>main character loses it
Main character loses it
Other urls found in this thread:
>Inb4 500+ bump limit thread between weeb autistic fedoralords arguing the philosophy of Deathnote and Light VS L blahblahblah
Nobody cares, faggots. It's fictional. You're not L. You're not Light. You're not some 300+ super detective with autism that solves crimes for the police. You're just a regular weeb with autism who works a mediocre job and shit posts on a basket weaving yogurt eating Malaysian board with other social rejects and losers about anime and video games.
You claim to be a player but I fucked your wife
Why the fuck did Light turn into a total retard against Near?
>By the way, leave a space in the middle of the names when you write all of them down. If they don't all die, write my name in the space so they don't know I was the last person written down.
Is it that fucking hard?
I would have liked to have seen an alternate ending where Light wins. Like what would society have looked like 10 or even 20 years in the future? He already had a cult following and it was pretty much a religion at that point. I just imagine the religion becoming global, but I don't know how Light would have maintained his identity at that point. His popularity would have been way too high. At the very end of the manga you can see a large group of cult worshippers for Kira and one woman who looks just like Misa is shown.
You don't even need to go that far. Just roll up a page, put it in a tube, lube it up, and literally shove it up Mikami's ass until it's game time. If you really wanna take over the world, you gotta play as dirty as you can.
You can't ever show the bad guys winning on public television, that's illegal.
Whats there to argue about, Light was a faggot with a god complex end of story. He was also a shitty swim coach.
You must not be familar with Deatnote threads. It's nothing but Light is better than L because blah or L was superior and correct because blah.
It's mostly neckbeards and edgelords arguing over nothing.
>shitty swim coach.
I couldn't into death note because light is such an egotistical faggot. dropped it as soon as L died. He was the real protagonist.
Im not, and Im glad for it
How new are you?
>Main character uses ultimate attack on villain
>Villain seems dead
>Everyone celebrates
>Villain comes back and blows up one of the MCs friend.
this is a main character losing it thread, you and are the autistic weebs here
Holy shit how have I never seen this? This is hilarious.
>How DARE people discuss the series they like!
You can discuss, but not to an autistic level. Discussing the philosophical nature of Deathnote does nothing for you in the real world. I mean, unless you are considering killing people or you're a sociopath.
Death Note's second half isn't nearly as bad as its reputation which was mainly due to a bad anime adaptation. The differences between Nears detective style and L's are much more well pronounced in the manga
The author is a fucking hack.
Have you read platnium end?
How can your feet smell if they don't have a nose?
This. Part 2 whiners are animefags
Guess what fedora tipping faggot? You wasting your time here projecting and arguing with other faggots about why they shouldn't be discussing something does nothing for you in the real world either.
Light was right and I'm not even edgy
>Series revolves around the Protagonist vs Antagonist
>Protagonist wins
>Introduce new antagonist out of fucking nowhere just so that the series doesn't end with the protagonist winning
It was shit
I love all the chillwave tracks. When I had to wake up at 3 am to drive to work in the next town over, those were the tracks that soothed my soul on those empty, dimly lit highways. They're perfect for driving through the city at night.
Teach me how to swim, Light.
This. Most people agree criminals shouldn’t be kept alive.
I'm still disappointed with how they butchered the ending.
Not only did they remove the whole fucking point the ending was trying to make but also Ryuk literally laughing at Light as he writes his name infront of him was much more interesting scene that him just sitting somewhere and saying some monologue.
Not really. That's why jail is a thing. And death penalty barely helps lowering crime rates anyway.
Light was wrong
And fuck you
>Low of Solipsism
Yeah I agree, I like how in the manga Light squirms on the floor and begs for his life, it really contrasts the god complex that he had built up.
fucking based, how will weebs recover
I hate how they put out the hints suggesting that Light became a Shinigami. It ruins the whole point about how death is equal for everybody .
Why were M and N so shit
>thread about characters losing it
>first post is by some user who is "losing it"
It's like poetry, it rhymes.
Damn man I just binged this again. My first anime rewatch.
Sadly it's the quintessential anime superpower thriller. Nothing else really measures up
>characters express pride
This. A year after Light dies in the manga its even stated that the global crime rate had gone back up to normal like nothing had ever happened.
>Ratatosk mode
>main character knows they can kill
>main character is just an edgelord seeking conflict solely for the thrill
>Main character knows the truth exists beyond the gate
now they've lost it?
does the truth lie just beyond the gate?
>Main character is just howling in the shadows
>main character can confuse enemies
>No Yotsuba theme
I like how autistic Near was. L's thing was eating food, Mello eats chocolate, Near just plays with his fucking toys until he reaches a conclusion
based manga chads
I absolutely love it. So many little scenes, like when they're flying to Japan and his chaperone has to hold the toy he's not currently playing with. I think people would appreciate Near more if he got more scenes of just genuine interaction, but his separation from Light compared to L stopped that from happening.
Contact was fantastic.
>didn't post Kitai
Makes me want to marathon that whole show again
I really hate that meme were people describe Yea Forums as an obscure Asian nationality forum for some obscure hobby. I actually thought it was a boring shitty meme from the beginning and the fact that even the anti meme people use it just makes it worse. I hope this meme dies
i always hear the vocalist saying "faggot" in the second half instead of "fuck her"
*drums banging*
Why didn't Light just tell Mikami to keep a part a separate part of the notebook for "special occasions" if hes so worried about there being a fake in the first place?
near's team discovered the notebook by absolute luck. light had the whole game locked up, he had no reason to take extra measures because he was already clear.
i've always hated the end of death note, totally brainless ending that threw everything away.
Why did Mello give up?
But is the contract worth the price?
>implying I have a job
something about chocolate
Who’s she?
>he can't read
how about you try some sexual intercourse?
used to listen to this song so often when i was a kid, listening to it now brings back so many memories
After slightly learning mahjong I can finally ask the question of what the fuck is Akagi doing
I watched the show a long time ago and forget what the situation was but what the hell are those calls?