>buy The Witcher 1 for 2 dollars on steam >install it >play for 20 minutes >WTF is this swordplay >delete it, refund it for something else >now I wanna play Witcher 2 and 3 since they're memed so much
Should I give this another shot? Do you need to play this to understand the later games, or are they ALL just not worth it?
>install game >attention span runs out so I don't read the tutorial >call game bad on the internet based and zoomerpilled
Ryan Powell
>2 dollars is that why there's been so many witcher 1 dumb threads lately, was wondering what was up
Kevin Long
Hunter Nguyen
Your mother sucks dwarf cock.
Witcher 1 has dogshit "swordplay" because it uses the same engine as Neverwinter Nights, which is an isometric RPG game, AKA you aren't going to get dark souls combat. It's more like Runescape where you load up on buffs, click the enemy to engage the fight and then occasionally click in a rhythm. Instead of prayer-switching though, you're doing timed QTE combos.
With all that said, it's an incredible game for reasons other than gameplay and it's the only Witcher game i've ever actually finished. Also the first act boss will fuck you but it's easy streets after that.
Nathaniel Baker
oh nice, when I played it I thought it felt like NWN but didn't think it was literally the same engine
it's meant for when you were younger and had little else to play
Luke Parker
You are going to want to get a sprint mod for chapter 2/3 if you plan on going back to W1
Owen Lewis
Why do so many Witcher fans get bent out of shape when the combat is brought up ? in a game like the Wither majority of the gameplay is fighting enemies that has to be entertaining to most people the NWN style of gameplay is basically a QTE, some people just prefer the "hit the button and avatar swings weapon" style of gameplay. I'm not saying that this makes TW bad or even other styles like turn battle or point click battle, however as far as games have come people seem to gravitate towards actual active battle systems even CDPR themselves felt the need to change it for 2-3 so I don't see why people are dismissed or trolled for not liking TW1 sworldplay.
Anthony Scott
Witchery 2 was good and 3 kind of appeals to a bigger crowd
Kayden Phillips
I uninstalled it quickly after playing it for a few minutes the first time, then I played 2 for a second time and went back to 1 because I was interested in the characters, and now 1 is in my top 10. Combat is awful in all of them. 1>2>
2 and 3's combat isn't even better than 1 in a lot of cases. 3 is a buggy mess with among the worst AI in gaming and tens of ways to cheese and break every encounter in the game. 2 is a massive step up from 3 but has similar issues like Quen spam and dodge rolling everything. The weapon swings are really slow and unsatisfying, though. 1 is just boring because you basically just press left click over and over again with different timings, but at least everything about it works exactly like it should. I don't remember many encounters that were actually buggy except for the vines in the swamp that one shot you iirc.
Kevin Rodriguez
>tfw 2 made it shit and 3 didn't even include it
makes me sad
Hunter Smith
It bothers me to hear it was replaced by a card game that isn't even trying to be immersive, as it uses fucking in-game characters as card art. It's such a comfy game, the only bad thing about it was the AI. But it was a neat way to make money.
The only thing I would change to "improve" it is to be able to throw dice manually, i.e. click on dice, and drag it across the screen to drop it. Maybe it would get annoying, who knows.
because most people use the combat as a crutch to dismiss the entire game instead of admitting they are just complete plebs like the OP.
Samuel Garcia
>The only thing I would change to "improve" it is to be able to throw dice manually, i.e. click on dice, and drag it across the screen to drop it. Maybe it would get annoying, who knows.
The second game did that. But the sensitivity was so awful and most of the time you'd end up throwing one or two off the board and lose it. Plus in 2 you couldn't play for a decent amount of money which made it even less fun.