?
Something with the newest parts?
>OY VEY! What do you mean you want a mid-range card for $300? $430 is way too cheap already goyim!
>too stupid to find quality games
how is this the platforms fault?
These new GPUs won't actually help because Ubishit runs as badly as it does because of the 3 different layers of DRM raping your CPU performance.
Like 400$-500$ get a cheap zen 2000 seires CPU, a b450 mobo and a RX 570 or 580 for the GPU. Solid 1080p machine
I bet those 256x256 jpeg textures look great when upscaled to 4K
I'm fairly certain Ubisoft has been pulling a "springtime for hitler" for the past decade, purposefully sabotaging their PC games in order to induce a self-fulfilling prophecy where nobody buys their PC games so they can give less of a shit about the PC platform.
Nice. I'll write this down for when I actually have the shekels
Like all things you will find as you keep searching that more games are on Steam. You just have to search. If you think Consoles are any better you are kidding yourself imagine a few exclusives but then it's barren no releases hardly anything.
>Not using Dolphin emulator and CEMU.
You could pay for 400-500$ it would be 600$ if you wanted to get a Nvidia GPU. But much cheaper for an AMD GPU. It depends if you want to emulate games as well. I would give it to Nvidia.
They sure do because game devs used to give a shit and made their games support resolutions much larger than current users. About 3/4s the old games I play default to 2160p
at the end of the day the guy voting with his wallet isnt getting jewed while you are. all because you dont want to "isolate yourself" or whatever bullshit you were talking about
nvidia is retarded on a budget, just get an RX580 and then save up for a better GPU later
That's a fair proposal. I would agree with that.
>If you think Consoles are any better you are kidding yourself imagine a few exclusives but then it's barren no releases hardly anything.
Nigger I haven't bought a console since the PS3. I'm talking about the state of the gaming market in general. No shit consoles are even worse, as if I'd pick up a PS4 just to play bloodborne and that alone.
I wouldn't suggest spending too much cash on a PC, go buy a bike or something, but anyway, an R5 2600 and an appropriate board, 16 gigs of 3000+mhz ram, an ssd and a 1070 or higher would last you quite a while, you wouldn't have any problem playing anything released before 2017 @1080p 120 fps.
Go check falcon's guide tho.
Yet what ubisoft didn't expect was retards love their games anyways
what the fuck is this meme?
1080p@60FPS is not exactly hard anymore, even the cheapest card can do it.
If you are poorfag "I should be buying food and clothes instead a PC" tier, get a used Thinkcentre M93p($120+-) with a RX 570($120+-).
If you need something new well Ryzen 2nd gen CPUs are about to get really cheap, the 3rd gen Ryzen CPUs will be really good, BUT their motherboards will be stupidly expensive, example the X570 motherboards will be $300-1,100 and the cheap ones wont come in a few months.
Avoid Seagate HDDs and Kingston SSDs.
Look for WD HDDs and ADATA SU800, 860 EVO, MX500, WD Blue SSD, get the cheapest from those.
Avoid Asrock and gigabyte motherboards.
Avoid Corsair PSUs, get EVGA G2 or G3 or Seasonic PSUs.
Get the fastest RAM possible, atleast 8GB in 2x4GB mode.
I literally can't remember any enjoyable games from the past 5 years aside from DaS as a series, GTA V, TW3, and Prey, everything else is just a blur.
The fact that anyone on PC actually plays let alone BUYS their absolute garbage releases over and over again is shocking, but hey. If mustards will pay hundreds of dollars to look at an upscaled picture of shit in a toilet bowl instead of a normal sized picture of shit in a toilet bowl who are they to argue?
Games do suck dick nowadays I think we just gotta boycott EA and Activision and maybe some others out of business anyone who wasn't shit their will be rehired when someone new climbs to the top
I do it cause it's cheaper and quieter than a console. I'd rather play everything at 480p again then pay to access the internet lol
>stock AMD vega cards from 2017 suddenly became the best value proposition on the market
my sides
>Nigger I haven't bought a console since the PS3
Calm down Jamal.
>I'm talking about the state of the gaming market in general. No shit consoles are even worse, as if I'd pick up a PS4 just to play bloodborne and that alone.
True. I think the main issue is the lack of creativity and everyone playing it safe.
>No shit consoles are even worse, as if I'd pick up a PS4 just to play bloodborne and that alone.
Lol truth. All the great indie games are also on PC. Bloodstained, Hollow Knight and yes even Golem Gates.
Ubisoft is awful now. I felt insulted watching their E3 this year to where I turned it off halfway in. It's obvious they are going to die within 4 years or have Tencent buy them.
I would agree if online games weren't pointless cancer anyways. Singleplayer games are the only worthwhile ones.
Vega 56 was always the best price-performance ratio card if you overclocked it and didn't have to pay your own electricity bill. I'm pretty sure you could even flash some of them with the 64 bios to unlock the locked rendering units.
I like playing prettier games, but I am not going to spend twice the price of what my PS4 Pro costs just to play games at 4k resolution twice the frames of 60fps. I don't care that much.
I'll replace my 580 when video card manufacturers have to compete with the pretty graphics of PS5 and Xbox One X and maybe then 4k 60fps won't be treated as a super ultra premium experience like they have been doing for the past few years. Until then i'm fine with playing my single player games on console.
Why GPUs are so expensive, in one graph.
The whole E3 was a joke nigga, just a bunch of cunts circlejerking and smelling their own farts, gaming is almost dead.
>Ubisoft is awful now.
They've been awful for a very long time. IMO ubi is by far the worst of the AAA publishers. It's just that EA and/or Activision usually take the spotlight in the public view because they're larger. Ubi has been absolute dogshit since around the time of AssCreed 2, when they first shat out their uplay DRM bullshit and also started releasing more or less the same game(s) over and over again on a yearly basis and nothing else.
The real trick is that electromigration and heat is going to kill everything below 32nm in under a decade anyways. There's a limit to how small you can make something and have it last.
They are just as bad if not worse than EA and ACTIVISION but they always get a pass, its alot like Bethesda but ubisoft makes shittier games that are usually poorly optimized crap. Ubisoft has been bad at least since like 2009 or so and I'm sick of their sale bin ass games
what the fuck happened here?
i updated my nvidia drivers the other day and in the file was over 500mb. 500mb for some fucking drivers.
I hate that people give Bethesda a pass, but I can at least understand why, since Bethesda have a monopoly on their specific type of game, so there are no true alternatives if that's what you want.
But with Ubi? They specialize in making the hands-down most common and generic style of game out there: asscreed clones. You've played one, you've played them all. Doesn't matter whether it's AC2 or Watchdogs or whatever. It's not like there aren't any alternatives for this shit.
