Attached: SmartSelect_20190619-211727_Twitter.jpg (1080x1654, 582K)
Ethan Powell
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Henry Parker
He literally isn't wrong though.
Jaxson Sanders
Who is this faggot Twitter person nibellion that I keep seeing everywhere. Fucking literally who
Eli Williams
Yikes, I hope he doesn't really believe the bullshit he is saying.
Even he can't be stupid enough to compare something intangible with something tangible.
David Carter
I miss when all the content was included on the cart or disc
Want to unlock extra costumes? Get good and beat the game on hard mode or do some extra missions
Wanna unlock the best weapon? Gotta do the secret dungeon that's really hard
Benjamin Morgan
He's not wrong. Don't like lootboxes? Don't buy them. Literally no one is forcing you.
Colton Carter
No one has time for that anymore
Blake Ortiz
Luis Brooks
"I miss when..."
You mean the era where all games were barebone because there were no profits to be gained from adding little easter eggs? Go back to playing pong, grandpa
Jeremiah Reyes
It's bullshit, all this online crap is bullshit
Day or patches rendering games literally unplayable after the servers are down
Loot boxes means you'll always be missing content in the game, imagine if I wanna go back to an old game I'll literally be missing shit from the game I can never get because the servers are down, that is if I can even play the game.
I can go back to GoldenEye or Perfect Dark right now and if I want to get the extras in the game all I have to do is beat the challenges
Dylan Jackson
>like kinder eggs
Jace Gutierrez
It doesn't work like that. People are vulnerable to gambling, especially children.
Can I ask you a serious, non-ironic question: what do you gain from bootlicking multibillion dollar corporations that would press a button to kill you if it gave them $100?
Carter Gonzalez
cheat codes were the lamest shit
Jonathan Mitchell
>You mean the era where all games were barebone because there were no profits to be gained from adding little easter eggs?
Games back in the early 2000s were incredibly substantial. DMC had tons of little bonuses to find. San Andreas had tons of Easter eggs.
Why are you being so dishonest.
Liam Collins
Aiden Myers
You mean go back and play some good games? No problem, what should I play? I just finished setting up my PS1 got it hooked up to my CRT
Connor Gonzalez
Don't like gambling? Don't gamble. Literally no one is forcing you.
Josiah Brown
>Kinder Eggs
Shut the fuck up, you idiot. Those are BANNED in the US, smartass.
Liam Martin
Socialists don't need money to kill people, they do it for free
I prefer mercenaries to blind authoritarian faith
Colton Perez
Found the whale
Daniel Rogers
Kill yourself.
Noah Cooper
In case anyone doesn't know, Kinder eggs are illegal in America because of choking hazards.
Fuck loot boxes. They should be illegal.
Zachary Watson
"lootbox" is a dumb word anyway
Aaron Moore
Seriously, what kind of moron compares loot boxes to something that's illegal in his own country?
Brody Rodriguez
99% of the people in favor of lootboxes and the like are underageb@ with access to daddies credit card. It's not their money, so they don't need to care.
Christian Clark
>Lootboxes will die in your life time
>EA will die in your life time
Brody Brown
Pro Skater 2
Josiah Sullivan
i really don't care if they buy it though
in fact i would hope they overdose and die from it
i like how you feel sorry for them though like some super christian who wants to encourage people to live
what happened to this place
what happened to the "it's okay if you die if you do stupid shit to yourself" philosophy
why do we have people like you here
this shitty sympathy for the devil kind of garbage
it's not softness, it's misplaced emotional attachment to dumbasses who deserve their fate
Connor Mitchell
>Can I ask you a serious, non-ironic question: what do you gain from bootlicking multibillion dollar corporations that would press a button to kill you if it gave them $100?
Because I'm not? I'm actually using some common sense. Everyone is acting as if these corporations have held guns to your head and stolen money from you whenever lootboxes are mentioned. What part of "you DO NOT HAVE TO BUY THEM" are you not understanding? Some people like them, others don't. Deal with it
Jose Lopez
You think your insane, fanatical devotion to megacorporations is not blind authoritarian faith?
Sebastian Morales
How are lootboxes different than booster packs for card games?
Carter James
lol. Take off those nostalgia goggles, one or two weapons ain't shit
>San Andreas
About as many as GTAV
That's a nice shelf there, user. Gonna put anything on it?
Jaxon Cox
lootboxes don't come with chocolate
Isaiah Sanders
I just went to Metro today to buy some ketchup chips and they had kinder eggs
Hudson Hall
When a kid buys a Kinder Surprise, they just expect a toy of some sorts and nothing they specifically want/need.
With lootboxes, people pay for something they want/need but get something else with no value to them.
Evan Anderson
They probably won't die outright, but all this legal bullshit will likely end up leading to a mandatory AO rating for games with lootboxes, which is a de facto death.
Tyler Gomez
Matthew Cruz
Isaac Rodriguez
Don't get my hopes up user
Camden Morales
Booster packs don't operate like slot machines.
Ian Reyes
See, you're using greentext and saying that facetiously, but it's actually, unironically true
Levi Diaz
nice b8 m8
Adrian Robinson
It isn't like Kinder as a company can't operate here, they still sell FDA-compliant eggs with two compartments, so the idea holds up.
Ethan Collins
What do you mean? Did you have pokemon cards as a kid? That was the same shit.
Thomas Reed
you braindead retards have never had to deal with junkies in real life I see
still below 15 huh
Dylan Thomas
kids that are given access to these types of games (and have phones at 4 years old), deserve to be taken advantage of, its bad parenting
Camden Peterson
? I seen at the store before though.
Asher Jackson
>everyone alive will die someday
Isaac Cox
Dont like it? Then dont buy it. Problem solved.
> But I want to play games my way!
Sorry, you have no right to video games. You have no right to tell a private company how to do business. EA and other companies have an obligation to give the shareholders the largest possible return. Quality of games is a secondary concern to profitability. Thats how the market works.
> But it harms the industry!
Then don't buy the product
> Other people will.
That's their choice. You also have a choice: To not support them Its the consumers freedom to vote with dollars and you have no right to impose your views on others without their consent. That's called fascism. Opposition to lootboxes is a form of fascism
Logan Cook
Kinder eggs are illegal in America. Checkmate.
Landon Gomez
>not denying it
And no, a fanatical devotion to a free market is wildly different from a fanatical devotion to the state. If EA screw you over, another company will have your back. If you're an enemy of the state... lol.
Luis Barnes
somebody stop this madman
Justin Cooper
But guys, rape is just surprise sex!
Nathan Perez
Okay, but can we talk about how the VP OF EA MADE A FUCKING FOOD ANALOGY? Good fucking lord, they aren't even trying anymore
Cameron Turner
god i hope so, EA deserves to burn for all the shit they've done
same with every other AAA company
Gabriel Stewart
helo yurop
Carson Nguyen
He's completely right. But apparently you can't convince mouthbreathing consumers not to support shit content, so I'm fine with legal intervention.
Lincoln Campbell
Booster packs are physical.
Benjamin Kelly
>It's not gang rape, its surprise sex where most people have a good time. It's quite ethical
Gavin Kelly
Well kinder eggs are physical, loot boxes are digital, they are literally just a bunch 1's and 0's.
So kinder eggs you can actually own them while you don't really own the items in lootboxes. Plus they only work in their own particular games.
Nolan Gray
"waa arent my games good guise"
Lincoln Hall
i live near dc, junkies and poor idiot beggars are all over the outskirts, fuck off
Chase Campbell
>people unironically defend lootboxes
Kill yourselves
Ryder Rodriguez
Not because the "gambling".
It's because the plastic being in contact with the food.
Jose Morgan
You could trade them and these days you can buy the cards you specifically want as long as they're available.
Christopher Brooks
>ah big daddy government make decisions for me because I have no self control.
>being this much of a boot licker
That's gonna be a yoof from me dawg.
Daniel Hill
I was thinking of Tony Hawk actually, the first 2 are my favourite in the series
I actually have too many games to fit on my shelf. Right now everything is doubled up I've gotta order another one.
Leo Brooks
>free market
You are so fucking stupid it actually hurts. How do people this genuinely retarded get so confident about their views?
Isaiah Rodriguez
You know you are drowning in shit if you have to use the Kinder Eggs argument.
Isaac Green
Front Mission 3, Twisted Metal 2, and the game nobody ever mentions, Carnage Heart.
Connor Barnes
aren't kinder eggs literally banned in burgerland tho? he picked a bad example
Mason Sanchez
I know, dummy. It was a joke.
Robert Wood
great b8
Oliver Hill
No it wasn't. Cards are physical objects that you own from when you buy from when you buy the pack until the day you die. [insert game here] could shut off their service tomorrow, taking all the money you sank into the game and leaving you with nothing to show for it because digital 'goods' have no inherent value, unlike cards which can be resold.
Camden Morales
>I hope he doesn't really believe the bullshit he is saying
He's a company lawyer, of course he doesn't.
Daniel Evans
They have Metro in Europe? I thought it was Canadian only
Henry Thomas
People like gambling, why does it need to be defended?
Ryan Gomez
Can someone please explain this "food analogy" meme to me? If the analogy work, then so what?
Nolan Lee
Nobody is forcing you to buy modern games with shit you dont like in them, yet you do and bitch anyway. Grow up.
Matthew Powell
Why not use a more general term? Lootboxes are a very specific mechanic. There are many more random mechanics you need to talk about. That twitter dude is trying to make it seem like EA's trying to sugarcoat the mechanic, but essentially it's just talking about matters at a more abstract level, meta level.
Jonathan Carter
>Front Mission 3
My afroamerican brother
Jonathan Adams
Hmmm, let me try:
>Booster packs are physical products, you can resell, trade or give away said product whenever you want without relying on a third-party to make said process.
>Booster packs disclose the rarity of the products you can get and all the drop rates are written on the booster box if you read it.
>In the case of MTG, they get away with it by describing boosters packs as required to play certain types of game formats, like draft and sealed. The rarity variation and powerlevel difference on the cards are meant to be "game balance" for said formats.
But I also would love if this lootbox debacle spilled over to TCGs and forced companies to finally sell singles.
Luis Harris
Oy vey won't somebody think of the multinational corporations!
Adrian Jenkins
Remember all those kids who bought 2000 dollars worth of Kinder Eggs to get the specific small reptile toy they wanted
Benjamin Wood
>If the analogy work
That's the thing, food analogies never work.
Liam Ramirez
Oh fuck off. There's no sense of reward for getting something because you hit the "buy timed dlc" button. There's no sense of accomplishment because you got lucky and got the 1/50,000 item from the lootbox. I want something I can directly work towards and see my literal progress towards. If I'm to buy dlc, I want to choose what I get. Not the chance to maybe get what I want. Fuck these "well you have a chance to get the thing you want, but we'll give you nothing but shit you don't want" loot boxes. It's all fucking bullshit. I blame EA for this shit.
