>Beloved franchise comes back after years of being gone
>it was a huge mistake and tarnishes its legacy for ever
Beloved franchise comes back after years of being gone
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Snowboard Kids?
I feel like that's the norm, not the exception.
did anyone even like his new show? I felt it was literally just futurama with worse characters and in a much less interesting and varied setting
I have yet to encounter a single soul that actually likes Disenchantment
Futurama has no good rule 34.
you mean god of war right? because Gears works too
If we're bringing up cartoons, sadly... Samurai Jack. But the times we had on these Yea Forums stickies along all the other crossboarders were well worth it
You mean seasons 5-7?
Of course I mean God of War, but Gears of War also. Shit just drifted so far from what made it good.
are those the comedy central era episodes? because holy shit those were bad
Miles better than Simpsons episodes of the same era at least
Futurama came back and btfo everyone every time
I dunno man, the time machine episode is my favorite.
the new sam jack was amazing fuck off nerd
Mega Man managed to pull it off.
So pic not related?
the legacy isn't tarnished. Just like simpsons first 10 seasons are classics, so are futurama's 4 (or 5 depending on how you're counting)
for the first episode maybe
the new seasons were worse than the original ones
No you fuck off SJ S5 went to shit after episode 3.
>10 seasons
7, 8 if you're generous. I'm also assuming the fifth season you're referring to is the four movies.
So can we finally admit there was a point where Futurama started sucking and that it wasn’t a great show from start to finish?
finally? that was a fact and apparent since the “eye phone” episode
>it’s sucking up all the energy around it!
>just like the Kardashians!
this is what nu Futurama thought was good writing
the original run was aired in 5 broadcast seasons
If it was just the first 3 episodes and then he fights Aku in a proper battle it would have been GOAT, but the pacing got fucking retarded, Ashi being such a huge element ruined the whole point of Samurai Jack, and the finale was an embarrassment. The scotsman's role was ludicrous and easily the stupidest thing in the series, they would have been better off not bringing him back at all.
I barely even watched Jack when it aired on cartoon network and even I felt let down
Yeah, it fell into the lazy ZombieSimpsons mold.
I played that game with a cheat device when I was youngish and don't remember much of it. Was it good?
remakes and remasters