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>no ape escape 4
thats crazy considering technology to make your own disc art does not exists
looks fake af
Why no art?
I remember when I used to put cd labels on my pirated CDs to make them feel like the real deal. Good tilmes
No that would mean PC won retard.
All switch can get is timed exclusives.
Bitch, even the Slimes will wear hijab
Okay, now THIS was epic
Why are nintendo shills letting this slide?
I hope you can upgrade your old copy with DLC.
this thread is proof that literally 0 of you actually bought the physical version of DQXI, and I didn't either and I had to sit through some faggots unboxing video just to find it.
What are we seeing?
The one in the op is a promotionnal disk though and not a final one, it's literally written on it
the disc art is nothing like OP's badly made white disc that only has the logo on it.
What am I supposed to be looking at here?
Why would they do that when they can charge full price for anyone who cares?
Again, it's a fucking promotionnal disk
Um... hey buddy, do you know what a promotional disc is?
>you can literally make a CD label in 20 seconds
>this is especially true when you don't have to worry about art and just put a bunch of text
>every one immediately thinks this is real
I get this is the same board that falls for every single text leak that comes up on here, but come on, be better than this.
Holy fucking SEETHE
It'd be extremely disappointing if the XI S content didn't come to PC and PS4 in some way. Would make me reluctant to buy another game from them on those platforms.
consoles get exclusive content all the time though... like the PS4 version of CTR is getting exclusive costumes and things like that
I'd say PC won, and people who aren't buying it for the 2nd time on PS4 won.
Still getting it on the Switch so I can lay back and be a lazy twat.
It's over...
all the Switch version is actually adding is the content from the 3DS version of the game that never released in the US. The PC version will probably have people mod in the fixed soundtrack, and the extra stories will probably be online the same day the game releases
Considering the steamdb page of dqxi has dozen hidden dlcs it wouldn't be surprising.
A terrible fake.
OMG why all Sony zealots is so entitle these days.
>no all third party games need to come to your console
>no all third party games need to be stay exclusive only at yours
I’m mainly Switch gamer though I have PS4 and PC too and I don’t like you guys who keep whinning when Nicalis release 2 games I previously bought at PC in Switch with additional exclusive content.
They are nuns you fuck
Ps4 gets exclusive content for a reason, no reason switch would.
based ape escape poster
Let nintendies shitpost. Their comeuppance will be all the better.
Sure kid.
Feel free to post all this proof you keep saying you have.
Pretty embarassing cope honestly.
We're over here discussing the possibilities of extra content for the PC and PS4 versions and you guys are just shitposting.
Maybe because the Nintendo versions of DQ games have ALWAYS gotten exclusive content, especially if they come later than the originals
>comparing photoshop to real world object
A retarded post from a retarded poster.
>print a photoshop
>it becomes a real world object
Shit, am I a 300 IQ genius or WHAT?
>comparing a decade old remake to current game
all I see here is the same crying that happened back when Square originally announced the Switch version was getting exclusive content. Heck, since it's been announced we've seen people saying "I-it's going to come to PS4 and PC eventually I SWEAR!!!!" and then when it doesn't you guys will act like Square betrayed you
>VIII 3ds
Nice, exclusive censorship
>I-it doesn't count because I SAY SO
I literally posted proof.
21 upcoming dlcs. COPE.
similar to 11 however, it also added new story content, new characters and added a feature to speed up battles.
>10 months ago
Keep begging Snoyfag.
Yep exactly. The guy gotta cope.
Yeah, a remake of a ps2 game, not a current game.
most likely it's just going to be soundtrack stuff, like it will let you download soundtracks to previous DQ games(including spinoffs) along with the updated 11 soundtrack
>all this damage control and cope
It's going to be another BTFO jamboree a few months from now when SE, fucking SE, does the unthinkable and releases a multiplat to make more shekles.
switch gets exclusive content all the time, heck later ports of most games to any system are basically required to add exclusive content so they can get people to justify purchasing it. It's stupid when it happens, and it wouldn't be excusable if they came out at the same time, but they didn't
I think it's more a case of nobody gives a fucking shit, but it's fun to post things that annoy people.