>inb4 muh hats
Fuck you, tf2 hats could at least be traded with other players.
Jonathan Howard
Isn't it weird how "pro-corporation" and "anti-corporation" are becoming political parties in and of themselves?
Normally politics is self serving--people politic according to their personal interests, at least ostensibly--but corporations have somehow tricked poor people into going home at the end of a long grueling work day and politicking for their masters. It's some kind of actual slave-like situation.
Adam White
The same could be said of all video games or electronic things. I guess everything from DLC to cloud data storage is illegal now.
Caleb Russell
We don't, bootlicker. It's the Whales who buy this shit.
Bentley Moore
They aren't beyond the concept of card games being a physical product you own and can re-sell or do anything you want with.
Every single card game player out there knows that packs are scummy and awful (especially in games like Yugioh where cards can be shortprinted). Most of the actual players never buy packs outside of knowing they're gambling and wasting money, buying excessive amounts of product that have guaranteed ownership ratios (such as 4 copies of X card being guaranteed per every 36 boxes, so the player just buys the 36 boxes) or at the very least getting the packs for free from winning store tourneys or something.
Translated to games, nobody cares if it's optional gambling or gamble for free, but lootboxes are specifically neither of those compared to something like TF2 hat crafting or Yokai Watch.
yeah they don't, they operate worse because they're targeted toward children who don't know any better.
Hudson Hernandez
Jayden Cox
Unbanned since 2017.
Nolan Sullivan
Children dont have their own money. If a parent lets their kid buy lootboxes then what's the issue? Its not technically gambling either.
Evan Ramirez
Ok, so EA just has to make games that don't feature lootboxes.
Which they don't want to.
Gavin Carter
So no more lootboxes in the States but Canada and UK still get them? assuming the Kinder Eggs thing holds up
Isaiah Evans
Eli King
18 yo "Liberal" detected
Hear the phrase "free market" and totally sperg out while being unable to defend their obsession with communism
Kayden Martinez
We are moving to a cyberpunk society, where people are either seen as deplorable, vile "punks", or they are 100% corpo shills.
Jayden Wilson
The newest game I've bought in the last few months was Virtua Fighter on Dreamcast
Logan Bell
>using the term Kinder egg, in US Congress
Kayden Martin
Oh, sorry.
Kevin Rivera
have sex
Connor Butler
Levi Gutierrez
Its your fault you sunk money into something that has no real value. Again needing more government for brain dead morons such as yourself is retarded. Stop stealing our oxygen.
Angel Peterson
they're not banning them, though, they're just classifying them as gambling, which is already regulated
Kevin Murphy
Correct. You own none of those things, you just rent them. Shit is fucked.
Robert Green
They are lawyers they will argue for their side no matter how batshit insane it is as long as they get paid.
Landon Jenkins
Seriously, how long until mods add a wordfilter for "have sex"?
What do you guys thing it should filter to?
Noah Thompson
Oh good, order more shelves so that you can have your chris-chanesque collection on display
Brody Kelly
The Free Market® is so efficient and truly serves the common good!
Without government interference, we are all free to let JewCo ram us up the ass. Freedom!
Asher James
you get this shit where you split an egg shape container in half, one half is chocolate in a bowl and the other is the toy parts. not kinder eggs.
Joseph Smith
but why use an example which was banned in the US for some time. it doesn't help his objective of preventing thing from being banned
Dylan Sanchez
you'll get that blasted edgehog
Zachary White
Hunter Moore
Difference is lootboxes give you no guaranteed reward that is stable. That's the only thing they'd have to change to make them legal. Kinder eggs give you chocolate every time, even if you get some garbage in the gacha.
Nicholas Adams
Dilate, of course.
Jonathan White
You can't upload profile pics on here user, that's not how this site works
Anthony Sanchez
parents should be responsible for what their kids are doing, simple as
Carter Clark
That makes it CLOSER to gambling, not the opposite. In some countries, by law, if you can exchange virtual goods for money, it stops being a game and it starts being a gambling app.
Nolan Wilson
FF Anthology.
Andrew Robinson
*And filter Dilate to have sex
Bentley Butler
No. My store here in Kansas has 3 pallets of them. They used to be but not anymore.
Michael Lopez
The rule of law literally require the most vigorous defence possible for both parties no matter the merit of either side.
It's not this guys fault he as to get up and argue this shit, it's EAs fault for being a predatory multinational that does nothing but perpetuate its own profits.
Wyatt Cox
>Normal person
>"I really don't like lootboxes, so I won't buy any."
>Crazy retard
Luke Parker
Physical cards agave intrinsic value. You can trade your cards or sell them. When you open the pack the cards are your possession. When you open a lootbox you cannot do anything with the items except use them in the game. You cannot trade them or sell them and if the servers go down or you get banned you lose everything you had. It’s like going to a casino where you can only cash in your chips to play other games in the casino. Imagine a casino where you can never cash out. That’s lootboxes.
Chase Cook
gee I sure wish I had any evidence at all that authoritarian governments were worse than competing corporations
David Robinson
Okay then why do you care? People can spend their disposable income how they like.
Cooper Adams
Kinder Joys are not Kinder Suprise eggs, the law didn't change Kinder changed the product.
Grayson Peterson
>micro-transactions are shitty because they infest every aspect of decent gameplay but fuck you just don't buy it
Do you deal with cancer by avoiding sunlight? Wait, don't answer that.
Kevin Diaz
>ordinary people call for the government to fight corporations for them
>ordinary people form unions in order to fight against corporations themselves
F-fucking piece of shit socialist rat fucks... destroying our nation, crippling our companies... Mr. Feinbergfinkelsteinsilverwitz can't even afford his fourth private jet anymore... you should be ashamed of yourselves
Austin Brown
>surprise mechanics, quite ethical
remember fags and faglets, charisma is not a dump stat.
Carter Bailey
Oh no a company makes a profit! What a tragedy Bernie Bros!
Robert Roberts
Same thing applies to Kinder eggs BTW--even if Kinder goes out of business tomorrow, you'll still have your Kinder prizes, and you might even be able to sell them as collectibles. The same doesn't apply to lootboxes or gacha.
Jordan Price
I can't believe people here actually want the government to step in and regulate the free market. This is a right-wing website, if you like big government leave and go to reddit.
Jordan Johnson
Actually its the consumers fault for throwing money at it and not having self control
John Bailey
What about the compulsive gambler who can't stop buying lootboxes? You know, the Whales? We regulate IRL gambling for exactly this reason. What makes vidya gambling so special?
Isaiah Flores
Rape is just surprise sex, guys! Perfectly ethical!
Luke Martin
Loot boxes are old news. Call of duty and mortal Kombat already came up with shit that's even more evil
Jacob Sanchez
How cute of you to think that a normal person gives a fuck
Ryan Richardson
Unfortunately it's not even a fraction of the deaths caused by capitalism. This list doesn't even include the millions and millions who died young because a corporation had them breathing coal, fiberglass, etc. in perpetual wage slavery.
Ryan Ramirez
the consumers are never wrong. even if they are clearly in the wrong, they are never in the wrong.
~marketing 101
Parker Moore
Those same people probably want this Yea Forums regulated, lol
Michael Johnson
It's a terrible analogy in the first place. Kinder eggs are two things for one price, EA's model is completely different, anyway, which is why it's a terrible analogy. Maybe if you actually got the surprise for free, it would make sense.
Nathaniel Perez
Terribly analogy. Try again.
Hudson Mitchell
>because they infest every aspect of decent gameplay
You mean the strictly cosmetic part? Wow, holy shit, game ruined because someone has an overpowered paint skin for his gun
Tyler Gutierrez
You actually own the cards you get from the booster packs, for starters.
Jason Torres
You’re a fucking retard.
>EA bases their entire business around lootboxes
>Franchises and studios are destroyed because of this
>Games have content stripped away and repackaged into lootboxes for you to buy
>It’s so fucking profitable that other companies follow suit
>You now have less studios making games, less games, and the games you have are just vehicles for lootbox gambling
It doesn’t matter if I have the choice to buy them or not when their existence actively and intentionally detracts from the product and industry at large.
John Richardson
Corporatism is the biggest threat capitalism is going to face in the 21st century and will require reform to become sustainable.
It doesn't matter if you have a monopoly if rising cost of living, an increase in automation and artificial wage depression means the peons can't buy your shit.
Debate me EA apologists.
Anthony Miller
In what way is Big Corporation better than Big Government?
Andrew Young
you're exchanging one oligarchy for another, more corrupt oligarchy.
Unions do not let "just anyone" get that kind of job. They limit the jobs at the company and encourage employees to hire friends, family, ect as a form of nepotism. The union gets more money, and only the people who got in early (when it was formed) get any of the benefits. It exists at that point only to propagate itself. Nice benefits (for those that can take advantage of them) at the cost of fucking people over down the line. Good job, you wanted to create jobs and get a good thing for the workers, now you fucked their kids over.
Blake Morales
>why aren't these 12-year-olds with daddy's credit card controlling themselves??
your next trick will be "that doesn't count, because"
James Edwards
DW7 should keep you busy for the next year or two
Aiden Fisher
I think the biggest threat capitalism is going to face in the 21st century will be getting its head lopped off.
Julian Long
Do not reply to the tripfag.
Do not quote the tripfag.
Do not acknowledge the tripfag.
James Morgan
if you die under capitalism it's your own fault :^)
Matthew Lee
yes africa is all capitolism's fault. fucking capitolists keeping niggers from having clean running water and free of diseases and plenty of food.
William Myers
Gambling is regulated to ensure government gets a cut, not bc it ruins lives. Nobody cares if you gamble yourself into financial oblivion. Thats their own fault.
Gabriel Clark
Honestly this.
Jaxson Nguyen
No way, its just government without the veneer of responsibility and accountability the judicial system is mean to provide.
Matthew Ward
>defending literally gambling to kids
Why not just punch the kid/parent in the gut and take their money? At least that's more honest.
Charles Gray
Sounds like a personal problem. Just because some weak willed faggot cant keep his shit in line doesnt mean the rest of us do without.
Should we stop selling guns because some losers commit suicide?
Should we stop selling alcohol because faggots cant hold their liquor?
This is America. We routinely make money off of humans who cant control themselves
Nolan Wood
Sounds good. Two oligarchs fighting each other is preferable to one exploiting me on his own
Hudson Scott
Dylan Gomez
Kinder Eggs have physical value. Digital lootbox items don't. What a useless comparison I really hope it doesn't hold up.
Ian Phillips
Your little graphic design project doesn't really compare to bullet ridden bodies in the name of communism. Reaching at its finest!
Samuel Carter
the absolute state of reddit
Kevin Young
based retard
we definitely need more people than resources allow and a world with more people than it can support is good. we need a human for every inch of ground. good goy
Brandon Adams
Because other games are tailored to those whales which brings the quality of games down. If you weren't underage you'd remember when DLC and microtransactions didn't exist.
