It's challenging finding games better than ARK. It's a MP sandbox, with an economy, so the replayability, challenges (amongst PvE and PvP), and roleplaying / immersion are there.
Debate / re-assert my objective opinion.
It's challenging finding games better than ARK. It's a MP sandbox, with an economy, so the replayability, challenges (amongst PvE and PvP), and roleplaying / immersion are there.
Debate / re-assert my objective opinion.
Other urls found in this thread:
It's a retarded skinnerbox with zero skill ceiling. It's like an MMO but with much, much, much less content
Cross servers are putting characters amongst that of thousands. (Yet the servers themselves are logging-in based, so what's shown in the distance is really there.)
The options when playing are much more diverse than standard theme park MMOs.
>some neat character stats, and re-rolling
>pre-designed and custom food and drink recipes for effects
>gathering, crafting, and trading; "only keeping items via skillfulness", producing a much faster and more interesting economy (risks:rewards)
>the blueprints are defined by quality – and most of the products by the character's crafting stat – making very powerful equipment possible
>taming creatures; collecting; breeding for colors and/or stats; these are often mounts, and/or are of specific uses because of niches for resources / special abilities
It also has shooting, tactical positioning, etc., so the skillfulness potential is obvious.
Are you a marketer? If so, I implore you to reconsider your approach.
Also …
>underwater creatures and bases
what the fuck is this thread supposed to be? shill or bait?
That's setting up a weird (false) dichotomy.
It's simply truth.
if you find grinding for a large amount only to lose it to bullshit, PVE or PVP, fun. then its an ok game
but even WOW or final fantasy is a better time sink in my opinion
I thought about getting this bc it seems cool to have dinosaurs and dragons. But it looks kinda boring. How many hours do i have to sink into this before I can ride a dragon?
It potentially has a lot of bullshit; learning the controls for tames, how their AI responds / acts, etc., is sorta a lot of gameplay, especially with some taming taking a while.
Yet it's basically a F/TP RTS with how many are controllable simultaneously.
EvE Online exists and it runs better than 20fps ark.
Really, getting a discardable flyer, grabbing an egg, dropping it somewhere on being chased out, and coming back for it is plausible within an hour. Then, hatching speeds are dependant on server rates (e.g., Small Tribes – 3x), and raising is simple amongst something with AOE healing, especially automatic.
EVE is really fun, but it's hugely limited by SP.
Its limited by your imagination. You can literally do whatever the fuck you want in EvE Online.
-building is shit and resource heavy
- resource points are somewhat hard to get to and respawn time, so pvp might turn you away from the game
-getting fucked by a dino spawn when taming is no bueno
-Titan dino saying HELLO to your base was comical the first time, after that it was just a pain
-endgame is breed high stat t-rex, get them to boss node. repeat
-get fucked alot by suprise attacks
-have to feed everything and cant leave for too long or everything that you tamed dies from starvation, end game negates some of that but still
-fucking steal birds
that game have soo many rage moments
-chill pvp or safe zones
-can leave for a week
-can raid everyting for pure enjoyment or go tryhard mode
-easy to regain your losses, less if you go full tryhard with pots and whatnot
-only rage when someone cap BOB, ninjas or cant boss dance
That's a really mediocre comeback with how prevalent and obvious the criticisms for SP are.
*Everything* is affected by it.
>ranges (targeting, shooting, healing, etc.)
>capacitor (energy)
>reduction of overheating negatives
>fitting modules to ships
>availability, effects, and minimization of negatives from drugs
>scanning accuracy and speed (relevant for both PvE and making money, and PvP and locating ships)
>(viability of …)
>hacking, a newbie-esque method of funding
>marketing, skills producing exactly how many buying- and selling-orders are possible, how far things are purchasable and sellable, how much taxes are for trading …
>industry, defined by character statistics for different types of refining, compressing, classes of modules and ships …
Even beyond PvP, simple industrialness at any aspect of competitive markets are very specific margins according to the fact that many characters are very efficient.
It's designed for maxed stats.
There was a 2x gamemode on official, and the rates were really reasonable. I'm on 3x now, but here are some images. Even 2 characters going simultaneously is so much more reasonable, mostly because tribes are simply a standard …
Furthermore, making a scoped Longneck and having some sniping fun at obelisks, potentially getting cryopods with tames, is really simple.
Titans are obviously powerful, but it benefits strategy in placing bases … They're also somewhat simple (temporary) tames.
The Rex meta is OK.
Keeping animals fed is simple.
"Steel" birds are of similar stats to other types, but the highest levels (instead of 150) are found at 180.
How much are they paying you to shill here bud
LMAO fuck off cunt!
Getting paid seems welcomed. I'm feeling as if I'm owning everything anyway.
Specific maps are selectable.
Ragnarok is really great for levels of creatures, and variety.
I'm really enjoying SE for OrgPoly and the graphics.
Extinction has crystal and titans.
The flyer nerf and cross server transfers utterly ruined the entire game
It's trash now. There was once a good, core loop and thrill at the thought of rising to the top of a server and taming the deadliest things on the map, but it's all been ruined by massive server wiping chinese players and out-of-place purple alien things shitting up the old maps.
Are official servers still dominated by a few mega tribes? and do you still have to suck their dick in chat if you wish to play?