>print photoshop onto real world disc
>that somehow makes it more credible
Why would anyone want to play through DQXI more than once?
Of course you're retarded to not know that game got exclusive content on ps4/vita.
Who thought it was going to stay as a Switch exclusive? If it means making more money with the same content, why would Squeenix not jump into it?
Fuck let's just release the same game but with the extra content on PS4 while we are at it. :^)
wow and guys, retailers on their LITERAL LISTING DATABASES said Persona 5 was coming to Switch HOLY SHIT!!!!!!
Seething. When it inevitably happens, what will you say?
It's happening though in this case. Probably after the Switch release when the sales are done. Either as DLC or full rerelease.
Nothing at all because literally who gives a shit?
The game is already available on PS4. What's weird about them also getting the updated version?
Switchlets think everything is exclusive. Reminder of this as well.
>The game will be a Switch exclusive, though I'm told candidly that this is for the time being.
>they're going to put 3DS game content on a PS4 game
sure okay
Eh this series needs as much sales as it could get. Exclusivity is not a good thing.
Then stop seething.
Why wouldn't they, cunt?
>implying anyone has any taste on any other platform
remember when you lying niggers were gonna buy octopath traveller?
start with the excuses
DQ8 is most boring game I've ever played in my life, I fell asleep twice playing it.
The only "exclusive" content it got on PS4 was that they made the already existing dev room more easily accessible. Switch got a whole new boss fight.
OT isnt a good game though. Bring better examples.
Pretty sure Desperate Struggle and Travis Strikes Back remained exclusive though, right?
Let switch fags fund the games. Any other version is free money to devs. Continue to keep these devs pockets lined for us so they can give us more games.
>it was never good in the first place
I get it. Nobody wants hand-me-downs.
KEK, he's been in a coma
Desperate Struggle stayed exclusive though.
are you retards forgetting that the 3DS version had exclusive content in it to justify purchasing THAT over the PS4 version? Oh wait, you guys didn't know that because Square never bothered to release it in the west and that's the primary reason the Switch is getting that content to begin with...
alright how about some of suda's other games?
oh whoops haha you dont buy those either
sub 10k sales the moment NMH3 is released on any platform besides Nintendo. The very first NMH game bombed on the PS3.
And what is stopping square from putting that content elsewhere?
Ah true. Only Desperate Struggle did.
Which, incidentally was the only one in the series to only arrive on one platform. So it's not really like it's weird that NMH3 won't be an exclusive.
TSA is coming to PS4 and PC
Reminder that Dragon Quest XI was literally the very first Switch game we learned about.
Desperate Struggle did stay exclusive though.
Regarding Travis Strikes Again, I hope you had fun playing it, because I sure didn't.
so they can justify you fuckers buying the game again, how are you not getting that, console exclusive content has existed for years because they want to justify retarded gamers purchasing the game multiple times.
>personafags say this unironically
So is it actually coming to PC so I don't have to buy it again on Switch?
think about it this way, you know how Atlus adds a new girl and new story content with every re-release they make? That's the same thing happening here, while yes it DOES make sense for them to just make it DLC, they would never do that because they would rather have you guys spend $60 than $10
So you agree, the content will come to ps4.
>all the Switch version is actually adding is the content from the 3DS version
No. There's several things the 3DS version doesn't have either.
I hope I will (sincerely, with no console war bullshit)
where the fuck do I say that
Why did you jpg this
Look how muddy you've made it
it's okay when nintendo does it.
So they will put that extra content and resell a new PS4 version. Or paid DLC.
After the sales of the Switch version.
at best, someone will probably mod the new content into the PC version a few months after it comes out.
If this ends up real (making fake discs is easy), who gives a shit? Only console-warring faggots care about if a game is exclusive or ported or whatever.
Nah. DQXI S is coming to PS4.
>they want to justify gamers purchasing the game multiple times.
Doed what exactly? New release with new content?
