Give me a hug man

give me a hug man

Attached: leo.jpg (1302x733, 119K)

you son of a bitch
why did you have to remind me of this

Make me a sandwich?

Ewww that's gay

I missed the QTE and I felt so soul-crushingly bad. Something about the look on his face.

What happened to him during revelations? Truly a bro, they should've met before Ezios story was over.

Attached: nope.jpg (1280x1024, 93K)

Dunno but Ezio does train the Chinese chick Ubisoft seem to not want to use ever

I got it last second. Feels good man

>What happened to him during revelations?
he's a homosexual, who cares

She had her own game

2.5d don’t count she needs her own game. She shows up in the movie for fucks sake.

No way fag

fuck this random qtes

Yusef shows up too

I still don't understand what the fuck happened here

Attached: Retrieval_18.png (1920x1080, 1.65M)

She was a Templar

She was being racist

"the cross darkens the horizon"
Lucy was a double-agent going to betray you there and then for the apple.

Or, Ubi just asspulled then justified it later.

I never missed it

The actress fucked off and they had to come up with a last minute reason to take Lucy out of the story

This desu
Shitty last minute retcons

why the fuck would she help Desmond escape? They could just extract the position of the apple from his memories at their headquarters?

I restarted the whole mission lol

I never get why people in these threads liked modern day I always thought it sucked

Don't get me wrong I wouldn't miss it if it hadn't been there from the beginning but it still felt like poor form the way they handled moving away from it I think.

>"While Abstergo Industries was trying to locate him for the Animus Project, its overseer Warren Vidic realized that Desmond would not willingly co-operate with their plans for him, and concocted a scheme to relocate Desmond to a seemingly safer environment.
>Warren and his assistant Lucy Stillman decided that Desmond would have to leave the laboratory in Abstergo's Rome facility, in the eventuality that progress through his genetic memories would not be quick enough. From there, Lucy would contact Shaun Hastings and Rebecca Crane, two Assassins, and take Desmond to their hideout.
>Both of the Templars hoped that Desmond would feel more at ease amongst the Assassins, thus allowing him to access crucial memories more easily; particularly the ones that Abstergo desired. Lucy was then to contact Vidic once the Assassins had located the Apple of Eden.
>However, this plan would ultimately fail, due to the interference of the Isu entity Juno, who knew the true danger Lucy posed. When Desmond arrived at the Colosseum Vault, Juno influenced him into killing Lucy with his Hidden Blade as soon as he touched the Apple of Eden; insisting that he "knew very little", and that she would guide him."
aka retcons

I never get why people in most threads hare modern day I always thought it was great