Isaac Cook
>asking paid shills employed by multibillion dollar corporations why they're bootlicking
John Scott
Because all the bootlickers in this thread are having to reverse justify themselves whaling $300 to get some fucking tracer skin
Logan Ramirez
bad goy
Jason Martinez
Oy vey think of yourself, whose games are going to shit because stupid children are buying into these awful practices, and publishers are ruining developers chasing after easy money. To think like this you either must be a genuine retard, or worse, think it's fun pretending to be retarded.
Grayson Gutierrez
You dense mongoloid.
You are ruining my game because they are balancing it to force me to buy lootboxes. You're making my experience worse so I have to stop you.
Anthony Sanders
Aren't corporations these days basically more powerful than the government (which they control through lobbying anyway?)
A corporation can tell you what you can or cannot say, even what you can or cannot think, and on those grounds blacklist you from its (often monopolistic) services. The government can't ban you from speaking because you said something it doesn't like.
Levi Flores
No, because any study on these business models around gacha and lootboxes show that most of the money is made out of the top 10% of the users.
Doesn't matter if 90% of the consumers don't pay the price when the 10% that do are willing to pay 10x the price.
Hence why gambling mechanics and gambling in general needs serious oversight, because gambling is an addictive action that has been proven to be quite tough to "self control" for a good chunk of people.
Gabriel Nguyen
Yea parents are physically incapable of controlling their kids. You cant overpower a child or stop then from using your bank account
Joshua Peterson
as if your image means anything, based "If we had a communist revolution today. I'd be a party leader, not some mindless drone, yeah that's what i'd do" instead of being the first against the wall " retard
Jack Stewart
>responds to historic photos with a fucking internet meme
Jace Nelson
Gambling can be a mental addiction that people literally cannot help. This also prevents kids from running up their parent's credit cards spending money on dumb shit. Lootboxes are also generally shit because you can't even buy the things you want directly, you have to gamble for them.
Nathaniel Diaz
H-hey guys, remember those last 15 times us existing capitalist superpowers used our 10,000 year head start to destroy countries that attempted communism? W-well, that basically means communism is a bad system, you know.
Elijah Turner
The irony in this post is fucking hilarious. You are literally a mindless drone defending your corporate masters online. LMAO
John Walker
if only these people had been allowed to buy lootboxes, they would have lived
Mason James
you even posted venezuala and people are eating themselves in the streets
Ryan Lee
Not yet. Governments still have a monopoly on organized violence. For the moment. Once corporations are permitted their own (((security))) forces, then we'll have reached that point.
Nolan White
Parents shouldn't let their kids use their credit cards.
Michael Ramirez
But America invaded Canada and nothing happened to us we just burnt down your capital
Luke Wilson
I am sensing antisemitic rhetoric here
Gabriel Rivera
Its like real life. If you have money you can do whatever but if you are a poor faggot you have to grind (work). Get to grinding, poor fag
Austin King
Fucking this. This "people should be punished for the actions of others" line of thinking is retarded
Wyatt Davis
No, I think I will just stop you.
Jaxson Hill
*looks at south korea*
*looks at north korea*
Ah yes, the golden nation. This is truly humanity at it's finest, it brings a tear to my eye to see such resistance to capitalist values.
Nicholas Davis
EA is not a good example for this. sure some companies keep it strictly cosmetic, but remember the battlefront debacle, where you literally either had to play thousands of hours to unlock characters or shell out cash just for a chance to get the character you wanted to play as. that's essentially content paywalled behind lootboxes. I personally don't give a shit about that particular example, but the fact remains, wouldn't you rather all cosmetics be free and earnable, or just directly purchasable? Just being able to buy whatever cosmetics you want directly isn't predatory to the player.
Joseph Lopez
and what do you do for work? Trust fund baby?
Someone who has never worked a day in his life?
Michael Davis
>completely ignores the post in favor of repeating its flow-chart response
You sound like a robot. Just take a step back and look.
Asher Bennett
Boo fucking hoo. Alcohol kills hundreds of thousands a year but you can buy booze every 15 feet in this 40% of the country is a functional alcoholic or pill head
Nolan Sanders
>I'm gonna be rich one day... then I'll be the one destroying the country for my personal benefit.
Parker Walker
It fucking proves that America's health care system is a fucking straight up price fixing scandal.
The is no legitimate reason a country with no nationalised health care should have a higher percent of its GDP given over to healthcare (then countries with nationalised healthcare) outside of lobbyist induce price fixing at the expense of the government and end user.
Even you would have to agree that an artificially controlled market that just steals tax monies is wrong.
Carson Adams
Of course they shouldn't, but the point still stands. If the option exists, little jimmy will try to get into his mom's purse and use it for gambling.
Dylan Price
Drinking is an addiction
Drugs are an addiction
The guberment sure did a fabulous job at regulating that and preventing addicts oh wait they didn't.
Ryder Thomas
For one after the cards are printed and sent out the company can't just go to stores a tweek the rates of getting a rare card.
Colton Davis
how the fuck are they getting ahold of daddy's credit card
Luis Torres
You're literally a brainless nigger monkey.
Nathaniel Butler
If an ideology cannot function unless it is free of any and all outside influence (which is physically impossible) then it is a weak ideology.
Jeremiah Martinez
Tyler Evans
John Powell
Stop blaming your problems on others.
Sebastian Sullivan
DLC used to come on a disk retard its called an expansion pack
Brandon Gomez
Libs and other communists always devolve into totalitarianism because they always resort to enforcing their worldview onto others under the guise of "knowing whats best."
Colton Richardson
What you just posted is called a strawman, and I won't play along and adapt the position you just made for me. Go re-read my post and specifically reply using quotations or I will not give you any more attention.
Nathaniel Green
why do i give a shit whether these rich motherfuckers lose money or not
it's not like they were gonna give it to me instead
if they were i'd care more
Landon Allen
>Kinder Eggs
The egg itself is a reward too though, because its chocolate and edible.
Eli Gray
Alcohol has an age limit and other restrictions to prevent people from overdoing it, lootboxes don't.
> goverment is now trying to regulate gambling via lootboxes
> they didn't before so they shouldn't now
Jose Powell
How do you think they pay for PSN? Magic?
There should be better parental control, but do you expect it from who? Retarded boomers or even more retarded millennials?
Hunter Russell
It's ancient Egypt more comparable to communism than it is to capitalism?
Ryan Fisher
The creation of an aspirational class was the greatest corporate achievement of the 20th century.
Convincing people so poor that buying a coffee could break their budget that they are part of that aspirational class is next level.
Logan Johnson
Why doesn't mom teach Jimmy to respect her and not being a little faggot?
Aiden Collins
This. Just learn to love the taste of boot. It's better that way. Master wore leather ones today!
Aiden Brown
> comparing literal slavery to capitalism
Josiah Hernandez
Yea but they did sell DLC and expansions, the problem is everyone didn't have internet and credit cards back then. Back then games would always false advertise trailers to name a few.
Xavier Anderson
>if the supply of cheap, excess wheat/bread/pasta/rice slows down at all, tens of thousands of guillotines will be rolled out all around the world in complete unison
Huh, makes you think.
Adrian Foster
Yea man having ambition in life is bad. We shiild sit on our ass like the paradise that is Africa
Elijah Turner
I'm hoping the entire industry crashes.
Luke Perez
>but vuvuzela
oh no no no no
Caleb Green
Survival of the fittest. Don't get angry because you haven't learned how to make money on the internet like all the intelligent millennial are doing right now; and no I'm not talking about YouTube and streaming shit.
Jason Nelson
revolution against corporations when
Owen Turner
None of these people in this thread are actually from Yea Forums.
They are paid moralfags trying to convince people that regulation is good because muh children.
You can tell since like all discordfags, they speak the same way, post the same way, and all share the same rules. Respond to X posts with C and Y posts with B.
That’s one sign that a certain group isn’t from Yea Forums. It’s very much like Smashfags that make thousands of threads to just say the same shit.
Thomas Butler
Studies have shown that the pyramids and other egyptian structures were made by paid laborers more than not. So not sure what your meme image is supposed to suggest. Am I supposed to be mad someone has more money than me? Am I supposed to feel bad I have more money than someone else? ???
Jackson Parker
then you punish him, retard. what a trash argument.
Ayden Myers
so daddy is giving them the credit card instead of managing the transaction himself? how responsible of him
David Young
Chavez has been dead for 8 years you dumb faggot. Your article is from 2010. Maduro is in charge and he nationalized everything.
Hunter Russell
Personally, I love buying Kinder eggs and then having to pay again to open the prize inside.
Bentley Jones
>Venezuela prior to collapse
>"This is a paradise and a model for how to do socialism!"
>Venezuela after collapse
>"I-It wasn't REAL socialism!"
Jacob Gomez
I wonder if my perception of nostalgia is different from everyone else, I absolutely hate the feeling of nostalgia. I was about to shitpost but I may be different actually.
Elijah Brooks
Would be pretty cool, honestly
Eli Stewart
Jason Clark
You've probably seen Kinder Surprise, which has the toy in separate packaging from the chocolate.
Original Kinder Eggs, the toy was IN the chocolate egg
Alexander Flores
>vote with your wallet goy!
Jayden Morris
But most whales AREN'T rich. They spend money they don't have out of compulsion.
Also you should care because the games become more and more focused in those whales, which leads to grindier games, more time limited actions, less depth in gameplay and story, etc.
Makes it so the devs only focus in making skinner boxes, not actual games.
Isaiah Baker
I figured with galoob game genie lawsuit this would there would be a good angle to fight not only loot boxes but any locked content.
William Scott
>paid shill attempting to push a narrative that in fact, the paid shills are the people who don't want EA to continue to fuck the industry
fuck off
Chase Torres
>Euro hours
>American hours out your ass, socialist faggot
Blake Jones
Master said if I put in a few more hours defending him online, he might make me wageslave of the month.
Ayden Sanders
corporations are bad but not for this gamer shit
corporations are bad when they fuck with pharmaceutical pricing shit that actually matters to life
this gambling garbage is the thing that's getting attention though and people involved in it should get darwin awards, yet we find some stupid ability to give them sympathy? heh
Xavier Flores
So retards get the job done.
Levi Gomez
mostly I just want the AAA publishers to die.
Adrian Perry
Aren't Kinder Eggs already outlawed in the US though? Also with Kinder Eggs at least you're guaranteed to get chocolate, and the toy you get is a physical, tangible thing that exists, instead of literal fucking pixels EA could shit out ten billions of at no extra production costs.
Hunter Moore
FFS I cant wait until this is over
Daily reminder that pro consumerism is stupid commie garbage
Christian Rodriguez
people are starting to use this comment now to deflect any argument it's hilarious, I thought these were for autistic posts.
