Why the fuck aren't you hype?

Why the fuck aren't you hype?

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I am hype but it's over 2 months away and it's already been discussed ad nauseum so just fuck off

Because Twitch already sucked the life out of it

I'm hype, its just there is nothing really new to talk about

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Twitch took the world firsts, broadcasted everything and now all the real players have are second fiddle leftovers.
That and the fact I actually did play Vanilla to death I don't really care anymore.

>I mean muh layering


>being hyped to pay for an unfinished 15 years old game
Vanilla = WoD in terms of quality

I played through classic. Then i played on a private server a few years ago and got my fix. Nu classic wow is just an official private server and will never be the same experience.

I've seen this exact same thread posted like 30 times now, is this the new "we're going home" template that they make shills post?

because I'm not going to pay a monthly subscription for a game that will never receive a new update

dead game

should have been wrath seeing how it makes a complete game storywise

Ahh home, layer 14.

>No DH or DK (best melee classes)
>have to grind to 40 for shitty 60% mount
>same old boring as fuck content
>dealing with WoW autists

Kronus 3

>MMOs in 2019

Grow up and shave.

It was a game of ' time. I think you had to play it then for the magic. I don't have the patience anymore and can imagine it being boring as fuck now

>as he posts in a thread about MMOs on a video game forum
Wow you sure told that inferior no lifer.

Warcraft 4.

Path of exile, but now its full 3d action rpg instead of isometric.

>1 button PvE
>broken PvP
>tedious grind
>15 dollars per month for a 13 year old game

The amount of knowledge available has made the game less mysterious. It's not about exploring the world, it's just about grinding to 60 as fast as possible. We sucked but we all sucked together and made friends doing it.

I expected it to be released in summer as promised but they lied to me.

>No DH or DK

Don't you want to join asmongold? Make sure he is the first level 60. Make sure he is the first one with an epic mount. Give him all the good loot. Make sure he gets scarab lord.

I sat on my rose tinted glasses and the broke, now I can't feel the excitement for it.

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DK is boring as fuck due to pruning, have you even played BFA?

DK in 3.0 versus DK in 8.0 is pretty much a different class

They should remove scarab lord due to streamers getting it for free

Why would I be hyped for a dying MMO's last desperate attempt of regaining a playerbase by pathetically trying to sell on nostalgia alone?

Just why?

This is why we won't get new good MMO's - because businesses would rather milk an old game for decades rather than develop a new thing.
No player or company wants to commit on a new game anymore, so shit like this is 'allowed'

UH DK is fun as fuck right now. And DK is better than no DK.

I'm a player that started with early TBC. Been on and off throughout every expack. I tried vanilla on the best private servers and it was fucking terrible.

The fact that Blizzard thought it was okay to remove the abomination sours me greatly

Classic will fail because everything Blizzard has done for the last many years has been a colossal failure. Why would this be any different?

DK has the worst DPS at the moment while being pruned for balance reasons, Blizzard is a fucking joke

DH is the most fun melee class (second to rogue), why the fuck would I play WoW without DH?

been there done that

No one wants to commit to a new game anymore because they tried doing that for years and it was mostly futile. A few games caught on but the rest were expensive wastes of money. The mmo market just can't sustain many games and when one does catch on it lingers for years, denying other games customers.

UH DH is OP as fuck in pvp. Currently 2300 rating as DH, DK, and Rdru without a mic.That's how OP it is.


it exists because shadowbringers is coming out this summer as well. and blizzard actually believes people want to play an ugly ass game from 04 again and want diablo on cell phones. yeah, blizzard has completely lost touch with reality.

in PVE, DK's are useless, they nerfed Blood DK's too, so we don't even get to be the best tanks, i dunno why you want DK's in Classic when Blizzard clearly hates the Class

Because there is nothing to be hype about.

I just got into XIV after years of not playing any MMOs. They're such big time commitments that they generally need to be based on an established IP to be successful. Good marketing and word of mouth is important too.