That's not how modding works user
yeah, console companies assume you're all idorts retard, they assume that consumers are just money machines that will keep throwing money at them on every platform, they assume that if you own a PS4, you also own a Switch, that way when they release the game later on Switch, the exclusive content will get you to double dip.
Once they're done with the Switch, or trust me they are going to find a way to resell that new content. DLC or rerelease.
at the very least then, the fixed soundtrack will be available pretty early on.
At least they wait a year, unlike Shitendo
If you mean the symphonic ost, then that's been in the PC version for over half a year now.
Im srr that's on Squeenix though. They want to justify selling a 2 yo game to Switch fags.
Even though it would make sense to do this shit as DLC, companies still do console exclusive content with shit like the Switch exclusive undertale fight, the PS4 exclusive CTR costumes, and the PC exclusive intimacy mode in the most recent Senran game. Companies want to make sure that certain versions stand out compared to others so people will purchase them, along with that, it's how they actually guarantee sales on games that come to a platform late.
Looks like SE abides by Sony
How much new content will S even have?
its basically the PS4 version but with the extra content the 3DS version had and a few extra story scenes(similar to how DQVIII's 3DS version added new story scenes)
Even if it does come to PC and PS4, you probably shouldn't expect it until picture related stops selling in Japan.
It adds in the 2D mode from 3DS version along with extra story content for certain characters
Shitposters also claim it will let you marry Martina but I'll believe that when I see it
I am really happy that the Switch is receiving all the additional content, because I was super pissed when they decided to not localize the 3DS version, the at the time definitive version of the game regardless of how much Sony drones insisted otherwise.
But now we're getting the definitive version anyway! And it's even more definitive than the last definitive version!
Then later on PS4 so you can double dip to play above 540p.
I was expecting to hear "bonus dungeon" but that's even worse.
that's not enough to get people to double dip, if that was the case, the PC version of every single game ever made would vastly outperform the console versions, but that's not always the case.
Who? There's no character with that name.
Then when its on PS4, it will be more definitive than even that!
the 3DS version kind of is a bonus dungeon, the 3DS version let you visit old DQ worlds and do special quests relating to that world.
Not bothered I’m glad everyone gets it apart from xbone
>on PS4
ITT : Switch Scum on suicide watch this will be Octopath Traveller 2.0
more like sony fans jumping the gun because they're mad that they were the beta testers this time.
Was I the only one who thought this game was boring as shit then?
nothing will fix this boring slog of a game.
Just patch it out dumbass.
>Yfw Sony Bros just keep winning
>article from the get go says it's unsure of where the disc even came from
>this entire article is assumptions on where the disc came from
>not being covered anywhere else
>Yea Forums will believe it because it's a picture
the fact that any of you believe this is astounding
I imagine they'll look at the sales for the PS4/PC and decide if it's worth the time for a port or finally do the FSR remaster that hack promised
>NMH selling
>on any platform
That's rich. But yeah, exclusivity can be good if it's the only way a game can exist. Kind of wished Nintendo gave NMH the Bayo treatment, but we're getting III regardless so.
suda himself says that the only way to play NMH is with Jack off controls, so the Switch version will probably be the more polished version while the others will be afterthoughts
based selling me the same game twice
i hope it's real, but I had a premonition when i was fisting my asshole that Squee would never buttfuck this over to my PC. oWo
Cope and Bing Bing faggot
>they were the beta testers this time
OP shows otherwise, switchlets are beta testers
Is it an unpopular opinion if I liked this game better?
>Picked up PC version
>Got a few hours in.
>Enjoyed the hell out of it, but got busy.
>Want to play and finish it, but wanted to wait and see if they would release the new content on PC/PS4 instead of just Switch.
Honestly, I am OK with this.
>this is a complete hoax
>it comes to ps4 years later anyway
>people will take said late port as "evidence" for this not having been a hoax
Every time. Just because it might happen doesn't make this any less likely of a fake.
It will happen regardless
Yeah, I actually believe him when ue says they're coming up uses for the joycon. Wiimotes all over again where people like Kojima say they want something creative and then Suda comes along and has it act as a cell phone.