Carson Hall
>le ease of access
That's what happens.
Levi Powell
The U.S. literally dropped 13 tons of explosives per square mile of land in North Korea in the early 50s. It's estimated 80%-90% of all buildings were destroyed.
The U.S. gave South Korea $15,000,000,000 to rebuild with (that's $1.5 trillion in today's money).
Aaron Flores
Both have restricition and people get fined and jailed when they abuse both.
So yes, they've been doing some work.
Kayden Howard
And this affects you how?
Gabriel Baker
I'm a lawyer and my wife is an early career academic in stem.
This is thanks to my country's 'commie' free education btw. Both our fathers were mechanics.
Somehow I don't think either of us would be tertiary educated in burgerstan.
Brody Nelson
Oy vey......
Luis Foster
>parents should police their kids 24/7 and if a game mechanic exploits dopamine release cycles studied by paid psycologists of kids and gets them to the point where they'd take their parent's credit card, then it's the parent's fault
nobody is banning lootboxes, the legal intent of lootboxes manifests the exact same problems as gambling-gambling, which is some people lose control of themselves and spend thousands of dollars.
Daniel Adams
>everyone should be punished because of some kids shitty parents
Yeah you need to stop breathing right now.
William Stewart
I've spent a grand total of 43 bucks IIRC on gachashit over the course of two years and I regret every dollar spent this way.
I do not understand how anyone can get to this point, unless they just have nothing else to spend it on.
Jason Lee
Capitalists, could you please explain?
The purpose of an economic system is to distribute labor and resources in such a way that the largest quantity of human happiness & wellbeing is generated.
One in six households with children are food-insecure.
There are many millions of children going to bed hungry tonight.
Providing a $2 meal to these children would tremendously impact their happiness and wellbeing.
There is a banker in Las Vegas currently paying $100,000 to receive a champagne shower.
$680,000,000,000 of food is thrown away every year in the United States because it was not purchased.
Gabriel Reyes
Loot box's are fucking retarded honestly in non free games.
Austin Green
>Also you should care because the games become more and more focused in those whales, which leads to grindier games, more time limited actions, less depth in gameplay and story, etc.
>Makes it so the devs only focus in making skinner boxes, not actual games.
that's too bad, it sounds like a good way to save money for important things buy not buying those nugames
i have enough old games in my back catalog as it is
Dylan Davis
everything other people do affects you
literally everything
Carter Harris
Voting with your wallet doesn't work when you just need a handful of whales pumping thousands of dollars into the game to make it profitable.
Anthony Scott
Canafian hours
>posts an actual thought provoking reply
>all the shitposters just call us shitposters and don't acknowledge anything we say
Christian Lopez
>hating on mechanics that give us free maps while stupid whales burn money on cosmetics
Are you guys stupid?
Lincoln Cook
The industry goes to where the money is. It affects everyone.
Julian Hall
>Whales allow companies like EA to buy other video game companies, run them into the ground for a quick profit, and then continue the cycle
fuck off, shill, you can ask your bosses what they're doing with the money
Gabriel James
Edit: 150 billion, I missed a zero.
Still a shitload.
Jose Watson
By focusing a game around lootboxes, game design sufffers. Even those with the sense to not gamble are negatively affected by lootboxes because the games that contain them are specifically designed around them.
You are an idiot and you're mum is a lootbox buyer.
Kevin Gutierrez
>making it so games with gambling mechanics aren't accessable by kids = punishing everyone
get fucked faggot, you have no argument
Jaxon Barnes
Communism doesn't sound very fragile proof then. Easily destroyed by capitalists, easily subverted by dictators. Why should I invest in a political system with a high failure rate due to its fragility?
Carson Cooper
William Green
Maybe if their parents weren't retarded poor people they would be able to eat? Besides animals starve all the time, it is not a bad thing for humans to starve and if anything more should. Maybe it will fix our shit society.
Jose Williams
You fucking retard, Canada won the Korean War
Look up Leo Major
Isaiah Russell
I thought we mostly hated lootboxes? why would anyone want to have to gamble to get what they want (cosmetics or otherwise) as opposed to just buying it outright. Is this really just about big bad gubmint doing ANYTHING?
Nathan Taylor
>country is literally under siege
>now it's socialism
>Maduro is in charge and he nationalized everything.
pull a source from somewhere other than your ass. A hefty majority of the economy is privately owned.
Easton Reyes
So how has it affected you?
John Howard
Yeah, because that's what it's used for by EA, and not shit like Battlefront II.
Gavin Perry
I don't want this shit infecting single player games, which it is starting to.
I don't give a fuck about your free maps in the latest CoD
Jace Murphy
>Perkins gave his son a credit card for emergency expenses
it's like pottery
Adam Sanchez
You do not get to say communism has failed when the only tests so far were retardedly unscientific. You don't fairly test an economic system's soundness by allowing a previous economic system to get a thousands-of-years-long head start.
Communism being destroyed by capitalist states does not mean capitalism is a superior economic system, for two reasons:
1) If you actually wanted to make a fair judgement of which system can destroy the other, you would assign them both equal resources - not allow capitalism to start the test with a ten thousand year headstart.
2) Ultimately, which economic system can destroy the other is irrelevant to what we're really trying to figure out: which system is better for humanity? Even a basic understanding of economics should tell you that communism is. Capitalism is an inherently "anti-civilization" system. It sheds the core principle of civilization, that we should not behave selfishly but should instead act with collective selflessness so that we all end up with better lives. Communism is a more civilized form of economy: from each according to ability, to each according to need.
Isaiah Lopez
Oh I guess the commie fucks shouldnt have chosen to invade South Korea which wanted none of their commie faggotry. How dare we bomb someone invading an ally for no fucking reason. We should have nuked them like Macarthur wanted
Tyler Baker
It's that their definition of lootbox is incredibly vague and could potentially affect a lot more than just the kind of lootboxes you see in Overwatch and Battlefield.
Christian Murphy
Why is everyone only referencing booster packs from replies? Intrinsic value comments to what the fuck?
Still doesn't explain that 95% of other card packs are RNG.
Nolan Foster
What economy?
Matthew Garcia
Blake Anderson
it allows this retarded shit and retards to exist
Robert Price
>Change argument to "But they deserved it!"
Noah Nelson
>which is some people lose control of themselves and spend thousands of dollars
and that matters to me how
i mean personally i'd rather these people just die in the street or from some catastrophe, but them running out of money and then getting kicked out into the street or jail for failing to pay bills on time is passable enough
Jacob Johnson
>Hey game designer, look at how much money is being spent on this "FGO" let's do the exact same thing they're doing instead of our beloved passion project because that's what people are paying for these days.
>t. big executive who will fire anyone that disagrees
Dominic Richardson
Yes, you nigger, parents should watch and "parent" their children. Keep the card in your wallet. If the kid takes it, hit them
Jeremiah Ward
>listing cuba when they've been successful despite us sanctions
>not listing the ussr which collapsed on its own despite being the most powerful country in the world at one point
Michael Collins
And what about those who use more than they give? And more importantly, why should I, who gives more have to give part of what I earn to subsidize those who don't pull their weight?
Nolan Edwards
>Dont like x? Dont do x, even though it affects you.
Brody Hill
>lets make the drinking age 21 that'll keep liquor out of minors hands
>lets make smoking age 18 that'll keep it out of minors hands
Aaron Wood
retards will exist no matter what
even without the existence of games, retards will exist
retards exist on the highway, driving stupidly on the roads and causing accidents
but fuck, this video game thing! it makes me angry more than anything in life
John Collins
>most powerful country in the world
>collapsed on its own
american education
Jonathan Wright
>Why are people responding to are arguments all the same way?
Because they're retarded arguments that anyone thinking for two seconds could shoot down.
Christian Robinson
who was in charge in the 80s that fucked everything up
Brody Thomas
Stop trying to side track the conversation away from loot boxes you EA shill. We know a number of the Democratic nominees are retarded.
Jason Harris
yeah and you're the evidence of that
Adrian Jackson
its funny how dems always sabotage themselves, they could just be retards like conservatives and then get in office and start doing shit, or they could say off the wall garbage like felons should vote and then never get elected again
Chase Miller
>parents should police their kids 24/7
Cameron Watson
Maybe poorfag idiots who can't afford food shouldn't breed
Zachary Scott
That's not entirely how corporations work. There are plenty of niches to fill. Also, you can just make your own indie game if it's something you're passionate about instead of working for someone else.
Sebastian Cook
Yea but a wild nigger could set you're house on fire.
Noah Perry
>And what about those who use more than they give?
It'll be alright, because most people produce vastly more than they consume. We can afford for human variation. We are not worker machines.
>And more importantly, why should I, who gives more have to give part of what I earn to subsidize those who don't pull their weight?
Because selfless behavior is what civilization is all about. If you're ever struck blind or disabled in some other way, you will be very, very glad that others will pull your weight for you.
Mason Smith
i'm sorry i didn't what you said to yourself from way over here
Brayden Morgan
Joseph Jackson
Nobody's buying $500 in Kinder Eggs on their mom's credit card.
Christopher Price
Actually, before the war, North Korea asked the South to hold an election to see what the people wanted, but the South Korean government kicked out the diplomats and refused to hold the referendum.
Logan Campbell
So what if they make an offline mode and card packs in the game? Does that make it ok? SO they digitally make the loot box's into card packs like Hearthstone?
Aiden Scott
Ok, but when those games are done.
Or when most people can't just install the older games due to Microsoft being a shit.
I actually agree that it's a good way to just not spend money, but when those practices become the norm, even good franchises and devs might just give up and make their games worse to "adapt" to the new market.
Let me put it like that: I don't want the gaming industry to be like the mobile gaming industry.
Julian Morris
Same excuse for gambling. Don’t like gambling? Just don’t do it.
Luke Baker
oh my sides
do tankes actually believe this?
Brayden Scott
>felons should vote
the alternative is the government should be able to strip people of voting rights for having a nug in their car
Adam Green
Joshua Powell
>is to distribute labor and resources in such a way that the largest quantity of human happiness & wellbeing is generated.
wrong, you're arguing for literal hedonism without addressing moral foundation at all
>One in six household with children are food-insecure
sounds like parents should make better decisions
>There are many millions of children going to bed hungry tonight.
Humans live longest when close to starving.
>Providing a $2 meal to these children would tremendously impact their happiness and well-being.
giving people food doesn't address and in fact worsens systemic reliance on welfare
>There is a banker in Las Vegas currently paying $100,000 to receive a champagne shower.
and that money goes to people who then spend it, who then spend it, forever and ever
>$680,000,000,000 of food is thrown away every year in the United States because it was not purchased.
food is biodegradable and generates nutrients for more food
your argument is lifted straight from r/communism
who cares, the only point is children, who aren't yet expected to be fully-functioning members of society, shouldn't have gambling targeted at them
>advocating for hitting kids
>calling me a nigger
lel, again the argument isn't that parents shouldn't be accountable, but that games shouldn't be targeting kids with gambling.
