>get on mic
>tell them theres 2 dudes going to A site
>"wow you sound like a girl, *huff huff*, can you talk some more?"
Get on mic
Austin Roberts
Ethan Gray
you must be 18+ to post here
Jordan Diaz
i am 18 i just have a girly voice
Carter Clark
Hey, this is the guhrom te game yos dfafdf gert
Hudson Russell
The Phantom
Exterior like fish eggs
Interior like suicide wrist rags
Gavin Wright
same thing happens to me, but instead of them saying
>can you talk some more ?
they say
>shut the fuck up faggot
makes my dick hard anyways so who cares
James Cooper
dumb debiru
Aaron Green
shut up
Ryder Collins
Jace Robinson
>not being able to pitch your voice as you wish
>having mediocre vocal chords