It was just sad. I mean they made many announcements but had no footage no nothing but suddenly had footage for my "woke against mah evil corporations bro" that was cringe. I just wanted a nuke to drop on them.
>They've been awful for a very long time. IMO ubi is by far the worst of the AAA publishers. It's just that EA and/or Activision usually take the spotlight in the public view because they're larger.
This is true Ubisoft could hide behind their Assassin's Creed and a few other titles for awhile. But this was very apparent and a look behind the veil moment.
I refuse to get anything from Ubisoft or EA until the services are dropped. It always bothered me I need to be on there store to play a game I have on Steam.
Somebody's gotta pay the poos for their spaghetti code.
Telemetry and bloat.
Also "SE" indians .
Bethesda's only pass are the ID games. Doom Eternal and Rage 2 are the only things carrying them. Everything else was just cringy. Even Gamespot the guys who will shill them hard mentioned that it was essentially boring until the end.
That's literally why I don't want Bethesda to die I'd at least be happy if the elder scrolls 6 steals good ideas from skyrim mods and have a good story. F4 and F76 failed this except F4 stole good mod ideas. But fuck ubisoft
1600 bucks a month? Damn dude, I make more than that every two weeks.
Sure, but I was referring to Bethesda in the narrow sense, the makers of unfinished buggy sandbox games like Fallout 3 and Skyrim, not as Bethesda/Zenimax the conglomerate.
I like less than that and can afford pot and High end computer parts lol he's a crack head clearly
I agree all we can hope for is the sells to be so bad Bethesda will have to change.
Makes sense. I just an cynical with the rest of their stuff after these last two years. And especially the whole political correctness stuff thinking this will save them no matter how shitty they are getting.
nvidia lost 45%(1B) revenue twice in a year. they are going to change their policy next gen.
AMD stepping on same rakes.
>Get the fastest RAM possible, atleast 8GB in 2x4GB mode.
Make that 16GB.
Its a mid end build, not a high end one.
He is better spending that money in a SSD or a better GPU.
>Get the fastest RAM possible
does this even matter when you're not using an igpu?
Beth has a huge normie following ever since FO3 and Skyrim became meme games, they also have a huge internet marketing/defense force that promotes and hypes their shit games.
Look beyond the surface and they're a worse company than Ubisoft and EA, their broken ass engine, the reskined buggy half assed games, the lies and bullshit, they surpassed EA by miles after FO4 and 76, ffs they gave the engine to obsidian and they managed to embarrass Beth so much they tried to make them go bankrupt out of spite.
How a game as mediocre and shitty as Fallout 4, a game that was supposed to live to the hype that came after 3 and NV, got so much praise, will never ceases to enrage me.
With Ryzen? yes, ideally you want 3000MHz or faster RAM with a Ryzen CPU.
How about 12gb instead?
While you would still get dual channel this way its not ideal, mostly because its cheaper to buy ram in packs of 2 4GB/8GB sticks than one 8GB stick and one 4GB stick
>PC Gaming
>NV embarrassed Beth so much they tried to make Obsidian go bankrupt out of spite.
Wait seriously?
I agree with you completely. I'm just saying I undertsand why people given beth a pass - even though they shouldnt - because beth is the only one who makes beth-style games. The fact that obsidian came in and made a "beth style game" that completely blew them out of the water, and they did it in less than a year, is very revealing. I don't understand why nobody bothers directly competing with bethesda in their niche. All the market needs is ONE competent RPG developer taking a crack at it.
>there will never be a modern 8800gt
>not buying last year's GPUs that get huge price cuts and/or free game bundles
>there will never be a modern 2500k
The r5 2600 was pretty much a modern 2500k.
Go yourself a favor and look up the current price points for 1-2 year old cards. It's part of the problem.
Is 8GB sufficient nowadays though? My concern is mostly for the AAA games side of things. Anything lesser in scale is definitely overkill with 16GB.
Not with it's low overclocking it's not.
Is it enough? yes.
Is it a better idea to get more RAM if you are in a budget? no.
Focus on getting a good CPU and GPU first, adding new RAM its easy and cheap, replacing a CPU and GPU because they are not doing a good job is not.
Once you are done with your build and have more money just buy another 2 4GB sticks for cheap so you get 16GB RAM total.
You have 4 RAM slots, you can always add ram without problems by just opening your case and adding it to your board in seconds.
Obsidian was in the shitter bad, Beth gave them an older buggier version of the engine, a straight one time payment, a shitty dead line, and a clause that Beth would pay royalties only if the game scored 85 on metacritic, which NV missed by one point for "reasons", and Beth refused to pay jack shit to Obsidian, which went under even further because of this and had to let people go, and almost went bankrupt.
>You have 4 RAM slots
If you're poor maybe lmfao
Jesus that's scummy.
the metacritic thing is especially bullshit. Only actual reason NV got lower scores than the 90s-100s that FO3 was getting was because "lmao this looks just like FO3 lol we already played that game yaaawn". Yeah, it was buggy as fuck, but Beth were the ones who were supposed to be doing bug testing and QA. And it's not like FO3 wasn't just as fucking buggy either, and that didn't stop that game from getting inflated scores.
I love how that rx480 card that was advertised to run VR at 200$ cost like 300$ 3 years after launch.
>wait a couple months
>card price is halved or less
>not even a full device, just a part
>Avoid Asrock and gigabyte motherboards.
Explain. My Gigabyte's been rock solid for years
Gigabyte makes 2 kind of motherboards.
one high end motherboard and the rest horrible shit you shouldn't touch.
After haswell Z87 they stopped making good motherboards.
Expensive, high failure rate.
pc gaming is not for poor people
In 2019 you wait a couple months and the prices double.
Yeah, that's why you pay to buy a console, pay a monthly subscription for online, and pay 60$ per game to rent it until the manufacturer says you can't have it any more.
So they used to be good but now they're trash. Guess that makes sense. My PC is pretty old now. Have a 2500k and an asrock mobo that have both suited me fine for years.
So if they're no longer a reputable brand, what's a good mobo brand these days?
Not him, but I had to take my Aorus Z370 board back because of how fucking horrendous it was, the VRM temps were awful, the bios is slow and clunky, and then the board started boot looping on me so I just thought “fuck it”, and returned it for an Asus Z390 board which has been 100x better.
But a good computer can last you multiple console generations before you have to upgrade. Also it has multiple functionalities that a console doesn’t.
you should've bought a gtx 1080 when they were cheap
bitcoin is the worst thing to happen to PC gaming
"future proofing" a PC build is always a shit idea. It's always exponentially more expensive to try to buy a computer that will last you multiple generations than it is to just buy what's good for now and then upgrading with newer parts later.
ASUS makes "ok" boards but they are gimped by shitty heatsinks.
