Explain FF to a zoomer

I'm 19, never played Final Fantasy, haven't got a clue what it means. All I know is there's a ton of remakes and FFXV apparently sucks ass. Enlighten me - what are the best entry titles?

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FFXV is pretty good

>Enlighten me - what are the best entry titles?

4, 5, or 6 are good entry titles.

Best versions to play each game
1 - PSP
2 - PSP
3 - Steam
4 - PSP
5 - GBA
6 - GBA
7/8/9 - the HD versions
10/10-2 - HD Remaster
12 - Zodiac Age
13/13-2/LR - PS3
15 - Royal Edition. But be warned, the story is unfinished, combat is Hold O to win (webm is from THE FINAL DUNGEON) because the director wanted to pander to casuals, empty open world, and poorly developed characters.

and for some reason my Webm did not load

Attached: Hold O to Win.webm (640x360, 2.66M)

Just fucking play one you dumb zoomer?
They have ports out the ass and you probably won't have the patience for FF1-7.

Play FFX and see if you like it. If you do, great, go play 7, 8 and 9.

start with FFX, literally the only good one

>13/13-2/LR - PS3
why would you play the ps3 versions over the pc versions?

6 and 7 are the only ones that really matter.


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It's a series of 15 games not counting spin offs with a horrifically inaccurate name.

7 is the absolute beginner entry title, then play 8 and 9

If you like retro stuff more, play 4 or 6, then 9

If you want better graphics then play FFX/X2 remaster

Avoid XIII at all costs

>if you want to learn all the details about a game's lore and story, you have to read / watch supplementary material
I hate it when games do that
Only FF I ever played was 7 a few years back when everyone was hyping it up, but I never even got through what the game considers the first phase
I might pick it back up again

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4 7 8 10 12 tactics maybe 6 and 9 skip the rest

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>I hate it when games do that

and guess what FF15 does.
1 CGI movie
A 6 episode OVA
3 $6 character episodes
$10 multiplayer DLC
$15 upgrade DLC
A $12 character episode
An OVA prequel to the $12 character episode
A Novel

to understand the full story of FFXV. It's a fucking mess.

To elaborate, 7 is what everyone started with back in the day. Dated by today's sensibilities but groundbreaking for its time. 8 is polarizing but has good music.

4 has a classic knight's tale and hard battles, 6 is an ensemble story and the peak of the classic games. 9 is a throwback to that era.

FFX is what a lot of late millenials played, has better graphics and a heartfelt, non edgy story.

FFXII plays like an MMO and has an epic, classical fantasy story. Just ignore Vaan acting like a kid, that's his problem

XIII is a retread of FF7 that failed hard

FF games are simply JRPGs.

Each FF game is individual, they are not related storywise.

Each FF game has a unique battle or skill system, there is always change and innovation and each FF game has its own flavor. They are also stylistically very different, e.g. some more serious, some more lighthearted, different settings etc.

The FF games are known for their good graphics, story and polish. Each FF game definitely has this "FF-Feel to" it.

Which FF game is the best / worst is subject of lots of debate, its a matter of taste since they are quite different.

>Enlighten me

>on Yea Forums


lurk moar

faggot OP

This. It also depends on which one was your first.

>all things that could've been in the game
>decide to make it an open world fetch quest sim instead
>literally cut finished content like the bachelor party for autistic reasons
>the art and world design team was actually lectured to make the world look bland and boring
what the absolute fuck were they thinking?

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6 7 8 9
All good games
12 is pretty good too

10 is not bad but 10-2 is
13 is Square-Enix trying to polish a turd. It might have nice graphics but you can still smell the shit
15 is extreme pre-teenager pencil eyebrows weebgrunge stupid unlikeable characters shitty unchallenging and downright boring gameplay just like 13

>never played Final Fantasy
>he believes age has to do with it

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nobody mentioned buying anything, you frantic tit

I don't know user, people have been helping me quite well here. perhaps you're either just jaded or trying too hard to fit in

this makes sense, thanks. judging by other posts I'll probably check out FF7 remake and see what I think. then maybe try the older titles

jesus that's terrible. yeah, I like DMC games so i'm hoping there's some challenge in FF. most repetitive RPG games bore me desu

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They wanted it to be a success while removing anything remotely charming or unique


Fuck. Off.

nigga don't wait that long

>so i'm hoping there's some challenge in FF

you will not get that in FF15.

When you get to 0 HP, you have around 6 seconds to have your 0 HP character use a basic ass healing item on themselves to get back into the fight.

That is how easy/casual pandering FF15 is. Just like how the director wanted it

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VII has been and always will be the best entry title
Play Dragon Quest instead honestly, FF's good to bad game ratio is a bit suspect and it is loaded with anime tropes (which is why KH is an FF spin-off)

10 is to me "the" Final Fantasy. I like some other ones more, but if you need to be explained what FF plays like, what type of characters there are, and the general presentation and style of today's FF, it's 10.
The older 3d games also have a visual style that's suffered a lot. Even with nostalgia glasses, just ouch. And I'm sure zoomers don't enjoy the 2d ones.

If you want to try something with better graphics, play 13-2 instead of 13 or 15. Though it's almost not even Final Fantasy, it's basically FF/Pokemon with time traveling.

If you haven't played other JRPGs and want something more recent, I'd recommend Tales of Vesperia and Dragon Quest XI.

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>The older 3d games also have a visual style that's suffered a lot
in principle they look good, the problem is that the 2D prerendered backgrounds look bad on todays high resolutions.

Why are zoomers such annoying little try hard faggots?

You're too young to be able to play ff1, that shit was cool as hell when there was nothing else, now there's no way in hell I am spending five or ten hours grinding away so I can buy the silver sword early game. A lot of the value of this series is due to nostalgia.