The only way to enjoy this game is playing in your own local server
x50 taming rate (wait 5 hours to tame a rex its just shit, and some dinos are much worse)
x10 harvest rate if you want to build without losing so much time
x10 exp
Also you don't get random atacks from the "alpha" tribes like in PvP or every good spot occupied like the PvE ones
In my first server (pvp) i used to have a very well defended base with many shooting plants enough to even scare a rex, but then the retarded devs decided tu put the fucking giga in the game HOLY SHIT my base got destroyed to the ground level shortly after
I feel you on a spiritual level user
Flyer's speed stats were meta though. Now, specific flyers are available with speed capabilities (the Snow Owl, Managarmr, etc.).
Cross server transfers are huge for diversity and thus depth. "Small Tribes" exists also.
It's 01:09:59 on 2x with very-available mutton – 00:47:59 on 3x.
>friend buys this meme shit
>full price because maxi retard
>"lol ark is the best game ever bro forget mineycrafta or terraria the grahpics are sweet bro"
>"oh btw can you put it on your server because the gooks just kill everyone"
How about no. If i want a survival game i'll play Long Dark.
The game is not really PvP, most people are scared to fight each other because they fear to lose everything if they atack the wrong person
It's more about having lots of resources and powerful blueprints / items, for me (on official), the potential of (scheduled / rules-enforced) PvPing …
PvP happens a lot, specifically raiding bases, and versing randoms.
It's basically DayZ, but with way quicker options for mounts and consistency of equipment.
Say what you will about Ark, but the sheer planning, effort and satisfaction of co-ordinating your first Quetzal tame was something extraordinary in gaming.
I'm sure there's some far easier way to do it now that the games had like three or four expansions, but when I did it, it was just me and a buddy with an Argentavis, hoping, praying our tranquiliser darts wouldn't run out before the thing fell from the sky, and praying even more that it wouldn't land in a place where it wasn't instantly massacred by everything else on the map, then setting up defences around it, waiting for like an hour, still hoping nothing's going to go wrong or the servers not going to crash, and then finally taming it.
But raiding bases tend to happen when the base owner is sleep, so its in fact PvE, also the raiders often avoid killing the dinos to hide their names
Its just too difficuld to recover if you are raided, takes like 100 hours to have a good base + a good dino/food farm, lose it during your sleep its just too much.
you spam this shit daily, stop
Lmao i just buy one for 20.000 pieces of metal
The game is plagued with poor performance and content isn't sufficiently tested before release. Extinction was rushed because they would make more money from the next, non-season-pass expansion.
I give them a pass on poor resource-requirement costs and awful AI, but the game lacking difficulty even if you're a solo player once you get established kills my interest and has made me decide to wait for when a similar game is made with better tech and by an actually competent company.
>still no deep ocean survival map
It's possible always having somebody online. … Timezones.
Setting up metal buildings and gates and turrets amongst 3ish characters is plausibly an hour or two.
Reminds me of that lionhead game that never came out, B.C
But can you fuck dinosaurs?
I used to play alone, not everyone has friends.
Fucking astroturfers
Been thinking about picking up Ark for a while.
Is it worth it if i will be playing completely alone?
Avoid PvP server
i never do. I tend to play these game as more of a zen garden alone.
This. Game. Is.Broken. To. The. Core
If you allow this games physics and model clipping etc, etc ,etc ,etc to exist,
you are the PROBLEM, FUCK YOU.
Rust is the more popular game.
Is performace still shit? Couldnt get stable 60 fps so I uninstalled years ago
PS: Freebie maps.
Yeah, Yea Forums playing together has a lot of potential.
It's cheap on keysites.
PvP is a lot of the fun.
A mega tribe of neets would be unstoppable kek
what the fuck is this thread?
ARK is a piece of trash only truly fun when you pile on so many mods its not even the same game, run by retard devs that are so greedy it makes the jews sad, what more is there to say?
>someone unironically on this board defends and loves ark
>>>/arguments existing/
friendly reminder that this is a shill that usually spams ark threads and mods delete his threads
report and move on
After 8600 official server hours in Ark, I don't think of it as being so much fun anymore as an endless grind I keep returning to. There is a fair amount of replayability but I think the time required for taming or breeding still puts many newer players off, spending some hours taming multiple dinos is fine for me but horrible for players without kibble farms.
Also those triangle foundations let you (through some fuckery) mesh and place where pillars or other structures can't go so I've been taking advantage of that on the most broken map.
Surprisingly there have been a fair number of stealth hole fixes, but it's still not hard to stop turrets from firing if you know how or get pushed through a wall as a group and the new dino already made meshing easier.
I liked being 100 melee points (298% sword/pike) and the rest into health and rushing snipers wielding 8k riot shields / destroying their flak before the plant Z weight change the other day.
The new free map is pretty looking and seems to give mastercraft loot often so that's nice.
You are a paid shill. Fuck off. Its a known fact that the ark devs shill here
wow you sure are brilliant for shutting me down especially considering I wasn't even fucking trying to debate or argue against your shitty stance about a video game
The redesigned kibbles are interesting.
>Scorpiuses or Velos for Doeds, Ankys, etc.
There is one question I have always wondered, is it just me or is the game menu the true final boss?
I can spend as many hours ingame as I like (more or less) but maybe 40% of all server connections end in timeout or snapshot_10/16.