Please, Yea Forums, you're my final hope

please, Yea Forums, you're my final hope
for the last week I've been trying to remember a game which I played back when I was a smol 4-9yrs old fag. The problem is that I have no fucking clue about when I actually played it and what the name or even genre was. The only things that I remember are that this game maybe had lots of black humour, very absurd plot and was a 3rd person shooter with maybe linear level design. Everything was kinda cartoony, and story was shit but dear god I need to know which game that was. It probably came out in 2003-2009, but I have no fucking clue exactly when. Please, help me, Yea Forums, you're my only and last hope

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destroy all humans

what console


Oddworld Stranger's Wrath
or Darkwatch: Curse of the West

I dunno if it even was released on consoles but for sure I played it on a PC

Armed and Dangerous except that game has a good story

nope, nope, nope and, sadly, nope.

I think I kinda fucked up and didn't provide enough information, but this game was based in an american town, maybe in 90s maybe in 00s, I dunno. There were black people in this game, actually, I think, a lot of them, and no, this wasn't san andreas. Also, if i recall correctly, there was a lot of vomiting for some reason, maybe as a 'very funny' joke

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