What? more of best vidya girl ever created? say no more

What? more of best vidya girl ever created? say no more

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>that shot of Aeris they're using to compare to Aerith
is that supposed to be the same scene

Not even best FF girl.

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The watchmen of fate (the black mist in the trailer) are mysterious beings that appear before the party wherever they go. I hope that even those who have played the original game will enjoy the new elements.

There are quite a bit of dialogue options. We are making it so the dialogue changes depending on your response, so the sheer volume of dialogue has increased.

The Honey Bee Inn cross-dressing event is still in. We’ve made it more modern. If we made the facility like we did in the original game, the physical unease would be staggering, so that was no good…

There are quite a few additions to the scenario. While the main story itself hasn’t changed, there are a countless number of new events. Otherwise we wouldn’t have two Blu-ray discs. (Laughs.)

Aerith and Tifa are double heroines. One has a western-style look and the other an eastern-style look.

We wanted Tifa to have abs, so she has an athletic body type. The ethics department at Square Enix also told us that we had to tighten her chest as not to get unnatural during all the intense action. From there we got the black underwear and fitted tank top.

With an emphasis on immersion and exhilaration, you can fight without stress through the use of shortcuts. When you open the command menu, time slows and you can fight like a command battle.

Each playable character has different enemy affinities.

An item is required for MP recovery.

For the sake of level design, we’re preparing a few new enemies where necessary

you know literally nothing about this character

>We wanted Tifa to have abs, so she has an athletic body type. The ethics department at Square Enix also told us that we had to tighten her chest as not to get unnatural during all the intense action. From there we got the black underwear and fitted tank top.



>The watchmen of fate (the black mist in the trailer) are mysterious beings that appear before the party wherever they go. I hope that even those who have played the original game will enjoy the new elements.
Just tell us what they are flat out you fucking chuuni


From what i can theorize, they might be just spirits that couldn't get into lifestream and haunts cetras like aeris. You know, she always said that she hears people even when she was a child. Maybe they just materialize now.

I entertained that idea when we first saw them, but "Watchmen of Fate" suggests something with more agency than that.

maybe they are devils that are trying to take aeris into the lifestream because she's gonna die soon anyway? the "fate" part suggests it.


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I guess that could work, but I don't see why that wouldn't apply to everybody who would die. Jessie doesn't seem to be haunted by ghosts.

>here are quite a bit of dialogue options. We are making it so the dialogue changes depending on your response, so the sheer volume of dialogue has increased.
Yea Forums blown the fuck out


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[spoilers]jessie is not a cetra, so she's not important[/spoilers]

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Fair enough.

You can also use Ctrl+s.

holy fuck thanks user, i was tired of writing this shit manually

good job

I hate how California censorship just has to step in and change only Tifa because "ethics"

Seriously how is a girl with a large chest un-ethical. She never had cleavage. Its like we're trying to teach the next generation, women are only allowed to have boring as plank bodies to be beautiful, isnt that more hurtful in the long run? I miss the 90s


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Why are they replacing Aeris with some lisping idiot?

No wonder she is a prostitute. Probably a gypo as well.

They're talking about giant tits, high-flying karate, and realistic physics combining. In short, no one (except for masturbators with no impulse control) wants to see Tifa's breasts flapping uncontrollably all over the place all the fucking time.


I prefer the train in FF7 desu, making it more like a real modern train is redundant and kills the aesthetic when that never was the goal or point
My theory was the she was a character who was supposed to show up in the (Middle Eastern) medieval country in versus 13, before the concept of going to the gun medieval countries was abandoned in 15.

The medieval countries were the only reason why I was exited for 15 desu

>yfw Hell House isn't a normal enemy
>it's the superboss

Why does nomura still dress like this at his age?

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Have you seen how he dresses his characters?

Mom never took him shopping after 14, so he said fuck it.

Isn’t Kingdom Hearts the ultimate proof you need to have that this guy is stuck in Peter Pan syndrome?

Do I press it before and after the sentence, or do I hold it down?

Just type it in the field.

I didn't know that. Thank you.

sauce me, babe

her name is agni
she's a summoner
she can turn soda into potions
her master died and entrusted her with something

Agni had nothing to do with versus or XV, she was made to be a tech demo on Luminous and XV also being made on Luminous is the only connection.

The Agni tech demo itself was made in 1 year from 2011 to 2012, and it involved people from both SE Japan and Crystal Dynanics.