>let's give kids free access to cigarettes and give them the opportunity to buy more
guess what nigger, gambling addiction works the same way
try forming a coherent argument besides lambasting some strawman, responsibility should be at every layer, not just parents
Joshua Jenkins
Camden Scott
cool, there's a dolphin in this picture
>but when those games are done.
i can go make my own, it's not like i don't have experience with that
i also can do music and (bad) art
Gabriel Morales
>gave us Snoy and the eternal boomer
what a retard
Brayden Kelly
>surprise mechanics
Gavin Ross
OK, what is the human purpose of an economic system, then?
To assure blissful happiness for 0.01% of people?
Eli Parker
I'm all for banning loot boxes, DLC, non-refundable early access or crowd funding, deceptive gameplay trailers, and subscription or marketplace mechanics that gate off products you have purchased or acquired.
Force developers to focus on the actual product rather than using it as a foot in the door to drain people's wallet.
Caleb Nguyen
No shit nigger, all the people defending this RNG shit are obviously fucking nig nogs.
Daniel James
Noah Rogers
Well if there is one place that respects a free and open elections its North Korea
Austin Wright
try forming yourself into a bucket of mop water, at least you'll be useful in some fashion
Zachary Brooks
>It'll be alright, because most people produce vastly more than they consume
Because they know that they keep what they earn. People are willing to tolerate losing a small portion of it to fund services they know they use (roads, transportation, electricty, etc) but they become less tolerant when it's used to directly subsidize free loaders.
Connor Harris
>Recognize his name.
>Then say "literally who".
Jordan Torres
Don't carry weed in your car then?
Carter Price
based, keep lottboxes imo. Supports developer and gets people free content updates
Josiah Lewis
>Fuck the government they can't regulate what i buy, it's my freedom of choice!
Or it's
>Well how are you gonna regulate a bunch of retards who pay for shit, if you don't do it forcefully?
So which is it? This is a slippery slope right? Aren't both kinda right? Maybe?
Charles Fisher
That'd be great if we all lived in personal vacuums, but the decisions of retarded addicts affect the rest of us.
Julian Baker
addicted to heroin? dude just stop using it lol.
Michael Barnes
>dude everyone stop making food and start making metal lol
>wait where all the food go?
Julian Hill
if this bill wasn't directly fucking over EA and ActiBlizz maybe I wouldn't be for it
but it is so it sounds phenomenal, reiposter
John Howard
I thought the premise of this was psychological manipulation? The fact that EA has patent on matchmaking based on X situation with micro transaction purchases is interesting.
Kevin Foster
>regulate a bunch of retards
You ass fuck the companies that are ass fucking the consumers.
Jordan Peterson
He's being disingenuous. Kinder eggs are a consumable chocolate egg with a bonus piece of plastic inside. It is a good, it has an obvious and inherent value. You purchase the kinder egg and receive chocolate. Even if the interior capsule contained anthrax or a brown recluse spider, at the very least you received a tangible product. Loot boxes have no value whatsoever, tangible or not. Their contents cannot be resold, traded or exchanged. They ask a price upfront as though it were a good, yet they retain all rights associated with the item. The buyer enters into the transaction with no knowledge of the outcome and in most cases are not made aware of the odds in receiving any given item. This constitutes illegal gambling.
Josiah Gonzalez
>Because they know that they keep what they earn
Do you realize you don't even come close to keeping what you earn, though?
You are already getting the fruits of your labor confiscated by an authority. They won't be giving it back to you, though.
Apparently, somewhere along the line they also took your testicles.
Charles Jenkins
Really makes you think.
Wyatt Adams
yes actually
thats the solution
the problem is that if you're using drugs in the first place then you're weak
Aaron Long
>and that money goes to people who then spend it, who then spend it, forever and ever
It's an old argument sir, but it checks out.
Christian Rogers
Weed shouldn't be illegal in the first place. We have smoking gun evidence from the "muh freedoms" party that its ban and the harsh penalties for violation are a way of targeting political interest groups.
Thomas Barnes
You can have weed with you, you just can't smoke it it's like bringing booze home from the liquor store it's not illegal to buy it and transport it same with weed
Robert Rogers
Capitalism requires regulation. Anyone who believes otherwise deserves to live in a company town slowly dying from black lung in the coal mine
Levi Nelson
It's not illegal retard Trudeau made it legal
Josiah Price
What's with these retards who think a McDonald's employee deserves the revenue the company makes?
Bentley Green
Reminder that one of the first things to go to shit under socialism is food production. Nobody wants to go through the labor involved if the government is just going to take your profits away.
>The state will do it
At 10 times the cost and 1/10th the production.
Easton Johnson
>Lawyer tries to make his best case for his client
What a monster.
Austin Barnes
Also, you own the toy that you got out of the egg, for what it's worth. From there you can trade it, sell it, do whatever. Stuff you get from lootboxes? You can't trade it, it's tied to your account. In most cases, you can't even sell your account. You own almost nothing when you "buy" an EA game.
Tyler Thomas
it's nuanced, but that's the question. Do you say "do nothing, because government can't into nuance", or "this is enough of a problem that I don't care if the solution is imperfect"
Nathan Hernandez
Thankfully we have places to put them, to lock away or perhaps imprison them, so their bullshit weakness doesnt wreck everyone else. By your logic I shouldn't even own a car because someone could give into their impulse and steal it
Matthew Johnson
But the company's primary contribution is having money.
And, in exchange for having money, it is rewarded with lots more money.
Brayden Martinez
weed shouldnt be legalized
punish retards
Dominic Mitchell
economic systems are tools to achieve some societal good, you argue that societal good is maximum happiness
I argue secularly that economic systems should enable the greatest amount of autonomy, as not all forms of happiness are the same, nor is not starving to death the same as being happy.
what do you do with your paycheck (big assumption, I know)
do you spend it, or do you hoarde it in your mattress?
don't think too hard, you might refute your whole worldview
Connor Myers
Gambling and Gambling games are inherently built around to winning/losing of money.
Lootboxes and Gacha games are built around convincing you to spend money for worthless pixels that oftentimes are vital to progress in the actual game, or are unlockables that most people would rather just fucking pay for.
The two aren't even fucking comparable.
Landon Miller
Any defense of this bullshit falls apart when you acknowledge that people working for EA acknowledge that their industry is dependent on getting children to gamble. Should a parent stop their kid from doing this if they can, obviously, but that does not absolve EA from putting that out there in the first place.
If I sell crack to children I can't go to the judge and try to throw the blame on the parents for not catching me.
Also if this was really just about continued support for the games and not squeezing every drop of blood they can out of vulnerable people they'd just make the games subscription based.
Nolan James
Easton Moore
Then let's start with you.
Robert Rivera
Just remember. If lootboxes get banned, they will simply find another worse delivery method. Sometimes the devil you know is better than the one you don't.
Aaron Ward
Never bought a lootbox (or any in-game transaction) but I still want them out of the games I play, if limiting the rights of others achieves that then I'm 100% unironically for it.
Connor Brown
>Magic mo/v/ing goalposts.
Evan Gutierrez
but mostly I agree with this
Adam Robinson
The company provides a means for you to make money.
Lincoln Hill
user please
Henry Wright
Negotiate for a better wage then. Just don't be upset when your fellow "proletariat" sells himself cheaper because burger flippers are a dime a dozen.
Juan Russell
>Capitalism requires regulation
Imagine being this retarded and confusing socialism for capitalism
Joseph Rivera
The average farmer's income would go up by a factor of about twenty if profits were distributed equitably.
Andrew Clark
When its become such a tumor its hard to ignore it.
Argue for me something worthwhile to these lootboxes that isnt "Gives company more money"
Elijah Peterson
Every gaming company was aware of how predatory some of their micro transactions were, and knew full well that if they didn't reign it in then the government was going to intervene. They opted for a quick buck instead of self regulation and now I hope they suffer for it.
Brandon Smith
t. weed smoking faggot literally on the brink of suicide
Justin Morris
And? If you start a business selling crafts, are you going to split your profits with him?
Robert Mitchell
>they will simply find another worse delivery method
Like what? Microtransactions? With holding content? Oh wait, that already happens ON TOP OF lootboxes. It literally cannot get worse. The video game industry has ALL of the worst things that could possibly happen, happening right now. It literally cannot get worse.
Andrew Howard
and how does this argument help you against lootboxes being determined gambling and regulated
you're literally just saying fucking nothing
Carson Smith
Aaron Reyes
This is a really gay post
Cooper Robinson
>they will simply find another worse delivery method.
Maybe it's a lack of imagination, but I genuinely cannot think of anything worse than MTX and lootboxes.
Lucas Adams
Are you stuck in a logic loop?
Are you going to burn out if a Wrongthink about master enters your head?
Alexander Rivera
See, it's people like this who never read history. I dont think most of you commie fags ever learned your history, nor do you have perspective of how bad shit gets without the simple recipe of human psychology.
Jayden Sanchez
Literally cannot get worse.
Luke Rodriguez
Anthony Morales
any regulation at all and suddenly it's socialism?
Chase Robinson
>spout literal propaganda
>get btfo
>move on to next piece of propaganda
William Hernandez
absolutely based
Connor Sanders
Quit talking like a businessman when you know nothing about business anyway.
Carson Hall
Government regulation is typically inept and overbearing. It's not the solution. Of all the times Yea Forums should be making fun of idiots screeching "think of the children," this is the most blatant. Kids don't have money to spend unless their parents give it to them. Parental education and responsibility is what is required. Education is easy, the ESRB has been doing that for 25 years. Getting parents to take responsibility for the way their kids spend what's given to them, that's a lot tougher in the modern world where nothing is anyone's fault and if something bad happens it's because the government didn't protect them from it.
Sebastian Miller
>any regulation at all and suddenly it's socialism?
Yes. Any ounce of having the government come in and interfere with the free market is socialism. For instance, the great depression was caused entirely by the government, and the FDR deal fucked us up even more by subsidizing our future.
Anthony Flores
aw well, at least with the banning of lootboxes, regulators will be more experienced in recognizing gambling in gaming
Nicholas Cooper
Quit talking with the corporate cock in your throat, you pathetic retard.
Evan Nguyen
>No one has time for that anymore
Why are people even playing games then? Do they really not have enough time to replay a 4-5 hour game or play for another 2-3 hours of extra content? We all know that you are shitposting, but there are actual ''people'' that thinks like this. It's mostly game jurnos that tries to spread this shitty narrative but still.
Juan Baker
>kinder eggs
At least with those there is guaranteed 100% of the time chocolate
Connor Sanchez
I think this is important regarding mobile games desu, the amount of normie male and females I seen plus my parents playing mobile phone games is hilarious.
