He is fucking in

He is fucking in

Attached: 1558584829305.png (500x375, 155K)

You're right, he's definitely in that box.

oh shit leaked model!

Attached: 1540301455450.jpg (1920x1080, 814K)

Nice meme, MHOL shut down already

no one cares, bring gigginox back already

Attached: 1536520744150.gif (500x500, 352K)

I just
want to rip his head off and make it into a hammer
pls Gaben, make it happen

Is Khezu the monster version of user?

If he really is in (and it seems like he is), he better be revamped to not be an utter slog of a fight. I don't get why chinks love this phimosis looking ass so much.

Attached: 1550280890624.jpg (640x648, 65K)

I miss this guy since after I farmed them so much for the whatever it was extract, they became my default choice for learning new weapons or testing different equipment set ups.

Now with vore attacks


Attached: dick_swallow.webm (640x360, 1.6M)

If he IS in I want them to redo his theme music

Thanks God she's in!

Attached: __khezu_monster_hunter_drawn_by_ryouzou__b3acf211e573d2ce0d8b1940fd4ece0e.jpg (794x650, 92K)

Looks like a lamprey sperm

Attached: melt.png (900x280, 263K)

Attached: eva series.gif (500x283, 1021K)

This. Giginox has a way better design than the walking cockhead


I have a better idea. He's far away.

why not both
a new world relative to both of them
shares traits

yeah, im thinking pretty melt is in

They must rework his fight a lot for World.
Kirin was actually improved a lot.
Lunastra can be annoying but at least they added a whole new moveset to her.
Hope they do something like that

Instead of spinning in place he now becomes a perpetual spinning machine. He also never stops screaming at you.