ASRock makes the cheapest boards around, you get what you paid tier.
Gigabyte makes cheap but bad boards.
With X570 boards this is different though, they all made really good designs but they all are expensive as fuck to be worth it.
Maybe good with a 16 or 32 core CPU but those dont exist yet.
wheres my 780 bros at?
thinkin i might upgrade to a 980ti in a couple years
Also it becomes cheaper to replace something if it breaks. Better to lose a 400 dollar card than an 800 dollar one.
Am I the only one that AMD and Jewvidia are working together to price fix?
Not exactly, AMD just went full retard thinking they can overcharge for mid end cards too.
They cant.
How much do you think an R9 Fury X is worth these days lads? Thinking about picking one up for my second PC.
>Avoid Asrock and gigabyte motherboards.
I can vouch for avoiding gigabyte. I got the cheaper model and the audio jack is loose so my speakers get a buzz once in awhile and I have to adjust my 3.5mm cable. The ethernet port is failing too because my pc crashes when I do some heavy downloading and uploading.
>The ethernet port is failing too because my pc crashes when I do some heavy downloading and uploading
Good ol E2200 ethernet.
Didn't know this was a thing. I'll have to check if my mb uses this.
I have been seriously contemplating a new Ryzen build because of this internet problem.
You can always disable the ethernet port and get a $10 PCIe ethernet port.
I dont even have one dollar.
all my money is €.
>"future proofing" a PC build is always a shit idea
Yea I've considered that too. I'll probably go with that solution.
But I also sold myself on a new build so I'll be upgrading my ~8 yo pc anyways. I think I'll keep this as a NAS.
AMD's Navi GPUs aren't economically priced, so Nvidia is putting up jew prices accordingly. They're banking on retards paying EXTREME premiums for the Nvidia brand name.
>y is brand new 'enthusiast hardware' is expensives tho
Those are entry and mid end cards though.
>"lmao this looks just like FO3 lol we already played that game yaaawn".
Haha this was totally me back then
I also bought FO4
>spending thousands of dollars to play old ps4 ports, WoW, and Gaia Online
>new rtx cards aren't 'enthusiast hardware' in mid 2019
>paying for online access
By that logic the cheapest Ryzen 3000(3200G, $99) GPU is enthusiast hardware.
>thinking those are the only games PC has
>amd just announced some great cards
>intel is slated to enter the gpu market next year
>20 series cards are going to drop at least $100 each when the supers hit the market
fuck that, it's about to get good. just don't buy it right when it comes out like a retard.
>the cheapest
>is enthusiast hardware
>Is new
>Is enthusiast hardware
why would someone just go on the internet and pretend to be retarded
>Reccomended based on interest
Fuck you threadripper more like shit pisser
I don't understand people that pay so much for hardware these days
what are they gonna do? play the latest AAA console port pile of shit at slightly higher resolution?
Buy used 100$ Dell optiplex with i5 or i7
Buy 100 used GTX 1050ti or RX 480 and New PSU for 480
Buy 30$ 256gb SSD
this is what you get with defending navi prices, that are 84% profit margin territory, so nvidia sees that they can raise prices as well
Thinkcentre M93p comes with a 450W PSU with one 8 pin cable by default because they were used for CAD, also uses standard ATX PSUs unlike optiplex weird 8/10 and 14 pin board power cables so you can upgrade it to a new PSU if needed.
jews and price fixing.
it's been going on with all types of RAM for over 2 decades now.
the shortages in every headline some years back were a complete hoax and bitcoin mining was their scapegoat.
You're not wrong but 1200$ will get you alot farther now and shortly later than 700$
The only difference now is that China cant save us now.
DRAM and NAND price fixing ended because china got involved with shitty cheap products to satisfy its own demand.
I like the SFF dells tho they make nice cheap portable PCs with the sff 1050ti or RX 550. Very nice I reccomend any prebuilt besides HP ones from personal experience
>I own over 500 games nearly all installed on my 5tbs of extra storage
HP makes horrible computers and laptops in general since 2009.
Their SFF desktops are horrible.
>Lets have a passive 210W PSU for a 180W build(Leaving the GPU aside), what could go wrong?
God fucking dammit I just need to upgrade from my 1060 so I can turn ass physics back on in VAM why is this so complicated
>mfw bought a new card and assorted upgrades 2 weeks ago
>mfw prices have skyrocketed since then
I feel so validated
what happened anyway?
You want better performance, you'll have to pay more.
Because enough people actually pay these prices.
If look back 15 years and adjust for inflation, then a high end GPU should be in the $500-$600 range.
>what happened anyway?
that's not how technological progress works
The problem is, we are getting the same performance than 2016 FOR TWICE THE PRICE.
Not even worth it, wait until TES6 comes out. then upgrade your rig so you can play it on ultra
I don't think we had ray tracing in 2016, either way just don't buy the highest end stuff right as it comes out. That should be common sense by now.
If I wanted to build a new PC where the fuck do I put all my old parts without them getting wrecked?
>stock AMD vega cards
Didn't they stop producing the reference model? If it's still the same as on launch, then the reference board is great for overclocking if you put a Morpheus oder waterblock on it.
But if you put a custom cooler on it you might as well spend that money on a RX 5700, which is noticeably faster out of the box.
I remember paying 800 bucks for a GPU 15 years ago.
The PC gaming isn't fucked, and shit is cheap as fuck compared to what it use to be.
I browse the Steam store semi-frequently and have seen not one of these weebshit games
I don't know. There will be a lot of better games that come out before then that I wouldn't be able to run too well if I wait that long. TES6 will be have 10 NPCs on screen max and loading screens out the ass.
What has held down pc are sales. We don't buy enough software so they cater to consoles. The games that are making bank on pc are shitty games like dota, lol, csgo etc. If we were to buy en masse like consoles, PC would be the focus. Also faggots who whine about optimization because their shitty 970 cannot run a game are also holding pc back.
Just must remember wrong. High end GPUs back then where in the $500 range.
is the difference between consoles and pc that drastic though? having to pay for physical copies and retailers should take a larger cut of revenue than the pc storefronts that exist
>The one best the looking games is Insurgency Sandstorm
You should play more games
Piracy is also an issue. As much as people want to parade the piracy is not a lost sale. I literally don't buy games I can pirate. I don't justify it, I just like free shit.
What's yer idea of a good lookin' game then pardner?
so do I but these days I think that if a game isn't worth my money it's not worth playing in the first place
pc also seems to have way better longevity for games if the companies care about that, but then it's pretty much because of sales and that doesn't really matter unless you're trying to sell DLC
company cares about money. Longevity is indeed good but keep in mind a lot of product get sold at a discount
Just try the average gorillion $ budget console port. Battlefield, Battlefront, Asscreed, Womb Raider.