Justin Jenkins
>You do not get to say communism has failed when the only tests so far were retardedly unscientific.
good luck "scientifically testing" an entire society. You idealistic brainlets can't even comprehend the amount of resources it takes to even produce the bread at your local supermarket or the logistics it takes to arrive there on schedule via truck. It'd be like magic to you and you want to act like gods guiding all of humanity because your head is so far up your own ass as you sit on a video game forum fantasizing about possibly "scientific testing" a social system that's just "everything is perfect".
Stop watching porn and go do something with your own life instead of fantasizing about controlling the planet.
Jace Perry
Enjoy the coal mines
Nathaniel Ward
I don't think were supposed to win wars, were supposed to just go to war for business reasons.
Bentley Nelson
Me or the commie?
Cooper Foster
Imagine living in a society where employers compete for your services and having the choice to go where you want. Oh right, we actually do live in that kind of society. Funny how that works.
Aaron Wilson
In the hypothetical you were quoting, the majority of the $100,000 champagne shower is either going into the coffers of a listed company which means it's enriching shareholders who are overwhelmingly upper and upper-middle class. Or a private company which means its directly enriching someone already rich enough to own a fucking casino the offers $100,000 champagne showers.
Do you honestly believe the majority or even a significant amount of a $100,000 goes towards enriching the strippers giving the shower? No? Wow it's almost like the wealth isn't be redistributed as keynes suggest it's agglutinating in the mega riches dragon hordes.
Brayden Miller
Children do not know how to spend money wisely. You don't have to force a child to buy something, because they'll do it anyways.
Colton Lewis
>bro just go around the world telling every single parent to not let their kids buy dumb shit bro it's not that hard
Parker Clark
I want 100% of your check, or any money you receive, every month. If you want to practice what you preach, now's the time.
Carson Brown
the moral of that story is to respect nature
which party do you think respects nature more; the party that wants to breathe new life into coal mining, run cross continental oil pipelines, doesn't believe in climate change, and actively fights renewable energy start ups, or the one that doesn't do any of that bullshit
Nicholas Morgan
>suprise mechanics
>quite ethical
Hudson Brooks
So if you provide all the tools and material for someone to make a product to sell you shouldn't get a cut of the money? Ok retard.
Andrew Brooks
>Do you deal with cancer by avoiding sunlight?
I actually do
Carson Watson
That's the problem though, why would anyone ever be a farmer? Fuck that, just get the easiest, least helpful job you can find then.
That's when the commies force people to farm by gunpoint, spoiler alert: That doesn't work either.
Connor Gomez
Yea but you're power could go off then you can't use household electronic devices anymore from an EMP attack, Natural disaster, Solar Flare, and other shit.
Brayden Walker
If you have a gambling problem:Fuck you
If you have an alcohol problem: Fuck you, drunk
If you have an opiate problem: Fuck you, junkie, no narcan
If you have are fat: Fuck you, you disgusting obese fuck
Its time to stop coddling these people. America needs to toughen up
Isaiah Turner
All of the cards in a booster pack have the same value to the makers of the game.
Robert Wright
the one that doesn't kill a bunch of sparrows and cause a nationwide famine to stroke some autist's ego about gommuism
Blake Clark
The party that doesn't make me or my family starve. That was easy.
Grayson Parker
>again with the brainless argument that can't think ahead of the curve
Charles Harris
How about the party that tells people there are 53 genders and a man can become a woman? Do they respect nature?
Christian Foster
>Government regulation is typically inept and overbearing. It's not the solution.
t. Someones who's never going to have enough money to worry about government business regulation because social mobility is burgerstan has been dropping since the 80s.
Adam Walker
companies pay wages to employees, those employees spend that money
shareholders receive dividends, and either sell them or use the dividends to buy other services or reinvest
this absurd, anvilicious notion you have about cigar-smoking moguls diving into their pools of gold coins is dishonest, all of that money is invested in someone or something, and that someone or something is either paying or being paid, and has employees.
Ethan Ramirez
Literally this, this wouldn't be a problem if people would stop fucking buying this shit. The only way to stop the heard it seems is to wrangle them in.
Carter Garcia
Yeah guys! Communism totally respects nature!
Eli Parker
The arrogance of these community college dropouts honestly baffles me.
Ryder Allen
>games going to shit
only if you buy into this garbage, retard. you need some lawman to protect you, fag?
Adrian Clark
You're debating with kids here or high school drop outs. Hardly anyone on Yea Forums knows basic economics or history. They just care about fortnite or whatever the latest game craze there is. Why do you think they like socialism? It means they can work less and play more video games while lazying about and not having to be a productive member of society. In essence, Yea Forums neets are parasites.
Brandon Mitchell
>be Nintenbro
>buy base game
>pirate DLC
Feels good.
Christian Campbell
So explain to me why it's perfectly fine for business owners to lobby the government to protect their interest, but when the government protects the interest of the people that's socialism and evil?
Wyatt Long
They can call it what they want, but the definitions on the laws being made on this shit wont allow them to weasel their way through on a lame ass technicality of "but their called "surprises", not lootboxes"
Do these fuckups think everyone's just making anti-"lootbox" laws that say nothing but "lootboxes are banned" and that's it?
Also, you don't buy kinder eggs specifically for the toy inside, it's just a bonus that comes with the chocolate.
Oliver Morgan
How is social mobility in The Caliph of Eurostan? Can any child dream of being a suicide bomber, truck murderer or Imam?
Julian Flores
This disregards:
China, which stood against outside forces while slaughtering or starving most of its population and then eventually switching to a free market
North Korea, which needs no further explanation
And the largest and most definitive form of communism attempted, the now defunct Soviet Union. Which stood in complete opposition to western influence and resisted all attempts at conversion until the bitter end.
You cannot refute this and any attempts to do so are doomed to failure. New systems of economics can be easily obtained if they succeed, as their success is completely manifest.
Matthew Flores
>Oh right, we actually do live in that kind of society
Thanks to regulation. Otherwise the country would be dotted with company towns, and you be getting paid in company bucks
Aiden Gutierrez
A common theme in every attempt at socialsim is it ending with
>wait where did the food go?
Kayden Moore
Wow big slimey "legal" man tries to skirt the rules by playing semantics. Never seen this before. If he wins off this his bonus check is going to be fat as fuck. Shit like this reminds me of the MDE video where they're talking about how these people, bankers, legal workers, they all just wander the streets and it would be wicked easy to just stab one of them to death and get away. Nothing is gonna tie you to the crime if it's random as fuck.
Noah Rodriguez
>Burger education
You're either strawmanning me or a fucking retard.
The whole thrust of the conversation is about the proportion of wealth being naturally redisributed according the Keynesian economic theory. I'd have though that obvious when I posted the fucking 20 year old Reaganomics meme.
Jacob Hughes
>It's good in theory!
>I know just how to fix it
sad part is they're not just dropouts but they still don't have a clue. but universities can't make money if they make you feel dumb now can they
Adrian Ross
Thanks to regulation.
Levi Hall
Why the fuck should I care about some dumbass parents that buy their kids dumb as shit?
They are going to waste their money with or without lootboxes you retard. And if they weren’t, why the fuck should I care otherwise?
Jack Bailey
I never regret what I purchased with loot box's or micro transactions, is it gambling? Yes it fucking is lmao video games are wholey designed around a game now it's hilarious.
Juan Rodriguez
the "rules" are just semantics, same as the reason you think any of this matters
Ethan Taylor
holy shit it's retarded. laissez faire put rat shit in sausages, childrens arms chewed up in the textile mills, and black lung in our hard working bootstrap pulling coal miners. You're delusional if you think a free market fixes that. it's just as delusional as communism.
Michael Cox
Because that way video games aren't fucked over. You know, video games? The thing you're supposed to like it you post on Yea Forums?
Lucas Rivera
Not really because most companies just hoard profits for years and use said money to smother competition.
Companies undercutting market prices for months or years to make it so the competition dies, etc.
Companies have personal accounts and VAST credit lines from several sources. Lots of money DO NOT need to be "invested" in active investments and can just stay put in investment accounts with minimal returns just so it isn't lost.
And while the gold coins pools may not exists, golden parachutes are well known and everybody is aware of those.
Thomas Price
When a business owner lobbies to the government to make more advantages for themselves, they are not being capitalists. They are being socialists, using the strong arm of the law to change stuff for their bidding. Yes, it's wrong for them to do, and Im 100% with you. But don't blame capitalism for that. That's purely human corruption, whether it was beneath socialism or capitalism. At least with capitalism, everyone gets the chance to screw others rather than a select few.
Btw, the goverment isn't there to protect your interests. Why do you want the government, a default monopoly of men and women are don't have to do much to get salaries you and I can dream of, to regulate anything they have no knowledge of? This is why net neutrality was a stupid thing to do in the first place back in 2015. We literally let a bunch of suits that dont even know what latency is decide that data should go through always without understanding the physical limitations of space and electricity.
Fuck the government. It's retarded to give one monopoly control over another, thinking it'll fix things.
Matthew Ross
>And if they weren’t, why the fuck should I care otherwise?
because less money spent on loot boxes (ideally) means less time spent on cosmetics and more time spent on content
Lincoln Wright
Pretty fucking good in Australia actually, not the best its been in the decade but better then backwards for 30 years.
Isaac Phillips
Noah Williams
>It’s very much like Smashfags that make thousands of threads to just say the same shit.
Well no shit they are all man children, I mean think about it who the fuck plays Nintendo shit over the age of 18?
Also I hope they ban Loot box's and pay to win shit.
Asher Powell
>Thanks to regulation. Otherwise the country would be dotted with company towns, and you be getting paid in company bucks
It's thanks to regulation that there's not as much innovation or businesses there can be. The moment government stops regulating any business, it starts booming overnight. We've seen this far too many times in history to have a person on Yea Forums say otherwise.
John Cooper
I started giving a shit when I saw the maths.
"Whales", in all their stupidity, are catered to by these companies in spite of them being such a small minority of consumers because they spend *so much money*.
Entire business models can be built around them and other consumers/players feelings and actions count for exactly nothing.
Thanks to the fact that "whales" are complete saps who empty their wallets at everything, it fucks everybody else in the hobby.
Nobody is going to comment on how cool and aloof you are because you want everybody else to "stop caring so much" as their hobby is overtaken by suckers and the parasites who feed off them.
Liam Perry
Nobody is buying Kinder Eggs for the toys
Carson Bailey
>all the tools and material
paid for by labor to begin with.
Henry Jenkins
So why can't you redistribute your wealth to me?
Levi Carter
Cameron Murphy
I'd rather they waste their money on other shit that isn't lootbox cancer and I'm just responding to the people saying "don't ban lootboxes bro parents just need to be more aware!" like that's ever gonna fucking happen.
