>Firearm stat increases the damage output of bullets
Currently playing Vampire: The Masquerade and this makes no bloody sense.
>Firearm stat increases the damage output of bullets
Currently playing Vampire: The Masquerade and this makes no bloody sense.
Shut up Josh.
You pull the trigger harder dumbass
I think it means you shoot more accurately and reliably, which over time would mean you could do more damage with a firearm.
Does it? I thought it just caused your aim to shrink faster.
Well whatever head canon it as your getting better at targeting vitals.
It's actually a very roundabout way to say that you're better at hitting arteries
You use vampire magic to shoot real good
Also you're a vampire and THAT bothers you?
>Also you're a vampire and THAT bothers you?
Most people aren't bothered by Superman having super powers. They're bothered by a pair of glasses fooling everyone.
It seems people are incapable of handling abstraction when an RPG is in first person
NMA fags were right when they said fallout is ruined when it went full FPS
Superman's powers are just about as detrimental to the writing, ironically.