Sandstorm still looks like what it is: a polished source mod.
Those prices aren't even for the TI, which is cheaper than the 1080ti right now.
Regarding 1080ti, they don't make them anymore. Prices are skyrocketing on 1080ti because people still need them for bridging. You can only bridge identical GPUs. A 1080ti won't bridge with a 2080ti. So when professional 3D artists have a row of ten 1080tis and want to add more, they HAVE to get 1080tis are replace their entire setup (10 cards).
How did Nvidia not learn from the shitty launch of the RTX cards?
What do you need an RTX for? I have a 1070 bought for 300€ when it came out and I play every game at high settings/1080/60fps
>1080p 60fps
>if you close your eyes, it doesn't exist!
I have a 950 as well, with an i3-6100. Sometimes I want better graphics, but also value for money is so shit now.
An amd apu is miles better than 1030
I remember when you had to upgrade every couple of years to be able ta play the latest games. Nowadays it's more like games aren't good anymore so there's no point in upgrades, usually I just upgrade my PC for work
120fps+ is a meme right now outside of fast-paced zoomer shooters and anything below a 2080 struggles to get to 120fps at 1440p anyway
That being said there's no excuse besides poorfaggotry to not at least be at 1440p60fps
>high settings/1080/60fps
It's should be capable of max settings 2560x1440 in 99.5% of games.
blame AMD. no company will be pro consumer and provide good value (i.e. lose money) if they don't have to. competition is what regulates pricing and AMD haven't been competitive where it matters in nearly 10 years now. their advertising is always complete shit so no one even knows about their products half of the time. their performance per watt is also fucking years behind nvidia so all these chinese internet cafe's always resort to nvidia because they're cheaper and don't require a powerful psu (these cafe's usally got for shitty 350w garbage). nvidia is better in every category that matters which is brand marketing and perf/watt. hell by just having a 2080 ti most uneducated people think that because nvidia has the fastest card on the market they must be the best in all other price points.
i use my 1070 for 144 fps gameplay at high settings at 1080p. it's a really good card. should last another few years at 1080p yet and has 8gb vram.
>give is $1000 bro. Don't you wanna play Quake 2 at 55fps?
These super cards are going to fuck Nvidia even harder. They're already bleeding revenue.
Whoever is in charge of these decisions is a fucking retard.
>AMD being unable to compete
You can't compete when your product is still not bought when you managed to make it better.
>and will beat the PS5
Are you retarded? Navi is 1080 + 15%.
it doesn't matter because the corporations jewing other people will set an example, and other corporations who want a slice of that pie will follow suit, because it's fucking working. sooner or later you will not have a choice other than to get jewed.
Why even bother with this crap when we'll have $600 consoles in 2020 that will be able to play games in 4k60fps? I think it will be better to skip any pc upgrades this gen unless your pc is crap and you're in dire need of an upgrade, and just stick to ps5/xbox2 for new games. PC gaming is such a joke. If Intel/Nvidia/AMD wants to win us back they should work with game devs to bring us good pc exclusives.
>tfw 2600k
>tfw 290x
Maybe one day I'll upgrade. At 1080p my rig still keeps trucking along.
>pc build too outdated to not bottleneck any newer gpu
>PC gaming
and 100% autism that goes with it
I'm still fine with a 1060. I'll only upgrade after nextgen settle down
Mate, we are at a point where improving on graphics isn't really worth it anymore. A 600€ PC will serve you well for the next decade or so
i was mainly talking about resolution, 1080p is medieval times
next gen consoles will provide a higher default resolution than what the average PC player is capable of these days
Lol nothing on pc requires more than a 1080. You are really retard.
>still not subtracting ryzen offset
I hate all journalists
no user, you're wrong. industry will constantly keep pushing stuff like ray tracing, artificial intelligence, new in-engine effects and technologies, new directX version... so you will have 3 options, to buy a cheap console, to buy new $1000-$2000 PC or use cloud gaming platforms like Stadia if you're lucky to live in a good bandwidth area. when ps5 hits next year you will most certainly have to buy new PC because next gen ports will be even shittier and much more resource hungry. 8core 7nm CPU will be a bare minimum, considerin GPU definitely something that supports ray tracing and has 4gb of vram at minimum. 16gb of ram will be bare minimum for next gen, as well as a large 4tb SSD. sure you can buy most of this shit now for $3000 or more but most ppl still can't afford it and will have to wait for zen2 and price drops which will happen in the next 2 or 3 years.
Everyone voted with their wallet long ago. When Radeon had cheaper cards, everyone bought Geforce. When Radeon had better cards, everyone bought Geforce. When Radeon had better and cheaper cards, everyone bought Geforce. It's over Johnny. It's been over. AMD have been forced to take the only option left to them that allows them to keep their GPU business afloat, which is let Nvidia hike prices, which in turn allowed them to hike their own prices. Nvidia will outsell them either way, and AMD loyalists are the only people who will still buy Radeon either way, but at least now AMD will make a decent profit off of their inevitably low sales figures. And Nvidia is happy too, because their profits will be bigger than ever, because the company that used to bring out cheap products and force price cuts on Geforce products in turn is now doing outrageous pricing too, meaning Nvidia get to keep their insane profit margins going without worry that they'll have to cut into that in order to shut their rivals out of the market.
Face it user. This is the future that was chosen for us long ago, and it will never ever change. Even when Intel steps into the market, even if they can somehow compete, they're going to keep prices high too, because they're Intel. There is no hope left. This is the future that was chosen for us long ago. And it was chosen by your fellow consumer. Happy gaming.
Just get a console at this point.
>bought Vega56 for 280€ because it was a good deal
>asides from D44M the only games from previous gens that I don't play are recent indie shit titles
I almost feel like a 580 would have been a better investment
You have bitcoin and chinks to thank for that.
miners and tradewar faggots are skyrocketing GPU prices
I haven't upgraded in 3 years
wtf... It looks like Nvidia wants to lose money more?
>trade war
mainland china doesn't have the capability to manufacture chips like this, aren't these things made in taiwan instead?
They couldn;t recoup their R&D investment. I think they should take loss on each RTX cards, so raytracing meme would be prevalent. Next gen would be profitable. Nvidia refuses to do it because it will triggers the angry shareholders - LOSS BAD! NOT SELL OK
This pricing as well as the performances are what the RTX line up should have been.
And even then, it's too expensive.
Chinks are trying to avoid selling their rare materials, so the cost to make components rises everywhere.
Even if it isn't the manufacturing cost, then it's still the chinks who are hoarding bitcoin miners and bulding a business around it
How is Intel's 14++ nm process less dense than their 14 nm one?
>high end
oh no no no no
>the super versions has barely 5% more power than the normal versions, they cost the same
fucking kikes from Nvidia.