Zachary Russell
Not him but the vast majority of people don't "pull their weight". There's been at best several hundred thousand people who made all the key inventions, discoveries, nation/government foundings, religion/philosophy foundings and artistic/social movements. This is against billions upon billions of people throughout all of history.
And for some reason you still believe in that bootstrapping meme? Nigga 99.9999999% of the shit you used every day didn't materialized because you "worked hard" it materialized because people more capable than you slaved their entire life into manifesting the shit you used for living and recreation before you were even a thought in your parents mind.
You don't want to subsidize those who don't pull their weight? Well it's too late user because you're already one of them.
Ryan Wilson
Aside from Tetris name me one game made by a communist nation. Hell the guy who made Tetris mainly made it to escape Russia
Henry Kelly
mhmm mhmm your favorite
Ayden Torres
Yes. Tools and material just magically appeared with no investment.
Henry Roberts
>It starts booming overnight
Well, without regulations, you could literally enslave people and make your product without any safety parameters or Quality assurance.
Whoever is poor enough to only afford your product would have to pay for it, since anything better would be much more expensive and you'd profit immensely, yes.
Matthew Torres
yes liberal democrats are the anti-environment party
definitely not the pro fossil fuels party (definitely not a position they're taking because of the millions of dollars they get donated by pro-fossil fuel special interest groups), who pretend not to notice the mounting ecological disasters surrounding us, and fight tooth and nail against any attempt to avert said ecological disasters
so dems then, right? the party that supports social programs that give food to people in shitty households through school meal programs? it would definitely be that party right, and not the one that tries to get you to believe that EVERYONE on food stamps deserves to be there, even the children who weren't asked to be brought into this world?
please tell me how the republican party, the party of people who will sell the environment out for any million dollar donation that comes their way, are the party of environmentalism. a mass extinction of species is a disaster. someone identifying as "cosmogender" is retarded. One of those is infinitely more worrying than the other, and it's definitely not the dumb teenager.
Dylan Bell
Watching corps flail and astroturf their shitty practices into relevancy, while any bored law student puts holes in their non-arguments, is the most entertaining shit ever.
Carson Harris
>wages haven't meaningfully increased for most employees in 20 years
>But company profits sure have
It's almost like there's some missing increase in wealth accumulation going on here.
I mean its not like jeff bezos is worth 155 billion but amazon doesn't pay its staff.
William Scott
based dredposter
Michael Edwards
>find out rat shit is in sasuages
>business goes under. a new one comes in and takes over
>textile mill injures people
>people either go to a new one or the textile mill has to make things safer or else lose business and rep
>lemme force people from being able to do whatever jobs they want. I won't let them make a few extra bucks. I rather they starve and have little money. At least then MY conscience would be better!
Go to hell, socialist pig
Jayden Jenkins
>Ignores how the USSR literally drained a fucking ocean or how China massacred Wingchads
Tyler Green
Kids are, hence this whole discussion. Same thing with happy meals for the longest while too.
Gavin Garcia
Hey commie fags: Why was no one ever shot in the back going over the Berlin wall into East Berlin?
James Stewart
>Tony Hawk on anything but Xbox or Dreamcast
You fucked up.
Chase Reyes
the reason we're in this energy crisis now is because hippes didn't want nuclear power you complete tard.
Samuel Jackson
>you can enslave people
I don't think you understand enslaving vs. voluntary transactions
Christian Rogers
Your argument doesn't consider the fact that the average consumer is a fucking idiot, much like yourself.
Jonathan Ramirez
Jack Davis
>The moment government stops regulating any business, it starts booming overnight
Because they stop paying their employees reasonable wages, dump waste in the fucking drinking water and generally make life miserable for everyone except the rich
Joseph Williams
Justin Murphy
>lists things the freemarket has fixed
>claims there's no way the freemarket would fix it
Jonathan Gonzalez
But that's simply not true. A good chunk of consumers don't give a shit if you hurt people or whatever as long as they get their product on the cheap.
You forget that the average US consumer is fucking stupid and is more interested in consuming.
How about all the times Chipotle has been shown to be a disgusting place with several health problems, but still get tons of clients anyways. Or the fact that everybody knows most of the cheap electronics in the US is produced by severely underpaid foreigners or even children.
Americans don't give a fuck.
Jonathan Peterson
because they didn't get caught?
Angel Kelly
I'm pretty sure any Pole could them why they'd be glad to see Commies bleed in the streets.
Ryder Ward
Shills will ignore this post.
Aaron Diaz
Well mostly because i donate to a legal charity not the house for retards.
Economically because you've provided me with no worth during the accumulation of my salary.
If for example i was a partner and you were an associate I would have to redistribute some of my wealth to you for your contractual efforts in its accumulation.
That's not in debate
The debate here is where the percentage of profits are going compared to the contribution of each party in relation to their generation.
Seriously i'm sure there's a youtube video you could watch on this macro 1000 level shit.
Michael Gomez
I came up with a conclusion a long time ago when I ran into your type of arguments. I realized why commies were always the worst people you can come in contact with.
A reasonable person has the confidence of their own worth, and thus project the possibility that others or the collective can come to their own conclusions and worth.
A commie, like yourself, is a self repressing individual who hates the world cause of his incompetence, so he views everyone else as incompetent. He can never fathom a world or a society where people can turn over bad things through their collective conscious. That's why commies were always considered negatives and were outcast as fast as possible.
You are unrealistic and naive.
Jonathan Price
In reality it was the fair labor standards act.
Matthew Carter
Are kids swiping their parents credit cards to buy tens of thousands of dollars worth of kinder eggs?
Also, those toys are a physical item so you can just buy or trade from someone else that has whatever shitty toy you want.
That;s why this shitty kinder egg comparison doesn't work.
Daniel Green
DotA loot boxes can be sold though.
Daniel Baker
Lets me go back in time and tell my dad not to buy those games for me because one day an Xbox will come out
Noah Morales
>disgusting place with several health problems
Not him and I'm just commenting on this part, but unless those health problems are literal feces and mrsa hanging out in on the kitchen counter in the back, I doubt it's anything severe. You say americans don't give a fuck, have you visited asia or even watched video? Half of europe? The world frankly doesn't give a fuck as long as it's dysentery floating in the air.
Ayden Sullivan
You said no regulations, right. Freedom is detailed in the Bill of Rights, a law, a regulation.
If you have the resources to keep someone under your power, working againist its will, you can by the simple fact of reality. You are not ALLOWED to do it due to the laws and regulations of your country.
Henry Garcia
>Economically because you've provided me with no worth during the accumulation of my salary.
Oh look at that, it's almost like people should EARN WHAT THEIR WORTH IS.
Aiden Lee
Bad administrative decisions can have disastrous effects on the environment, but those administrators can be socialist, monarchies, oligarchies, and capitalist. The most influential of the republican party don't give two shits about the environment. Screaming about how bad communist administrators can ruin the environment doesn't change the fact that we have bad capitalist administrators.
Regulations fixed that. Not rampant unchecked capitalism. Rampant unchecked capitalism was the PROBLEM.
Grayson Nguyen
Everything's black and white with you huh? No wonder you're a failure.
Ryder Green
the ESRB has never actually done anything other than act as a CYA. especially in digital download times where there is no ESRB to ever be found
Levi Campbell
as long as it's not dysentery floating in the air. Forgot a word.
Carter Gray
EA insider here, thanks for the tip.
We will now be selling packs which give you a concrete but small reward alongside the existing lootbox.
Andrew Mitchell
>You spend 0$ on lootboxes
>Retard zoomer spends 1000$
Do you see the problem here? Even if you spend no money on this shit, the zoomer will always ''out vote'' you. His vote is somewhere between 100x-1000x more powerful than yours (based on the price of the lootboxes). This is why voting with money never works, becuase whoever spends more is always more valuable and unless no one buys the product the company will still survive and continue pedaling their shitty product/buisness
This means that you would have to convince between 100-1000 other peope to not buy into this shit to have the same impact as little zoomie. But whenever ANYONE tries to argue this all you hear are the poor multimilion dollar companies and their mindless sheep cry ''muh fascism...'' or ''muh commies...''
Kevin Howard
>If you have the resources to keep someone under your power
No one in the US has the power to keep someone working. At any time, you can walk out. It happens regularly. Stop thinking you're a slave. Slaves think with a slave mentality. It's time you look in a mirror and wake up.
Easton Phillips
I don't like lootboxes, as you cannot trade what you get
That is why I don't mind TF2 crates
James Wilson
uhhhh I guess you are unaware that they sell video game account now?
Clash Royal, Apex Legends Kunai Heirloom accounts, World of Warcraft Accounts, MMO Gold, Accounts with Certain Skins and Ranked modes, The fact that mobile games make a shit ton of money, no one really cares nowdays about if it's tangible or not.
Joshua Garcia
signed by the same lobbied politicrats you're criticizing?
us commies are so funny, calling for revolution one minute and then praising the government the next
it's almost like you're actually just bourgeois
Carter Morgan
Not disagreeing with you on that front. I believe a form of accountable regulation, made by people knowledgeable on the subject needs to exist.
Caleb Flores
Well, a norovirus outbreak at the very least.
And yeah, you are just giving more examples on why safety regulations HAVE to be enforced, otherwise people will get sick left and right. Which they do in most countries that don't enforce said rules seriously.
Camden Anderson
>The most influential of the republican party don't give two shits about the environment.
Why should they cripple themselves when China and India can keep shitting out more and more trash
literally get rid of China and India and the world literally just got 100% better
Lucas Sullivan
>textile mill injures people
>people either go to a new one or the textile mill has to make things safer or else lose business and rep
Why don't you actually try learning about the fucking history of the industrial revolution and the Factory Act(s) before posting this retarded shit.
Here's the cliffnotes government regulation is what stopped people getting fucked by textile mills (and broke up their hilariously corrupt racketeering behaviour) not the 'invisible hand'.
Gavin Thompson
Capitalism is more helpful to the environment than communism.
Example: If you have a tree cutting business, how do you stay afloat?
Another example, if you're a farmer who sells meat and grain, how do you keep selling meat and grain?
Oliver Davis
The government is also an agent of the Freemarket. If they aren't providing their services properly then the people will stop paying taxes or come up with some form of rebellion.
Ethan Ramirez
What if a wild nigger burned ur house down though or robbed you? I can travel across the world and have my digital items with me at all times. Not only that give it to people across the world buying and selling.
Justin White
Account selling is against a game's tos 90% of the time, moron.
Christopher Parker
Dude, I'm using an extreme example on your "no regulations" premise.
Of course you can't do that in the US, dumbass. Because we have rules that don't allow it.
Zachary Diaz
i love surprise sex
Robert Wilson
>why safety regulations HAVE to be enforced
>otherwise people will get suck left and right
Honestly lad, I'm looking at countries like Vietnam, the Philippines, etc and those people aren't dying left and right from food.
Tyler Wood
This assumes that people are capable of long term thinking. And as we've seen with EA, corporations are not capable of that.
