What are your honest thoughts on EA?

What are your honest thoughts on EA?

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they are based because reddit hates them and i hate reddit therefore all of my views are the exact opposite to redditors/normalfags, this is also where all my self-worth comes from.

casinos could avoid so much hassle switching from gambling to surprise mechanics

The idea itself is not bad, the way EA implemented it is greedy and shit, gacha games have done this for years and many people enjoy those sort of games without being the guy who spent 5000$ because he wanted his waifu and couldn't pull her

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They are based because everyone hates them and I hate everyone.

>many people enjoy those sort of games
are you seriously defending lootboxes because your jpg simulator does them?

Fuck EA and Fuck the povertyball addicts who keep them in business.

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it's not rape, it's surprise sex, and it's quite ethical

>surprise mechanics

Holy shit my sides, that’s amazing

imagine being this donk destroyed about suprise mechanics, reddit really is going nuts over this lootbox boogeyman.

they died on 1999

>quite ethicals
My fucking sides.

They're a movie-villain-tier soul-sucking corporation. Need for Speed has some good games, though.

Hey guys want to go surprising this weekend?

They're the absolute bottom of the barrel in the video game industry

Short for the horned reaper

>it's not me squatting over your head and squeezing a greasy brown shit into your mouth bro it's called a surprise hershey kiss and it's pretty ethical

They're pure evil scum
dEAth to EA

they seem like "very stable genuises".


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Weren't they literally just acting all proud of themselves for not doing loot boxes and shit last E3

i don't know, is gambling unethical? I mean the bible says it's bad, but is it really?

it is unethical to aim it at people who they know are statistically unable to resist.

>Weren't they literally just acting all proud of themselves for not doing loot boxes and shit last E3
guess it will have ethical surprise mechanics instead

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It's stupid to equate loot boxes to gambling because they're not. There are some similarities sure but they're also different enough that any such attempt will just end up as a pointless argument in semantics. That of course doesn't mean you can't ban or regulate them, but you should simply go after them specifically so EA and the likes won't find clever ways to weasel out it. Their lawyers are smarter and more diligent than gamers and our (few) allies anyway so we shouldn't give them any wiggle room.

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It’s not arson, it’s unconventional heating, and it’s quite ethical.

you make fun of it but there are real people like that

>non limited alt

I sometime don't understand Cygames logic.

fuck them for gutting westwood

please come back !

isnt that the shitty website that got sued by some ex breitbart writer for slander and were forced to pay him shit loads and issue a retraction for straight up lying lol

Imagine being so careless of society and driven by greed to reach this type of mentality.

Geniuses, who combined two time-honored American methods of achieving wealth: selling stupid shit to normies (same game every 2 years), and exploiting retards(loot boxes and MT)

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This conceptualization that some people are "unable to resist" is an ethical problem though. I mean, isn't ethics about making choices? Therefore it's unethical to take people's choice away.
Ergo, lootboxes are "quite ethical"

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