>Just tell us what they are flat out you fucking chuuni
You mean "chuuni" like "Super Extreme Martial God Supreme Slash"? That thing that got translated as "Omnislash"?

I'm sorry, what?

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I don't want this fucking guy near the characters.
I don't wnat this fucking cunt near the game.

Omnislash in the Japanese version is called 超究武神覇斬 or Choukyuu Bushin Hazan, literally translated as "Super Extreme Martial God Supreme Slash". So yea, something like "Watchmen of Fate" isn't really that fancy. It's just that this time it was actually translated literally instead of being localized, at least for that interview translation. The localization might call it by a different term, just like with Omnislash.

Did they make her dress pinkish white instead of straight up pink?

>she can turn soda into potions
I hope if they do turn this into something it isn't just soda she can use to heal herself

Huh. The literal translation is fucking awful. The actual Japanese doesn't sound bad, though.

Hopefully the localization picks something besides Watchmen of Fate.

I think it was an empty coke bottle she materialized some healing potion that looks like it stung her when she used it too

I know this is kinda a dead topic, but why do people even call her Aeris at this point? Her official and correct name is Arith with even Crisis Core refer to her as such

Because the original game is Aeris and people got used to it.

Was it empty? That sounds way better than turning carbonation into heals or whatever.

I thought the "sting" was just because the potion tasted gross.

Because the spin-offs aren't noteworthy and Aeris just sounds nicer.

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She looks like shes from London

No one gives a fuck about the spin offs

It's about growing up and accepting reality, not letting your feelings dictate how real life should be.

If you call her Aeris you're no better than a man that feels he is a woman. Feelings are gay.

Jethuth Christ, thettle down.
Every re-release still defaults to Aeris, so it's not going away any time soon.

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Not at all.
The character's default name in the translation that I played had her named Aeris.
I don't call Cloud 'Crowdo' or Lightning 'Rightningu'.

Maybe you should.

If you're gonna play Japanese games maybe you should start learning japanese
Otherwise stick to americanism and their videogames.

>the localizers are retarded so know I'm entitled to be just like them, never improving or growing out of what they taught me
You're a proto Tranny.

Omg, Ashely is soooooo pretty in this game

>Otherwise we wouldn’t have two Blu-ray discs. (Laughs.)
I don't want to imagine the file size

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>You should be indoctrinated into a culture to enjoy its products
>If you aren't, you're a tranny
user, I think you're just fucking retarded.

Yeah better be indoctrinated by localizations

You're so bloody smart.

No shut up leave me and my English dubs alone

Man, Cloud's a fucking turbodork if his move he finishes the game with sounds like something an otaku parody would make up.

Very cringe, my Tranny friend. Keep putting your feelings above logic.

It's incredibly ironic when people says: Her name is Aeris in the west.

When Aerith name is actually pronounced "Aeirs" in Japanese because of the way they speak and west people are supposed to be the one who get her name right.

it's "earisu", the -su being a common kind of thing for this stuff. It's easy to mistake Aerith as Aeris as a result, but even then in the original FF7 localization, all party member data is prepped from the beginning of the game and Aerith has her proper name from the start. but someone at Sony of America fucked up her naming screen and put it to Aeris as the default. now fanboys will forever proclaim that it's Aeris, not Aerith, and fuck you for considering otherwise apparently.

Yeah but Aeris sounds better to western ears

>west people are the ones that know how to pronounce a Japanese game
>not the original language used to create her name
>not even the creator of the fucking character that actually came up with her name
>no no... It's the fucking American weeb that was too stupid to get a proper degree so he settled for a half-baked translator that got it right
Absolutely fucking epic. Americans never cease to amaze me about how stupid they are.

Aerith sounds as bad as Aerif

just say it out loud to yourself

Yeah but if they called her Aerif then her name would be Aerif, not "Aerip"

>that complete lack of tits, hips and ass
>best vidya girl ever created

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They will call her Aerith in the remake so let's just get this over with desu.

if she is so good, why did she died?

22 years too late for that

>being underage
>thinking your opinion is based on anything else than your dick

I hope she doesn't this time. I mean just look at her! Such a waste for her to be killed mid-point through

do not worry, for the pain of penetration is only brief

She was too good for that shitty world run by Shinra

She deserved better

Everyone thinks we're talking about her physical appearance when we talk about her beauty. She was the most selfless and caring woman