Says why in the image
I've had a 980ti for 4 years and have zero issues with it. Newest game I've played was the new Metro one on a 1440p monitor, and it ran just fine. I don't see myself upgrading for another 2 or 3 years. Unless you fall for memes like raytracing, which you barely notice anyways, you don't need the best of the best GPUs.
Nevermind, I can't read.
> Intel relaxed some of the design rules to allow for greater margins in design.
Makes you wonder if they talk about frequency or money margins.
That image is very unnerving
Cheapest would be similar to console prices, you'd have to play on low settings
For a rig that'll last 5+ years at medium to high settings you're looking more at the $1200 range
GPUs haven't been used to mine bitcoin in years.
I still have my 3.5Gbps 970 and it's doing the job. Bought it in january 2015
I have a 1070 with a 900p monitor because I am too lazy to change it. And I am okay with that. I don't care playing in 2k or 4k.
>want to upgrade my 580
>nothing it's good enough for his price
if you unironically bought an amd graphics card you should neck yourself
It's not even close. It's barely an upgrade over the 2080. It's just another jew attempt by nvidia to charge more for less. The RTX part didn't even get upgraded.
supporting the cancer killing gaming. the gpu market is in the state it's in thanks to amd and their trash products.
>no 2080ti super
Fuck. Was hoping for an upgrade. 2080ti is showing its age, barely chugs along at 4k in new titles.
I thought they were supposed to be cheaper.
>ram finally goes back to being super cheap
>can get 32gb with for the price it once was 16gb worth
They do it on purpose.
>tfw a 580 still runs everything just fine
>tfw the only substantial upgrade beyond this point would mean blowing $1k on an overpriced sandbag with 11gb vram
why exactly does the 2080 only have 11gb vram? its an odd number, would it really have fucked nvidia that much to offer 12gb for the rent payment they just made? lmfao
Got a mint 1080TI for 350€ a few weeks ago. Feels good. Wont need an upgrade in the next 4-5 years.
There is a reason why NV stopped selling 1080 cards after revealing 2080 series.
Basically the same performance minus RTX meme for few hundreds less.
Thats why they only produce 1070 and lower tier now.
You b
>1080TI for 350€
Is a Radeon VII worth now? will I be able to install it on a 6 years old mobo?
>Is a Radeon VII worth now?
no it's still terrible value. vega in general is terrible value and has horrible performance per watt.
>will I be able to install it on a 6 years old mobo?
any modern gpu will work fine even on a 10 year old mobo
Is hardcore gaming the most expensive of all modern hobbies? Seriously, even golf, the definitive rich man's hobby, is cheaper.
I upgraded from my 780 to the 2080
By the time I upgrade I'll probably consider the 4080 or 5080
you've never set foot in /toy/ or /tg/ have you
lol. It sounds like someone told you how to think
>price per watt = I have no idea why this thing is bad I was told to say this
>10 year old mobo work fine.... 10-20% performance hit and guaranteed black screens
no it isn't. my dad plays golf and each one of his sticks are like $200 each and he has like 10 of them. that's not even including the membership shit he has to pay for at his club.
>get hyped for navi and ryzen
>see what navi actually does + zen2 mb prices
>end up waiting for nvidia 7nm and sunny cove
lga1156 would work fine with any modern GPU you clinical retard. the whole potatomasher console killer series revolved around it.
>performance per watt
Who gives a fuck?
user it's going to be even more expensive for those.
>Why is the PC gaming market so fucked?
Because PCs are basically just big boy consoles now, and now that retarded consoleniggers are buying PCs they can charge dumbshit prices for "premium gamer" stuff because these ass goblins will pay for it.
you don't have to buy them bro
Seriously those new motherboards are expensive as fuck
everyone who doesn't want a housefire. you must buy intel cpu as well too huh?
I'm still using a 970 and can run everything just fine, I just got a second stick of 8GB DDR3 a week or so ago and any games I was having trouble with run perfectly fine now.
I'll wait until the new consoles are out and I actually need a stronger graphics card. Until then its not as if these games will get any more demanding than what consoles can handle
You fucks better release a 2080 TI SUPER
I just got a new job with nice pay and fucking damnit I'm building the best PC I can and I want the best goddamn graphics card.
Just buy a Titan RTX, poorfag.
>nvidia in 2k19
Crypto fucked GFX card prices
Better than the late 2017 prices at least
It's fine, my 1070 is still chugging along just fine.
I'll upgrade again in a couple more years when there's a game that I want that actually needs it.
I have a 2700x.
im sure glad nvidia has no competition so they can ignore consumer gpus and 7nm as a whole.
and why is that? why didn't you buy intel instead? oh wait, it can't be because of perf/watt and because intel cpu's are housefires right now among other things is it?
>Buy used 1080tis
i'm poor not stupid
hey it uses less electricity now :^)
at 800$ it wouldn't be that bad, the problem is that by the time it reaches my shithole it's 1200 euros and I'm not paying that for a fucking GPU
Rumors say the 2060 Super will be about equal to the 2070 in performance. If that is true the price isn't bad. Plus this will drive down the prices of the 2060, 2070, and 2080.
What's super about them and why are they cheaper than the 2080 ti?
>nvidia going full street fighter
you can't do that with hardware kikes, that's how sega died
A monitor is about one of the most important component of a PC, seriously, upgrading even only size, resolution or refresh rate will blow your mind.
You're like one of those fags who has a 17in crt and a 7 year old graphics card that says he doesn't need any better.
Tbh the Navi reveal made me seriously consider buying a used 1080ti to replace my r9 290
There's a tempting offer for a used one for 450€ which is the cheapest I've seen in this piece of shit corner of the world
No way, they got Elon Musk working on the tech. It will be 4k with full cities and no loading screens. It will be 20 years ahead of its time and run on modern hardware
wait and see how much 2080's drop in price because of this but if it doesn't drop enough then just get that 1080 ti it'll last you years anyway.
>still have 970
>not going to change it any time soon
High end PCs are a meme
Doesn't the 1660 make all these new cards pointless if you game in 1080p to 1440p and don't use memetracing?
>pc gamers spend thousands to play console games that run on ten year old hardware
Only problem with that is, the used ti might get snagged any moment, so if I want it, I should really get it now since it might be a month or two before the supers/navi cause any drop in prices over here
because marketed goys keep buying nvidia even when amd has the better product, which is not now but has happened many times before and people still bought the nvidia 1060 for example. you did this.
how much would it cost to build a desktop that will be able to run new games on medium 5 years from now?