James Robinson
wow msn makes a crisis out of nothing
but you're probably too young to remember swine flu
or avian flu before that
Brandon Richardson
>Not really because most companies just hoard profits for years and use said money to smother competition.
>Companies undercutting market prices for months or years to make it so the competition dies, etc.
and rightfully these things are illegal in order to preserve a more idealized form of semi-free-market capitalism
> Lots of money DO NOT need to be "invested" in active investments and can just stay put in investment accounts with minimal returns just so it isn't lost.
and that's why the federal reserve is designed to adjust holding rates so that firms have an incentive to use the money
power naturally aggregates into the hands of the few, not just monetary but military and societal, all throughout history. The Pareto distribution explains that successes and failures beget additional successes and failures. Any and every system will aggregate power into the hands of the few by one method or another, it's the duty of a responsible society to acknowledge and attempt its hardest to prevent this. It's easy to see the shortcomings of a system that you're in the middle of, but it's impossible to know except through careful historic examination what it took to reach a system of even mediocre stability.
It might surprise you to know that the bulk of wage growth has been stunted by companies eating the cost of government-mandated insurance for their employees, which itself is so expensive because of outdated patent laws and unionized hospital workers, as well as malpractice insurance for private providers being ludicrously expensive.
It might also come as a shock that a surplus of labor (including illegal labor) allows companies to not increase the wages of jobs that are seen as entry level.
Cooper Gonzalez
indentured servitude is still servitude wage slave
Christopher Moore
Who are you arguing with?
Isaac Turner
>if I just ignore his point and call him names I win the argument!
Julian King
>people should EARN WHAT THEIR WORTH IS.
>Corporations artificially stagnate wages while increasing profit year on year is not representative of the worth of someones labor, which was what i said in my first fucking post.
Q E D you mindcontrolled fuck.
Gabriel Reyes
Those rules are redundant. There was no way a business ever was able to keep you from leaving. The only thing that does that is slavery, but thankfully, that time is gone. But then I run into people like yourself who think he has to keep doing things as if a gun is to his head like an idiot.
Joshua Rodriguez
That relies on the idea that the company cares about long-term profits. You could just use the resources you have until they are depleted, use the profits you made to buy a new area to exploit or even just move to another area if purchase is not required and leave the ecological and enviromental issues to the next dumbass that has to deal with it.
Josiah Butler
Imagine being a fucking corporate apologist because you claim to "hate socialism", but socialism literally only exists BECAUSE of those corporations being so absurdly greedy it sparked a cultural backlash
Carson Williams
>government regulation
>and not people fighting against the government
you're a tool and you should be ashamed of yourself
Juan Diaz
childrens were vulnerable to candies and tv before, those things were banned?
Justin Evans
Long term thinking is why businesses are still making money. You lack a big understanding of the motivation of success and money. A very big key ingredient.
Jayden Morales
>There was no way a business ever was able to keep you from leaving.
Look up what a company town is, and research what usually became of 20th century towns that only had a single local industry.
Henry Long
Nolan Rodriguez
a retard apparently
Landon Nguyen
>Heroin should be legal
>If people do Heroin, we'll put them in prison, so they're not a problem
Holy shit you're retarded
Jordan Ortiz
I think a nigger robbing you has higher chances then live services going down so digital items have better longevity.
Logan Butler
>candles and tv mentally stimulate you to want more and make terrible decisions
you niggers have never been to a casino at 3 in the morning before.
Easton Perez
Isaiah Carter
You have no idea the relationship between wages and economy in general.
Isaiah Lewis
That's not what's happening. People can be exploited and lied to without any real damage due to unethical shell game practices that have become standard. It's a great fantasy, but in reality all the screeching invisible hand SJWs won't fix much. You could argue that it's socialism's fault that it ever became too late, but get real. The old money aristocracy, merchants, and bankers would always rig the game of "let's make serfs out of each other".
Jonathan Martin
Man, are you dumb or blind
Yes, I'm not being forced into anything. I just gave you an extreme example to illustrate my argument.
You really should, you know, stop drinking your own kool aid and read before you type.
Henry Sanders
literally fascist i'm shaking rn
Thomas Richardson
Yea drugs and killing people are against the law also.
Brayden Jones
>candies and television are as bad as gambling
Not very bright, are you?
Bentley Thomas
>Isn't it weird how "pro-corporation" and "anti-corporation" are becoming political parties in and of themselves?
Not really, at this point Cyberpunk 2077 might be more of an prediction than a game.
Connor Nguyen
I can tell you're a bad businessman because that scenario rarely happens with people investing their life savings into a business that can bankrupt them if it goes wrong. You have to have an above 100 iq to be an entrepreneur, and you're not one. Thats fine, a lot of people are fit for different things.
Chase Turner
>get btfo
>start strawmanning
>calls someone else a retard
Benjamin Ortiz
I've been to a casino at 3 in the afternoon once when I was 19
I played the slots, won $250 bought some beer and that was the end of it
Adrian Garcia
Yea man, in 2019 we are bringing the fucking Irish over and making them slaves in exchange for passage. I got half of County Cork working in my textile mill
Blake Ross
>living around niggers
There's your problem
Sebastian Jenkins
Checkmate shills and bootlickers.
Connor Kelly
Cyberpunk 2020 literally has an excerpt about diversity that is coming true like it was a fucking prophecy.
Isaac Sanchez
The ESRB was created and there are several campaigns encouraging kids to NOT eat too much sugar.
In other countries, companies aren't allowed to add over a certain percentage of sugar into products aimed at children.
Evan Hernandez
Company towns were slavery, not capitalism. Aka, the abusive version of socialism.
Ayden Kelly
EA could've made long term profits if they didn't go full retard on lootboxes. Instead they kept doubling down on every get rich quick scheme in modern vidya, from on-disk DLC, to microtransactions, to lootboxes. To the point where they managed to hurt public good will enough to bring the first real look into regulation of vidya since the 90s.
Zachary Jenkins
>This thing that predates socialism and grew solely out of capitalism is actually socialism
Absolute madness.
Leo Wilson
Eli Ross
Thays literally what prison is. Once you show society you cant be trusted to wander free we lock you up. Heroin is illegal so we can lock you up. It isnt about helping people its about limiting their faggotry
Levi Myers
EA still has more money than any of us here. I don't think you have the right to criticize them.
Joseph Reed
I didn't say myself, you pompous asshole. It's just an example. Why do you guys think just because I gave an argument, it means I agree with said argument or way of doing things
Devil's advocate and all that.
Luke Hughes
The people you see at a casino at 3 AM are the saddest people, fucking crazy skiddish people, trying desperately to win something they want. They can't stop because they're addicted to the dopamine created by the lights, the sounds, the actions. Kinda like . I think the biggest difference between Loot Boxes and Casinos is that Casinos AT LEAST give you a chance of winning something of value. Loot boxes? You're pissing away your money into the void of a company's coffers that you can literally never get back no matter how hard you try.
Isaiah Flores
I think white people have better odds at killing you then live services going down.
Thomas Campbell
I don't think you know what capitalism is, and Ive grown bored of arguing with a literal kid.
Brody Bailey
>company towns weren't capitalism
Your mind on american education
Christopher Harris
>The regulation of working hours was then extended to women by an Act of 1844. The 1847 Factories Act (known as the Ten Hour Act), together with Acts in 1850 and 1853 remedying defects in the 1847 Act, met a long-standing (and by 1847 well-organised) demand by the millworkers for a ten-hour day. The Factory Acts also sought to ameliorate the conditions under which mill-children worked with requirements on ventilation, sanitation, and guarding of machinery.
Maybe consider suicide you stupid fuck. Do you think the textile mills would have given into to a single one of the requirements of any of the factories acts without direct government regulation.
Ayden Miller
Yes, thankfully after the retarded crack addict goes on a suicidal rampage killing and maiming several children we can lock them away.
You fucking self-absorbed cuck, i bet you don't even know any of your neighbours.
Jonathan Sanchez
the candies cause diabetes and overweight two things very usual in murica and i dont think compare a game that a father can control over A FUCKING KID with a casino.
Levi Parker
I think user's point is that prisons also require social resources and can be considered a bad "solution" to the addiction problem.
From what I can see, the counterpoint to the jail argument is that jails just give more expenses to society without any future return in most cases. Working to rehabilitate addicts has a better chance of turning said addicts into worker and consumers again, bringing more resources later on.
Robert Robinson
Avoiding violent rebellion is the whole point of our peaceful-transition-of-power government. The problem is money. It always has been.
>Why should we better ourselves when other people are bad?
Not only is improving on these things better for our environment, we are an influential country. If we can improve our own environmental policies, we can improve the environmental policies of other countries. Regardless, these ecological disasters are global problems, and they will require global solutions.
Which is why I don't support the party that lied to get us into Iraq, has been wanting to go to war with Iran for years, and promoted chaos in other countries to fight foreign governments by selling drugs to our own people and then using that as an excuse to arrest the leaders of its political enemies.
Weed was first made illegal because it gave Nixon an excuse to turn the wrench on his political enemies, no joke. the entire war on drugs is corrupt.
It can indeed be a force used for good if in the right hands. Which is why I agree with and support the Dems. One day that my change. One day maybe corrupt regulations get put in the place and the right answer will be to remove them, but that won't happen with the republican leadership as is, and the only real way to fight is to just not vote republican.
Liam Sanchez
The latest I've ever been was at Taito Station around midnight and watching the oldies play Pachinko
Ryder Robinson
>due to government forcing regulations on a textile mill, now not only did production costs increase, but because of the increase, fewer people could be hired and production fell
No one ever pays attention to the other part of the coin.,
Jose Ramirez
EA is the reason fucking governments are arguing about this. Because they were short sighted.
Connor Wilson
The Dems are the part of consumption and destruction, not production. Their policies all are based on using rather than creating. Ask yourself why any of them would push for their policies, and the answer is uglier than any idealism you believe.
Levi Sanchez
well this chart would look a lot different if you included 1880-1920 probably
but ideology (or "politics" as you term it) is only "self-serving" in the sense that it reinforces previously-held prejudices, and doesn't have anything to do with "rational choice".
no one really knows what's best, buddy. would you really trust someone who claims to be acting on your behalf?
Luke Green
>buy kinder egg
>open it
>it explodes in a lavish Las Vegas fanfare that's cynically designed to stimulate and arouse your senses
>there's no chocolate inside and the surprise toy is another worthless dupe
>better luck next time!
Yeah, totally not gambling and quite ethical indeed.
Andrew Reyes
Oh no we got less textiles, at the cost of less people being injured or dying
The fuck is wrong with you?
Austin Sanders
>a company was so good at making money that they got a government talking about it
Sounds better than anyone noticing you.
Jacob Long
>no chocolate inside
the egg is MADE of chocolate so your analogy is garbage