I could care less

anyone else gonna play rogue BUT be a nice boy who doesn't gank lowbies? i'll show up and /dance with them but not fight

Anyone else think they should just forget about classic and forget about expansions and just finally commit to a WoW2 with a new engine and new design to fit with current technology? Do away with factions once the queen bitch of the undead is killed off then blow up the planet like the lore has been hinting at and build a whole new "world" of Warcraft on a new planet.

Undead Rogue
Where my Shurrik bros at???

such a terrible idea, wow struck gold, it works, it has 15 years of polish and nostalgia tied to it, if they make a wow 2, it will suck, it will split the playerbase even more, it will cost way too much money and time to even come close to what they did with wow 1, it just makes no sense. there's no way they make wow 2 ever, they might do more warcraft shit but not wow 2

I'm waiting for WoW 2

Modern Blizzard
Modern playerbase

There is no way they are going to make things right. It's going to suck.

It'll be mobile


You login to classic after a busy weekend and you're standing in the Stormwind throne room but something is a bit off. King Varian is absent and in his place sits Asmongold. The Throne room is packed with people kneeling in place washing down his turds with tall glasses of his urine. As you try to exit the keep you notice that there is an enormous line reaching all the way to the trade district. People appear to be waiting to offer him free gold and items. As you make your way to the trade district you see beaten, bruised and battered characters in rags with nothing. You ask one of them how they managed to get like that and all of their answers are the same. "We dared to defy the e-celeb overlords." As you finally reach the trade district bank you are greeted by an ocean of chat bubbles, but it's not people interacting. All you can make out are people selling carries, wanting you to pay them gold to play the game. In the distance you hear a heated argument going on, there is a group standing outside of the stockades. The tank appears to be being screamed at by the healer and a mage party member. They are yelling about how he isn't pulling like he's at the MLG mythic dungeon invitational finals and that they have NO time to play WoW despite logging in and joining a dungeon group.

And then you realize you aren't home and that you can never go back.

>Twitch already sucked the life out of it
I'm gonna camp streamers until they uninstall

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Hell yes. But they need to hire developers and game designers with a decade of experience in MMOs. There are tons of implementations that can help avoid fatal mistakes, such as:
- performance and animation quality over graphics and polygon count
- netcode optimization over any other optimization
- long-term monetization schemes, such as pay-to-QOL, pay-to-play with ingame currency, or a completely free game (and monetize somehow later with non-interruptible ads or some other means, like Facebook or Telegram).

Whatever server he is on, as far the fuck away from that as I can get.

>video game forum
Faggot thinks this place is a forum. Back to trannyera where you belong.

Imagine being a classicfag. Your threads on Yea Forums struggle to get 60 posts in over an hour while Shadowbringers threads get 550+ in less than 2. Nobody cares about your game, just give up

>Yea Forums boards aren't forums, w-w-we are special;

t. furry

The fact that blizzard thought UH was acceptable to being with is a fucking mystery.

Fucking dr. pimple popper trash.

Because it releases in bumfuck nowhere 3 days before the summer fucking ends. How did they manage to delay it this long?

That's a new one, usually seething wowbabs cry tranny when confronted with the reality that their game is dying

I feel less excited after playing the beta. I don't think things are tuned correctly. Which makes me think raids could be as well

They don't want Classic to compete with 8.2 which they shit out way before its finished so they can compete with FFXIV. Blizzard's incompetence and inferiority complex can only be matched by their playerbase. They even ddos the FFXIV servers every time they release an expansion in hopes that people will give up and go back to their trashfire of a game

Raids are gonna fall over like they're nothing regardless of tuning. It's the lowbie dungeons and other elites that are way undertuned, probably some kind of undocumented casualization tuning they did in 1.12 since TBC was just around the corner at the time.

because I have a job and literally can only play 1 hour a day if I sacrifice all my twitch watching wich I will NEVER do, lmfao

>watching twitch

sitting alone and playing dank ass single player games is a dead meme nowadays, its all about spamming TriHard in twitch chats