Suda already said it's the lead platform. TSA ports don't even have a release date
Doesn't stop ports from being superior.
Calm down, nintendildo
any news on the music patch? just bought the game on ps4... think i fucked up
I'll only buy the game if PS4 gets the music patch. 80+ hours of shitty MIDI music is a form of torture
desu the only tortuous song is the overworld march theme.
Went genuinely loopy hearing it over and over again, actually started humming along with it just to cope
So many niggers in this thread. If you don't want as many people as possible to enjoy Dragon Quest then you're a bloody rectal polyp.
>OP's image that is very easy to fake is the proof
>meanwhile NOBODY else says this is happening, no other news sites are even covering it.
it's mainly PS4 players getting mad that a different version might have exclusive content, meanwhile they'd be posting anal vore images for weeks if the PS4 had exclusive content instead.
I don't think anyone is denying the pc version won't run the best, but if you're playing a suda game for the technical aspect, you unironically have autism
>media going against nintendo
Not one has questioned if nintendo exclusives are timed, despite a conga line of them being announced multiplat later.
you kidding, since the Switch version was revealed to have exclusive content, literally a day later people were asking if it would come to PS4/PC.
Why are sonyfags always so clearly underage?
>gotta buy the game again to get the canon OST
chinks are honorary jews
Wouldn't the smart thing be to launch it on Switch, wait a year or so for sale to die down then release S as a $60 disk on PS4 and $50 DLC on PC?
Did they win a bucket of nothing?
Because it sure looks like it.
Definitely happening. They just don't want to affect switch sales
Yeah. It's totally what they're gonna do, too. I wish they did the same with DQVIII 3DS.
There was only one version of the DQ8 port
>Definitive Edition S
>on PS4
"S" obviously stands for Switch.
Meaning there are going to be "Definitive Edition PS4" and "Definitive Edition PC" down the line.
maybe theyll release SS a year later on PS4 and would stand for this is the definitive edition were super serial this time
I mean, I WISH they ported the expanded 3DS version to other consoles.
There was really no reason to, the amount of time they would need to put into improving the visuals for other platforms wouldn't offset the cost, especially since that point in time the PS4 didn't prove itself as a seller in Japan, Switch wasn't out yet and, PC is still a no go for JRPGs.
I meant soon or in the future, not in the moment of release back then.
Gotta wait awhile, the reason for DQ8 3DS was very specific.
Enix realized that if they ported 8 to 3DS it would have literally every DQ game on the system, DQ1-11 are playable on that system.
So far there are little to no plans for ports in the DQ line up especially since Iwata is no long around to try and foot the bill.
Persona 5S stands for switch :)
How are DQ1-3 playable in 3DS, now? I see 4-11, though.
Japan got VC releases and I think they might also be unlocked through another game as well.
Cool, how nice. It's a shame the DQIV version we got for DS was inferior to the mobile phone one. Wish S-E would be more pragmatic with these series like with the Romancing SaGa remasters, that release everywhere.
Square and Enix may be the same company now but they work like separate companies.
Square can do what ever they want to the SaGa or Mana series when it comes to rereleases but when it comes to DQ thats Enix, to the point where Hori anouncing DQ11 for Switch was a controversial move since Square kept saying it wasn't happening while Hori said it was.
The day the original DQ team members die off is the day Square can finally turn it into FF
Does Enix have control over their other franchises? Like Valkyrie Profile.
Yes. Kuni 2 was shit. Original Kuni was awesome though.
>DQX_ comes out when the original team dies
>art by Nomura instead of Toriyama
Enix tends not to give a shit about their line up outside of DQ anymore.
so still not the switch, then? noted.
He's not that bad at portraying the Toriyama style desu. Much better than when he tries to do past designs of his like Tidus. God, he has lost a lot of practice, KH3 art looked like ass.
Nomura is a better artist though
Not even close. You can blame him on samefaces all you want from contract jobs and whatever, but you can't take his work on DB-DBZ-Dr Slump away from him.