please, Yea Forums, you're my final hope
for the last week I've been trying to remember a game which I played back when I was a smol 4-9yrs old fag. The problem is that I have no fucking clue about when I actually played it and what the name or even genre was. The only things that I remember are that this game maybe had lots of black humour, very absurd plot and was a 3rd person shooter with maybe linear level design. Everything was kinda cartoony, and story was shit but dear god I need to know which game that was. It probably came out in 2003-2009, but I have no fucking clue exactly when. Please, help me, Yea Forums, you're my only and last hope
Please, Yea Forums, you're my final hope
Lucas Jenkins
Camden Howard
Isaac White
destroy all humans
Nathaniel Peterson
what console
Jack Gonzalez
Daniel Cox
Oddworld Stranger's Wrath
or Darkwatch: Curse of the West
Nathan Rogers
I dunno if it even was released on consoles but for sure I played it on a PC
Zachary White
Armed and Dangerous except that game has a good story
Grayson White
nope, nope, nope and, sadly, nope.
I think I kinda fucked up and didn't provide enough information, but this game was based in an american town, maybe in 90s maybe in 00s, I dunno. There were black people in this game, actually, I think, a lot of them, and no, this wasn't san andreas. Also, if i recall correctly, there was a lot of vomiting for some reason, maybe as a 'very funny' joke
Dominic Turner
Total Overdose?