Is there any reason to play FF XV instead of just watching it as a movie on youtube?

>Is there any reason to play FF XV instead of just watching it as a movie on youtube?

nope and I am saying this as someone who has beaten the game AND got the Platinum trophy (it's an Easy Platinum)

I hate FFXV but I almost bought Kingsglaive because Nyx makes me so wet like, actually soaked underwear. Literally soaked, saturated

2 had a interesting villian but i don't remember so good if the story itself was good.

4: one of my favorites and it's the first one which had a story that could grab you.

7: has a great story and it's a lot of peoples favorite because it was baby's first rpg.

8: is great in the world building and some character development but it has a shitty draw mechanic a lot of people hate, story is decent.

10: has great story pacing and character development and the skill tree is really good if you are invested. You will love the minigame if you like how it's work. The dungeon's are kinda shit with their puzzles. Their not hard but just shit.

13: Well some people like it some hate it. Gameplay is okay. Story is a hit or miss, it depends if you like the world and the villain of the games.

15: Easy gameplay (see ).
It has no world building. You can't exactly choose when to summon ( there are conditions to met but if you got them you most likley killed all enemys.)
Only positive thing i can say about the game is the Party relationship is one of the best made in a Final Fantasy you will actually like the guys if you spend time with them and it has one of the best villians in a FF game. All sidecharacters are shit and have nearly no devlopment if you don't pay for the dlc or royal edition.

If you don't like round based combat get Crisis Core on a PSP emulator or the PSP itself if you have one. It has a really great story, character development and gameplay. It's not as long as other FF games tho but it's still worth it and if you liked it enough you will maybe play FF7 because it's a prequel to it.

If you want it on console or PC without an emulator get FF type 0 HD:
Great Story (But you have to play it two times two understand everything. The second playthorugh has new cutsences and missions. You can play 14 different characters. Each of them with unique gameplay. Better then 15-
The soundtrack is amazing in every FF if you thought about that.

>jesus that's terrible. yeah,
this video is misleading. in literally every other FF game you can also just hold attack and win.

FF is not worth it, they started trying hard on narative to not be a dragon quest copycat and the story is your usual serious story you see in edgy anime for 14 year old kids and some drama mixed in.
Also, for today's standard with how strong the narratives are, the final fantasy games can seem very weak in that aspect, so there's not much point on playing them.
But if you want to, the only ones that can be considered good are VI, VII and IX and maybe V, but that's not as FF.

FF is an interesting fantasy RPG series mixed with various different elements & battle systems, making each entry unique. Everything from high fantasy to sci-fi to steampunk to dieselpunk is an additional genre added to certain entries.

There are in the mainline entries, 13 single player games and 2 MMOs. Excluding the MMO's expansion packs there are 8 main entries that have a sequel/midquel/prequel. There's also a shit ton of spin-offs that range from 60-hour singple player RPGs, to online focused games, to Mobages.
There is also an underlying continuity between each entry that is there mainly for the die-hards to figure out the lore of. However the vast majority just treat each entry individually, as such the FF fanbase is mostly split since each one is so different (akin to Sonic's "Modern vs Classic" fan rivalry).

Most people here on Yea Forums will tell you to try their childhood favorite, but there's an undercurrent of bias. So the best advice I can give is try each one and see how it feels. There are a ton of remakes, so if when trying one seems cool but plays badly for you, try a remake of it.

Not in 12, in that one you can win without pressing any buttons

>usual serious story you see in edgy anime for 14 year old kids and some drama mixed in.
It works though. When Ignis got injured, that was genuinely fucked up and it was shown very well. The fact that he's the driver made you believe that there's no way the game can just cut him out like this.

just so you know the FF7 Remake will only have the Midgar part of the original which was lik 5-10% of the original. It will be as long as a full FF game but it won't have the full story it will come out in episodes. So if you wanted to wait for that don't do it play another FF game befor that.

In 1987, a Japanese video game developer kept failing to make good games, so they bet it all on ripping off Dragon Quest and adding D&D classes. It was their "final fantasy." And it was a hit.

Not wanting to beat a dead horse, they tried making a new game but tackled things a little differently: it would be character/story-driven, instead of killing monsters to level classes you'd level individual stats by simply using them, several new mechanics were added, and the entire game's aesthetic was washed out and injected with downers. They didn't know what to call it, so they called it Final Fantasy II, even though it was an unrelated game.

Then they made the original game again, but instead of having characters be fixed jobs, they could instead change jobs on the fly.

Then they tried a character-driven game again but actually gave the characters character.

Then they made one that was both character-driven and had jobs.

All that cartoony/job shit started feeling outdated, so they instead went all in on the characters again, but this time setting the game in a not-medieval magitek world. One of the artists really impressed everyone, so-

They let that artist make his own game so he made VI again but better.

They let him make two more of his own games, but they were worse. They also let their old artist lead a game which only critics liked. Then, because Everquest was huge, they made an MMO. It was popular, but popular meant something different back then.

Then they made a single-player game inspired by the MMO. It was...

Then they remade VII with a girl. Everyone hated it.

Then they tried making a new MMO by reusing some ideas from their first MMO, but also treading new ground. Everyone hated it, so they shut it down and rereleased it as a WoW clone wearing FFXI's skin like a suit. It was a commercial success.

Then they made an action-RPG/boy band simulator. Afraid everyone would hate it, they added open areas for hunting monsters.

and in 8, you may have no other choice.

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I won't tell you which is the best, but i'll tell you the ones worth playing


there, if you don't mind something more automated with less focus, 12 is decent too. 14 is great but it's an MMO so take that into account.