More than it would to build a cheap one that runs games on medium right now, and another one that runs games on medium in 5 years.
recommend me a graphic card for around 200 bucks Yea Forums
even better if it survives the next console gen
I got a 1070, they can fuck off with this RTX line shit. I'll keep mine till the burns out or the fans break in it, only then will I upgrade to a 1080 TI
Blame the Bitcoin miners and the poorfags who think if they get a beefy card they can make thousands off of online coins after it dropped.
current gen gpus are so pathetic I don't think even the 2080ti will be worth shit in 5 years, I'd just buy something like a rx570 and upgrade later. for cpu maybe get a ryzen 3 in a month, those should be good for a bit
the 1060 was massively better than the rx 480 for a good year and in that time loads of people bought it because everyone was waiting for new value sub $300 cards. i followed that launch and the 1060 was 10-15% faster in the launch year vs 480. it took a year for amd to be competitive and start releasing shadowplay equivalent like relive. people don't avoid amd for no reason. nvidia is usually better hence why people buy it just like how ryzen is better now and everyone is buying it.
around $1000 or less if you use used parts. people who bought 970s for $300 in 2014 are still playing at 1080p high/medium settings 60 fps just fine. a modern equivalent would be like a 1070 ti used for $300. it will easily last another 5 years at medium.
people were still buying the 1060 even when the 580 was both cheaper and faster and had more memory. people buy nvidia every time rather than only when theyre the better option at the moment, because they are marketed goyim.
Not for videogames no.
Its funny the people who have money to waste on this nVidia shit all end up playing on Switch because they have 60+ work weeks.
Game devs optimise their games to run on a PS4. That is their target. Not $1000 videocards.
nigga what? is this amd fanboy fantasy land? rx 580 for like a whole year and a half were $500 or even higher because of crypto mining. in that time the steam usage of 1060 went up really high because it was the only card which didn't really get affected by miners along with the 1050 ti. even rx 570 were sold out because of miners. right now because the price is normal on amazon usa the 4th best selling card is vega 56, 6th is rx 580 and 8th is rx 590. people are buying them still and they're top 10 best sellers. stop pretending there's some anti amd conspiracy and people are avoiding it when they're not. people buy what's good value at the time. for ages the 1060 was much faster for literally $20 more. then the mining craze happened and the 1060 sold even better because rx 580 were non existent but now everything is back to normal and rx 580, vega and 590 are selling extremely well if amazon usa is anything to go by.
I buy both :)
>"console port" = 100% the same game
im playing these "console ports" with such graphical fidelity that consoles wont be able to match for at lest 2 full generations, and this is if we pretend that my pc doesnt run at 2x the resolution the current consoles are capable of,
real console ports havent been a thing since PS2 era, these days games are being developed "side by side" for the sole reason that the last, current (and by the looks of all the next) console generations are just pc's using outdated hardware
>Nvidia shit starts getting marked up 200% because chinks buy cards en masse trying to get money for nothing
>Everyone says that the prices are going to go down sometime
>Brand new consumer-level cards come out costing the same fucking amount
Son of a bitch I just wanna play anime titty games at 240 FPS.
Where's the 2080 Ti Super FFS
Because retards keep buying from nvidia no matter how much they sell their shit. This is how the market works. If you support being fucked in the ass with your wallet companies will keep doing it until it is the norm, then they'll look for ways to fuck you in the ass with broken glass.
>Why is the PC gaming market so fucked?
It isn't.
Nvidia is just trying to sell the same products to idiots three times in a row.
Real PC gamers just bought a 1060-1080 and are still enjoying them because there's still no VIABLE reason to upgrade because there's nothing you can do after the upgrade that merits doing it.
they have no incentive to because of how terrible amd's upcoming cards are. it's laughable how bad they are. we're talking about nvidia 20 series on an old what is essentially 16nm process beating amd's latest and greatest in performance and efficiency despite being on 7nm which is the cutting edge.
Yeah PC is poorfag. Lets face it pirating all your games is cheaper than a console. Besides the most played games on Steam are all low spec shit.
Don't fall for the PC master race meme.
>they have no incentive to because of how terrible amd's upcoming cards are
That would be fine if it was true.
Both companies are holding back due to this gaming generation being a bit longer than usual. In PC land, we're mostly still in the same gen we were when the PS3 and Xbox360 were going. You can play just about anything today on a 280X decently.
you should drop a disco or some sort of contact and let me make you some new glass, i also got a switch
Because spoiled fags joined in and think it's ok to pay 600$ for a midrange card.
A-at least we will play Cyberpunk on 4k and Ultra, r-right pcbros
The game will be on consoles. It will obviously be downgraded before it comes out so consoles can chug along with at least 20fps. So yes.
1660 is essentially 1070 for $200, it's fine for 1440p
RTX series is a rip off same as navi, do not buy it let them learn.
at least lighting and reflection will be perfect with RTX, seriously the only game I would consider 2080ti for i'm sick and tired of console parity
RTX(DXR DX12 extension, get that win10) is the way to break it without making devs work twice as much for niche market like PC.
>releases new successor
>doesn't drop the price of the old 'n busted
literally why.
no one knows if they're going to do that yet
Time measures circular movements so a 60-base makes more sense and basically the SI diehards have sticks up their asses. MiB, seriously...
lol what the fuck is Super ? Is this some jewish trick to sell basicly the same card but for a higher price ?
Perfectly fine with my 1080Ti still.
>I'm not poor you're just a jew!
Because retards think we need movie-like experiences in 4k, lootboxes and microtransacitons and "games as services" instead of good and fun gameplay at stable 60fps.
If you're dumb enough to fall for all that bs, please, kys and stop fucking up vidya.
1080 would've been better value in absolute numbers. who expected pascal would be such great value.
>I'm not poor I bought a SUPER graphics card
its the same card but for a lower price
If it means not having to pay an arm and a leg for a 2080 then sure.
Only game at 1080p but I need dem 120hz frames bruh
so...which gpu is optimal for 1440p60fps?
uhh a generic 1070, 2060, v56, that one 7nm gpu amd is releasing
>Im not poor i just cant afford to drop $800 on anything
1660ti. everything else is bad value.
you either get that or 2080ti, middle points are jsut waste of money
2060 is worthless because it can't run RTX at all but costs a lot
2070 is bad value at current price, also barely runs RTX the whole point of overpaying
2080 maybe if you can get it under $600
also 1070/ti, v56
navi GPUs have performance, but what is the point paying RTX price for no features?
>skipped RTX meme
>skpping Super meme
Who else GTX 1080 Ti here and won't upgrade until GTX 10080 Ti edition? Because if you aren't get fucked eternally.
Something you kiddies need to learn is that you never buy mid range GPUs or low end ever. You buy flagship always, resell them and get the new flagship. But considering retards can't even compare or inform themselves you don't deserve better and stuck in circle of rebuying literal rehashed piles of shit.
