Are you ready to apologize yet?

Are you ready to apologize yet?

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Playing it

There were some nice things about it, but the bad things outweighed them.

I'll give it a compliment: it had some nice attention to detail in the dungeon aesthetics. I recall some nice patterns on the walls and such.


Maybe I was a too harsh on it at first, but critics were giving this game 9/10s when it released. My only wish is that BotW will eventually get a similar treatment.

I really liked the concept of Life Medals. Wouldn't mind it if they incorporated them into BOTW as opposed to using 4 Spirit Orbs

Yes I do apologize. To Yea Forums. For buying that fucking game.


Nope. That stupid sword girl ruined this game for me. Worst sidekick ever.

it had the best zelda.

the thing i hated the most about the game was the way link would stiffly and awkwardly hold his sword when you're running with it. usually it moves with him, but since the sword is motion controlled in SS, when you're not wielding it it just looks retarded.

It's certainly a flawed game but I enjoyed a good chunk of it. And now it's used as a scapegoat to justify the franchise turning into Ubisoft.

chances of this poster being a fag evaluated at 86%.

The last time I played it, Fi told me to replace my batteries for a ridiculous amount of time before they actually died. Something like 10 hours at least, maybe 15.

Groose was a great addition to the Zelda cast but i don't know about anything else in the game kek

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But I always liked the game. Only complaint is that early Nintendo bragging gave the impression I'd be able to fly around Hyrule, and then the actual game had the flying restricted to a hub world.

I enjoyed it. The controls were never too annoying when I realized a simple swipe downward with the remote recalibrated it. It was boring though in a lot of parts.

the flying hub world fucking sucked.

Mogmas = Robots > Gorons > Kikwi > Florians

I liked you could get a canon girlfriend who isn't Zelda. Sadly, little art of her

hey do you guys remember that time when you had to fight the giant hairy monster like 4 times?

BotW might be overrated garbage that has permanently doomed Zelda to open world memery, but that still doesn't retroactively redeem the shitpile that was SS.

Truth of the matter is, the last good console Zelda was TP.

TP also had the best sidekick.

Easily the worst game I've ever played. Therese been plenty of games I've played that were boring, or felt like a big waste of time. This game made me actively furious with the dumb fucking motion controls. I could have put up with it if the game was good in other ways but it had almost nothing going for it at all. The only likeable thing is groose and a couple of the side characters. They even managed to turn a sword waifu into one of the worst characters in video game history. Fuck this game. Twilight princess was better in EVERY way.

It was 3 times because >Zelda theming and you could cheese all 3 fights stupidly easy so it became a non-issue.

You also fight Ghirahim 3 times.

>be low on health
>stupid annoying beeping
>AND Fi telling you you are low on health
>AND Fi telling you your batteries are low, sometimes even if they weren't
What were they thinking

I dont understand why they thought the Wii remote battery thing was okay. It totally takes you out of the game. I had it happen once during a boss fight.

Not much time is spent there anyhow.

yeah but the Ghirahim fights were fun

Imagine if your batteries died :^)

BotW's flaws are nowhere near as egregious as SS
One of BotW's flaws is acknowledging SS by having every fucking race have a shrine to the goddess of cakes. I prefered the races having their own deities
Putting that aside, BotW would have benefited a lot from
1) Hylian language option. The English dub was garbage
2) Varied shrine aesthetics. Would have made them more memorable and less tiring
3) More enemy types
4) gold enemies on normal mode because I do not want to play Hard again. Fuck enemy health regeneration on bosses. I beat the game on hard with level 1 clothing, but goddamn that was a pain

Fi was fine as a robot girl. I just wish she'd SHUT THE FUCK UP
I don't need directions every time I come to a new place. Let me explore.
I don't need whatever I just did narrated back to me. I JUST DID IT.
I don't need to be told my batteries are low. THE BEEPING NOISE AND VISUAL INDICATOR TELL ME ALREADY
These combat stats are uh, interesting. Or at least they would be if they meant a damn thing. There's no real point to them.

Even not pressing D-up still had her interrupt all the damn time. It makes me furious at Hylia for creating such an annoying assistant for the hero.

No, it's still shit.

I wish BoTW had wanglan controls.


Because the combat had potential if it wasn't so handholding.

>I'll give it a compliment: it had some nice attention to detail in the dungeon aesthetics. I recall some nice patterns on the walls and such.
Skyward Sword's one redeeming quality is the aesthetic. BOTW really just looked worse in every single way.

SS is far from the best zelda. Yet it's kind of the most interesting zelda to play just to see how nintendo fucked so many things up that would've been obvious to any other dev.
But there is no other game like it, and there probably never will be again.

its still shit

Gaywad Sword is the worst console zelda game ever, just like phantom hourglass and spirittracks are the the worst handheld zelda games ever.

ss was the most original zelda game since oot and it's few shortcomings are meaningless relative to the regurgitation of zelda game design ahead of it.

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For what? It's better than WW and BotW.

nah lol

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