This is the reason we were stuck with 4 cores 8 threads for many many years. If Ryzen didn't show up a 10 core CPU would still be at $1500 or so.
>still rocking the GTX970 from '14
this, it's actually a racket designed to benefit both the game devs and product manufacturers - people would hardly ever buy newer hardware if they weren't forced to to play the latest cool game. There is no way shit like Void Bastards that has 2d enemies and small combat arenas to need 16 gigs of ram.
>and have held back gaming for decades
actually it's the graphics card manufacturers intentionally holding back gaming so they can make more money off you dumb as fuck console war nigger.
nigga Im getting an RTX2080 in a week
same. Basicly 5+ years until something drops that is worth paying for to get significant boost in performance.
>buy 600 dollar video card
>rest of the computer wants to shit itself dead in the next year
a good computer that can run games better than ps4 pros or xbox scorpios run you at least a thousand bucks minimum, sorry, but you are incorrect.
Same. Nier chuggs on it a little bit, but I'm just assuming that's a Square Enix on PC shitty port issue.
>actually it's the graphics card manufacturers intentionally holding back gaming
except they're not. maybe amd are but not nvidia. people keep saying you're paying more for last gen performance from the new nvidia cards but the reality is they're still pushing graphics tech to new heights and their best card is miles ahead of what amd can even dream off. it took amd like 3 years to even catch up to 1080 ti performance which is last gen nvidia performance. if anyone is holding gaming back it's amd. if you want the best card every gen which is noticeably better than the last gen then nvidia is the only one who offers that, albeit at expensive pricing but atleast they have the performance. imagine what kind of shit performance level we'd be at if nvidia didn't exist and amd were the ones dictating the market. we'd be a whole fucking generation behind. radeon vii is only matching 1080 ti now.
You can actually do that, when you make a certain amount (in millions) the banks let you use a special feature of the trade center that practically let's you cheat for massive profits.
Maybe if PC gamers actually bought games the devs would not pander and make games for consoles so much.
Get a job.
I am just a poor college student with a shit wage job and I can afford a 1080ti when it released.
Only reason I don't upgrade is that the 2080ti is not much of an upgrade.
What's even the point of buying these expensive graphic cards when all the new games are shit?
Considering how powerful APUs are going to be soon on 7nm you will skip Nvidia GPUs completely to be honest.
You'll get 8/16 CPU + iGPU more than enough power to run anything on high. 3000 series dropped with 12nm APUs. 4000 series with 7nm. Will cost you around $150 and will perform perfectly fine.
I have a second PC build for meme-ing with a 2400G and old 2500k with 970, literally all games work.
Nvidia's biggest fear is that their GPUs already not selling enough units. AMD and Intel will stomp them with iGPUs watch and see. Screepcap if you want.
>AyyyyMD tries to catch up to NVIDIA and fails in every way every time. Now even their prices aren't that great
>JewVIDIA releases some meme cards for whale enthusiasts. When AMD reveals their new cards, an intern from NVIDIA goes into the closet and pulls out an RTX card with more VRAM and CUDA cores and scribbles Super on it.
Fuck this gay ass market.
is that a washer and dryer? how do you vent the dryer? what happens to the dirty water? do you have to drain that by hand?
I hate blogfags on this site so much, this is not fucking facebook.
based hustleposter. glad you're doing so well, user, you give me hope for myself.
APU's are a meme. they'll never be able to catch up to the demands of the graphics market till the next gen starts and then its rinse and repeat all over again. only now 6 years later are APU's able to even match the consoles. come next year when console are going so support for RT hardware and 8+ tflop (eq. to like 12/13 vega tflop) all these APU are going to be garbage again and the regular sub $300 GPU are going to be the hot property on the market.
I come this year end of 2019 November and shill 7nm APUs 24-7. Current APUs shit on consoles I don't know what you are talking about.
If you are so desperate buying $1400 RTX or Super meme GPUs go ahead.
Those prices actually aren't as bad as I expected. Stock 20XX series cards were worse
>source: my ass
Is there even one single review out for 'Super' cards?
it hurts me that 1070s are no longer considered high end. I don't want to upgrade
Rumor is 56CU, 1.8Ghz, 12.9TF. RT is hardware based, co engineered by AMD and Sony.
Why Would I pay 1000$ for a new graphics card if I have a GTX 1080ti and the new one isnt even as twice as powerful?
what's fucked about this? you don't have to buy one of these things
this reminds me of the faggots how complain about things like nvidia's titan cards, I would rather have this than 1 literal option like consoles
Whatever. The cards are going to sell like hot cakes when Cyberpunk and Starfield are released.
it's called an oligopoly
>He thinks his chinese styrofoam CDs will last more than 10 years
it's like you didn't even bother reading the post.
>got a 2070 a few months ago
kill me
>$430 MSRP for a midrange card
this was obviously posted by some consolefag. Anyone paying attention to gpu prices the last few years knows this isn't even outrageously priced
whatever makes your day. I have evidence that it works and can't wait how new APUs will replace overpriced GPUs.
I'll be chilling with my mini ITX build with one APU playing whatever I want, while you struggle with overpriced garbage trying to justify paying for 1% increase in perf.
It's always so goddamn easy to spot the 3rd worlders
Naughty Dog employee has confirmed hardware raytracing for PS5 at the very least.
show me evidence any APU is going to be able to match next gen consoles with 9+ navi tflop, full hardware ray tracing support, 16gb+ gddr6. i'll wait.
so is 1660ti still the best deal rn?
ray tracing is meme tech that's not worth the resources. PS5 will use ray tracing as an excuse to continue targeting 30fps instead of 60 though. PC gamers learned this last year, consolefags will learn in the coming years.
>went from a GTX580 to a 9800GT
Haven't played PC in years
>but what is the point paying RTX price for no features?
features than no one is going to use because it halves your performance
>with Max-Q design
imagine not being able to spend 700 bux
Will be interersting to see how this levels out over the next year or two since the demand for GPUs isn't as high as it was
This. Every other tinfoil answer on this dumb fucking board is retarded.
Amd has already ramped up the heat on Nvidia, that's why they released these super cards. My prediction is by 2021 and will have cards competing with Nvidia at all performance levels.
try playing a game with rtx enabled with your 1080 ti lol
unless there is magic involved hat's not going happen.
5700xt is a ~180W chip at 40CU. 56CU at the same clock rate would be close to 250W. That's OK for a desktop graphics card but just not going to happen in a console. Not in a million years.
you should stop using buzzwords like Tf, raytracing, gddr6 you have no idea about. 7nm APUs will match any of your next consoles with ease.
Hell with the right ram and setup they probaly destroy them into oblivion.
Consoles aren't even the topic here, I talk about replacing overpriced GPUs but a bit slow in the head that's fine.
I hypothetically came across 1000 bucks and I hypothetically have a 620w PSU lying around build me a PC
show me one console beating current APUs I'll wait.
no competition
>SUPER charge a architechture known for shit TDP to have even shittier TDP
>Upsell price, knowing the card will die from thermals in 2yrs time or less
And every Nvidiot will buy one regardless.
Uh, try playing with rtx enabled on a 2080 to, lol
If you take into account that the Xbox One has 44 CU GPU at 1172 Mhz, then PS5 at +2x in terms of TFLOPS increase does not seem so impossible.
>actual specs which define the performance of a product are "buzzwords"
off yourself retard. the consoles will be 7nm as well and actually use cutting edge latest gen technology like gddr6 meanwhile your shitty APU is going to be using fucking DDR4 system ram and will severely bandwidth bottlenecked.
seetry obtaining some reading comprehension before you try samefagging again
>tech doesnt just get exponentially better at the same rate for ever
>but we're going to charge you as if it does
Of course I meant the Xbox One X with that.
>maybe AMD are but not nvidia
>drivers decreasing performance
>tesselation being outright garbage
>meme features
You fell for the Jewvidia meme
5700xt MSRP is $450
5700 MSRP is $370
Rtx 2070 super MSRP is $599
Rtx 2060 super MSRP is $429
absolute delusion, you don't know shit. amd is so much behind it's not even funny. amd can't even compete after switching to 7nm and their gpus still consume 30% more power for the same performance. this isn't the same as amd vs intel, unless amd abandons gcn and shits out a better arch they won't get ahead. and even then nvidia is still yet to switch to a lower node, so it's not like they're cornered.
hell nvidia competes more with themselves (people who own older gtx cards) rather than amd. i'm not saying it's good, but that's the truth.
>pay $400 for console hardware
>outdated piece of junk on release and only gets worse
>pay $800 for rtx 2080 super
>top-tier, lasts an aeon
maybe save up instead of blowing your slave wage on the cheapest thing you see
Ahahah working for 60h in a week lel
Sorry my country is only allowing 35h a week, and i'm payed 1400 € a month just to stay on the beach at night
>highest settings locked 60 fps vs lowest settings 40 fps
1070’s a good card though
First of all degenerate, learn to reply to context instead of injecting autistic buzzwords you have no clue about. Second of all
>cutting edge latest gen technology like gddr6
doesn't mean shit. DDR4 with higher mhz range and timing will shit on you and your console and meme GDDR6 any day since they will be 100% downclocked like every fucking console on earth.
>try obtaining some reading comprehension before you try samefagging again
where is the that sick console beating current APUs autist where?
>architechture known for shit TDP
what are you talking about? turing is nvidia's best energy efficient arch so far, which is not surprising since it's not like they're regressing. amd cannot even compete with a node shrink.
see and neck yourself
>actually use cutting edge latest gen technology like gddr6 meanwhile your shitty APU is going to be using fucking DDR4
Yeah Intel fanboys were saying the same thing a few years back too.
works fine
>drivers decreasing performance
proven false multiple times
>meme features
they're only a meme because amd doesnt have them huh
not saying nvidias are a good company, but they're the only choice when amd /literally/ cannot compete
>doesn't mean shit. DDR4 with higher mhz range and timing will shit on you and your console and meme GDDR6
i beg you go on /g/ and say this. i honestly beg you. i want to see them completely end your life. hahahahahahahahaha imagine thinking ddr4 can even compete with gddr6. nvidia and amd must be retarded for using gddr6 in their upcoming graphics cards hahahahahahahaha.
>where is the that sick console beating current APUs autist where?
now end your life
kill yourself today
The new meme is 1440p and at least 120fps.
like fucking clockwork. Left without any argument like a beaten fucking dog.
it's a completely different situation, but of course a Yea Forums poster is too fucking retarded to have any knowledge on hardware. go play fortnite already
are you saying I can't increase the resolution or something? Hahahahahaha kill yourself
That is console resolution lmao
go on. show me the 2400g or 2200g playing at locked 60 fps at 1080p in rage 2. i'll wait.
>being stuck in the endless "something better is coming next year" loop
>console degenerate blown of this fucking world with old as shit APUs beating them in FPS and perf
nope. just schooling your ass and proving your shitty apu is trash. i couldn't give a shit about the consoles but apu are pants on head retarded. if you want a cheap pc use at least an rx 570 for 1080p 60 fps in every game. the 2200g isn't even better than fucking gt 1030
The graphics emphasis is killing video games.
The fact that a 2400G beats you in fps and literal console scaled up reso shows how demented you bastard are.
Rage 2 is trash tier by definition, go look up some GTA or Witcher benchmarks if you need confirmation.
>schooling me
>console peasant
I don't give a fuck what you want. That thing costs like $99. What does your console cost? Ahhhh get fucked.
>not just waiting for a solid 25% performance increase before upgrading hardware
this 1070 Ti is going to last a long long time for me
7nm will piss on your existence you don't have any argument vs old as shit APUs. Sad.
>seething 3rd worlder poorfag
Why? Because you spouted gcn and power draw numbers? This was almost the same case for their cpus before ryzen. But we will see in a few years. Remember, I said that AMD will be competitive in all performance levels by 2021. Let's see who's correct.
>if you want a cheap pc use at least an rx 570 for 1080p 60 fps in every game
nah I'll stick to new 12nm and 7nm APUs you can go ahead and end your life
>says other people are using buzzwords
>talks about 7nm like he knows what it means
hahahahahahahaha every new gpu coming from now on will be 7nm regardless of pc or console.
>old as shit
"Ryzen 3 2200G is a 64-bit quad-core low-end performance x86 desktop microprocessor introduced by AMD in early 2018."
2018 hahahahaha literally 1 year ago and it can't even beat old as shit 2016 consoles hahahahahahahaaha
I have a 1060 and I can't think of no games worth upgrading for.
Hope this drops the price on the 56s.
>seething poorfag pajeet itt who doesn't want to admit he fucked up by buying an APU
gtx 1080 was the best for so long and only $500, then they launch a clusterfuck of overpriced marginally better gimmick cards and wonder why sales are down ... their next idea to solve the problem? release more overpriced gimmick cards!!
cyberpunk with raytraced reflections
more proof that you are worthless in my eyes and can't reply to context for shit. Kill yourself.
>hahahahahahahaha every new gpu coming from now on will be 7nm regardless of pc or console.
>2018 hahahahaha literally 1 year ago and it can't even beat old as shit 2016 consoles hahahahahahahaaha
yeah and you barely can hold ground against it, what happens if they drop new APUs console peasant tell me? ahaha indeed
No game has any reflections that can't be done with screen space reflections and get 95% of the same visual effect as raytracing.
What worthwhile games even support RTX besides quake 2?